#unknown holy night and nighthead
ohii-san · 9 months
Synopsis: Tomoya is happy when he finds out he'll be doing a Shuffle Unit project alongside familiar faces. But, it turns out the real Shuffle Unit Tomoya's going to participate in consists of a bunch of his weird seniors, headed by none other than Rinne…?!
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Main Characters: Tomoya Mashiro, Rinne Amagi, Subaru Akehoshi, Ibara Saegusa, Yuzuru Fushimi
Side Characters: Hinata Aoi, Niki Shiina, Aira Shiratori, Mitsuru Tenma
White Carol
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Black Carol
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Dream Maker
Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
Funky Gift
Chapter 10 Chapter 11
a MASSIVE thank you to @yume-fanfare for agreeing to help with tomoya dialogue accuracy, and @misuzuh for being my jp proofer as well as generally a second set of eyes alongside @twilightmalachite ! thank you all so much for your help with bringing this story to life <3
263 notes · View notes
enstarsrefs · 1 year
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SHUFFLE × The Unknown Holy Night and Nighthead! -Rinne Amagi - Flambé! Outfit
45 notes · View notes
ohii-san · 9 months
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( The next day )
Rinne: Achoo!
Ah… My body’s cold, and my wallet is too…[1]
I shoulda stopped at my first win. If I’d just stopped pushing there, I’d be a lot happier right about now~...
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Niki: ♪ ( Eating sweets happily )
Rinne: Hey. You look so happy. Don’t get too excited over that big win of yours, ‘kay?
Niki: Ah. Just ‘cause you lost doesn’t mean you can take it out on me, Rinne-kun!
I mean, Rinne-kun’s the reason I came here in the first place. Isn’t that cruel to say? I’m the one who gave in and went out with you, ya know?
Rinne: Ah, jeez~. Why’d Niki get such a victory while I’m left broke? No matter how I look at it, that feels wrong…
Niki: Well there’s no helping that, ‘cause it’s just the way things are, isn’t it?
I did it just like Rinne-kun told me, I aimed for the hole in the middle… Wasn’t that the point, to aim right there?
‘Cause then, before I knew it, a bunch of balls came out.
Rinne: Tch! That’s just beginner’s luck.
Ah, I’m so depressed. I give so much to that place, compared to ya…
Why’re they being kinder to some amateur first-timer than me, a regular customer… They’ve got an obligation to treat me well, don’t they?
Niki: Mogumogu. Of course Rinne-kun would be looking for kindness and fairness from a pachinko parlor. I wonder if this is the rumored sensor of material desire I heard about?[2]
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Rinne: … Don’t look so happy eatin’ those sweets you won, c’mon. And they’re only a fraction of your winnings…
Hey, since I’m the one who invited you out here, those are rightfully mine too. Share them with me!
Niki: Eh?! That’s ridiculous, what kinda argument is that?! … Ah, you’ve seriously taken them already?!
Rinne: Mogumogu… I’m really depressed, so can’t ya be nicer to me?
Look around, everyone around seems happy and probably luckier than me, to boot. Am I the only unhappy person in the whole world? Ah… The world truly is cruel and dark.
Niki: Ah, well~. Don’t start being annoying to everyone around just ‘cause you’ve got bad luck, ‘kay?
Look, look. I want you to look around. There’s Christmas decorations all over the place. Even the sweets I got at the pachinko parlor were Christmas themed, see?
Niki: So, what do you think? Doesn’t it lift your spirits?
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Rinne: … Ah? Come to think of it, I guess it’s true everything’s all decorated for Christmas… Isn’t it kinda early for that, though? It’s only November.
Niki: Eh? It’s just like this everywhere lately, though. Even Cinnamon’s begun taking reservations for Christmas cakes.
