drunkenworgen · 6 years
shipping stuff
Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
WHAT’S YOUR OTP FOR YOUR MUSE?:  GinxTerrick, as much as I love her other ships, that one is her healthiest ship, though it has its fair share of angst as well.  And if Lorna Crowley approached Gin, she would not say no.
WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO RP WHEN IT COMES TO SHIPPING?: Pretty much anything.  I will not do underage shipping (meaning either mun or muse are underage) at all, though Gin probably won’t even look at your (male) muses if they’re not at least fifteen years older than her.  I don’t know why this happened, it just did and we’re rolling with it.  Girl likes older men.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?: I mean...as stated above, Gin has a thing for older men, and typically goes for women a bit closer to her own age (though there have been exceptions).  Her current ships have gaps of 16 years, 18 years, and 154 years, respectively.  Honestly, I work more on chemistry than I do on age, though - again - nothing underage.  If the other character is between about 18-24, though,  there is a bit of a maturity factor that sometimes comes into play, but again, I work more on chemistry than age.  So, even if you’re within that “older man” or “slightly younger woman” category, if you’re a creep or an asshole, she won’t give you the time of day.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING?: Yes.  There has to be chemistry between the two muses, of course.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY’RE CONSIDERED NSFW?: Anything that would get you thrown out of a public area, really.  If it would make you uncomfortable to watch in a movie with your mom in the same room, it’s NSFW and goin’ on the sin blog.
WHO ARE OTHER MUSES YOU SHIP YOUR MUSE WITH?: Terrick ( @terrick-ebonsteed ), Gatz ( @brashtide-menace ), and Seaandra ( @unholysunblade ) are the three you’ll see on this blog the most.  Though GinxTerrick is mostly just drabble pieces from me as he doesn’t use his blog much.  There are a few others that haven’t really...launched, but there has been lots of plotting.
HOW OFTEN DO YOU LIKE TO SHIP?: It’s not my main focus, but I do get in shippy moods.  I just like RPing, man.  RP all the things.
ARE YOU MULTISHIP?: Yes.  Each ship is its own AU, though.
ARE YOU SHIP OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?: Ehhh, more-or-less, I suppose.  Though poor Terr does get bombarded with 3AM angst thoughts from me when my insomnia is acting up.  So does Losty.  Sorry, guys.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM?: I like to read about all the ships, but I’m gonna be honest and say I’m enjoying reading the Khadjet threads between @brashtide-menace and @walkingdisasterofamage when they pop up on my dash.
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?: Approach me with your idea and we can do a thread and see where it goes, yo.
TAGGED BY: @lady-proudmoore TAGGING: Hm.  @areniaagn, @brashtide-menace,  @anierous-sunblade, @wiedaashcroft, and @ursen-the-valorous.  (Please don’t feel obligated, of course.)
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exspirarchived · 7 years
Small but significant change to Zoen's canon: Instead of originally dying to some random night elf death knight, she was slain by @unholysunblade.
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canidaed-a · 7 years
describe your oc - 22: what they're like on two hours of sleep
describing  the  Shitlord  /  accepting.
Salem  enters  a  sort  of  semi-stasis  unwillingly  when  he  hasn’t  gotten  enough  sleep.  He  enters  an  autopilot  brought  on  by  the  cybernetics  and  he  himself  becomes  personally  unresponsive  until  his  systems  automatically  recharge  if  he  isn’t  hooked  up  to  his  designated  computer  for  support,  or  isn’t  actually  sleeping.  He  could  be  seemingly  awake,  but  he  won’t  be  talking  at  all  until  he’s  calibrated  and  ready.
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worginarts · 7 years
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Attempted something new with they way I line, so I drew one of Gin’s least favorite elves and one of her favorites.  I apologize for butchering your characters.
( @brashtide-menace, @unholysunblade )
Interested in a commission?  Click here! (Or click here to buy me a coffee!)
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shxwmaster · 4 years
rules:  name 3 - 10 muses you’ve considered or would like to write in the future!
jesse mccree (overwatch | canon) — i used to rp him! i want to bring him back some day, hopefully soon! he’s over here @mxcreed
neo’la sunblade (warcraft | oc) — my super morally ambiguous blood elf mom void priest whom i’ve had for 13+ years. she was my first muse, one day i’ll pick her back up again. @neolasunblade
seaandra sunblade (warcraft | oc) — neo’la’s twin sister, a death knight with a dark past, recovering cannibal and war criminal (rofl) but she’s on a path to redemption, now leading a neutral faction of heroes to ensure azeroth still has a future to look forward to. also used to rp her, @unholysunblade
veros moonshine (warcraft | oc) — 10k year old alcoholic brilliant researcher and ley-walker, meet the nightborne that is in constant trouble because of sheer hubris. one day!! he’ll also come back @verosmoonshine
edwin vancleef (warcraft | canon) — finally someone i HAVEN’T rped. anyways, House of Eyes!VanCleef for shadowlands or potentially an AU where he survived, or an undead AU, i don’t know yet! but i REALLY like him
vanessa vancleef (warcraft | canon) — defias kingpin!!!! i want to know what she’s up to, i want to write what she’s up to. the defias brotherhood were RIGHT and she deserves vengeance.
