#phoenix wright voice do not perceive me
pennamepersona · 1 year
i know it gets addressed eventually but honestly it would be extremely on brand for phoenix to just refuse to explain how he's acquired a 15 year old daughter during a 7 year time gap
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daddywright · 3 years
for this national holiday i am sharing an excerpt from a fun, what-if? WIP based on The Scene that i’m still proud of. happy unnecessary feelings day!
“So you don’t think Vasquez was guilty? After all that?”
“It doesn’t matter what I think,” Edgeworth growls, and a humorless laugh startles out of Phoenix's throat.
“Doesn’t matter? Bullshit, Edgeworth. You can’t tell me the world’s not better off with her behind bars. She tried to kill me and Maya!”
Edgeworth freezes, the anger on his face flickering, before jerking his head. His bangs shift across his face, concealing his expression like a curtain. “I never expected to see you again,” he says eventually, his baritone voice dropping low. “But perhaps it would have been better if we hadn’t met."
Phoenix gawks, and bitterness crawls like poison up his throat. “Wow," he manages. "I missed you, too.” Edgeworth’s head snaps up, eyes flashing with something strange and unnameable. “God, you’re an ass.”
Outrage banishes whatever haunted Edgeworth’s eyes. “I beg your pardon?” His voice has become arctic, dark and sharp, and Phoenix’s chest goes tight with something like anticipation.
“You heard me. You helped me put away a killer, and you’re so annoyed I was right that you wish we’d never met.” Phoenix laughs again, the sound of his voice almost unrecognizable in his own ears, and there’s something else in the anger, something unwise stirring a cauldron in his gut. “I must really drive you crazy, huh?”
Edgeworth steps closer, and Phoenix finds himself with his back against a hardwood door.
“You," Edgeworth says, eyes like quicksilver. He braces a broad hand on the door beside Phoenix’s head, leaning close enough that Phoenix can see the feather of Edgeworth’s jaw, the jump of muscles in his alabaster neck. “Listen to me, Phoenix Wright. Never show your face in front of me again.”
Edgeworth’s vested chest is almost pressed against his, the heat of his body hovering over him like a simmering line. The frills of his ridiculous cravat practically brush the length of Phoenix's tie. A flash, a conjured feeling of what it might feel like if Edgeworth closed the distance, and it’s like an electric current jolting through him. Edgeworth looms over him, gaze fiery, and Phoenix thinks, with fleeting disbelief, goddammit. Then, edged with exasperation and a wake of want, goddammit.
Maybe this was inevitable, because he remembers the immediate zing he felt when he first saw Edgeworth again all those months ago. He knows then, too, that he probably shouldn’t have been so thoughtless to meet with Edgeworth alone. He does stupid things when the attraction he feels is that sudden, that sharp, and right now, Edgeworth’s closeness is like a fire-tipped blade, skimming down his entire body.
Edgeworth drives him crazy, too. In all the wrong ways.
“What do you want me to do, Edgeworth?” he issues back, the anger in his voice siphoning away, slipping into a lower register. He inclines his head, challenging. “Quit my job? Avoid you in the hallways? Drop every case you take?” His mouth curls. “Not gonna happen.”
“I want you to keep your distance,” Edgeworth hisses, visibly incensed by the cocky twist in his voice, by the fact that Phoenix isn’t backing down, and it shouldn’t feel so thrilling to look the Demon Prosecutor in the eyes and smirk, and yet.
And yet. “Why should I?” Phoenix says, heart thudding in his ears like he’s dangling from a tall height.
“Why?” Miles repeats, through clenched teeth, like Phoenix’s insolence is inconceivable. “Thanks to you, I’m saddled with—with unnecessary feelings.” The last is spat out like a curse, with the same condemnation he levied against the perceived guilty, and the words evaporate the air from Phoenix’s lungs.
Oh my god. “What kind of feelings?” he asks, half-daring, half-dazed.
“Unease,” Edgeworth growls. “And uncertainty.”
It hits Phoenix like victory, triumph and thrill crackling elated beneath his skin. I throw you off your game. I make you question what you’re doing.
I’m making you see.
And that, more than anything, is the match to the kerosene, shoving him from the cliffsedge of hesitation into the open air.
“Unease and uncertainty,” he echoes. Slowly, heart pounding, he lifts hands that were clenched, seizing mauve lapels in his grip. “…Is that all?”
[NARRATOR VOICE:] And that was not all. check out the rest here ;) happy gay lawyer day!
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sociopath-analysis · 4 years
Sociopath Profile: Dahlia Hawthorne
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Japanese name: Chinami Miyanagi From the 2004 visual novel Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Trials and Tribulations and the anime adaptation of Ace Attorney (2016-2019) Voiced by Rina Sato (JP) and Dani Chambers (EN)
Dahlia is the culprit behind the third trial and one of the cruelest antagonists of the series. Don’t let the adorable exterior fool you.
She has committed the multiple murders that were put to trial and has attempted many more. She’ll be willing to murder innocent people just so that she doesn’t get caught or because she felt like it. This includes family members like her sister-in-law Valerie, her ex-boyfriend Doug Swallow, and her aunt Morgan Fey. And she shows no remorse for any of the things she’s done.
Lying comes naturally to her. It helps to have that cute and innocent exterior to help hide the demon (as many people who know her true nature describe her) hiding underneath. It’s probably one of the most dangerous things about her. Her mask of sanity may not be flawless, but no one gives it the best look since her cute appearance makes people assume that she’s innocent.
Everything she does is either for her own benefit or entertainment. She doesn’t care about anyone but herself. Even her other ex-boyfriend, Phoenix Wright, is easily expendable when he gets too far in the way, and that’s why she decided to tamper with his cold medicine to kill him.
Dahlia: Do you understand why I would kill my cousin now? What my goal was? Phoenix: Obviously… It’s because you were helping your mother. Dahlia: Helping…? Don’t make me laugh. From the day I was born to the day I died, I never helped anyone!
A possible explanation for this is that she suffered neglect from her parents as her sister Iris notes. She was described as “strong and smart, never complaining about her situation.” However, the lack of complaints seemed to hide a buildup of resentment towards others. This is what drove her to her criminal actions. While it doesn’t excuse them, it was possible that this could have been avoided.
The problem is she’s something of a low-functioning sociopath. While she is good with scheming, her schemes often fall through due to her overconfidence. She tried stealing jewels, but actually lost the jewels she was stealing. And many of her murders were sloppily handled, forcing her to commit more crimes to cover it up which only made things worse.
Whenever that happens, she’ll be quick to divert blame away from herself at any way possible. When Mia tries to point out that Dahlia’s failures were her own fault, she starts lashing out and refusing to accept that it could have ever been her fault. Pheonix even tries to call her out on the failure of the staged kidnapping on Dusky Bridge, but she’s having none of it.
“Sh-Shut your mouth! That wasn’t my fault! It was because of that stupid oaf of a prisoner and that weakling of a policewoman!”
As a character, she has shown nothing but contempt for others and is willing to toss them to the side for the sake of her own benefit. Whether that be perceived slights, petty revenge, or just for the sake of it.
Ace Attorney Sociopath List
Female Sociopath List
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askaceattorney · 4 years
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Dear Inferno,
Essay?  You just said the magic word.
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Trucy’s a bit of a lengthy character to unpack, but I’ll see what I can pull out of my hat.
Trucy Wright, CEO, magic extraordinaire, and maiden of mystery, formerly Trucy Gramarye, the 8-year-old prodigy magician.  She’s the kind of character who never forgets to smile (that’s part of her creed, in fact), and always has a magic trick up her sleeve.  Or her magic panties, in this case.
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This optimism and charm of hers do a lot to make her likable, both as the second non-Maya assistant in the series and as a side character who provides some comedy relief for the agency when morale is low.
But interestingly enough, this isn’t the sort of character she’s introduced as.
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Trucy’s first “magic act” is to appear out of nowhere as Apollo is trying to contemplate how his boss suddenly became a murder suspect.  Rather than offering a smile and an encouraging message, she decides to play the role of a mysterious fortuneteller.
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If I didn’t know who was saying this, I might think it was a Toad from Super Mario Bros. 3.
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So far, all she is to Apollo (and us) is a mysterious messenger trying to help her father...until he realizes just who her father is.
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This presents a new mystery for Apollo (and for us): How did a young magician wind up in the custody of an ex-lawyer?  And on top of that, why was a locket with her picture in the possession of a shady drifter...and why did Phoenix feel the need to take it from his dead body?
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Unfortunately, Phoenix is just as cryptic as Trucy in her debut game, but it’s far from the end of Apollo’s interaction with them.
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After two months of coping with the loss of his first position as an attorney and considering Phoenix’s offer to work at the legendary Wright & Co. Law Offices, Apollo finally shows up there to discover that it not only went through a name chance, but now has it’s own CEO -- the same mysterious girl he ran into before!
Before he knows it, he’s being interviewed for the Wright Talent Agency by a magician whose energetic and professional attitude completely contradicts her father’s calm, laid-back personality.  It isn’t until his misunderstanding is cleared up that she finally introduces herself:
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It’s here that we also hear Trucy’s theme, “Child of Magic,” for the first time, which does a great job of conveying the sort of delightful, peppy aura Trucy creates just by being herself.  Speaking of which, Apollo gets to “enjoy” a bunch more of her optimism as she explains her and Phoenix’s current situation.  According to her, the former law office was converted into an agency for acquiring talented individuals.
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She also describes what might be her most important role in Phoenix’s life, whether she knows it or not.
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And so she did.  She may not have actually cooked for him (or maybe she did, we don’t know), but she did provide Phoenix, a well-respected lawyer who’d just been cheated out of his badge, with exactly what he needed at the time: a reason to keep going.  It’s hard to imagine what his life would’ve been like without her making her entrance into it, so to speak, but because of her, he was compelled to pull himself together, find a job, and begin to move on from one of the darkest moments of his life.  In short, Trucy became a light in his darkness.  Pretty impressive for an 8-year-old, huh?
We’ll get to that in due time, though.  The next thing we learn about Trucy comes from her Daddy, and once again, it’s pretty vague.
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What could this “talent” of hers be?  Besides being a talented magician and motivator, that is?  We don’t find that out until after she’s spent some time as Apollo’s investigating assistant.
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Thus she officially becomes Apollo’s “Maya,” a role she fills remarkably well, being just as cute, perky, annoying, and naive as Maya ever was.
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Every good lawyer needs one of those, after all.
Then, when Apollo finally gets his first *cough* normal case, we get to see what Trucy’s capable of in the courtroom.  ...Well, after a quick diversion.
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Has Professor Layton gone rogue and joined the mafia?  Nope, it’s just one of Trucy’s best tricks -- the Amazing Mr. Hat!
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Not even going to ask how that works.
After this hilarious sideshow, Trucy reveals what her special “talent” is, and how it can help Apollo.
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For the first time in the series, we have a courtroom mechanic that doesn’t involve pressing someone, presenting evidence, or asking the right questions -- instead we get to use a brand-new technique to slow time down and spot witnesses’ nervous habits when they tell lies, and our young magician friend is just the one to introduce it to us (much like Pearl introduced the Psyche-Lock mechanic to Phoenix).
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She apparently knows about Apollo’s “perceive” ability from Phoenix, but how does she happen to have the same gift herself?  That remains a mystery until we learn about her past, which doesn’t happen until near the end of the game.
Thankfully, we aren’t playing the game here, so we can just skip ahead to that part.
During the third case, Trucy’s real father, Zak Gramarye, is given a brief mention, but all we learn about him is that he’s a magician who once belonged to Troupe Gramarye.  Who is he today, though?
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It turns out his identity is none other than Shadi Smith, the card-playing drifter who was murdered by Kristoph (and the one partly responsible for Phoenix’s disbarment).  We could get into his *ah-HEM* wonderful fathering technique, but the important thing here is what we learn from him about Trucy and Apollo’s gift.
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Whatever this strange ability is, it’s apparently hereditary, passed down from Trucy’s mother.  Also, as Phoenix deduces, Apollo shares this ability because, shocker of shockers, the two of them share the same mother, Thalassa Gramarye.
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Who’d have thunk it?  Not even Phoenix, even though he’s a good thunker.
Speaking of Phoenix, let’s go back to his first meeting with young Trucy.
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When she first entered his life, she was a famous magician’s daughter whose first “performance” was to help him escape a Guilty verdict.  She of course didn’t know at the time how long it would be before she saw him again, or the lawyer she was talking to would soon be replacing him.  It’s here, by the way, that we learn we she gets her charming grin from.
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And then...tragedy.
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With her father missing and no living relatives to take care of her, Trucy’s future looks even bleaker than Phoenix’s (which is saying a lot).  Thankfully, he offers to let her stay with him until her father comes back, and does his best to help her feel comfortable.  Luckily for both of them, her father already gave her some advice.
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Then comes the big switcheroo.  As mentioned before, Trucy provided Phoenix with a reason to keep going after losing his job, but when we see how it actually took place, it becomes clear that she took it a step further than that -- she practically led him forward by the hand.
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This makes me wonder something: could her vigorous encouragement have reminded Phoenix of another young woman who came into his life just after a tragedy occurred?
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Maybe it’s just speculation, but it wouldn’t surprise me if Maya had crossed his mind.  He even told Trucy she could call him “Nick” if she wanted to.  If nothing else, that provided some serious heartfelt nostalgia.
One other thing I loved about AJ: AA is how it showed Trucy’s more fragile side near the end.  Things worked out pretty well for her after the ordeal with her father, but that doesn’t mean she felt no emotion about it.
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We’ll never know how much of her sadness is due to her father’s death and how much is due to his sudden disappearance, but at least we’re given a chance to see her being less magical and more human.
And finally, let us fast-forward past Trucy’s adoption, her accidental reunion with her half-brother, and her antics in the courtroom to the final (and in my opinion, the best) big moment for her: The Magical Turnabout.  Here we get to see, through the magic of animation and voice-overs, how expertly Trucy performs and how confidently she speaks for the first time.
But just when things seem to be going better than ever for her and the new Troupe Gramarye...
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What a way to go, huh?
Thankfully, that situation was an imaginary one (and she came out on top, as always), but then a real disaster occurs.
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She’s lucky enough to have Apollo and Athena there to help her, but she’s left to wonder if Mr. Reus’s death was due to a fatal accident on her part.  If so, it would be a devastating blow to her magic career, besides destroying Troupe Gramarye’s reputation after it had just made a recovery.  Luckily, there’s one person who doesn’t believe she could make such a mistake, and who can see through her fake smile.
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Then we get one more glimpse of Trucy’s human side, but for a completely different reason: Apollo’s faith in her performing ability, even as she struggles to believe in herself.
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Unlike her previous crying scene, this one is more bittersweet than sad.  Having faith in your friends might be a cliche, but it’s moments like this when you see just how much it matters.
Things go from bad to worse when she suddenly finds herself in the Accused of Murder Club while her Daddy’s out of the country, but like always, the truth comes out in the end.  But here’s what I love most about this case: Trucy herself gets to play a role in proving her innocence, simply by doing what she does best: performing magic!
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Besides giving her defense team new evidence to work with, her trick completely turns the room around.  Even Apollo couldn’t detect the sword switch with his kinetic vision.  Not bad for an impromptu performance, huh?
And if that wasn’t beautiful enough, the judge himself asks Trucy a favor before announcing a verdict:
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Looks like she’s officially earned the title, hasn’t she?
So with all this in mind, what’s the best way to describe Trucy?  She’s a great magician, a strong motivator, a bringer of joy and encouragement to those around her, a comedy relief when one is needed, and...  Oh yeah, I forgot -- it turns out she’s also a bit of a sadist.
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Sort of a weird character quirk for Capcom to give her, in my opinion, but not too hard to believe, I guess.
But most importantly, she’s a true entertainer, much like her old Daddy, and someone who knows how to smile even in the darkest of times and who has an eye (two, in fact) for the truth, much like her new Daddy.  You could say she represents the best of both worlds.