Rinne: Hm. So it’s Christmas…
Niki: That’s a pretty underwhelming response~. Weren’t you really excited for the Halloween event?[3]
Rinne: That’s ‘cause as the leader, if I don’t keep things lively, our morale as a unit’s not gonna go up either. Besides, if I’m gonna do something as an idol, I gotta make the most of it and enjoy it to the fullest, right?
Niki: Right, Rinne-kun’s just like that, huh~?
He pretends to be a pretty lively kinda guy, but he’s surprisingly calm-headed– or level-headed, rather. You’ve been that way since you started crashing at my apartment…
Rinne: But everyone’s like that. As long as I’m doing this kinda work, I’ve gotta control myself and be conscious of my energy.
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Rinne: Besides, as long as I’m with Niki, there’s no need to force myself to act excited.
Niki: That’s true. So then, is Rinne-kun really not interested in Christmas at all?
Rinne: Eh. It’s not really like that…
I don’t mind if we do a live for it or something. It’s just a holiday that never made it into my hometown.
Ever since joining the idol industry, I’ve been given year-end schedules that didn’t gimme any time for Christmas. Besides, to be honest, I don’t have any memory of enjoying it either.
If you go to a pachinko place on that day, you’ll still get all your money sucked away and go home just as sad and lonely as you would’ve otherwise.
All the red and green decorations inside the establishment and along the way home just add insult to injury and make me feel even emptier.
I guess Niki would cook delicious meals back when we lived together, though… I suppose that’s a good memory.
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Niki: Ah, now that you mention it… That did happen, didn’t it~?
Rinne: Well, that’s good. Christmas is for the kids to enjoy, ain’t it?
As long as the kids are excited, enjoying themselves and bouncing around, it’s all good. But for adults, it’s just the same as any other weekday.
Niki: Eh~? Rinne-kun, are you for real? I don’t like that at all, though?
After all, it’s Christmas, right?
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Niki: Turkey and roast beef and beef stew! Ginger cookies, candy canes, bûche de Noël[4], and the classic strawberry Christmas cake! ☆
It’s a dream-like kinda day for me, ‘cause I get to eat delicious food all day, y’know?! I wish Jesus Christ was born every day!
Rinne: … Didn’t you say something like that about Halloween, too? I guess you’d be happy with any event tied to food.
Niki: Well, simply put, yeah.
Rinne: … Huh? Ah, shit!
Niki: Eh? What’s wrong? You’re looking pretty alarmed at that clock…
Rinne: I’ve got a meeting for work right about… Now.
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Niki: Huh?! Rinne-kun, you seriously came to play pachinko even though you had work?! I thought today was a day off for you?!
Rinne: Damn, I overstayed… Anzu-chan said “Absolutely don’t be late!” but, well… I am late, shit.
I wonder if I’ll make it if I run. ES is pretty far, though…
Sigh. It’s gonna be a pain either way~. Anyway, I’m heading off now, so it doesn’t matter!
Niki: Well, it’s a good chance for some exercise, right? Good luck, Rinne-kun!
Rinne: Hm? Why’re you talking like you’re not involved too, Niki. You’re comin’ too, y’know. Rinne-kun will be lo~nely otherwise!
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Niki: Huh?! But it has nothing to do with me, really, right?! I mean, you don’t even feel lonely at all, do you Rinne-kun? You just wanna drag me into it!
Rinne: C’mon, let’s go~. Run, run~!
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Niki: Ah, he’s already…! You were really serious about this?! Ugh– I’m only doing this for you this once, Rinne-kun!
[1]: the way rinne refers to this is something that can either be translated as wallet or breast pocket, such as that of a suit, where the wallet is kept . he's being kind of defeatist here
[2]: this is internet slang in japanese; basically, it's like when you really really want a card of your oshi, but they just won't come home . the object itself ( in rinne/niki's case, the pachinko machine ) senses your material desires, and therefore denies them ! there's not really a better way to translate this, but hopefully this helps you understand what niki meant better, lol
[3]: referring to spider, which aurora has translated here !
[4]: this is yule log/christmas log !