tentative blog just in case i ever pick them up over at @defiantborn. IF!! i were to go through with it i might make it Not a sideblog tho but. i’d definitely have both vancleefs there if i ever.........
your current muses  (  optional  )  :
mathias shaw lol
tagged by: @ilianchant​ ♥ thank you!!
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scourgemerchant · 7 years
headcanon loyalty
He is, ironically, VERY loyal to things and people that he deems worthy of hid loyalty. He also feels that doing something that doesn’t seem beneficial in the short term isn’t good enough to be loyal, and even if it was a direct order he’d find a way around it, or to produce a result that benefits in the long term. Like say, not killing kids. He’d leave them alive not because of “human morals”, but because he sees killing children as wasted potential. 
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boilingheart · 5 years
Tagged by: @thunderstar-supernova
Nickname: Mimi
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 6′0″
Last movie i saw: Infinity War
Last thing i googled: seize the day
Fav musician: Apashe
Song stuck in head: The Score - Under The Pressure
Other blogs: @bheartart @bheartwrites @verosmoonshine @knightsofrepentance @unholysunblade @neolasunblade @mxcreed
Followers: 1,413
Following: 1,030
Amount of sleep: 7-11 hours
Lucky numbers: ??? 3???
Dream job: To be a writer, animator, artist and well renowned storyteller across all mediums
What im wearing right now: black sweats and a grey v-neck shirt
Fav food: Chilaquiles, mole sauce on chicken with tomato rice, chile rellleno, bbq ribs
Language: English and basic ASL
Can i play an instrument: Violin
Fav song: Lorn - Acid Rain, Muse - Mercy, Powerful - Major Lazer, Lindsey Stirling - Shatter Me, 
Random fact: I have extra bones in my feet and a deformed pinky toe because I was going to have a twin but :)
Describe yourself in aesthetics: Cheap equipment, books, coffee, beaches, dogs, white/black/cream/mocha colors, or alternatively: neon blues and purples. bi colors, long hair, hairbands everywhere, gaming equipment, worn out notebooks, the memory of the ocean scent upon a cool breeze on a summer day
Tag 10 people (if they choose to do it, its up to them) 
i’m not doing that tag yourselves if you want to fill this out!
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nightelftrash · 6 years
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@boilingheart / @unholysunblade I was inspired to make a moodboard for Seaandra because honestly I love her even though she would kill me without a thought. I hope you like it! <3 Sources under cut
Template was made by me [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
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necroarchived · 7 years
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image is bigger if you click on it
     I’d lose track of where I was and then get pissed and stop trying.
     For realsies, though, I’m honored that so many of y’all think my blog is quality enough to follow and put up with my constant bad jokes and over-aesthetic-ed graphics. Writing this blog for the last three(?) years has been a blast. I’ve been afforded the chance to portray one of my favorite characters in all of media with an incredible assortment of extremely talented individuals. The friendships I’ve made here are indescribably precious to me - the people I’ve met, endlessly fascinating and engaging. I feel good here, and that couldn’t happen without all of you. From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU!
     There are not words for how dearly and deeply I care for these people, these precious friends which I’ve somehow gathered close and kept near over the turning of the seasons. I am a better person for knowing them, for the honor of interacting with them and cherishing them. The world can be a very dark place, and each of them is luminous as the stars. I love you guys. Thanks for loving me back.