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You’re still a jerk, though, Zak.
-The Co-Mod
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mikumutual · 5 years
answers aa themed questions nobody asked because i’m cool and sexy
also i havent played the 5th or 6th games so
YOUR FAVOURITE…? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? honestly? phoenix wright ace attorney! everything’s fresh, there aren’t many weak characters, and the plot is remarkable (especially the fifth case). the whole trilogy is really good as one unit though 2. Favourite case? 1-4, 1-5, 2-4, and 3-5 are tied lol, i can’t make a decision to save my life. 2-1 is really really funny tho 3. Favourite defendant? as a defendant, lana skye. as a person, edgeworth 4. Favourite prosecutor? as a prosecutor, franziska von karma. as a person, edgeworth 5. Favourite ship? wrightworth obviously... ive probably put more thought into them over the last 3 years than any other ship 6. Favourite victim? probably mia fey or gregory edgeworth... but for non-relevant victims, neil marshall :( 7. Favourite murderer? shelly de killer, i LOVE that guy. but dee vasquez was very cool as well 8. Favourite assistant? maya fey!!!!!!!!!! but i like kay faraday a lot too (im so sorry ema) 9. Favourite witness? adrian andrews... or maybe iris? i mean i didn’t like iris but god what a person 10. Favourite quote? “It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.” - Miles Edgeworth i made this one of my senior quotes :]
YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE…? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? uh fucking apollo justice. literally what the hell was that 12. Least favourite case? turnabout visitor wasn’t very strong? i guess it’s fine as an intro, but it’s also wonky with the timeline of aai 13. Least favourite defendant? max galactica. he’s better in the anime though 14. Least favourite prosecutor? manfred von karma, obviously. i like every other prosecutor (who i know of) though, even winston payne is pretty funny in hindsight 15. Least favourite ship? “miles edgeworth/female oc”. there are a lot of bad ships though, mostly involving phoenix & his assistants. dont do that please 16. Least favourite victim? zak gramarye for kickstarting that shitty, shitty game 17. Least favourite murderer? again mvk... but also fucking frank sahwit LMAO 18. Least favourite assistant? i guess trucy 19. Least favourite witness? fuck everyone from turnabout big top unless it was the anime episode 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? repeatedly trying and failing to download the emulator for aai2 hbjsjhdb i eventually got it but someone had to send me the download fully pre-patched and i felt kinda useless DO YOU PREFER…? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? phoenix wright. fuck that “GOTCHA!” mechanic jesus christ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? maya fey. nothing personal against trucy but i just dont like aj hbjsdjhsdb also maya is really sweet and fun and she has the best sprites. she seems like she’d be a good friend, it’s too bad that she doesn’t have the time for them as a spirit medium and all :( if maya ema and kay got to hang out together itd be wild 23. Investigations or trials? trials are easier in my opinion because investigations have several things you could be doing without such a linear style, so if you miss something, you won’t really know until you wander around forever 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? college feenie!!!!! he’s like trilogy feenie but more emotional and less witty. i like to pretend that hobo phoenix doesnt exist 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? who would say kristoph 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney but only because phoenix is in it lmao. im actually rewatching a playthrough of aai now, and playing aai2 at the same time, so while it is on the mind, i feel like the cases characters and mechanics - while loved - don’t hold up to the OGs 27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama, or Athena’s Mood Matrix? i actually kinda like the mood matrix more than anything because it has a really good UI and the magatama is kinda grating. but FUCK the gotcha mechanic it is SO FUCKING STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE TO USE.  where is logic chess 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? you already know my answer to this one 29. 3D models or sprites? i do like the 3d models a lot but i like the original sprites more! imo original pixel sprites > 3D models > HD sprites. mostly bc the hd sprites are garbage (see here, here, and here) 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? rfta !!!!!! shes actually really nice as an assistant, esp considering the fact that we actually see her interact with her sister, which is something maya didn’t have very often. also her random appearance in aai was well appreciated by me
MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? haven’t played it! it looks pretty cool though
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? doubt it, since the creators have said that it won’t be. but the fan translations are pretty good, so i think it’s okay
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? i mean he already has two, so i guess he doesn’t need another? like i love edgeworth but he’s not as fun without phoenix around. ngl i would play a franziska game. or a maya game, or any spinoff revolving around a side character. hell i’d play hotti game if it meant it took place in the trilogy era
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? REALLY good. really really good. i love how each game of the trilogy has different composers but each track has the same theme and feel!!!
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? seriously absolutely completely prefer the trilogy. i’m sorry but the rush of youth and trust is way, way more enjoyable than whatever “i’m 35 and therefore middle aged” nonsense is happening in the 2020s
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? He’s been replaced by Penny Nichols. Fuck you.
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? it was me i ended it
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? i didnt play it but i really like the idea!!!!!! aa crossover games are really funny to me, i mean have you seen edgeworth in project x zone 2, lmao
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? we have one now! honestly i don’t think it did a very good job of representing the cases, but it did do a good character remix of turnabout big top so that they’re not creepy anymore. they also did a really good job with the anime-specific cases, like the one on the train! it feels a lot better paced when it’s intended for that medium rather than just adapted.  also the childhood episodes made me cry
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? like in 5 and 6? mm, the art style is kinda weird, and i don’t really like the voices, but i guess not everything can be pachinko and prozd
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutor’s role? YEAH ACTUALLY!!!!!! it might be kinda weird being on the right side of the screen though lmao
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? uhhh i hate having to buy extra things, but i’ll admit that they are pretty funny
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? i only played aj so if shes in other games idk but i thought she was fine
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? stop having creepy characters please. also jesus christ if phoenix and edgeworth arent wearing rings in aa7 i will become the ceo of capcom myself
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? i mean the musical did a pretty good job of adapting existing cases, so it might as well be new. it would be kinda hard to balance the games’ timeline & character development without being repetitive or an au
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? stylized 2D animation, probably? i would want it to feel more like into the spiderverse than an anime, though. in my dream ace attorney movie, they’d just need a high art budget, several plausible deniability wrightworth scenes, and prozd to voice edgeworth
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) your turn to die is probably closest in characterization, although its premise is more “locked in a room” than the open-world investigation of aa
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) honestly, i like them a lot! i don’t know why people hate them so much - i mean, i know lotta lied, and wendy is a horrible old flirt, and larry just kinda sucks all around. but they’re also pretty funny to have around! larry is a constant comic relief who reminds you how much better nick & edgey are in comparison, lotta is likeable as a general character (like in 2-4, although yeah, not remarkable), and wendy oldbag is really funny. she’s so fucking funny. none of you appreciate wendy oldbag’s quirks and you are SLEEPING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? no idea, holy shit, it got an m-rating? i mean every game before it has had blood violence and very mild swearing, and since DD probably doesnt have anything too sexually risqué, i doubt it deserves a rating any harsher than the rest of the series
okay thanks thats all
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healing-hanyou · 6 years
Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, Love Live for the ask meme
Ace Attorney:
Favorite Male Character: Miles Edgeworth. Shi-Long Lang is great as well. I also have a soft spot for Klavier, Sebastian and Apollo. And, naturally, my space son, Clay Terran.
Favorite Female Character: Kay Faraday!! Props also go to Mia Fey and Trucy Wright, as well as Athena and Jinxie.
Favorite Het Ship: Farabeste (Sebastian/Kay). Cykesquill as well, but I’m very specific about how and when I like it...like, ridiculously specific. Diego/Mia is good as well. For something more ridiculous that I think would be fun, Clay and Athena could have had a great dynamic. Maybe even Clay and Jinxie, if we go out and be totally wild.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Klapollo, Langworth, Nahyuta/Simon. Vera/Trucy, lady Cykesquill, Robin/Myriam and Athena/Juniper for the ladies. 
Least Favorite Male Character: how to I condense the list of the bastards? Kristoph is evil, but I cannot deny he had charm as a character - he’s terrifying, but fascinating, so I cannot name him as my least favourite. I think I’ll go with either von Karma or Blaze Debeste. They’re responsible for so much misery, and they don’t have any tragic reasons for being the way they are.
Least Favorite Female Character: Ma//ya Fe//y. I know the reasons people have for liking her, and I can forgive some flaws in writing, but she simply has too many of them. I know she is a courageous girl who ultimately wishes to do good, but the way she acts, especially in the first two games... just make me go ‘hmmmm’. Honestly, my favourite games in the series are those where I don’t get to see her. Young Pearl is also very low down on the list, and she was my least favourite for a long while, but her teenage years made me soften up to her, she’s pretty great in DD.
Least Favorite Het Ship: anything that encourages abuse, like Grant/Lana? Why would you do this? Also, I’m not fond of Athena/Apollo or Juniper/Apollo. Apollo is far too gay in my eyes to ever be together with a girl. Phoenix/Maya is another one I dislike.
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): same rule as above applies. Aside from those, I... don’t have many slash ships I actively dislike, surprisingly? My main one would be Wri//ght//wor//th, since, in my opinion, it’s very overhyped, and I cannot turn around in this fandom without seeing it, but even that is mostly just...annoyance.
Dirty Little Secret: I haven’t forgotten about my dumbass theory. I’m just...really fucking slow.
Headcanon(s): this will need to be answered in its own separate asks. I have headcanons for everyone. For now, though - Jinxie Tenma is a Fey.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I like Gyakuten Kenji far more than the original games. In general, games with a protag that’s not Phoenix and newer games in the series I tend to like more. Not to imply that the original trilogy was bad or anything, but... Edgeworth is far more solid as a protagonist, not only because his side was relatively unexplored, but because his investigation methods were so much more sensible. Phoenix has this ‘wing it’ approach, which works fine, until you see past it. When you see past it, the tension build-up it tries to pull fails massively, and you just get annoyed by Phoenix never thinking ahead for anything, or being oblivious. With Edgeworth, when there are moments of tension, they appear because of something genuinely unexpected, or because Edgeworth made a miscalculation (which allows character growth). Even when Edgeworth has to pull dumb or crazy shit, it feels like it makes sense, because he thinks, even when he panics. Also, Phoenix is tied down by the worst accompanying duo of Maya and Pearl all the time, while Edgeworth acquires an absolutely amazing set of sidekicks (and he not only gets fun new ones, like Kay and Lang, but there’s so much detail in his interactions with Gumshoe, Franziska and Larry as well? It was great to see the Edgeworth/Larry dynamic of the friendship). Plus, I like the Logic Chess things, the soundtrack is my favourite (how exactly COULD you even attempt to top Shi-Long Lang’s theme???), at least if we’re not counting PLvsAA as a part of this universe, and I like the visuals of it much better. In short, everybody should play these fucking games right fucking now, and storm Capcom offices so they actually port GK2 for the Western market.
A lot of the same criteria apply for the newer games, too. While DD was a comeback for Phoenix, it was a game with mixed protagonists, and it was a new Phoenix as well. Apollo probably has my second favourite supporting character crew after Edgeworth, and, at the time, his Perceive mechanic was refreshing to see after being stuck to the same gimmick for 3 games. Same with Athena. She differs dractically from both Phoenix and Apollo, and brings a new mechanic and a new set of associated people. In other words? I’m happy this series is trying new things, and exploring extra protagonists where it can. It has improved a whole bunch as a result.
Favorite Male Character: Byakuya Togami, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. Nagisa Shingetsu. Gundham Tanaka, Hajime Hinata, Kuzuryuu Fuyuhiko, Nagito Komaeda. Shuuichi Saihara, Ouma Kokichi, Rantarou Amami.
Favorite Female Character: Aoi Asahina, Celes, Touko Fukawa. Sonia Nevermind, Peko Pekoyama, Akane Owari, Ibuki Mioda. Angie Yonaga, Kirumi Toujou, Maki Harukawa, Tenko Chabashira. 
Favorite Het Ship: Togami/Asahina, Ishimaru/Asahina, Hinata/Ibuki, Tanaka/Pekoyama (I’m especially fond of this one, also titled Soft Animals Edge Duo). Sonia/Kuzuryuu is also great, though that is a platonic ship, as I headcanon Sonia as aro.
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Naegi/Ishimaru, Naegi/Togami. KomaNaegi is quite pure, but a friend also got me into KomaSouda as a complimentary ship to TanaPeko. A crackship, but still a favourite is Izuru/Ryouta. And, of course, the ultimate fave - Saiouma. (A nice shoutout also goes to Oumota and Amamota). As for the ladies, Kirizono and Celesgiri, and all gay Asahina ships are good, SoniAkane & Pekobuki. In V3, Tenko is mega gay, so there’s a chance for every gay ship, however, my favourite one is Tenko/Maki. If we’re talking non-Tenko ships, Angie/Maki sounds fun.
Least Favorite Male Character: in DR1, surprisingly, none. Well, Hagakure can get on my nerves, but I like just alright all of them. In SDR2, Nidai, in my opinion, didn’t have that great of a development, so I guess him. Though I also have plenty of issues with Souda. In V3, Gon//ta Go//ku//ha//ra.
Least Favorite Female Character: All DR1 girls are good, and even if they aren’t, they’re at least interesting or entertaining. But if I have to pick, Junko, if we’re judging morality. In SDR2, Mi//kan Tsu//mi//ki and Hi//yo//ko Sai//onji,in terms of morality and/or being dicks. In terms of rather poor writing (despite having a good idea), Chi//a//ki Na//na//mi. In V3, H//i//m//i//k//o Y//u//m//e//n//o and K//a//e//d//e A//k//a//m//a//t//s//u. The final one is also my least favourite in the entirety of the series as a whole.
Least Favorite Het Ship: Jun//ko//ma//e//da. In general, any Junko ship is not very good for plenty of reasons. Na//e//gi//ri. In SDR2, Souda/Sonia (she’s clearly not comfortable with him), Nidai/Akane, Hi//na//na//mi.. Not sure if should be mentioned here, but romantic Kuzupeko? Mostly because I cannot picture it as a thing. I do, however, like them platonically, they do care about each other a whole bunch. In V3, Sa//i//ma//tsu (never make me look at it). 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Chi//hi//mon//do. Even if I do like Mondo okay, it’s not healthy. Ka//mu//ko//ma. Son//dam. Jun//ko//mi//kan? Mahiru/Peko for sure. Kiib//ou//ma, too.
And the one I guarantee I’ll receive anon hate over - Te//n//hi//mi.
Dirty Little Secret: this series somehow manages to combine the good with the ridiculous in such a way that I can accept.
Unpopular Opinion(s): I am the literal embodiment of unpopular opinions in this franchise. I think V3 is the best game of the series, and it had a brilliant twist (both the start one and the final one). I don’t really ship the most popular ships, the obvious exception being Saiouma (and, to an extent, SoniAkane? It’s a popular Akane ship, at least). I think Saihara is a far better protag choice than the other option that was presented, since the story and its structure was made to fit him. I’m the unpopular opinion and rarepair central in this fucking thing. (Please help me.)
Love Live!:
Favorite Male Character: yay for not having prominent males, which means I get to skip 2 more questions here.
Favorite Female Character: In Muse’s, my top 3 is Hanayo, Eli and Maki. In Aquors, my top 3 is You, Kanan and Dia (though Mari and Chika are also very lovable).
Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Makipana! It’s very very cute. I also quite like HonoEli. HonoMaki is also quite nice. In Aquors, YouKanan or DiaKanan. 
Least Favorite Female Character: Not unpopular by any means, but Ni//co Ya//za//wa. In terms of singing voice, Kotori. In Aquors, R//i//k//o S//a//k//u//r//a//u//c//h//i. 
Least Favorite Slash Ship (both M/M and F/F): Ni//co//ma//ki??? I will never understand why people like it. In Aquors, Chi//ka//ri//ko and You//ri//ko. 
Dirty Little Secret: I quite like A-RISE. Every song they’ve ever done is an absolute banger, as the youth says.
Unpopular Opinion(s): would you look at that. Another fandom where I’m the monarch of rarepairs.