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ohii-san · 4 months
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Tomoya: (The cuff of my shirt's been grabbed… I’m frozen in place!)
Rinne: Oi oi. I don’t care how bad you don’t wanna see me, don’t just run away the second you see my face!
Tomoya: (Why why why why!? This is definitely wrong. No matter how I think about it, I’m the only one out of place.)
(Anzu-san, maybe this time was also a mistake? I mean, that’s it, right? Please say it was~?!)
Yuzuru: That’s right– Mashiro-sama. Setting aside the others, didn’t we have a bento showdown together?[1]
Ibara: Ah-ha-ha. You could sense the shitty malevolence hidden behind Yuzuru’s smiley mask, couldn’t you?[2]
Yuzuru: Rather, it’s likely because Ibara’s words are hypocritical and hide malice. No matter how hard he tries to blend in with society, it's impossible for him to hide his shady nature.
Yes, that’s it, Mashiro-sama must be scared because of the way Ibara is picking fights with me all the time.
Rinne: Really though, isn’t both you bastards’ fault? If I was stuck with seniors like that I’d be scared as well, you get what I’m saying?
Tomoya: Eek?!
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Rinne: What’s the issue. I didn’t do anything!?
Yuzuru: You didn’t “not do anything”, you grabbed him by the shirt and intimidated him. I don’t think it’s strange to be scared.
Subaru: Excuse me~☆ Yahoo, yahoo. Let’s work together today~
—Nn? What's everyone doing?
Tomoya: Ah– Akehoshi-senpaiii! Thank Goddd!
Subaru: Eh, what? What’s wrong? You’re hiding behind me…
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Subaru: Ah~. So everyone was bullying Tomoya-kun, is that riiight~? Don’t bully your cute junior, okaaay~?
Rinne: I didn’t do that. Rather, why’re you so scared even though I didn’t do anything?
Tomoya: Ah, s-sorry. The pressure was just so great, it was just a conditioned reflex…
That is... I came in here thinking this would be kinda like a petting zoo, with cute animals. But actually, it’s more like a cage full of wild beasts?
Ibara: What’s with that weird analogy…
Tomoya: Ehehe. It kinda just exceeded my brain’s capacity– It’s okay now. I’m starting to understand the situation.
Ehhh. Everyone here is a member of the same “Shuffle Unit”, right? At least, that seems to be the case.
Yuzuru: Well, I can understand Mashiro-sama’s confusion. Indeed, I have doubts as to why these members are here… and whether we'll be able to achieve synergy with one another.
Subaru: Eh, really? But on the other hand, wouldn’t it be more interesting if we didn’t know what chemical reactions would happen?
Rinne: An overreaction could lead to a big explosion though, right?
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Subaru: If that’s the case then I’d like it to be a big, beautiful explosion like a firework~☆
Rinne: Just what kinda big-shot are you trying to be. Well, it’s not like I hate that sorta thing, though…
Ibara: Hm? Let’s allow Anzu-san to explain the rest. iIt seems like she’s just arrived. 
Subaru: Ah, Anzu! Yahoo, yahoo ☆ Nah, all’s good. We were all just talking.
Ibara: Now, could you please give us an overview, Producer-dono?
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Tomoya: …?
Rinne: The hell’s this…?
Tomoya: ? Excuse me. No matter how you look at it, all that’s written in the board is “we’ll do something amazing”.
Is it a trick or something I can’t see through? Like a code or something…
Rinne: Don’t worry. That’s what I’m seeing too.
Yuzuru: Is this… supposed to reassure us, perhaps? I feel like this is going to be a big problem…
Ibara: … I have a headache. Anyway, Anzu-san. Could you give us some details?
Yuzuru: Let me think… In other words, you mean that one of the producers of the “P Association” disappeared, and they were the one in charge of the “Shuffle Unit” project?
Rinne: And then? There’s nobody left to take over because there’s not enough staff to go around, huh. Anzu-chan came here to explain, but she doesn’t have the time to be able to take care of us either.
