catherine-white · 1 year
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#14 summer shards 2023
By Catherine White
Last week at the farmers market one of the vendors had a tiny bundle of pea tendrils. I loved their wild sculptural lattice work. Although my garden was mostly neglected for the last week, I was able to squeeze in short watering sessions and picked a few peas. Today my goal was to have a longer meditative stretch picking peas but it became another slap dash harvest because after picking a tangle of tendrils I retreated to the studio to photograph.
for my grandparents, who did not teach me how to farm, and yet they scattered these seeds: . . .
What would they think of my pea shoots left unlatticed, free to tendril one noose after another around other plants, my slapdash harvest, larder left to chance?
–Jennifer Perrine, excerpt from Port Murray, New Jersey and Milwaukie, Oregon
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honeyed-latte · 8 months
*unlattes your honey*
Is it time to be Pure Honey?
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cheesijj · 7 years
redesign paul mccartney and his ASS
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sorry that this took a while. anyway, this is paul in a seinfeld-esque etting and the jeans are rather unlattering on his ass.
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