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birdboyjustice · 7 years
Strap in everyone, this is 16 years worth of content. Disclaimer: may contain minor spoilers and Opinions™. Also, I tried my best, but this still isn’t a conclusive list. If you have any additions/corrections, please let me know! (under the cut for length so mobile users need to click through)
Main series games (including availability)
Spin-off games (including where you can access)
Other official media (including stage plays + links)
Notable fan media (musicals + Youtube)
First things first, the core six games (release dates are of western release) :
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2005 [DS])
The game that started it all. This game deals with Phoenix’s first cases as a lawyer, and has a really solid internal arc that has appeared in so much other media now that I don’t appreciate it as much as I probably should anymore. Edgeworth is main prosecutor. Five cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
 PWAA: Justice for All (2007 [DS]) 
The second game carries on character development and gives more background on the Fey clan, introducing the concept of Psyche-Locks. The last case of this game is my favourite in the series because I live for the #drama. Franziska is main prosecutor. Four cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
PWAA: Trials and Tribulations (2007 [DS])
This game finishes off the initial trilogy of games. Includes flashbacks where you play as Phoenix’s mentor Mia when she was a rookie, so you get to see young Phoenix. The last case of this one is another one which completely owns me. This game gets kinda fucked up. Godot is main prosecutor. Five cases. Available on DS, 3DS eShop, Wiiware, and iOS.
Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney (2008)
Takes place 7 years after the previous game, focusing on new lawyer Apollo after Phoenix was disbarred. Introduces the ‘Perceive’ feature that lets you see people’s tells when they are lying. This is like…… a really good game, you guys. Separate from the original series, could be played as a standalone easily enough. Klavier is main prosecutor. Four cases. Available on DS, iOS, and Android.
PWAA: Dual Destinies (2013)
Phoenix Is Back. This game features anime cutscenes and voice acting, which was Very Exciting at the time and Sam Riegal is there. Introduces Athena and her ~mood matrix~ which lets you work out the truth from people’s emotions. Mixed opinions these days but most people are fucked up about the Phantom. Blackquill is the main prosecutor. Five cases + DLC. Available on 3DS eShop and iOS.
PWAA: Spirit of Justice (2016)
This game is mainly set in a separate kingdom and the revolution of that legal system. Adds a new branch to the Kurain mythos linked to the Fey clan that doesn’t make loads of sense but I loved the game so whatever. Introduces seances so you can see the victim’s final moments. Nahyuta is the main prosecutor. Five cases + DLC. Available on 3DS eShop.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (2010)
This game series focuses on the investigation part rather than the court part, and you can run around the map which is pretty cool. You play as Edgeworth as more bad things happen to him and you get to see some more of the prosecutors and police. Origin of Deid Mann. Five cases. Available on DS.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Prosecutor’s Path
The sequel is arguably better than the original and there’s flashbacks to Edgeworth’s dad which is heartbreaking. It’s not released in the west, but instructions and links to play it in English with an emulator can be found here.
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (2014)
This crossover features elements from both games, so you solve puzzles and do court cases. Also it’s medieval and there’s magic. It’s another one with cutscenes and voice acting, which is great but also TRAUMATISING. Barnham is main prosecutor. 12 cases + DLC. Available on DS.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Bōken
The DGS games follow Phoenix’s ancestor in 1800s Japan, though it is partially set in Victorian steampunk London with Sherlock Holmes. It’s really, really good. Another one not released in the west, but you can watch the entire thing subbed here.
Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2: Naruhodō Ryūnosuke no Kakugo 
This one has only recently been released in Japan and so is not subbed in full yet, and can only be played on a Japanese 3DS. Looks good though. The subbed trailer is here.
Kodansha Comics Manga
I don’t know loads about this series but the one I read had a giant spider mutant in so. Phoenix and Maya are the protagonists. There are 15 overall, and you can get them through Amazon.
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (manga) 
This manga series is based on the AAI games but there’s a lot more to it. The protagonists are Edgeworth and Gumshoe. There are 25 overall, again I think they can all be found on Amazon.
Ace Attorney (Film) 2012
This live-action film features cases 1, 2, and 4 from the first game. It’s got a great cast and some real tongue-in-cheek humour about how ridiculous the game is. It’s also just really cute in the way they show the characters and relationships and stuff, I would definitely recommend. You can watch it subbed here.
Anime 2016
There’s currently only one season of the anime, covering the first two games and including a couple of extra bits, like more detail on Larry, Miles, and Phoenix as kids. I’m not a massive fan of the art style and find the writing a bit dull, but the story is obviously good, the OP is a Jam, there’s good voice acting and it’s cool that it exists. You can watch the whole season for free on crunchyroll here, which I assume is legally supporting it also.
Turnabout Spotlight/Farewell, My Turnabout
It’s hard to tell, but these seem to be official stage plays. The former is a new story, whereas the latter is a dramatisation of the final case from the second game. They can be downloaded in Japanese here, though I’m not aware of any full subs available sadly.
The Truth Reborn: Musical
Capcom teamed up with Takarazuka Revue to make this all-female musical. It’s really good. It’s based on the fifth case of the first game but altered so Phoenix is more in the middle of it. It is all in Japanese, but the music is good, and it’s all very professional. You can watch it subbed here. Its success led to two more musicals, though I can’t find the second one anywhere and the third one (you can watch here) hasn’t been subbed yet.
Special Edition CD Dramas
These Japanese stories are companions to the games. Translations can be found here. [Note - the linked blog translates many other AA-related media]
There’s loads of great fanworks in this fandom so this is by no means a comprehensive list, but it’ll get you started.
Turnabout Musical
Honestly? If you like Ace Attorney and you have any interest at all in musicals, you need this in your life. It’s incredible. This fan musical covers the first four cases of the first game. The songs are amazing and sample relevant music from the games, and the characterisation and interpretation of relationships is on point, in my opinion. There’s some great counterpoint too. You can watch a live production of the musical here (where the third case was cut for time), and download the full soundtrack here. The team(?) are also currently working on an Apollo Justice Musical, and you can follow their progress here.
Phoenix Wright: The Musical
This one is more of a parody, with some dumb jokes and silly costumes. Maya is arrested for murdering Larry. There aren’t a lot of actual songs, but the ones that exist are pretty good (especially Franziska’s, and, weirdly, Payne’s). You can watch it here. 
Youtube: Boot to the Head
Listen. I wasn’t gonna not include this. The MOST iconic ace attorney meme, audio from a comedy sketch put to sprites. Link.
Youtube: Gay or European?
This one uses the audio from a Legally Blonde song to be about Klavier Gavin and it is canon. Link.
Youtube: Bohemian Rhapsody
This is a slightly less well-known video but it makes me emotional and I still think of it every time I hear Bohemian Rhapsody so yknow. Link.
Like I say, please message me if you have any additions or corrections!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
from trips to the land of the rising sun to growing families
Kid: (smiles) "Your skin is flawless..." (brushes a hand along her waist, as he perceives something deeper...) "But it's your soul that shines..." (kisses lightly along her neck) stocking: *she sighs softly* Kid: (continues kissing, a bit higher, until he reaches the corner of her mouth) stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (kisses her lips, while keeping his lips mostly shut, waiting to gauge her reaction...) stocking: mmm kid~ Kid: (lets his tongue pass slowly over her lips) stocking: *she shivers a bit* Kid: (pulls back) "S-Sorry..." stocking: no, i-its fine... *she kisses him on his forehead* Kid: (rests his hands along her waist) "Maybe you should take the lead..." (starts to lie back) -later- stocking: *panting* h-how.... how was it? Kid: "Oh, God..." (panting) "Incredible." (looks at her, laughs a bit) "Just incredible." stocking: hehe~ you make the cutest sounds. Kid: (smirks, turning over to look at her) "I could say the same to you. Especially your laugh..." (lets a hand rest on her breast) "...when I do this..." (tickles her nipple) stocking: ah~! k-kid that tickles! Kid: "Heh heh heh..." (draws her in for a hug, kisses lightly on her lips) stocking: mmmm~ i love you so much kid. Kid: "I love you, too, Stocking. I never say it enough, I need to not only say it here...But I love you." (rests his chin against her shoulder) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (kisses her shoulder) stocking: *she slowly falls asleep in his arms* Kid: (smiles) "I love you." (slowly falls asleep as well) -the next morning. its the weekend!- stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *Yawn* "Hmm..." (hugging Stocking) stocking: mmmmm.... Kid: *Yawns again, opens one eye, smiles* "Beautiful..." stocking:.... *she opens her eyes slightly* mornin... Kid: "Morning." (kisses her cheek) "Did you..." *yawn* "...sleep okay?" stocking: yeah... you? Kid: (nods) "I...think intimacy can be a good stress relief for sleep." (smiles) "Thank you for being here." stocking: *she smiles* anytime kid. Kid: "Stocking, it's Saturday...Would you...like to shower? With me?" stocking:....sure. Kid: "Are you sure? I mean only as an invitation." stocking: i-if you really want, i guess i wouldnt mind. Kid: (smiles) "Just bathing. Nothing else unless you are interested. At least I can help you reach your back..." -one shower later- stocking: haa~ that was relaxing. Kid: (sighs) "Yes, it was." (naked, leans back, stretching his back) stocking: thanks for helping me with my hair. Kid: "I hope I was helpful--I didn't want to massage too hard." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (opens their dresser, removes two sets of boxers) "Which should I wear?" stocking: whatever you feel like, babe. Kid: "Hmm...These red silk." (smirks, holds them up to her) "Smooth, are they not?" stocking: oooh. *she strokes them* Kid: (smiles) "What are your favorite underwear to put on?" stocking:...*bluuush* d-depends. Kid: (approaches, stroking her cheek) "On what?" stocking: well, normally i just wear white and blue striped undies, but sometimes i like to wear black silky undies for... special occasions~ *she traces a finger up his chest* Kid: (blushing a bit, but even voice) "Black is always a good color." (takes her hand, kissing it) "I love your striped white-and-blue, by the way." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (smiles) "You are beautiful." (rests his hands along her shoulders) "I love your style." -later- Patty: (in Kid's suit) "Symmetry is key." liz: still cant find your spare clothes, eh? Patty: "Nah. I went into the shower, pop out--boom! Gone! I asked the maids, but they said they didn't take them. Who the hell steals clothes in this house?!" stocking: morning guys. liz: hey, but really, you literally have the same exact outfit in your closet. Kid: "Good mo--" (eyes widen) "Patty?" Patty: "But I like that outfit! I swear, if someone messed it up, I'm gonna wring their neck!" (turns, looks at Kid--and imitates his two-finger pose and usual frown) "Hello, Kid. How is this symmetrical day treating you?" Kid: (clutches Stocking's hand) stocking: *chuckling* Kid: "F-Fine. You, um...said you could not find your outfit?" liz: she literally has one just like it in her closet! Patty: (pouts) "Yeah, it was my favorite, too! I was in the shower, someone stole my clothes, and I had to skip out of the bathroom in my towel." (gestures) "So I popped into your closet and took one of your suits!" (glares at Liz) "I said it was my favorite! I am superstitious like that! At least if I put on one of Kid's suits, I might get some of his good luck!" Kid: (whispers to Stocking) "Some luck..." stocking: *sweats* Patty: "I swear, if there is one alteration, one tear in my sweater and shorts, that person is getting an ass-whooping! And don't even get me started on my favorite hat--who knows what sick pervert might be doing with that?!" Kid: *sweating more* stocking: um.... Patty: (studies Kid and Stocking) "You two have a good night's sleep?" stocking: you bet. slept like a rock last night. Kid: "Yep. Sleep." (sweating more, wiping his forehead) "Just sleeping. Sleep, sleep, sleep..." Patty: "..." (leaning forward at Kid and Stocking, studying them) liz: ?? Kid: "...The...suit looks good on you...Right, Stocking?" stocking: yeah, it sure does! Patty: (smirks) "Oh, really?" (looks at Kid) "So, you don't mind if I keep it?" Kid: "N-No! Take it! It's yours!" Patty: "Do I have your permission to...cut off one of the sleeves?" Kid: o_o liz: he has thousands of them just like it anyway... kirika: DO IT FOR THE VINE! Kid: "I CONFESS! I TOOK IT!" Patty: "...Ah ha! J'accuse!" *Phoenix Wright stance* liz: when does she speak french? Patty: "Been practicing!" (realization) "If you took my clothes, though, did you also take my bra and panties?" Kid: "What?!" stocking: no! Kid: "I-I-I didn't! I didn't find any bra and panties when I stole your outfit!" Patty: "Then who did?!" Kid and Patty: (looks to Liz) "Ideas?" liz: *shrugs* *mewling is heard someplace* kirika: *sweats* Kid: "Shh...What's that sound?" kirika: nothing! Patty: "Kirika? You hot? Do we need to fix the A/C again?" kirika: its nothing im fine! stocking: is... is that a cat? Kid: (spots ears) "What on earth?" Patty: (rushes towards Kirika) "Are you hiding a kitty-cat? WITH MY UNDIES?!" *a small kitten is nestled in patti's undergarments* Patty: "...Well, a pussy in my undies is--" Kid: (slaps hand over mouth) "No." kirika: s-shut up! *blushing* Kid: "You brought in a cat? Why didn't you just tell us?" kirika: she's a baby! i couldnt just leave her out there on her own! i-if you tell anyone i'll kick yer ass! Kid: (holds up his hands) "No problem there. But in the future, tell us: I certainly would not have objected if you explained to me first..." (looks at the cat) "I know they can be messy, but I do want to overcome...some of my symmetrical tendencies." Patty: "Aw, she's so tiny! You didn't see her mama anywhere?" kirika: ....... Kid: "Oh...Well, our first step is to bring her to a vet. Tezca had recommended one to us--I hope they are accepting new patients." kirika: ... i guess... Kid: "Stocking, please make sure the cat is warm. We'll take her over as soon as I get a vet..." stocking: ok... she's doing good so far. Kid: (on the phone) "We'll be right over." (hangs up) "Let's get going to the vet." -later- stocking: she's in good health. kirika: *sigh of relief* Kid: (smiles) "Is the kitten ready to return home?" kirika: i think so. Patty: (back in one of her usual outfits) "So why won't you give me back my cowboy hat?" Kid: (frowns) "Drop it, please." Patty: " 'Kay! Kirika, what you gonna name the kitten?" stocking: i spilled juice on it by accident. we need to wash it off. kirika: i was thinking 'Mocha'. Kid: (laughs a bit at Stocking's remark, whispers) "Good save." Patty: "Hmm...Neat name, Kirika!" (leans down, quietly looks at Mocha) mocha: mew! *she seems pleased* Patty: (hugs Liz and Kirika) Kid: (puts an arm around Stocking) -later, on the day of the school trip- Kid: "You all have your tickets?" -they all do- tsugumi: i cant wait to introduce you to my family and friends back home! Meme: "It'll be great to see where you grew up!" Anya: "And I've been studying my Japanese!" (struggles to say "Kon'nichiwa") "Cone-itchy-wah!" mio: werent you already to japan, senpai? i mean, you showed up there and brought me to death city. tsugumi: pretty close. ao: perhaps we can visit my grandmother at the old shrine. Meme: "But Mio, not in Tsugumi's neighborhood, though." (puts finger to her chin) "Um...Tsugumi, am I forgetting something?" mio: i got your ticket for you. Meme: "Ah, thank you, Mio!" (pats her head) -where is the first stop on the trip? mana: <ok where did we end up?