Subaru: Hmm. That’s why Anzu wants this “Shuffle Project” to be led by us idols.
Tomoya: Idol initiative… But isn’t this project a big one? Even though we have ES to back us up, is this really something we can do alone?
Ah. That’s right! Saegusa-senpai also works as a producer for CosPro, right? If that’s the case we could ask for Saegusa-senpai…
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Ibara: If I could do it myself, I would… But this is headed by the “P Association”, so that happening would be impossible.
Tomoya: Eh? Why?
Ibara: This project is a cross-office project, so in order to keep it fair, producers who belong to other agencies cannot be involved.
Well. If they were to turn a blind eye to my presence, it would be possible to carry out production operations in secret!
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Yuzuru: Ibara. You’re causing trouble for Anzu-san.
Ibara: Right, yes. In other words, this time it is necessary that I devote myself to being an idol.
Subaru: Mhm! Besides, it would help Anzu as well! She’s been apologizing for a while– it’s not like it’s even your fault, though, Anzu!
We will all work together and do our best, so rest easy! ♪
Yuzuru: I agree. If this is considered work, then I’ll do my best too.
Rinne: Yeah, that’s right. Problems like this are inevitable in this industry.
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Tomoya: (Eehh!? Wait a minute…! Why is everyone so positive!? It’s impossible for us to do the project alone!)
> [1] referring to science
> [2] tomoya's sprite has been visibly terrified, that's what's being referred to here
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ohii-san · 2 months
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( A few days later )
Tomoya: Yaaawnnn, uu…
Mitsuru: Hmm~... I want that!
Aira: Sounds like Tenma-senpai, alright. I’d like this one…
Tomoya: Mm? What’re they doing?
Good morning. Mitsuru and Shiratori’s faces are pressed/huddled up together, what are you two up to?
Mitsuru: Ah. Tomo-chan, good morning~. I’m looking at flyers with Ai-chan right now!
Tomoya: Flyers for what?
Aira: Good morning. For a toy store– There was an ad in my mailbox this morning. There’s lots of toys featured in the Christmas special!
I’m not at the age where I’ll be getting toys anymore, but a flyer with lots of toys in it is always exciting no matter how old you are… Tenma-senpai and I both got excited over it.
Tomoya: Ahaha. I understand, I understand. It’s always fun to look.
Mitsuru: “This is something I wanted when I was a kid, and these are the kind of things I’d like now”... That’s what Ai-chan and I were talking about.
Tomoya: Hmm~. Lemme take a look. Ah. As I figured, game consoles have always been popular. I also asked Santa for one every year.
Ahh. This is something I wanted as a kid but I never got to get it. And I got this one from Santa once!~
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Aira: Many of Mashiro-senpai’s picks are classics. I feel like you’re very consistent and easy to understand.
Tomoya: Is that so? I guess I’m really not an adventurous kind of person.
Mitsuru: Hey Tomo-chan. Doesn’t this look like a toy from a long time ago?
Tomoya: Nn? Now that you mention it, I think I did used to play with that way back when.
Wow, but now there’s shining lights, and it makes noise. The latest ones are so flashy, huh~?
Aira: Nn~♪ Looking at gift flyers like that makes me antsy! It’s almost Christmas ♪
Mitsuru: Juuust~ a fewww~ more niiights~ until Christmas!
Tomoya: Ahaha. That’s true~. After all, as December approaches, I also start to feel kinda restless…
–Oops! I’ve gotta leave the dorm soon.
Aira: You're off to work?
Tomoya: Mhm. I have a photoshoot this morning and a meeting in the afternoon. I have to go soon.
Mitsuru: That’s a shame, I wanted to talk more~!
Well then, go ahead, Tomo-chan!
Aira: See you!
Tomoya: Take care!
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( That afternoon )
Tomoya: (I’m glad~...! The shoot went better than I had expected it to! I knew it was the right call to ask for Narukami-senpai’s advice beforehand.)
