#unless i'm mistaken the games never once mention his parents
pennamepersona · 1 year
i know it gets addressed eventually but honestly it would be extremely on brand for phoenix to just refuse to explain how he's acquired a 15 year old daughter during a 7 year time gap
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Lovely tag : whitey winn
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A - Affection [How affectionate are they with you?]
Whitey Winn is rather affection but at specific times, in the office he'll barely give you anything but in bed he'll wrap you up in his arms and never let you go giving you a million kisses a minute. Even if he does like holding your hand and waist most of the time and whispering in your ear how much he loves you.
B - Butter [How much do they coddle you, and how?]
Ohhh you where coddled worse then ever! Your father had always been protective of course as your his own little girl and his only child before your mother died so being protected was just something you where used to. However when you and whitey got together you assumed it would stop that he'd let you be more independent but ohh no you where mistaken Whitey's worse then your father ever was, he was extremely protective of you holding you on his arm, sitting behind you on your horse, barely letting you out after dark unless he was with you.
And it somehow got even worse when you got married, and even more so once you got pregnant. At that point he would even let you pick up spoons for yourself.
C - Confide [How easily do they confide to you?]
He's pretty open as far as confiding goes he was very happy to tell you things as soon as you two started courting he liked telling you things and he loves listening to you tell him to.
D - Defensive [How protective are they over you?]
Super protective! Another man looks at you Whitey's growling like a wild dog pushing you behind him or into his side. One of the mine security men tried to hit on you one evening and honestly your surprised whitey didn't kill him but it was a close call if maggie hadn't have stopped the fight you think that boy would have been dead. Not to mention the time one visiting boy pinched your bottom thought your dress and by the time you had squealed and turned around the boy was knocked out in the dust and you where tight to Whitey's chest. But you know it's just what he's like and that he's just trying to help so you'll give him a little reward later after dark.
E - Exhausted [How do they take care of you when you're tired or feeling low?]
He'll spot your tried or upset from a mile away he'll find someplace cosy and sit you across his lap, and make you tell him all about it he'll play with your hair and stroke your skin while you explain nodding and agreeing at moments he needs too and once it's all explained he'll pulling you to rest your head on his shoulder and chest and let you rest till your better.
F - Fluffy [How sappily sweet can they get?]
He can be a very sappy boy, giving you flowers, giving you cuddles telling you he loves you a hundred times a day
G - Game [How much do they play around, and are they a tease?]
He's not much for teasing or playing around he'd rather just be sweet to you.
H - Happy [What's their favourite thing to do with you, that makes them happy?]
Cuddle! Or go out riding he loves sitting behind you his arms around you to hold the rains of the horse as you go off on little adventures together.
I - Initiate [Do they make the first move?]
Depends, if it's a cuddle then one hundred percent whitey is asking and moving first, but other stuff like kissing and so on its almost always you. Even after your married with children you still have to make a first move to give him a kiss or hold his hand and each normally make him go bright red
J - Jealousy [How jealous can they get and how do they show it?]
He gets super jealous. Luckily labelle doesn't have alot of men and the ones who are in labelle are mostly older men who barely do much of anything so he didn't need to worry much about you, but when those young dirty mining security men came whitey was not happy as at times it seemed almost like the intentional picked on you to wind whitey up and make him do something so they could lock him in the cells. He gets defensive, violent, he'll do anything do defend you even if it means he gets in trouble for doing it because your his girl and knowone is going to hurt you or take you away from him not while he breaths.
L - Love [How do they react to you giving them affection?]
Blush!! He blushed when you kiss him, when you hold his hand he just always has blush in those dirty cheeks. But he loves when you give him affection he just wishes it wasn't so obvious how much he liked it.
M - Married [What's it like to be married to them?]
Amazing, he always cuddles and kisses you once he's home from work, compliments atleast three times a day, and cuddles and sleeps beside you every single night he's not at work.
N - Newborn [How are they with having kids, and how would they be as a parent?]