> *looks at her map* <SHOWTARO YOU IDIOT THIS IS TOKYO NOT TOYKYO!!> Shotaro: <Ha ha ha! I had the silly map upside-down sorry!> chie: *sigh* *facepalms* stocking: excuse me ma'am? *ahem* <do you know where Sakurao ryokan is?> chie: <Sakurao? sorry, dont think i've heard of it.> Shotaro: <I could help! I'm great at directions! Right, Mana?> mana: *glaaare* Shotaro: (smiles, ignorantly, then looks at Stocking) <See?> *bwhamp* Shotaro: <Ouchie> sayaka: ACK! my luggage opened up! Crona: "Here, let me help you..." --Black Star stares at Shotaro-- Black Star: "Um...Does this dude look familiar to you?" sayaka: ...... maybe he's you and tsubaki's son from the future? idk. Crona: (rolls eyes, putting more of Sayaka's items into suitcase...) "How did you fit a sword in this suitcase?!" sayaka: ack! i didnt intend that! Crona: "Who doesn't realize they packed a sword?!" Harvar: "..." (hides his luggage behind his back) sayaka: i did bring my soul gem, so it must have come outta there. liz: amazing how security isnt doing anything about it. guard: <we see shit like this all the time.> Kid: (smirks at Stocking) "At least when you bring swords, they're carry-on." (points at her legs) Patty: <Yeah, those metal detectors keep going off when we weapons go through them.> (realizes she just spoke Japanese--and sees the subtitles under her) "Huh." soul: ......... mana: ???? <whats with you?> soul: uh....huh? stocking: she's asking whats wrong with you. soul: n-nothing, its fine. Kid: (observing Soul) Black Star: "You sure, bro?" soul: y-yeah. Black Star: (studies him) "Say...Isn't Mrs. Albarn still around here in Japan?" soul: beats me..... i think... nevermind... Black Star: "..." (pats his shoulder) "Yeah." chie: <well, since most of you dont seems to understand us, we'll have to switch to what is commonly refered to as the universal language. aka.> english. Patty: <Everyone in the world speaks English!> (smacks the side of her head) "Sorry. I was stuck on Japanese." Kid: "So, no idea where our hotel is? I assume we will have to check with Information..." liz: dont mind my sister, she's a bit... well. just herself i guess. mio: whats with all the stuff you have harudorin? tsugumi: just some stuff im dropping off at my house Anya: "That is quite a number of items to constitute 'just some stuff.' What is it all?" tsugumi: souviners and stuff mostly. -later, after being brought to the ryokan- Patty: "Oooo, very traditional looking...Props to whoever made this choice!" -soon, everyone is brought to their rooms- Black Star: "Who has which rooms?" -soul and patti, meme and ao, anya and mio, tsugumi and liz, sayaka and homura, madoka and chrona, mami and tsubaki, kid and black*star, stocking and shinra, arthur and eternal feather- eternal feather:.... *sigh* Arthur: (seductive grin) "Hey..." shinra: dude. not here, not now. Kid: (grunts) "This is not the roommate I wanted..." Black Star: (frowns) "Would you sit down? The room is symmetrical enough--you can stop checking the fibers on the mats!" -and so- soul:........... Patty: "...Soul?" soul: yeah? Patty: "I'm sorry if this is awkward being your roomie. Anything you need me to do, just ask." soul: no worries... its been a while since i got to have a roommate........i just.... that girl at the airport.... Patty: (turns over on the bed, looks at him) "What about that girl?" soul: she looked just like maka.... but with shorter hair.... Patty: (frowns) "I...could see that...You miss her, huh? A lot" soul: of course i do... she was my partner, after all.... sure we squabbled a lot, but at the end of the day, i still cared about her.... Patty: (laughs a little) "You two really did fight a lot..." (sad eyes) "I don't know how much you miss her...but I miss her, too...She was always kick-ass, was kind..." (sniffs a little, approaches Soul, hugs him) soul: she sure was..... Patty: (pats his back) "Soul? Is there anything you want to do here in Japan? For Maka's sake?" soul: just, try to enjoy myself. Patty: (smiles) "Okay...We should start that now." (lets go) "Think we can get a drink somewhere in this hotel? Some saki?" soul: i think you mean sa-ke. but i dont think you're allowed to have alchohol. -elsewhere- eternal feather: *reading* Arthur: ("She hasn't looked at me at all..." clears throat) eternal feather: ?? Arthur: "So, what're you reading?" eternal feather: just a phrase book. Arthur: "I thought you _were_ Japanese." eternal feather:............ *she calls him a jerk in Vietnamese* Arthur: "Sorry, what was that?" arthur: *she just ignores him* Arthur: "...Whatever. I'm going to bathe..." eternal feather: *sigh*.... (thinking: i wonder if i could learn more about hiro this way....worth a shot, right?) Arthur: (enters changing room) -after that- eternal feather: so, you're hiro's cousin, right? Arthur: "Yes." (smirks a bit) "Heh heh heh..." eternal feather: o-o..... so... does he have any hobbies? favorite shows, anything like that? Arthur: "..." --A Good and Bad Conscience pop up on his shoulders-- Good!Arthur: "You should tell the truth: a shining knight does not deceive a lady!" Bad!Arthur: "But a knight has to have fun once in awhile--lie your butt off!" Arthur: ("...What should I do: tell the truth, or lie?") -just be honest here.- Arthur: "Well, Hero likes martial arts movies. He practically has Bruce Lee's films memorized." eternal feather: ah. Arthur: "He always has to go to the convenience store to get food for everyone else, but really, he's rather cook his own meal--since he's, you know, all on his own." eternal feather: i thought he was living with his parents and sister? Arthur: (shrugs) "Sometimes, he's on his own, home alone in the house." eternal feather: i guess. Arthur: (smirks) "Why are you so keen to know about Hero? Thinking about making him dinner and having a night-in watching Jackie Chan films?" eternal feather: *blush* i-i just... want to know about his interests. is that so wrong? Arthur: "No. Not wrong at all." Arthur: "But talking to me won't help you as much as talking to him yourself." eternal feather: i guess.... *she sighs* y-you wont tell him this, will you? Arthur: (smirks) "How much you willing to pay for my silence?" eternal feather:.... nevermind.... *she goes to bed* Arthur: "Jeez, alright. I'll keep my mouth shut." (turns off lights) "Night." -the next morning- shinra: *with a red bruise on his face* ow... stocking: i wanna change rooms. Black Star: "...I'll switch. But what happened to you?" shinra: she woke up and started screaming and hitting me. Kid: "Stocking?" (approaches her) stocking: *she hugs kid tightly* i forgot we werent sharing a room....do you hate me? Kid: "No, I could never. But you must apologize to Shinra." stocking: s-sorry for beating you up. shinra: i-its cool. hurts like hell, but its cool. Black Star: (slaps Shinra on the back) "Come on, dude. I'll help you move your stuff into my room." Kid: (hugs Stocking) "It's okay. You're okay." -so they do some exploring around town- Black Star: "Helloooooooooo, Tokyo! Woot!" Kid: "Good work undermining the 'ugly American' stereotype, Black Star." soul: so, where to first? Kid: "Tokyo Tower?" stocking: that sounds great! Black Star: "A view of the city from its highest point--the best place for a god to stand above all! Come on, Tsubaki!" -and so- tsubaki: the view is just breath taking... Black Star: (silent, just smiling) Patty: "Where's our hotel at, Sis? I can't see it from here." liz: its so huge... Patty: "Well, if the hotel's so huge, why can't I see it?" stocking: i think its over there. Patty: (turns) "Oh! I didn't even look that way! Thanks!" Meme: (sighs content) "It is a great view." Anya: "Is this really as high as this building goes? I thought it would be taller." tsugumi: its pretty high up though. mio: *green in the face* too high up... Meme: "Mio? Um...Let's walk back a bit..." (holds her hand to guide her away from the view) mio: can i go back down now? Meme: (smiles) "Of course. Let's head to the elevator..." Anya: "Best let the tower's staff know, too." -later- liz: so where to next? Black Star: "Get a snack or an early lunch? I'm sure we could find a decent restaurant." tsubaki: i think there's someplace around... oh! how about there? Patty: "...I can't read that sign. What's it called?" tsubaki: 'Shirosaki restaraunt and sushi bar' Kid: (opens smartphone he got in Japan) "It has good reviews, and it is affordable." (smiles) "Well, lunch will be on me." stocking: neato! Patty: "Say bye-bye to your food budget, Kiddo! Come on, Black Star!" Black Star: "Eat Kid out of all his money! Yahoo!" Meme: "Mio, are you okay?" mio: yeah... a bit better now... Meme: (smiles) Anya: "Will this food be authentically Japanese, or only kinda Japanese?" tsugumi: about as authentic as it gets. Anya: "I hope so." (opens menu) "Um...Could you translate for me?" tsugumi: of course. what looks good to you? Anya: "I would like a sushi that fills me up quickly, with a lot of flavor. Meat or vegetarian--whatever works." -after lunch, shopping time!- Kid: (shakes his wallet--and only a moth flies out) "Thank goodness for a DWMA credit line..." Black Star: "Charisma Justice comics everywhere! So many to buy!" (hugging manga) stocking: oh my gosh! they have all the hottest lines, Raku-Chan, Fruity nyan nyan, fangblade. the whole works! Kid: (smiles) Patty: "Look at the arcade! Who's up for DDR?!" stocking: *raises her hand* Meme: "Oh, that'll be fun! Come on, Mio!" tsugumi: there's a purikura booth! Anya: "Pure what-a?" tsugumi: pu-ri-ku-ra. its really cool. its like a photo booth, but you can customise it with stickers and stuff! Anya: "Well, I could be convinced..." (blushes, takes Tsugumi hand to lead her to the booth) ao: i'll come as well. Anya: (frowns) "Oh, joy." Kid: "Stocking, which song are you coming to play on DDR?" stocking: lets go with this one. Kid: (smiles) "Good choice..." -later- Kid: "Wow." stocking: phew. Kid: "Heh. You still have great steps..." stocking: i've been practicing. Kid: "At the arcade?" stocking: at the arcade, at home. Kid: "Let me know the next time you want to compete--I'd love to play." stocking: sure~ Anya: (looking at photographs) "Should I have added more stickers?" tsugumi: i think it looks cute. stocking: can we get a turn>? tsugumi: sure! Kid: (smiles) "After you." -so they go in and take some pics- Kid: "I wonder how they turned out." stocking: they're so cute! Kid: (smiles) "Yes...and they only accentuate your cuteness." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (hugs her from behind, pointing at one photo) "I like that one the most. I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time..." stocking: *she smiles and kisses him* oh look at this one! *she points to one of kid kissing her cheek with heart stickers on it* Kid: (smiles...kisses her other cheek) -later- Black Star: "So many comics...food...Man, I should be in Japan more often. I'd probably be the King around here." tsubaki: maybe. Black Star: "Emperor Black Star! Hey, every emperor has to be a DWMA grad anyway--I COULD BE RULER OF JAPAN!" soul: oh boy. Kid: "Japan under Black Star...I would move out." Black Star: (frowns) stocking: so, now what? Kid: "Perhaps a walk through a park?" stocking: sure. --At Shinagawa Park-- Kid: (sees the children playing in the park) stocking: oh look. *she points to a karaoke stand* why dont we go there? Kid: (nods) "Let's." -and so- Kid: "Which song were you considering?" stocking: how about this? -pop drop candy- Kid: "Catchy." (smiles) -stocking sings along- Kid: ("The voice of an angel...") soul: ok, my turn. -kagerou days- Patty: "Yay, Soul! Woo!" -later, back at the hotel- Patty: "Soul should sing more often!" Kid: "Indeed." (holds Stocking's hand) stocking: so..... whos up for some ghost stories? liz: nope! Patty: "Yep!" Black Star: (raises hand) "Yeah!" stocking: who's up first? --Lights flick off-- --A flashlight turns on-- ???: "I'll go first..." liz: EE! --The flashlight shines to reveal it is Meme-- Meme: "Bwa ha ha! I have a tale to make your skin crawl!" mio: oh boy. Meme: "I will tell you of the Red Cloak, the charming man who corrupts young ladies, dragging them to their graves..." tsubaki: ooh. liz: Q~Q Meme: "The Red Cloak is a man, sharply dressed, who visit social gatherings. He's the man in the corner booth at the bar. He's the handsome gent across from you on the bus. And he sits beside you..." stocking: *she looks at kid* Kid: (gulps, holds her hand a little more tightly) Meme: "His voice is smooth. His features are delicate, but his build is muscular. He is one hot body." Patty: "Oh, that's hot..." Meme: "But he is facing a conundrum: he is heading to an event, and he is not sure which tie goes best with his suit. He shows you the ties: one is red, and one is blue." Meme: (shines the flashlight on Liz) "Which color do you choose?!" liz: i dunno. Meme: "YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE, ELIZABETH!" liz: uhh red? Meme: (buzzer sound) "Wrong answer! He was hiding a switchblade underneath the red tie and cuts your throat! Pick again!" liz: *gulps and holds her neck* BLUE! Meme: (buzzer sound, twice) "Now he chokes you until your face turns blue and you die! HA HA HA H--" Anya: (grabs flashlight from Meme, lightly taps it on the top of her head) Meme: "Owie...Anya, that was mean." Anya: "Stop scaring the coward: you know how sensitive she is." liz: so im basically screwed either way... Meme: (takes the flashlight back) "YES!" Anya: (takes back the flashlight) "Stop that! *sigh* Who else wants to play?" Meme: (frowns, sighs) "Mio, you liked the story, right?" soul: i'll go. this is the story of a family. a father, a mother, and a child. soul: they were a relativly normal family, until one day. the father accidently killed the mother in a drunken rage, and buried the body in the cellar. he told the child his mother was on a trip. soul: days came and went without any problem. eventually, the father asked why the child never asked his mother. and the child said this…. soul: 'but papa, mama's standing right behind you.' Anya: (hugging her knees to her chest) liz: EEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!! Meme: o_o Patty: "AAAAAH!" stocking: freaky. Black Star: "Tch. That's the best you got, Soul? I could tell a way scarier story..." --Black Star takes the flashlight-- Black Star: "There was a man who ran a burger restaurant. He had so few customers that he had to throw out the rotten meat at the end of each day--and that smell always attracted dogs to the dumpster..." tsubaki: ?? Black Star: "Tired of his life, tired of his failed business, tired of everything, this owner got fed up--and he shouted at one stray hanging around, 'Beat it, you damn mutt!' And the dog looked back...and in the shadows the owner could see there was something wrong about this dog...freaky about this dog..." Black Star: "This dog...HAD HIS FACE!" soul: dude what the fuck?! Black Star: "Looked just like him! Exact same eyes, exact same nose! And the dog had his voice when it shouted, "Leave me alone!" liz: Q~Q Black Star: "The owner stepped back! He tried to say something, anything coherent! But all that came out was one sound: 'WOOF!'" madoka: i dont get it... Black Star: "Shocked at the sound of his own voice, he fell back! And he saw, in the rain puddle next to him, THAT HE NOW HAD A DOG'S FACE! All he could do was howl into the night, as the face-stealing dog sprinted off with the face of him that he stole! BOOOOoooooOOOOO!" Anya: (frowns) "Yeah, not impressed." Patty: (muffled voice) "I thought it was good. Right, Sis?" ao: i think i know one. this is a story my grandmother told me and my sister when we were children. Anya: (rolls her eyes) Meme: "Oh?" -a few stories later, it was kid's turn- Kid: "Oh, um...I'm not sure I can rise up to the level of these stories...but I do know one..." (looks to Stocking) stocking: what is it? Kid: "The story of the kunekune. That's Japanese for twisting, turning, meandering. They say that you should never look directly at the kunekune, or you will be driven insane." soul: oh? sort of like a kishin? Kid: (shudders) "No, not quite like that. Its power comes from being at a distant...so that its vague shape drives people insane trying to determine just what it is..." sayaka: creepy. Kid: "If you look to the horizon, you can see it: it's like a white squiggle--rather asymmetrical, too...But it is too indiscriminate to really refer to it as having a human form. Some witnesses have said it is in the shape of a child. Others said an elderly person. Some said even a bestial form." liz: TT~TT Kid: "People who have seen this apparition have similar symptoms: face become pale, sweating, trembling...they start to speak in a voice not their own..." Kid: "In the worst cases, the person collapses onto the floor--and laughs. Just...laughs. No one is ever the same after seeing the kunekune." mami: so, who's next? Kid: (hands the flashlight to Stocking) "Care to have a go?" stocking: ok. sometimes, while walking home late at night, you will come across a woman. she looks like any other woman, but is wearing a surgical mask, or a scarf. Kid: "..." stocking: sometimes, this woman will come up to you and ask. 