(My work for the morning went well, but… After I eat I’ll have a meeting about the contents of the “Shuffle Project” in the afternoon~...)
(I’m worried, what kind of project will it be…?)
Sigh~... mogumogu…
(I wonder if I’m gonna be able to get along well with the other members…)
Hinata: Yahoo~! Tomo-kun, thank you for your hard work!
Tomoya: Nn? … Ah, It’s Hinata. Thanks for your hard work.
Hinata: Are you having lunch? So am I. Can I join you?
Tomoya: Mhm, go ahead. I’ve just started eating too.
Hinata: Thank you ♪ What to order~...?
Alright, I’m in the mood for some pork cutlet curry today!
Tomoya: That was quick~. You always make quick decisions– it’s pretty refreshing to watch.
Hinata: Fufufu~. I wanna take good care of my intuition, you know! ☆
Ah. That reminds me, I heard something~! Tomo-kun. That “Shuffle Project” of yours. So they reached out to the wrong members mistakenly?
Tomoya: That’s right! I really thought I was in the same unit as Hajime and the others! The shock after so much joy was just too much…!
Hinata: Ahaha. I feel sorry for you, Tomo-kun, but it was a pretty amusing situation to hear about.
Tomoya: You… Just because it’s not your problem to deal with~...
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Tomoya: All the members are my seniors, so I have to be mindful.
I’m somewhat used to Akehoshi-senpai and Fushimi-senpai, but I feel like the others are all pretty quirky…
Hinata: Uh-oh. My vice prez is on pretty high guard too, huh~?
But I think I understand. ♪
Tomoya: Even ES said they’d give us support, but… considering the circumstances, no matter how you think about it, it’s totally just meant to give us some peace of mind!
Hinata: Mhm, still, I do really feel sorry for you. But, y’know, doesn’t that also depend on the project? Have you even decided what kind of project it’s gonna be? 
Tomoya: No. We just met face to face the other day. I heard we’ll have a meeting about the project now.
Hinata: Hmm. Is that so. Then, from here on out, the outcome of Tomo-kun’s fate shall be decided…
Tomoya: You find my misfortune amusing!?
Hinata: Ahahaha ☆ I’m just looking forward to seeing what kind of “Shuffle Project” Tomo-kun’s unit will come up with!
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Hinata: It’s okay! Give it your best shot, Tomo-kun! If it all falls apart, I’ll pick up the pieces for ya! ♪
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ohii-san · 7 months
Mitsuru: Mm? Tomo-chan, I don’t see anyone who could’ve called us~?
Tomoya: Eh. That’s strange. Even though we came to the office because we were called for a briefing about our next job…
Excuse me. Can I just ask you a question…[1]
—Ah, you’re leaving for your break now? You think it won't take long? If that’s the case, it’s okay, I’ll wait. Thank you!
Mitsuru. Looks like they’ll be back soon, so let’s just wait.
Mitsuru: Okay!
Tomoya: Having said that, though, it’d be a waste of time to just wait around like this. Plus, we look out of place just standing there near the entrance…
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Mitsuru: Tomo-chan. There’s lots of posters put up around here! Why don’t we look at them?
Tomoya: Really~? Lemme look.
I never really took a good look at it until now, but there’s lots of posters here with idols belonging to our agency, aren’t there?
Oh, looks like Hasumi-senpai’s drama will start next year. I’ve gotta watch it~!
—Ah. A poster for our new album’s been put up, too.
It’s really moving to see it like this. I guess you could say it makes me feel like I really am an idol…
Ehehe, I still haven’t gotten used to seeing my face on posters though.
Mitsuru: Hey, hey, Tomo-chan! Look at this~☆
Tomoya: Hm? What’s up, Mitsuru?
Mitsuru: I’m copying Ado-chan-senpai’s pose!