He got so excited when you told him you where pregnant, but he wouldn't let you do anything for yourself he was going to care for your every single need until baby came. And as soon as it did you saw him smile wider then you had ever seen before he was so happy to be a daddy and he was an amazing one. He loves all your children so very much and takes such good care of them even if he does spoil them a little bit mostly because your first child was a boy and whitey was ecstatic! Having little whitey jr so he kinda spoilt him rotten. But then soon enough when little addison came he had to spoil her too so it was fair. And then elijha came so he had to spoil the boys as much as the girls and so on and so on spoiling all your children rather alot. Even if you keep saying when you have a baby in the house that you won't have anymore children after this and yet it keeps on happening. Even if you think whitey secretly really wants more children, you have said you draw the line at five but with your current tummy thats already out the window.
O - Outdoors [How are they with you in public?]
Defense and sweet, he likes holding onto you but other then that he's okay he doesn't much like kissing you or anything outside because that's privet stuff even if... Maybe the office is privet enough for a snuggle or two.
P - Propose [How would they propose, and when would that be?]
It was nervous. He barely got thought it without stuttering. Almost all of labelle came out to watch which probably didn't help as whitey let it slip to bill in the office that he was going to do it so bill told maggie and of course within an hour the whole dam down new except you. He of course had asked your father's permission first and once he had that he got you as many flowers as he could and asked you in the middle of town in front of everyone.
Q - Quarrel [How are they after a fight, and will they try to make amends right after?]
You've never been in a fight with whitey, he's too sweet, the moment your upset about something he cuddles you holds you hands and let's you explain all about it and how he can make it all better. I don't think it's actually possible to get into a fight with him over anything you can try and tell at him and he'll just stand there politely and nod agreeing with you and discusses ways he can improve and how he can help. "Of course, your right darlin' I'm sorry. I'll remember next time"
R - Romantic [How much of a hopeless romantic are they, and how do they show it?]
He is rather a hopeless romantic, he always brings you flowers after a long day of work and tells you he loves you almost constantly.
S - Snuggles [Do they like to cuddle, and how do they do it?]
Whitey loves to cuddle he almost always starts a cuddle or asks for a cuddle he adores cuddling with you, he moves just wrapping his arms around you having you engulfed in him, usually both arms around you, Maybe a leg around you too with your head nuzzled into him so you have no escape from his love.
T - Touchy [How touch starved are they, and would they show it?]
He was so touch straved when you where first together you could poke him and he'd have a heart attack, but even when he's been in the office a few nights or just hasn't seen you all that much he gets a little desperate for kisses for touching for anything you'll give him. You can tell he's getting touch starved because he'll bite on his mouth alot more and you can see it in how his eyes lingure and move much slower.
U - Urchin [What's one negative trait about them that hurts you?]
That he can be a little too accommodating t the ladies in town, you understand that Whitey Winn is the deputy of La Belle a town almost all of the women have lost their husbands but you get rather jealous when you see the women going to the office to try and bring him things in the office, he never flirts or anything you just get a little worried sometimes
V - Vibe [What energy do they give off when you're with them?]
he gives off the energy of being very cocky and strong but also very sweet like sugar, he is so blushy with you its a rarity he gets though a sentence with you before he's blushing and stuttering 
W- Wedding [What are they like at their wedding?]
a mess, He cried so much when you got married, he was so happy, so excited and so thrilled your father finally allowed you two to get married, you met him in the half-finished church and half of Labelle showed up mostly all the women to see you and whitey get married and they spoilt you with presents of baked goods and wine for you, and bill spoilt you giving whitey a week off for you two's honeymoon
X - Xtreme [What lengths would they go to for you?]
He's do anything for you, anything you asked just to see you smile, back before your father found out about whitey courting you he used to ride out to the river with you just for dates even if it took about half an hour to get from his house to your spot, but he still did it every day after work. 
Y - Yogurt [What's their ideal place for a date?]
A little ride out to the river, sitting down by the edge with maybe a little picnic of maybe some beer and pie, maybe a little cuddle if it gets too cold out as the sky gets dark and you can sit and stargaze together maybe He'll wrap his jacket around your shoulder if you get too cold and maybe if he's lucky he might get a kiss at your door when he walks you back to your door Before your curfew of course so he doesn't get yelled at by your father.
Z - Zipper [What clothes do they like seeing you in?]
he loves seeing you in your underdress when you don't bother to really get dressed he thinks you look sweetest that way.
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