'am i pretty?' if you say yes, she will remove the mask and reveal her mouth has been split at the ends, giving her a smile from ear to ear. she will then ask 'how about now?' Patty: o_O Kid: (shudders) Black Star: "Dude..." stocking: if you say no, she will kill you. if you say yes, she will give you a smile like hers. the best way to deal with this is to say you have someplace to go. she'll let you be on your way then Anya: T_T Meme: (clutches Mio) "Creepy..." mio: well i got one. and this is a legit true story too. Meme: "..." (squirming) Anya: (raises eyebrow) mio: after hanging out at the mall in my hometown, i decided to take the bus back home. as i rode, more and more people got off, until eventually, it was just me and the driver. Meme: (sweating) mio: he didnt know i was still on the bus, so he drove up into the mountains. and as he drove, he opened up his mouth........... Meme: (clutching Tsugumi) mio: he opened his mouth..... AND BEGAN SINGING THE PRETTY CURE THEME SONG AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS!! --Everyone screams-- stocking: thats it? mio: it was weird! the guy was, like, 70 or something! eventually when we got to the bus station he found me and had my mom pick me up. Patty: (shuddering, clutching Liz) "Creepy..." mio: okkkkk boyle, you wanna go? Arthur: "Very well...This story is called...the Ogre." --It's exactly what you expect his story about be about-- -elsewhere- maki: i dont know why, but i think im gonna kick arthur's ass when he gets back from the trip -back in the ryokan- Arthur: "And that is how I valiantly defeated that beast and claimed victory for the Princess!" mio:................ Kid: "...You just told a story of sword and sorcery, not really a ghost story." Arthur: "Every story I tell is about knights! That's my motif!" shinra: i got one thats really creepy. Crona: "R-really creepy?" mami: do you want to get something from the vending machines? Crona: (nods) -in the hall- mami: how are you holding up? Crona: (smiles) "Better. Thank you. You're...very kind." mami: *she smiles* ah, here it is. so what would you like? Crona: "Something with a little chocolate?" mami: hmm. oh. how about a kitkat? Crona: "Oh, they have those here?" mami: mmhmm. they also have green tea flavored kitkats as well. Crona: "I-I hope we can buy some before we leave..." mami: *she buys a few* here you go. -back in the room, patti is telling her story- Patty: "I shall tell the tale of Shirime. Have you all heard of it?" liz: its not a 'cursed' story is it? if it is, skip to another one. Patty: "No, no--it's really cool! It's a ghost with no face, and a huge eye coming out of its butt!" liz: ...........what...... Patty: "A samurai was walking to Kyoto, when someone in a kimono stepped out of the shadows to block his path. The kimono man asked for a moment of the samurai's time." Patty: "The man turned around, dropped his clothes, and bent over--revealing a big honking eye coming out of his butt!" Patty: "And the butt-eye glowed! Like a flashlight shining out in the night!" -silence- Kid: (slaps hand over his face) Patty: "Ha ha ha! Pretty gross, huh?" sayaka: AND THEN A SKELETON POPPED OUT! liz: *SCREAM* Patty: "Hey, no one asked for you to add to my story! It was perfect on its own!" sayaka: sorry~ *sweatdrop* anyone else got any stories? Black Star: "Tsubaki? You got one?" tsubaki: well, there is one, though im not sure if it counts as a 'story'... Kid: "Well, let's here it." (holds Stocking's hand, whispers) "Some of these are really scary..." tsubaki: there's an old shrine behind my home, the nakatsukasa family shrine. its a very old building. it's been around as long as i can remember. my father always told masamune and i to never go inside. Black Star: (serious face) Patty: (quiet) tsubaki: sadly, thats all i really know about it. but it always really scared me. Black Star: "...You going to your home while we're here though, right?" tsubaki: yes. but we really shouldnt go in that building. Black Star: (nods) "Okay...But maybe your dad could be a little more honest about whatever it is why he doesn't want to go..." Patty: (whispers to Liz) "Black Star should totally go inside the shrine." liz: no! -later- Kid: "Everyone going to be okay sleeping? Liz? Crona?" Crona: (shaking a bit) "S-Sure..." liz: Q~Q Kid: "Liz? Maybe we should stay up with you for a bit..." liz: o-ok.... stocking: *she smiles* Patty: (hugs Liz) -later- stocking: *asleep between kid and patti* liz: *sleeping aside patti* Patty: *yawn* "This is nice, Kid..." Kid: (smiles) "Get some sleep, Patty." Patty: *yawn* "Love you..." Kid: "I love you, too. Good night." Patty: (snoring) Kid: (falls asleep) \kiiiiiddoooooo~\ Kid: (tossing) "Wha--?" -silence- Kid: (in dream) "Who's there?" -a figure is huddled up in a corner of the room- Kid: (awake, sees the figure...but can't quite sense a soul there...) "H-Hello?" -the figure turns back. it looks like you, but with 5 black lines running from the top of the lip to the chin. its teeth are bloody. it is holding a limp and near lifeless stocking, who is twitching with a blank, wide eyed expression- Kid: (eyes wide) "No...Not again...You get out of here!" stocking:? k...ki.....id..... *her neck is bloody* Kid: "Stocking!" (gets up, rushes to her) "Let go of her!" \she is mine.\ Kid: (seizes Stocking, cradling her from the Mad!Kid) "No, she is not!" stocking?: *choking on her own blood* Kid: (hyperventilating) "Stocking, no, no, no..." (puts his hands to her neck, trying to stop the bleeding) "Patty! Liz! Call an ambulance!" -they arent there- Kid: "Someone! Help!" stocking?: *a gurgling sound rattles from her throat as her eyes roll back* Kid: (he can't feel her soul...) "No." (he falls over her. Silent. Then he starts sobbing.) "Stocking." stocking?: *her skin begins to decay and turn to dust, leaving only bones* Kid: (gasps, then lets out a wail) -the body lay lifeless for a few moments, before it springs to life, letting out a demonic scream and sinking its needle like teeth into kid's neck- Kid: (shrieks, slapping at his neck, feeling blood seeping out of the teeth marks) ???: KID WAKE UP! Kid: (eyes break open as he screams and throws out his hand to grasp at something) stocking: kid? are you ok? Kid: (clutches Stocking in a hug) "Thank God...I thought you were dead." stocking: ??? Kid: "A dream. I dreamt you were dead...And..." (cries) stocking:........ *she strokes his head* ssshhhh... its ok kid.... im here... Kid: (crying) "Stocking..." stocking: *she kisses his forehead* i love you kid. Kid: (his sobs only rise in pitch; he clings to her, trying to calm his breathing) liz: breakfast ti- kid?! stocking: shhh. he had a nightmare... liz:....kid..... Kid: (buries his head into Stocking's chest, trying to hide from Liz) stocking: its ok kid.... its going to be ok... Kid: "How can you know that? How can you know it will be okay? What if--it happens again?" stocking: its going to be ok. i'll always be here for you. Kid: (silent, but calmer...) "Th-thank you..." -later- Kid: "..." stocking: ...... *she holds his hand* Kid: (slight squeeze) "I...want to do something to calm down..." stocking: like what? Kid: "I think I'll relax in the bath...maybe tonight. But I also...Stocking? When we were in the park, and saw those children playing...I felt happy because I thought...I thought about you and me..." stocking: oh? Kid: "I want a future, Stocking. I want to live. I want to live for you, for any children we would have. And I...I can't do it if I am...like I am afraid." (looks at her) "How do you keep going?" stocking: ...... Kid: "How do you keep staying alive?" stocking: its..... hard to say really.... Kid: "???" stocking: s-sorry. i dont usually have those kind of thoughts. Kid: (nods) "I mean more so depression and feeling dread...fearing the next bad thing that will happen." stocking:...... -later- Patty: (hugging Liz) "Kiddo..." liz: he's...doing better now... Patty: "He still looked pretty bad...Sis? Is Kid going to get better?" liz: im sure he will. Patty: "..." (sniff) stocking: *she's holding kid* Kid: "..." (his breathing has calmed) "Thank you." stocking: did you want to do anything else in tokyo? we're going to be going to the next stop tommorrow... Kid: "I was thinking of two places. The Meiji Shrine, and the National Museum." stocking: m-meiji?! Kid: "Stocking? What's wrong?" stocking: meiji as in..t-the chocolate company~?! *her eyes light up* Kid: "...Well, I meant the shrine. But we can also visit the chocolate facto--" stocking: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!! liz: gck- ...m-my ears... Kid: (hair blown back) "So...we'll go to the chocolate factory, then..." stocking: yay! Kid: (smiles) "Go get dressed..." -and so- Kid: (looking at Stocking) o_o stocking: what? Kid: "You're glowing. It's like pure happiness radiates off of you." (holds her hand) "You are beautiful." stocking: *she smiles and blushes* Kid: "Let's go. I think the walk will do good for me, and the factory...Well, I think you're going to be pleased with it"' stocking: ok. --They arrive-- Kid: "Ready to enter?" stocking: yes. Kid: "Okay..." (pushes open the doors--and hit with the scene of chocolate, which again knocks back his hair) "Again? Really?" stocking: *joyful squeals* Kid: (still smiling, as they enter...and they approach a platform, overlooking the factory's workings...) stocking: *drooling* Kid: (looks down from the platform to see...) "Is that a canal? Full of chocolate?!" stocking: am i dreaming? Kid: (smirks) "I could pinch you...": stocking: oh~? Kid: (gets closer to her to look over the platform) "Oh, believe me, you're not dreaming..." (smirks) "...unless you're asking..." stocking: hehe~ is there a gift shop? tell me there is. Kid: (nods) "I already called a delivery service to ship anything you buy back home for you..." stocking: ..... I LOVE YOU!!! Kid: (smirks) "Is that you, or your candy-fetish talking, Miss Pheles?" stocking: *pouts* making fun of me are ya? you're so meeeean! Kid: (brushes his lips along her pouting ones) "I like your candy-fetish..." stocking: i like cakes and desserts too. Kid: "Sweets for a sweet person..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (looks at the river of chocolate) "Am I going to have to install something like that in the Mansion?" stocking: its not _that_ extreme, haha. stocking: but its tempting~ Kid: (whispers to her) "Imagine swimming in it..." stocking: yeah.... the downside is it'd be a pain to wash out of my hair... Kid: (nods) "Showercap, maybe..." stocking: maybe~ Kid: "Or a chocolate bath...just up to your shoulders..." stocking: you'd have to clean me of then~ Kid: "Sounds...tasty." -later- Kid: "Is that enough chocolate? I think there’s still a few bars in the back corner--expired chocolate." -later- stocking: so this is the shrine, huh? Kid: (smiles) "Peaceful." stocking: its nice. Kid: "Yes...I can hear the wind brushing along the tree branches..." stocking: *she listens* Kid: (inhales, exhales...meditates on the sound of the wind) stocking: *humming* Kid: (listens to her humming..."What is that song?") -that night- liz: so where's the next stop? Patty: "Kid and Stocking coming along?" Kid: "Of course. Did you think we'd pick up and go elsewhere?" soul: its a class trip, remember? Patty: (pouts) "After the lovebirds went off on their own, I thought they had eloped or something at the shrine." Kid: "Wh-What?!" stocking: *angel chop!* Patty: "Ouch!" (small halo forms over her head) "Man, I didn't want to die like this..." (falls back into Liz's arms) x_x liz: you're not dead yet! Patty: "Send my body to Artie. Stuff it and keep it next to his bed..." *Gak!* Arthur: 0_o Kid: "...Right. So, how about Nara?" tsugumi: i have a book here about the sights. i could.... soul: she better not tsugumi: *snicker* i could.... NARA-rate it for you! Meme: -_- Anya: -_- Patty: "...Stocking? Hit her." mio: oh my god. stocking: *facepalms* tsugumi: come on, that was a good one! sayaka: i liked it. Black Star: "...Oh! Now I get it! Ha!" tsugumi: see, some people appreciate my jokes! Crona: "...Um...what is in Nara?" mio: ask tsugumi, she can nara-rate it for ya. tsugumi: gagantous! shinra: gaga-what now? Meme: "We...still don't know." Anya: "It's like a nervous tic..." Crona: "Um, Tsugumi? Please tell me about Nara." -the next morning, after they all gather their things and head for the hotel in nara, tsugumi shows chrona the book- Crona: "Deer?" tsugumi: a whole park full of them. you can even feed them! Crona: : ) eternal feather: so where is the hotel? Kid: "Close to nature. It's the Nara Hotel." stocking: ooh. mio: oh man, i think i saw this hotel in 'another'.... *shudders* Kid: "The Imperial suite...traditional decor...Japanese rooms...Wait, what do you mean 'Another'?" mio: its a horror anime. also really bloody. sayaka: yeah, i never finished it... not after the umbrella scene....*shudders* never run down the stairs with an umbrella. Kid: "I don't usually." (clears throat) "I trust we will have better room arrangements this time." (looks to Shrina) shinra: what.... WHAT?! Kid: (cringes) "Sorry! I didn't mean to stare. I just meant that...Um..." (smiles) "Who would you like to room with? Whoever you want..." shinra: im down with whatever really. Kid: (nods) "Stocking? Will you room with me?" Stocking: of course.