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Mitsuru: How is it, how is it? Do you think I look like “Mitsuru Tenma; Rebellious and Immoral Idol”?
Tomoya: Ahaha. It doesn’t suit you at all~. Otogari-senpai in the poster behind you looks cool, but it feels like you’re trying too hard, Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: You don’t have to laugh that much! Tomo-chan is so cruel!
Tomoya: Sorry sorry. My bad. But as expected, it’s impossible for us to do what UNDEAD does, right?
Mitsuru: But when I grow up I’m gonna become the coolest adult– one that won’t lose to Ado-chan-senpai!
Tomoya: You know, Otogari-senpai and Mitsuru are only one year apart…
Nn? Was that my phone ringing?
Mitsuru: Mhm. I know that sound. Tomo-chan must have received a message from someone, right?
Tomoya: You’ve got pretty sharp ears, Mitsuru~. Let’s see…?
Ah. It’s true. Looks like Anzu-san has been messaging me.
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Mitsuru: Eh. From Anzu nee-chan?
That’s nice~, Tomo-chan! What’s Anzu nee-chan saying?
Tomoya: Look here~.It’s not really a playful message or anything like that, so there’s nothing to envy. What it’s about is… Hmm?
Ehh!? There was a mistake in yesterday’s “Shuffle Unit” project announcement…!? I’m a member of another unit!? 
N-No way… What is this... I was really looking forward to it!
Mitsuru: Eh? What’s this, what do you mean?
Tomoya: The members of Hajime’s “Shuffle Unit” are four members; Hajime, Himemiya, Harukawa and Shiratori. It seems like I was included by mistake…
I’m part of a different “Shuffle Unit”.
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Mitsuru: Hmm. You were so happy to be with Hajime-chan, it’s really too bad, Tomo-chan~.
Tomoya: That’s true… I really thought I’d be a member of such the most easy-to-work-with “Shuffle Unit” ever.
… Nn? And there’s more– Wait, there’s a meeting scheduled for right now!?
What do I do… For now, I’ll let Anzu know I’ll be a bit late…
Mitsuru: Tomo-chan. Leave the meeting here to me, you can go to your meeting.
Tomoya: Eh? Are you sure…?
Mitsuru: Of course! After all, I can help with this, but the “Shuffle Unit” is something only Tomo-chan can handle. 
At times like this we need to support each other. So don’t worry about it!
Tomoya: I’m sorry. Thank you, Mitsuru. See you, I’m off!
Mitsuru: Mhm! Take care~☆
Tomoya: Hurry~ hurry~!
(I think I can actually make it in time even if I don’t hurry, but…)
(Since this will be our first time together, I’d like to get there as early as possible~. I don’t know who the members are yet…)
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Tomoya: (—That reminds me. Anzu didn’t mention anything about the “Shuffle Unit” members in the message.)
(I wonder who’s in that unit with me?)
(Well, I’ll do my best no matter who’s in it. But the members in Hajime’s were so ideal.)
(… And– No, no! If I think like this I’m being rude to the members I’m about to meet!)
(Mm. I’m sure my shuffle’s real members will be able to work together to make the project a success! I'm sure of it!)
(The first impression is the most important part of a meeting. O~kay. Smile, smile… ☆)
Excu~se me!
Yuzuru: Oh?
Rinne: Hah?
Ibara: …
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Tomoya: …
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Tomoya: … ‘scuse me, sorry~!
Rinne: Oi, why are you leaving? Come back here!
[1] tomoya is just talking to a faceless npc with no dialogue here . i don't know if this needs to be specified but just in case !
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ohii-san · 9 months
( One day, in mid-November )
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Tomoya: O~i, Hinata. I’m thinking of making some coffee, do you want some too? Look, there’s a note here that says you’re free to help yourself.
Hinata: Huh. Will you make mine too? Thanks, Tomo-kun!
Tomo-kun’s reeeally thoughtful, isn’t he~?