@katsukashinu @thesealovesme @shukkou @surgeonofheart @donttell-myfather @watashi-ga-kita @theplaguelord @orewahida @heavenly-grievance @l-promised-him @boilingheart @mxcreed @unholysunblade @dxntsayit @magicwrought @draconqueen @onceaspect @arisenmalediction @cosmicdevours @goryexhibition @alynissia @talahdorei @lichfyre @kingmade @blackenedfangs
ARTHAS’ KIDS (someone take them away from him pls)
@mithraiic - Jack Frost, or Jalapeno Targetman  |  @crownofstormwind​​ - he’s a good boy brent  |  @seulerose - hon hon hon, le furry king  |  @willbeshot - the Venture Capitalist from Hell  |  @avillainess - a good necromancer, a stronger necromancer, but i am... better...  |  @junkcrs - needs to take a bath  |  @gladiiateur - swiggity swag you’re about to get stabbed  |  @irondecay - pirates of the caribbean but Edgy (and cold)  |  @hatedinlife​​ and @brothersindeath​ - get married already you dead nerds  |  @tevruden-dawnspear​ - the Axolotl who is really too damn tall  |  @invindictae​​ - ~take me to churc- ~ WAIT NO - 
@prcmaturedeath @bcnquet @deathwalksamong @necroreign @influencedbyfear @apudastra @crownedpride @cuervocanto @theendlesshunt @forcetwiins @dhampirblood @veilstep @shuxifeng @virusborne @vxderlordofthesith @obdurare @deathbond @deathbeckoned @hisrepose @glacialharmonia @glaiveofshadow @arsuledin @needlcd @ohcaptaiin @eterniium @joshosis @garuvusu @littlecurseddeity @aantiquity @ourgallant @reapiing-souls @ryuuborg @felforged @honorpledged @youcantfucksylvanas @motherswrath @ormstunga @painrepaid @huntinghim @bornstormrage @beloris @frozenconsort @thuashdore @vampirovic @bloodcursed @bloodcontrol @bloodregent @septimfool @seventhchampion @cleverminded
     I’m sure I’m forgetting a great many people, and I apologize deeply for my bad memory. This list will likely be added to as I remember those I’ve missed.
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lovely-hues · 7 years
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world of warcraft oc: seaandra @unholysunblade
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drunkenworgen · 7 years
I dare you to kiss @unholysunblade
Send “I dare you to kiss…” with a url/name and my muse will have to kiss that person on the lips.
(Accepting!  Oh, this one is canon within their AU, why not.)
Even in neutral cities, there were still hostilities; still people to report you to those in higher authority.  Cross-faction ties were crumbling under the weight of the war, tensions were high.  Sometimes, though, you have to throw caution to the wind and just…do something stupid.
So in the darkened corner of the inn, Gin leaned in close to the Sin’dorei death knight, placing a soft kiss to those cold lips and lingering close for a few moments before she’d lean back into the shadows.
“Ah miss ya, Seaa…”
( @unholysunblade )
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exspirarchived · 7 years
   Send me ℧ for me to generate a scenario for our muses
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     M I M I !!!!!!
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     The first sensation to rattle through the young Wraith is not enmity or familiarity, but vertigo. The ground lurches beneath her feet as the world suddenly hollows out like an egg emptied of yolk - and while her footing seems sure enough right now, she can feel the fragility of her place, how one wrong, sharp move will send cracks spidering across the surface, and it shall crack open and swallow her whole -
     Zoen staggers. The egg cracks open. 
     And where she expected Void, there is instead festers rage.
     Teeth bared, hair shock-white and chopped, face mutilated by her Kin- Arthas Menethil’s wrath, little remains of the desperate golden child who bled out in a hallway so many months ago but the memory yet lingers.
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canidaed-a · 7 years
unholysunblade replied to your post: Fuck death? No, fuck death –
“you haven’t lived until you’ve been rawed by death” this is by far the greatest thing ive heard all week
i hate my oc so much
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worginarts · 7 years
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Warmup doodles feat. three murderers Gin likes to smooch.  Not done, obviously, I need to fix several things, but here are the murder baes.
...don’t ever let me say that again.
Also, I’m sorry for that porn-stache, it just happened.
( @unholysunblade, @terrick-ebonsteed, @brashtide-menace )
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major-gilneass · 7 years
So, I made a few new Sims games with Gin and co., and basically just let them run on their own while I doodle:
“What could go wrong?” featuring Mally, Kiya, and Gin-
Kiya caught the grill on fire, Mally has taken the kid’s bed, Gin won’t stop flirting with everyone. ( @mally-the-gladiator, @kiyastrasza )
“Ebonsteed” featuring Terrick, Gin, and Rose (I don’t know how to cheat twins)-
Terr and Gin are being sickeningly adorable and they have a newborn daughter, Terrick said something to the baby that lost friendship points.  I don’t even know. ( @terrick-ebonsteed )
“Viagra” featuring Gatz and Gin-
So far, they’re really good at pissing each other off and then making out.  Virtual life imitates art? ( @brashtide-menace )
“Drunkrunes” featuring Seaa and Gin-
Gin flirts with Seaa and then Seaa blushes and goes to work out at the gym.  Gin likes trolling forums.  ( @unholysunblade / @boilingheart )
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mxcreed-a · 7 years
// So I’m setting up my old OC blogs, two of which are fresh blogs, one is a renovation. They’re WoW OCs mainly but I’m adding an OW verse for all three. They’re still a WIP but if you wanna follow them/if you see these blogs start following you, it’s just me
@unholysunblade (belf dk/talon agent) | @neolasunblade (belf spriest/ow medic) | @treadthelight (belf pally/ow tank)
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