~ Kid: (smiles) Patty: "Me and Sis!" sayaka: dibs on soul-brother! soul: heh... Crona: "M-Mami?" chrona *she smiles* ok. Anya: D: "Why?!" Arthur: o\\\\o "I-I-I...I'm okay with this. Yeah. Sure." Meme: (pouts a bit, looking at Mio...) ao: aw, how cute. tsugumi: ^^; homura: guess it cant be helped. Kid: (leans against Stocking, resting his head on her shoulder) Patty: "Deer! I saw a deer!" tsugumi: ahh! so cute! Anya: (rolls eyes a bit) "So many on the castle's grounds..." Black Star: "Magnificent beast of nature! So graceful! So beautiful! Good for you, you deer!" Kid: "Stop sticking your head out the window, Black Star!" mio: kinda scraggly lookin....but cute i guess... Meme: "Oh, we're approaching the hotel..." -after everyone settles into their own rooms- Kid: (seated on floor in traditional Japanese room, looking out open door to porch) "Peaceful." stocking: its really nice. Kid: "Is this room okay? Some people aren't used to Japanese rooms and want something more Western..." stocking: i dont mind. my dad loves this stuff. Kid: (smiles) "Have you gotten him a souvenir yet?" stocking: a few actually. i got him this. *she holds up a figurine of a girl with dark hair and wielding a sword* i also got him this. *a kokeshi doll* Kid: "Apt. That's very kind of you to get something for your father...I'm not sure Father will like my gift." stocking: what did you get him? Kid: "A bonsai and some new clippers to go with it. And the largest box of Pocky I ever saw." --Meanwhile, in the Death Room-- Lord Death: (staring up) "It's 20 feet tall!" yumi: *adjusts her glasses* wow. -back at the hotel- Kid: "I'll have to think of something else for him..." (lies on floor) stocking: you ok? Kid: (smiles) "Yes. I just don't want to disappoint Father...or anyone else..." stocking: im sure he'll love it. Kid: "Thanks..." (stares at the ceiling) "Stocking? What would you like to do while we're in Nara?" stocking: well, what all is there? Kid: "Numerous temples, the imperial palace, the primeval forest, museums, hot springs..." stocking: hot springs sounds nice. Kid: (nods) "Yes. I think that would relieve some tension..." (winces, rubs his neck a bit) stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Do you feel tense?" stocking: i would like to relax with you, if thats ok~ Kid: (smiles sweetly) "Always." -later at the onsen- Kid: "Ah...So warm." stocking: this is nice. Kid: (looks at her) "Indeed. You feel your muscles relaxing?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Do you...feel awkward? I mean, being here with me?" stocking: no. if anything, i feel very comfortable. Kid: (smiles) "I'm happy to hear." (offers his hand to her) stocking: hey kid?.... liz told me that on the trip here....you had a nightmare where i dumped you. is that true? Kid: (frowns) "It's true." stocking:..... *she kisses him* well, thats never gonna happen. dream me is a bitch. i love you, ok babe? Kid: (stares--then laughs) " 'Dream me is a bitch'?" (laughs a little more, holds her shoulders) "I love you, too." (draws her in for a hug) stocking: *she hugs him* you're the most amazing guy, i'd have to be an idiot to pass that up! Kid: "No, please don't say that." (pulls back a bit) "Stocking, I want us to be the best we can, for ourselves and each other. I would never want you to be in a relationship if you felt uncomfortable with me. I love you too much to hurt you like that.” stocking: well, im perfectly comfortable with you, so dont worry about that, ok? lets just focus on happier things. Kid: (smiles) "Okay." (rests his hand along her waist) "This feels perfectly comfortable, too. And happy." stocking: hey kid? Kid: "Yes?" stocking: *she dives under the water then comes up behind him and glomps him* SNEAK ATTACK! Kid: "Ah!" (falls face-first into the water, with Stocking on top of him) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (still under the water, not moving) stocking: kid? you ok? Kid: (while she's distracted, he turns over to face her, his hand cupping one of her buttcheeks) stocking: O////////O ah! Kid: "Hee hee...Very shapely." stocking: kya~! Kid: "Should I let go?" stocking: *blush* well, if you want... or did you want to move your hand a little.... higher up~? Kid: (smiles) "Gladly..." (moves his hand a little higher up) stocking: almost there~ Kid: "Where do you want it, love?" (keeps moving up, waiting to know where she wants his hand...) stocking: i'll give you a hiiint~ they're soft and round~ Kid: (smirks) "You forgot 'beautiful,' too..." (rests both hands along her breasts) stocking: ahhhh~ that feels so good kid... Kid: (massages her breasts, while stroking her nipples) "Stocking..." stocking: *she sighs contentedly, blushing* Kid: "Is this good?" (tickles left nipple with the tip of his finger) stocking: a-ah~ Kid: "Or maybe this...?" (leans up, and kisses the top of her right breast) stocking: *she moans softly* Kid: (kisses down her breast, until he reaches her nipple) stocking: oh-ohhh~! Kid: (feeling himself grow harder at her sounds; he licks along her nipple, as his other hand continues to play with her nipple) stocking: d-do you want to move this to our room? Kid: (looks down, nods) "Yes." -later- stocking: *laying in his arms, panting* ahh.... i... forgot how good that felt.... Kid: (panting as well) "Yes...Thank you. I needed that..." (laughs) stocking: hehe~ *she kisses him* t-thanks for being gentle with me.... i think im g-getting better.... Kid: (smiles) "I'm glad..." (kisses her forehead) "You are getting better..." (smirks) "...in many ways. That mouth of yours..." stocking: *blush* y-yeah... Kid: (blushing, too, and sweating nervously) "Stocking? How am I with...my mouth?" stocking: hehe, you're quite talented, especially with your tongue~ Kid: (blushing, nervous smile) "Th-Thanks...I still feel like an amateur at all of this..." stocking: yeah... i-its been a while. Kid: (serious) "Too soon?" stocking: n-no. i was ready now so.... *she smiles* nevermind. Kid: "No, what were you going to say?" stocking: i was ready for sex, so its perfectly fine. Kid: (smiles) "I'm happy that you were ready." (kisses her forehead) "Stocking, I follow your lead: whenever you are ready, please ask." (hugs her) stocking: so what did you want to do tomorrow? Kid: "I heard some of our friends wanted to visit the petrified forest to see the deer and hard wood." stocking: *snickers* b-but yeah, the deer are adorable arent they? or rather... a-deer-able?............wow that was awful. Kid: "Oh, that is a bad pun..." (lightly strokes her lower back) "You should be spanked for that one..." stocking: oh~ Kid: "Should I...?" stocking: i-if you want~ Kid: (smirks, rubs along her backside...then gives a light spank) stocking: ah~! Kid: "How does it feel to be the *butt* of the joke...?" stocking:...........*she bursts out laughing* Kid: (blushing a bit) "Too corny?" stocking: its cute. like you~ Kid: (blushing) "Th-Thanks..." (hugs her) "Stocking? I love being with you, here in the bedroom or anywhere else. I love you." stocking: i love you too. *she smiles* Kid: "What now? Have something to eat? Get some sleep?" (smirks) "Or do we need another bath to clean up?" stocking: *yaaawn* Kid: "Sleep it is..." *Yawn, then kisses her shoulder* "Good night, Angel." -the next morning- Kid: (murmuring a bit in his sleep as he wakes up) stocking: morning handsome~ Kid: (smiles) "Morning, beautiful..." (strokes a hand along her cheek) stocking: you hungry? Kid: (nods) "This hotel has an excellent breakfast." ((I think this real-life hotel does serve breakfast--not sure what, though)) -later- tsugumi: aww, they're so cute. *she's feeding a deer* Kid: "Mmm..." Kid: (holding up food to deer) "P-Please? Don't slobber on me?" -it sniffs and nibbles the food- Kid: "G-Good deer..." Patty: "Hey, Bambi? Can I ride you?" liz: i dont think thats a good idea Patty: "Oh, come on--it's not like I can get arrested. We're like diplomats or something!" Police Officer: "You even attempt to ride that deer, and I'll lock you up for decades." (stares at Liz) "And you, too." liz: lets just go over here. *picks up patti and walks off* Patty: (slung over Liz's shoulder) "Bye, Officer! Don't tell customs how much stuff we're bringing home!" Kid: "Stocking? Look at this deer...She has a marking there..." stocking: oh? *she examines the mark* Kid: "Angel wings." stocking: woah. cool. *she takes a picture* -a buck ends up headbutting arthur in the crotch- Arthur: (shriek, as he then falls to the floor, clutching his Crown Jewels) Anya: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Patty: "Get ice! We must save his glorious baby-parts!" guard: we'd arrest him for attempting to ride the deer, but it looks like he's been punished enough. *cringes* shinra: *snaps a pick and chuckles* --Meanwhile, in Fire Brigade HQ-- Tamaki: "Hey, I got a text from Shinra--" Tamaki: o_O leonardo: what is it? Tamaki: (breaks out laughing) "Best. Day. Ever!" ("But now he'll never be a father...") -back in nara- Kid: "Well, while doctors tend to Arthur's...injury...I am interested to see the forest." Black Star: "Tsubaki! This deer is like the Will inside of you! He's not going to get all pissy at me, is he?" stocking: yeah. do you know what fashion trends are popular in nara? tsubaki: ^^; Kid: "Well, you cannot go wrong with an authentic Nara kimono. Care to visit some of the shops?" stocking: sure! --At one kimono shop-- Kid: (already dressed in a dark blue kimono) "Hmm...I am pleased it closes in the front, for the sake of symmetry." stocking: *in a purple and black kimono with a crane design* looks nice. tsubaki: *in a floral patterned green kimono* i think this will work. <thank you very much, ma'am.> Kid: (blushing at Stocking) Black Star: (in a bright blue kimono) "Ah, I can feel the wind between my legs...Neat!" soul: *he went for red* mami: it looks nice, chrona. *she went for a light blue with a flower petal design* Crona: (in black) "I-I hope so." Ragnarok: "Tch. Some color..." Ragnarok: (whistles at Mami) "Nice flowers." mami: ^^; Ragnarok: (smacks Crona) "Say she looks pretty!" Crona: (blushing) "M-M-Mami? You look...nice in that...kimono." (nervous smile) mami: *she smiles* thank you chrona. Crona: (sweating nervously) -later- Kid: "Nara really is beautiful...peaceful..." (holds Stocking's hand) "...intimate." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I suppose now is time for dinner." (sees some snow falling outside) "There's a Teppanyaki around that will warm us up." stocking: snow? already? y-yeah that sounds good. Kid: "Stocking? Are you okay?" stocking: yeah, just surprised from the snow. i thought it was like...summer now? my internal clock must be messed up. Kid: (blinks, looks outside again...then frowns) "Patty?!" Patty: (standing over window, sprinkling salt outside) "Had you going, huh, Kid?!" Kid: (slaps hand over his face) "My internal clock is worse than yours, Stocking." liz: *sigh* so what now? Kid: "Still up for dinner?" soul: sure. sayaka: yep! Black Star: "Yummy!" -and so- Patty: (clapping her hands for the chef's performance) "Bravo!" stocking: woah! Kid: "Impressive." Black Star: "Dinner and a show--good bargain." shinra; so what are we all getting? Kid: "I'm interested in the Kobe beef." soul: i'll try the okonomiyaki. Black Star: "One of everything." tsubaki: ^^; i'll have some udon. Patty: "Okonomiyaki!" sayaka: i'll have the okosana lunch. Crona: "Just udon." -after lunch- Black Star: "BuuuuuuUUUUUUUUrp!" stocking: yummy~! Kid: (pats napkin) "Delicious." homura: any idea on what to do next? Kid: "There are museums, shrines, shops, parks...What would everyone be interested in visiting?" liz: maybe check out some shops? Patty: "More souvenirs! I want to get a little deer figurine for Lord Death!" soul: i think i'll get some more postcards. Kid: "Father asked me to get him and Azusa new kimonos. I want to find something else for him." Black Star: "I'm going to help Arthur kidnap a deer." stocking: oh look at this! *its a small statue* tsubaki: black*star no! Patty: "Neat, Stocking! Buy it!" -later- Kid: "Do you think Father will like this? He hasn't played music in awhile, but I thought he'd appreciate this lute." liz: sure. Patty: "Maybe your dad will write some new songs. It's been awhile since he did that, too." stocking: he does that? Kid: "Yes. He has a really good singing voice." Kid: (smiles) "He used to sing me to sleep..." stocking: ah. Kid: "What did you buy, Stocking?" stocking: this fan. Kid: "Neat. Any writing on it?" stocking: just a picture of a mountain. Kid: (nods) "Liz? What did you buy?" liz: i got this. *a hair pin* Patty: "Cute!" (a thump emanates from Patty's suitcase...and she starts to sweat) liz: patti.....open the case. Patty: (sweating nervously as she opens--and a buck springs out, leaping over Liz and knocking Kid to the floor) Kid: "Omph!" liz: h-how?! Patty: "I just wanted one!" Kid: (clutching his chest) "Ow!" Deer: (breaks through paper walls, heads down the hall) -later, after the bail is paid- tsubaki: well, my home isnt too far from here. im sure my parents will let us spend the night. Kid: (large bandage over his chest, glaring at Patty) Patty: o_O "Nara prisoners are weird...One wanted to buy my kidneys..." sayaka: *healing* feel better kiddo? Kid: (nods) "Thank you." sayaka: C : tsubaki: <excuse me sir, could you take us to sunrise village?> Black Star: (carrying four persons' luggage) driver: ah, of course. -and so, they arrive in the village- Crona: "What's your home like, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: it's a rather rural area. Patty: "Are there deer?" Kid: (glares at Patty) tsubaki: occasionally. Black Star: "I hope your parents have enough room. Otherwise, we're stuck in close quarters." tsubaki: i think that's the estate now! Kid: (frowns) "I will have to offer recommendations to your parents for a redesign. It's not symmetrical at all--" tsubaki: *glare* Kid: (sweating) "I'll...wait for them to seek my invitation to advise." (hides behind Stocking) stocking: hehe~ Meme: "What are your parents like, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: well, they're nice i suppose. *sweatdrop* Anya: (noticing her nervousness) "Compared to, say, my parents?" tsubaki: i cant say for sure, i've never met your parents, anya. Anya: "Did they keep you locked in a castle for almost a decade, where your only source of entertainment was some sharp-toothed pianist with a sour disposition?" (glances at Soul) soul: *SWEATS* tsubaki: no! they're nothing like that! Anya: "Hmph. Good. I would hate to have parents more obsessed with rules than amusement." (smirks at Soul) soul: *huffs* Kid: "I just hope we get decent sleep. _We gave up an excellent hotel room all because one frustrating person--_" Patty: (glares) -they are now at the door to the property- Black Star: "Do we knock? Ring a bell? Throw a rock at the window?" servant: *tending to the garden* .... !!! <ah! lady tsubaki! you're home? i shall alert lord sanjuro at once!> Meme: " 'Lord Sanjuro'?" tsubaki: my father. servant 2: <you may enter> -they enter the building- Black Star: "Duuuuuude..." mrs nakatsukasa: ah, my child. *she hugs tsubaki* Anya: "Hmph. Quaint." tsubaki: *she hugs back* tsugumi: she looks just like an older tsubaki. Black Star: (blinks) "Oh, me? Um, yeah. I just tend to stick to the English." (holds out a hand) "Black Star, ma'am." mrs nakatsukasa: ah i see. well, make yourselves at home. my husband will be with you shortly. *she smiles* Kid: (bows) "We appreciate this, Lady Nakatsukasa. I am sorry for this imposition." (grabs Patty by the neck, pulling her down into a bow) Patty: *Ouchie!* soul: hmm? *he listens in* ???: <yes, ever since your son's passing, lady Oichi's mental state has...rapidly declined.> Mr. Nakatsukasa: <"I understand that. Please, we are trying our best--"> soul: ?? ???: <i know. even though their marriage was arranged, she loved him very much. now for my main concern. some of the servants who went into her quarters....they have not come back out. i've even heard screams at night.> Mr. Nakatsukasa: (almost to himself) "...It's happening again, isn't it?" mrs nakatsukasa: *knock knock* <sanjuro, tsubaki is here with her friends.> Mr. Nakatsukasa: <"Friends"? Hmmm...This may be advantageous...We will return to this in a moment. Excuse me...> --Sanjuro exits-- Sanjuro: (holds out arms to Tsubaki) tsubaki: ah! father! *she hugs him* tsugumi: um, he- *ahem* <hello sir.