Usually I’m the older brother type and I never really thought anyone else would take care of me, but when I’m with Tomo-kun, I get really spoiled.
Tomoya: Ahaha, what’s that? You’re making a pretty big deal out of me making coffee.
When it comes to Ra*bits, Hajime usually makes the coffee for me, and it’s really good. So I wanted to try it for myself.
Well, I guess all you have to do is set up the cup of coffee and turn it on…
Okay, it’s brewed. Thanks for being patient; it’s hot though, so be careful! I can’t even joke about burning yourself before the performance…
Hinata: U~waaa ♪ Thank you!
Well, I’m still wondering when the actual performance is gonna be~...
Tomoya: Yeah, for sure. This is the first time I’ve felt so pressured by work. 
Hinata: Me too, me too. But it seems like it was some random trouble with the equipment, so it’s not like it was anyone’s fault.
Tomoya: But, waiting for so long is kinda exhausting… I don’t even really feel excited for work anymore.
Hinata: Nn~... I’ve been waiting for so long that I’m getting sleepy…, The sofa here in the dressing room is so hard~
Tomoya: Hey, you're relaxing too much. If you lay down, your clothes will get all wrinkled, and your hair will come undone, won’t it~?
You went through all the trouble of getting your hair and makeup done all handsomely… Come on, get up, get up!
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Hinata: Ugh… Seems like Tomo-niichan’s actually kinda strict.
( Ping )
Tomoya: Nn? Was that your smartphone, Hinata?
Hinata: Mm~? Lemme see— Nope. Doesn’t seem like it was mine.
Tomoya: Ah, sorry, it was me. I’ve got a message on HoldHands.
Since it’s HoldHands, I assume it’s business-related? I wonder what it is.
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Tomoya: Erm— It’s a message concerning “Shuffle Unit”...
Ahh. This is that inter-office P-Association project I’ve heard about.
Hinata: Woah! It’s finally Tomo-kun’s turn!
Tomoya: Yeah, yeah. Mitsuru and Nii-chan were already chosen for theirs, so I’ve been looking forward to mine~
It’s a project where various idols cross the boundaries of their agencies and form a temporary unit together, right?
Hinata: Yeah, somethin’ like that. C’mon, what is it? Show me!
Wow, it is! How nice~, I still have yet to get mine…
I’m really looking forward to forming a temporary unit with a bunch of different members from the agencies.
Doesn’t it kinda remind you of back at Yumenosaki, with our seniors around? Back then, we also worked with lots of different people.
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Tomoya: Now that you mention it… I’ve been taking on so much ES work lately that I forgot about that.
Hinata: We got to get to know others through work… And it happened pretty often, too. So that’s why I’m looking forward to this.
Tomoya: Personally, I prefer teams with members that I’m close to... I'm no good at talking with people I don't know, it makes me really nervous. Especially if they’re my senior.
Hinata: Really? Well, they say communication can be carried out just with a smile and some gesturing!
Tomoya: You’re as optimistic as ever. The same goes for Mitsuru, too.
Hinata: Fufufu. There’s no point in being gloomy about things, y’know.
Anyway, Tomo-kun. Who are the members of that Shuffle Unit after all? I’m pretty sure it’s written in that message.
Tomoya: Ahh, that’s right. I forgot to check…! I need to look at it properly.
Ehh, the members…
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Tomoya: What?! Hajime?! And Himemiya, Harukawa, and Shiratori… Is this for real?!
It’s not a mistake or prank, right? Right?!
Hinata: No way?! Really?!
Ahh, how per~fect! Look Tomo-kun, it’s a circle of friends for you! Isn’t this kinda cheating?!
Tomoya: Yeah, yeah! I didn’t expect it to be such an easy group to work with either!
Hehe… Actually, I was really a little worried~ I feel like if I had been grouped with a bunch of seniors, I’d end up having to be overly mindful.
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Tomoya: I doubt there’ll be any problems this way. I think we can work together to make this Shuffle project a success ♪
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