> *she bows* Kid: "Thank you again, Lord and Lady Nakatsukasa. We are most satisfied with the sleeping arrangements." tsugumi: *looking at pictures* ..... *she spots one, of two young children in yukatas* ... !!! ah! tsubaki: hmm? oh, that's a picture of my grandfather and his sister when they were children. Meme: "They look happy." tsugumi: i know who that girl is! mio: oh? Anya: "You do?" tsugumi: im not sure if i can believe it...n-no... this is definatly a picture of my grandma when she was young! Anya: o_o Meme: (gasp) "It's like a plot out of a tv drama!" tsubaki: now that i think of it, my grandfather did mention that he had a sister who left for the city... Anya and Meme: (clutching hands, crying) "A family reunion..." mio: you guys are weenies. -_-; ao: oh! so its similar to black*star and myself then? Black Star: "That's...an odd coincidence." -later- Patty: (holding up a family tree chart) "And that's how we know that we are all technically each other's cousin. Thus concludes my lecture. Thank you." Sanjuro: "...You have made some odd friends, Tsubaki." tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: "Don't judge us too severely, Mr. Tsubaki's Father--we're still some kickass warriors!" shinra: *looks at the line between the drawing of him and arthur, with a line pointing from arthur to shinra that says 'secretly has feelings for'* PATTI WHAT THE HECK!? Patty: "Well, why else do you obsess so much about him if you don't have bow-chika-wow-wow feelings for him?" shinra: THAT'S NOT HOW IT IS!! Patty: "But that's hot! Don't ruin this fantasy for me!" Sanjuro: o_o tsubaki: why dont we get some fresh air, father? ^^; Sanjuro: "Yes, let's..." (shudder) Patty: "???" mio: jealous, hepburn? Anya: *blushing* "A-About what?" mio: your boyfriend having the hots for a dude? Anya: "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" (awkward silence) "Oh, go back to your girlfriend..." shinra: ok im confused now. Meme: (smiles, hugs Mio from behind) "Yeah, Mio, I'm confused, too." (smirks) "Who's your girlfriend?" shinra: w-wha?! i-i dont know what you're talking about! Meme: (still smirking) "I meant Mio's girlfriend. Or do you have one too, Shinra? Maybe you are cheating on Anya?" Anya: o_O mio: O////////////////////////////////////////////O *faints* ao: i think by 'anya's boyfriend', wakabe-san meant arthur. Meme: (holds Mio's limp body) "So cute." shinra: IT WAS ONE TIME ON ACCIDENT I WASNT GETTING OFF TO IRIS I SWEAR................. O________________O Anya: "I AM NOT DATING ARTHUR! I--" (hears Shinra) "WHAT THE HECK?!" soul: *laughing* way to dig your own grave kusakabe!! tsugumi: *GASPS* miss anya! language! Anya: (slaps hand over her mouth, practically crying in embarrassment) Black Star: "Dude, cursing in Mr. and Mrs. Tsubaki's Father and Mother's house? What is wrong with you, Princess?" sayaka: .................... i ship it. Crona: "Which ship? I've lost track..." -outside- tsubaki: it's been a while. Sanjuro: (looking at the sky) "Yes. Is it so different from how you remember it?" tsubaki: not by that much... do you think... i made the right choice about masamune? Sanjuro: "...I don't know. What do you think he would have done had you not...not...?" tsubaki:..... im not sure.... i dont think i want to know.... Sanjuro: (holds her hand) "He is still with you. Tell me, do you sense him, within your soul?" tsubaki:.... *she nods* just a little, but yes. Sanjuro: "Then he is still here. And that's going to have to be enough." tsubaki: *she nods* i could never tell oichi-nee.... she'd probably hate me... Sanjuro: "She...would not understand. It is not your fault..." tsubaki: *she hugs him* ........ Sanjuro: "Your mother and I love you, Tsubaki. A parent always loves their child..." tsubaki: *she smiles* Sanjuro: (pulls back) "You and your friends will need your sleep. How long will you be here?" tsubaki: we might be here for a day before moving on to the next stop on our class trip. Sanjuro: "Stay as long as you desire." (small laugh) "You have surrounded yourself with some real weirdos." tsubaki: and this isnt even all of them. Sanjuro: "Tell me, are students at the DWMA as loyal as those weirdos in there seem to be?" tsubaki: *she smiles and nod* as loyal as they get. Sanjuro: "That is all a parent needs to hear." (stands up) "Get some sleep, Tsubaki. And welcome home." -the next morning- Kid: *yawns* stocking: zzzzzz~ Kid: (reaches to check the time on his phone) "Hmm...Stocking?" stocking: *yaaawn* hnnn gwuuh? Kid: *Yawn* "It's almost 8. I thought Tsubaki's parents were serving breakfast..." *Yawn* "...at this time." stocking: ah, right! -at breakfast- Black Star: (holds up empty plate) "May I have seconds, please?" (wide grin) Kid: (smirk) "On our best behavior, are we?" tsubaki: ^^; mrs nakatsukasa: coming right up. *she smiles* Black Star: (smiles happily) "I see where Tsubaki gets her cooking expertise! Delicious meal!" Patty: (shoveling food in her mouth) Anya: (still blushing) soul: *pap pap* happens to the best of us, princess. Anya: "Wh-What?" soul: nevermind. Meme: "Mio, how's your meal?" mio: guhd. Meme: (smiles) "Smaller bites, sweetie." mio: *blush* y-yes ma'am... Meme: (smiles) Sanjuro: "Tsubaki, what is on the agenda for you and your friends?" tsubaki: well, visiting the major areas in japan, kyoto, osaka, shinjuku, etc. Sanjuro: "And for today? More sites in Nara?" tsubaki: perhaps. Kid: "What did you want to do today, Stocking?" stocking: not sure yet. tsugumi: maybe we could go to kyoto and visit my family? Meme: "Oh, that would be fun!" Anya: (too loud) "YES IT WOULD!" (blushing) ao: i would love to meet them. tsugumi: my house isnt as big as here, so... soul: we can get a hotel, no biggie. Kid: (nods) "We can cover that expense." Meme: "Hmm...I guess a few of us could sleep over at Tsugumi's. Anya, you should sleep over at Tsugumi's." Meme: "You too, Ao." mio: i'll sleep over too, i guess. ao: i would love to! Meme: "Well, if Mio is going, so will I!" mio: .////////. tsugumi: awww! Meme: (smiles) Anya: (glances at Arthur...then turns away) Arthur: (avoiding eye contact) "Shinra...Help me?" shinra: you dug yourself into this mess, you dig yourself out. Arthur: "You help me, or Iris learns what happened to that missing pair of underwear!" shinra: THAT WAS YOU! Arthur: (pulls out cell phone) "Not if I tell her it was you first!" -riiing- iris: shinra? are you there? shinra: uhh... h-hey iris... iris: well, a-about that... *ahem* thing i misplaced, turns out it got stuck inside my pillowcase during laundry. mystery solved, i guess, haha. Arthur: (eyeroll) "Some hero you are..." shinra: oh hush....wait.... if it was in the pillow case... who's undies did you take? -meanwhile- akitaru: thats weird. i could have sworn i had an extra pair of underwear. Takehisa: "You should learn to fold and organize your undergarments more thoroughly, sir." -back with the group- Black Star: (finishes his meal) "To Kyoto? Or is there more here?" (remembers) "Hey, how about that haunted shrine, Tsubaki?!" tsubaki: .................... mrs nakatsukasa: i dont know w-what you're talking about. tsubaki: oh! the haunted house tour at the one amusement park? sure, that sounds fun. Black Star: (frowns) "But Tsubaki, you told us about--" tsubaki: the shrine haunted house at the park. -she covers his mouth- Black Star: (muffled) Kid: o_o; -later, they head to kyoto- Sanjuro: (serious) "Tsubaki?" tsubaki: yes? Sanjuro: "Be safe. We love you." tsubaki: ok. *she hugs him* Black Star: "Later, Mister! Thanks again!" Sanjuro: (waves goodbye to his daughter and her meister) -they arrive to the hotel in kyoto, which is a themed hotel- sayaka: oooh an underwater theme. nice! Crona: (staring at a fishtank) "Peaceful." tsugumi: you go on ahead, we're going to go to my house. Kid: "Tsugumi? Please text us to know you get there okay." tsugumi: yes sir *salutes* Kid: (smirks, returns salute) Anya: "L-Liz?" liz: *shrugs* -and so- -din don- Meme: (waiting) "Tsugumi? What are your parents like?" ???: <coming!> *she opens the door* <ye- tsugumi!> *she hugs her* tsugumi: <mom!> *hugs back* mio: that answers half the question. Anya: (slight smile to see the hug) Meme: "I guess so." ao: <its nice to meet you mrs harudori. my name is ao hoshino, one of tsugumi-chan's partners.> mrs harudori: <o-one of?> tsugumi: *sweatdrops* <its a long story mom. a really. long story...> Anya: "Um...I-I don't understand." Anya: "What are they saying?" tsugumi: you can come in. my brother's been studying english, so you might understand him better....hopefully. Anya: (pouts) "I still feel like a third wheel...or fifth wheel..." Meme: <You have a lovely home, Mrs. Harudori.> mio: *pap pap* Anya: (frowns) "What is with the *pap pap*?" mrs harudori: <why thank you... meme-chan, right?> mio:.... *shrugs* Meme: (nods) <"Tsugumi has told you about us?"> -later, in the dining room- mr harudori: <ah, seems your brother is home now.> Osamu: <Hey, Mom. I'm home! What's there to eat--> (sees the guests) <Sis!> tsugumi: <sister tackle attack!> *hug* Osamu: <Umph! You're getting taller, Little Sis!> (sees guests) <Who are these young ladies?> tsugumi: <these are Anya, Meme, Ao, and Mio.> mio: yo. Meme: <Nice to meet you!> Anya: "H-Hello." Osamu: "Oh? You speak English?" Anya: (nods, avoiding eye contact) mio: *playing her handheld* Osamu: <...They seem a little shy, Tsugumi.> ao: <would you like to give us a tour?> tsugumi: sure, i'll show you around Osamu: <That should be fun.> "Anya, is it? Come on, you'll see all of Li'l Sis's stuffed animals." Meme: "Hee hee hee." -in tsugumi's room- mio: wow. thats a lot of magical girl posters. tsugumi: ^^; Meme: "I think they're cute." (looks in Tsugumi's closet) "You have some cute clothes you left behind, too, Tsugumi." mio: ...hm? who're these? Osamu: "???" tsugumi: ah! these are my home friends, Miku, Saori, and Satomi. Anya: (frowning) "Those names seem familiar. You wrote to them?" tsugumi: *she nods* Meme: "You'll be visiting them while we're here?" -din don- Osamu: "You expecting someone?" tsugumi: *shrugs* *she opens the door* ???: <TSUGU-NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!> *TACKLES* Anya: "She's being attacked!" tsugumi: ack! <m-mii-chan!> miku: <OHMIGOSHTSUGUMIITSREALLYYOUIMISSEDYOUYOUGOOBEROMG!!> Meme: "Wait, Anya! It's not--" Osamu: <Oh no...> ???: *pulls her back* <easy there.> miku: <ehehe, sorry satomin.> Anya: "???" tsugumi: ah! miku! satomi! Anya: "They aren't here to kill Tsugumi?" satomi: its great to see you again, tsugumi-chan. *she smiles* tsugumi: ah, so you've been practicing english too, sato-chan? *she smiles, then frowns* where's saori? miku: <she's not here, she's staying with her dad in okinawa for the summer.> tsugumi: ah. Meme: "Um...Hi?" satomi: hmm? say, werent you that girl in a missing persons report some time ago?...... Meme: T_T "Yes..." (holds out hand) "Meme. *sniff* Pleasure to meet you..." satomi: .... meme? well, the person missing was 'Megumi Kozuki'.... must just be a coincidence then. i'm Satomi Kannagi. miku: <Miku Maebara here~!> Anya: (serious) "Anya Hepburn." (grabs Tsugumi's arm) "Tsugumi's meister." ao: <Ao Hoshino, tsugumi-chan's meister as well.> satomi: ah. i see.... mio: *acknowledging grunt* tsugumi: that's Mio. Meme: <And this is the delightful Mio.> tsugumi: she's meme-chan's partner. Anya: "So, how did you know that Tsugumi was coming home?" satomi: mrs harudori called us. Osamu: "So, are we going to have to set more plates for dinner?" -at the hotel- Kid: "What would you like, Stocking?" stocking: i hear there's a really neat pool here. Kid: (smiles) "Does it have a slide?" stocking: yep, there's even tubes connecting the aquariums so you can sorta swim with the fish. Kid: "I have my swimsuit in my luggage. I can be ready in a few minutes." stocking: *she puts on a pink and orange bikini* Kid: (in black trunks with white lines along the hems) "God, you look amazing..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (gazes at the pool) "Wow. It's big." stocking: look, the fish are swimming in the tubes! how cute! Kid: (smiles) "It's soothing, too. stocking: *she slips into the pool* Kid: (follows after her) "The water's not too cold." stocking: splash attack! *she splashes him* Kid: "Hey!" (laughs, splashes back) "Take that!" stocking: ah! haha! Kid: (slides under her, picking her up in his arms) stocking: *she chuckles and kisses his forehead* Kid: (smirks, as he falls backwards, letting her fall back into the water) stocking: *she holds her breath as she goes under* Kid: (holding his breath, he swims along with her) stocking: *she looks at a tube with a few fish swimming through* Kid: (studying the fish, pointing to a large eel in the tube) stocking: *she looks at it* Kid: (eyes widen, as he points to a nurse shark!) stocking: !!! Kid: (lets go of Stocking's hand to swim up to catch his breath...) stocking: *she also catches her breath* Kid: "I can't believe a nurse shark was in there!" stocking: wow. Kid: (sees the slide) "Want to?" stocking: oh hell yeah! Kid: (helps her out of pool, as they climb up to the slide) "Is it one at a time on the slide?" stocking: looks so. Kid: "Who should go first?" stocking: hmm. 'children must be accompanied by an adult'. *she ends up going first with a younger child* child: weeee!!! Kid: (smiles: "She will be a great mother...") child: thanks lady! stocking: no problem. Kid: "Is it okay to come down?" stocking: *she gives him a thumbs up* Kid: (smiles, sits on the edge...and slides down) "Whee!" Kid: (lands in the pool, going under the water as he descends) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (rises out of the water) "Refreshing, isn't it?" stocking: yeah. Kid: (looks down, then sighs with relief) "I can't tell you the number of pool mishaps I have had..." stocking:........... C: Kid: (chuckles) "Wipe that silly grin off your face. Just be happy your top didn't come off on that slide." stocking: yeah. Kid: "Has that happened to you before?" stocking:.......... *excalibur face* Kid: (sighs) "Something we have in common, then." stocking: ....... *bluuuuuuuuush* Kid: (kisses her forehead) "I can't wait to use the pool back at the Mansion. It's been so long..." stocking: yeah. maybe we could check out the pool at my place too. stocking: well, my dad's place anyway. Kid: (smiles) "I would like that." -later- Kid: "That was refreshing..." stocking: yeah. want to watch tv? Kid: (nods, curls up on the couch) stocking: *she turns on the tv to what appears to be a tv drama* Kid: (hugs her as they watch) stocking: *siiiigh* im thinking about babies again. Kid: (frowns) "Would you hate me if I was thinking about them, too, when you were with that child at the pool?" stocking:.... *bluuuuuuuuuush* Kid: (blushing, too) "I just...thought you looked natural dealing with a child..." stocking: really? i didnt really notice. Kid: "You seemed at ease. Have you...ever babysat?" stocking: nope. Kid: "Maybe...when we get home, we can try to babysit? It could make us used to parenting..." stocking: i guess. Kid: (smiles) "I think you will be a great mother." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: (lays a hand over her stomach, rubs lightly) stocking: *blush* Kid: (kisses lightly along her lips) stocking: mmm~ Kid: (slides hands along her sides, lifting up her shirt...) stocking: ahhh~ Kid: (pulls off her shirt, tossing it towards the door...) Black Star: (kicks down door) "Kid! Stocking! You won't believe--" (shirt lands on head) stocking: O__________O Kid: D: Black Star: "Hey, what the--" (pulls off shirt...and gets an eyefull) "...Uh...Hi." stocking: ./////////. *trying to cover her chest* Kid: "WHY DO WE BOTHER TO LOCK DOORS WHEN YOU JUST KICK THEM DOWN?!" Kid: (summons cloak, covering Stocking) "GET OUT!" Black Star: "O-Okay!" (dashes away) Kid: "...I am so sorry." stocking: i was about to throw one of my swords at him.... Kid: "The next time we see him...Sigh...I'll call the hotel to have the door replaced. Or to have us moved." stocking: *she sighs* your cloak feels nice. Kid: (smiles, blushing) "I'm glad..." stocking: *she snuggles into his chest* Kid: "S-Stocking? We...have the door wide open. I love f-feeling you, but we should do something about t-the door..." homura: *sigh* let me. *in the blink of an eye, the door is fixed* you're welcome. Kid: o_o Kid: "W-Where were we?" stocking: *she kisses him on the lips* Kid: ("Oh...that's where we were...") (returns the kiss) -after a while, she falls asleep in his arms- Kid: (strokes her hair..."She will be a wonderful mother...a wonderful wife...") *Yawns* (carries her to their bed) stocking: zzzzzzzz Kid: "Good night, love..." (pulls sheets over them, letting his cloak remain over her, as he falls asleep by her side) -back at the harudori house- mio: zzzzz *drooling* Meme: (next to Mio, hugging her in her sleep) Anya: (tossing in sleep, groaning) "N-No..." tsugumi: hmm? a-anya? Anya: (wakes up) "S-Sorry...I can't sleep well." tsugumi: do you want some warm milk? that usually helps me feel better. Anya: (nods) -and so- tsugumi: here you go. Anya: (smiles) "You're very kind, Tsugumi." tsugumi: *she smiles* did you want to talk about what was bothering you? Anya: (frowns) "A lot has gone on the last few days...about what I want and...some jealousy." tsugumi: oh? Anya: "Of Arthur...and of your friends here in Kyoto..." tsugumi: ?? Anya: "I mean, you have your friends...and Ao. And Meme and Mio have each other. And I look at Arthur, and I feel...I feel...confused. tsugumi: confused? Anya: "...He is kind of attractive...but obnoxious. He has a...decent physical appearance. But his personality is aggravating. I feel repulsed by him...and...confused." tsugumi:..... C: Anya: -_- "Don't look at me like that. Just advise me: what should I do?" tsugumi: well, i guess you have an aesthetic crush on him. by that, its what you said; you think he's good looking. but if his personality is too much of a distraction, i wouldnt recommend it. Anya: (nods) "That makes sense. I will not be pursuing...But his body is still on my mind...Those abs...Unf." tsugumi: ......... C: Anya: (frowns) "That smile is really annoying...What do you do when you feel distracted?" tsugumi: what do you mean? Anya: "When you can't get an attractive person off your mind? What do you do to focus on anything else?" tsugumi:............................................*steam comes out of her ears* Anya: "Tsugumi! Wh-What's wrong?!" tsugumi: i-im ok. Anya: "O-Okay." (blushes) "Maybe we can discuss this another time...like not in your parents' house." tsugumi: good call. -the next morning- soul: so where to first? Black Star: "Dudes! Dudes! Manga museum! There is a manga museum in Kyoto!" Black Star: (sees Stocking--blushes, turns away) stocking: *glaaaare* sayaka: OHMYGOSHYEESSSSS Black Star: (hides behind Tsubaki) Kid: "So...Manga Museum?" Patty: "Show of hands!" (raises both hands) -seems we got the vote- -and so, tsugumi and company joined as well.- --At the Museum— sayaka: this is so cool! Black Star: (staring) "First edition...Charisma Justice..." (reaches to touch the glass case) sayaka: *INHALES* this is soo awesome! Guard: (smacks Black Star's hand) "Do not touch the glass." tsugumi: look! there's a whole section for magical girls! Meme: (chuckles) "Now you have more decorations for your bedroom." tsugumi: .////.;;; Anya: (slight smile, looking at the outfits in the manga) "Very decorative..." -later- Black Star: "All I'm saying is that, they have exhibits for Oda and the other big names--but none for Okuda? What the heck?" sayaka: *shrugs* oh well, maybe someday. Patty: (holding a stack of manga) "So much reading to do...Kid, let's get this stuff mailed when we get to the hotel!" stocking: well, my dad's now got some new stuff for his collection. Kid: (stares at Stocking's collection) o_O "Does your father have an entire room just for this collection?" stocking: i wish i was making this up. hell, its more like a library sized room. Patty: "Does he keep his manga in plastic bags so the value doesn't depreciate?" soul: and i thought sayaka was the mega-weeb. sayaka: ^^;;;; stocking: *shrugs* i doubt he'd be parting with it anytime soon. Kid: "At least I know what to get your father as a welcoming gift...Actually, when is his birthday?" stocking: he says its a secret to those outside the family. ask your dad, but i doubt he'd tell. Kid: (nods) "Understood. Well, the next time we have dinner with him, I'll get him something." stocking: *she smiles* Anya: (blushing) "Um...Could we...talk a walk at the cherry tree canal, the Philosopher's Walk?" tsugumi: that sounds nice. Meme: (nods) "Mio?" mio: s-sounds fine. Anya: (smiles) "G-Good." Arthur: (to Shinra) "What's up with them?" shinra: *shrug* Kid: "If we are going along the cherry blossoms, perhaps we should be in kimonos? It may make for good photography opportunities." stocking: sounds good! Kid: "Let's bring the souvenirs back to the hotel and change there. Tsugumi and others, we still have your kimonos there with our luggage, so you can change there, too." madoka: i here theres a park with monkeys in it someplace. tsugumi: ok! i already dropped most of my souvenirs off at my house. Crona: (slight smile) "Do you feed the monkeys, or just watch them, Madoka?" madoka: i think you get to play with them, according to the tour guide. Crona: "Th-That's good." Ragnarok: (pops up) "One monkey gives me a stink-eye, I'm kicking his ass!" mami: *tiny chop to raggy* no. Ragnarok: "Ouchie!" Kid: "Well, let's get to the hotel and change..." -students changing, please be patient- Kid: (adjusting his kimono) "Fashionable..." stocking: you look nice. *she smiles* Kid: (smiles at her) "As do you." -and so- Kid: (adjusting the camera at the tripod) "Move in a bit closer, everyone." liz: ok. say 'fuzzy pickles'! --Everyone but Black Star: "Fuzzy Pickles!"-- Black Star: " 'Fuzzy' what?" Kid: (snaps) liz: nice! -liz takes a few shots with her phone- Kid: (holding hands with Stocking in a photo) sayaka: *has a pic with madoka with peace signs and a smile* Black Star: (grabbing Soul in a bear hug) -a few photo ops later- Anya: (smiles at photos on her phone of Meme, Tsugumi, Ao, and Mio) mio: *frowns* stupid glasses shine.. Anya: ("My family never got out for these trips much...It's nice to be with friends.") "You look fine, Mio--stop complaining." Meme: "They make you look smart." mio: 7////7; Meme: ("So cute." smiles) Anya: "I'll text these pics to you, and to your emails..." madoka: ah! i think i see the monkey park now! Crona: (actually clapping) "Yay!" mami: that sounds like fun. Kid: "We still have more than enough room on the camera for more pictures." Patty: "Let's get going!" -and so- ao: they're so cute! Meme: "Hee hee hee..." Black Star: (staring at a monkey) "Hang on--I can totally beat this guy at a staring contest." tsubaki: *she smiles* Kid: (points) "Stocking, look! She has a baby." stocking: awww! --The baby monkey yawns-- stocking: hnnng! Kid: (looking at surprise at that noise) "Um...?" stocking: *blush* s-sorry... cute overload. Kid: (smiles) "I'm familiar with a cute overload...whenever I see you." stocking:... o///////o Kid: (kisses her forehead) stocking: hehe~ --Monkeys keep running around, as Patty and others snap pics-- Patty: "Could you monkeys just sit still?! I want a decent pic of you!" mio: um.....theres a monkey on my head. Meme: o_o homura:.... *snaps a pic* Patty: "Neato!" (photographs repeatedly) mio: 7///n///7 Anya: (chuckles) "Excellent..." mio: T-T Crona: (tries to offer a snack to the monkey atop Mio's head) monkey: *eats it* Crona: (smiles) "So cute. Aren't they, Mio?" mio: maybe... Crona: (holds out arms to the monkey to get them off Mio's head) monkey: *climbs on* mio: *she holds onto her glasses* Ragnarok: "Tch. Stupid monkey. I'm so much cuter..." staff member: ah, that's mochi-kun, he's very friendly. mochi-kun: *sticks tongue out at raggy* Crona: "Hee hee." Ragnarok: "RAWR! Stupid money! Stupid monkey! You poop-flinging jerk!" -later- Ragnarok: (pouting) "I still smell like monkey poop." mami: are you ok, chrona? Crona: (in their usual cloak) "Y-Yeah. I got most of it off my kimono...I will have to get it clean, though." mami: *smiles* Crona: "Mami? Thank you for being so kind." -elsewhere- Patty: "What's the pool like at the hotel, Stocking?" stocking: theres a slide. there's tubes where the fish swim through too. Patty: (smiles) "Neat! That should be fun! I was thinking of getting Black Star there..." -later- Kid: (tapping fingers) stocking: you ok? Kid: (smiles) "Yes. Just thinking how the photos came out...and what to do next." stocking: maybe we could check out harajuku? Kid: "I would like that. What will be there?" stocking: wait, we were there at the meiji shrine. then... how about osaka? Kid: "I would like that. Oh, what about the Namco Arcade?" stocking: yeah! Kid: "Hee hee..." (kisses her cheek) "You still haven't seen what a whiz I am at Mrs. Pac-Man." stocking: you're so on! Kid: "Like Donkey Kong?" stocking: wrong company, but yeah! Kid: "Hee hee..." (kisses her other cheek) stocking: ^^ Kid: (smiles) "That baby monkey...was adorable." stocking: it was. Kid: (rubs her hand) "Do you think...our kids would like video games?" stocking: maybe. Kid: "I hope they would...because their mother would be a great teacher." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "And their grandfathers would be such nerds to them." stocking: oh yes. Kid: (laughs) "Imagine Azusa as a grandmother." stocking:... oh boy. Kid: "She'd probably have them memorize multiplication charts at age 2." --Meanwhile, in Death City-- Azusa: (staring at an unopened home pregnancy test) "..." -back in the hotel- Kid: (rubs her hand) "I don't know what the future holds. But I hope we have children..." stocking: yeah me too. Kid: (quiet for a few moments...) "Are you hungry?" stocking: yeah. Kid: "Room service? Hotel restaurant? Or head somewhere else?" stocking: i dunno~ Kid: (opens the room service menu) "The hotel restaurant has some items room service doesn't...But room service is quite good." (points to the dessert menu...and then folds it out, revealing an even longer list) stocking: *squeeeeeee* Kid: (chuckles) "Room service, then?" stocking: hell. fucking. yes. Kid: (smiles at her) "Hell. Fucking. Okay." (kisses her nose) stocking: hehe~ Kid: (picks up the phone, as he puts a hand along her waist) "Room service? Please send up..." -later- Kid: (pats his stomach) "Satisfying." stocking: huehuehue~ Kid: (sees some whipped cream left on the plate, scoops it with his finger) "Say 'ah...'" stocking: aaah~ Kid: (passes his finger along her lips, waiting for her to lick the whipped cream) stocking: *she sucks on his finger for a few moments* Kid: o\\\\o "Delicious?" stocking: oh yes it is~ Kid: (chuckles, as he kisses her lips) stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (slips out of his jacket, still kissing, then wraps his arms around her) "I love you." stocking: i love you too, babe~ Kid: (smiles, kisses lightly along her neck) stocking: ahhh~ Kid: (whispers in her ear) "The door is repaired, and I had hotel staff reinforce the bolts...But as we are in the living room, should we retire to the bedroom?" stocking: sounds good~ -and so- stocking: *panting* Kid: (kissing her hip) "Was it good?" stocking: ahhh o-oh god yes... Kid: (smirks) "And you thought I was delicious? I just want to eat you up...I can still taste you..." stocking: t-then whats stopping you~? Kid: (smiles, as he positions himself, kissing along her thigh and upward...) stocking: mmmm~ Kid: (reaches her slit, kissing lightly there) stocking: ohh~ Kid: (massages along her legs as he holds her legs down, positions the tip of his tongue to the bottom of her slit...and lightly, slowly strokes upward...) stocking: *she moans softly* Kid: "You taste so sweet..." stocking: mmmmn~ Kid: (repositions himself, so he is lying beside her) "I'm not done yet...but have a taste..." (kisses her, as he strokes a finger along her slit) stocking: *she moans into the kiss, shuddering to his touch* Kid: (as she moans, he lets his tongue slide across her lips to touch her tongue...as he lets the tip of his finger slowly enter her) stocking: a-ahhhh~! Kid: "My Angel...Tell me what you want." stocking: p-please~ make me yours for the night. Kid: (smiles) "Of course...I have two surprises for you." stocking: o-oh? Kid: (slides his finger out of her, bringing it to his mouth to suck for a moment) "Delicious...I had room service bring something..." (turns, as he reaches under the bed...) stocking: oh~? Kid: (wiggles his bare butt at her a little before he comes back with Surprise #1) stocking: *drooling* Kid: (emerges...with a can of whipped cream) "I told the staff we would need another can for dessert." (smirks) "I didn't say what we would be putting it on..." stocking: ohoho~ Kid: (shakes) "Do you want it on you...or on me?" stocking: well, im yours for tonight, sooo~ Kid: (smirks, as he sprays onto both of her nipples...) stocking: *she blushes* Kid: "Care to taste it...?" stocking: aaaah~ Kid: (sprays a bit into her mouth--and some along her chin) stocking: mmmmmm~! Kid: (licks along her chin...as two of his fingers ease into her...) stocking: *she sighs in delight* Kid: (kisses down her neck until he reaches her right nipple...licks slowly as he quickens the pace of his fingers in her) stocking: ah-oh-oh kid!! Kid: (his other hand now teases that right nipple, as he licks her left nipple and maintains the pace inside of her) stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: (lets the tip of his tongue lick her nipple) "So tasty..." (massages her right breast) "What do you want stimulating you down there: my fingers, my tongue...?" stocking: y-your fingers feel good down there, but do what you like. Kid: (smiles) "Then why change a good thing?" (kisses into her neck, biting lightly there; his fingers continue to thrust into her, massaging her walls) stocking: nnnngh~ Kid: (licks where he bit...uses his free hand to spray whipped cream between her breasts) "Are you delicious, Stocking?" stocking: you tell me~ Kid: (smirks, as he licks between her breasts, scooping up the whipped cream...His lips are coated with the cream) "You certainly improve the flavor..." (brings his creamed lips to her lips) stocking: mmmn~ Kid: (his tongue reaches hers...now he has three fingers inside her, his pace now fast) stocking: *her hips buck in response* Kid: "You're almost there?" stocking: s-so close~ Kid: (smirks) "Why should I let you cum, Stocking?" (returns his mouth to her nipple, licking along the edges as he maintains his pace inside of her) stocking: nnnnh~! Kid: (thrusts even more vigorously into her--then bites lightly along her right breast) stocking: ah! Kid: "Cum for me, Angel. Cum for me, you sexy goddess...Cum!" stocking: ah-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~!!!!!!!!! Kid: (removes his fingers, and plants his face down at her, licking up her wetness) stocking: *she moans as she squirts* Kid: "Hmm...Better than honey..." stocking: *shuddering and panting* s-so good~ Kid: (holds her legs down, continues to lick her) stocking: ahh~ Kid: (smirks) "You are one hell of a dessert..." stocking: hehe~ Kid: "How do you taste...?" (crawls up her, stroking his fingers along her body, as he straddles her, leans down, and kisses her...) stocking: mmmmn~! Kid: (lies atop her, his hands massaging her hips) -later- Kid: (sighs) stocking: *shuddering in pleasure as she lays on top of him* Kid: (holds her tightly, to shake off the last shudders of pleasure) "I miss your touch...everytime we are away, I only want to come back to you..." stocking: m-me too... *she smiles* Kid: (smiles) "Were you surprised? With all of my 'presents'?" stocking: y-yeah... Kid: (serious) "Was it okay? Or too much?" stocking: it was... incredible... Kid: (nods) "It's better than importing all of this...although we will have to mail it. I don't want to declare to customs that I purchased...well, you know..." (blushing) stocking: yeah... *bluuuush* Kid: (still serious) "Really, are you comfortable with this? Is it going too fast?" stocking: i-im ok..... little by little, remember? Kid: (nods, kisses her forehead) "I will stop whenever you wish. You don't even have to say it--you can punch me if necessary...even kick me..." stocking:..... *she hugs him* Kid: "Thank you for sharing so much with me..." -the next morning- Kid: *Yawn* stocking: zzzz.... --Stocking's phone vibrates-- stocking: ?? *she picks up* yeah? *YAAAAWN* Patty: (text) hey i know what blackstar did to u and kiddo. then this happened at the pool last night (pic attached) stocking: ?? *she looks at the pic* --Black Star lost his trunks on the slide, with a view of his bare bottom while Liz can be seen in the back laughing-- stocking: *snicker* oh kiiiiddoooo~ looks like karma has taken place~! Kid: (yawn) "Wha--?" (eyes widen) "You know, of all the bare butts I wanted to see when I woke up, that one was at the bottom...so to speak." stocking: *she chuckles* aaand saved to blackmail. Kid: (smirks) "You're so bad..." (kisses her shoulder) stocking: hehe~ Kid: "...Stocking? I just want you to know that...Do you remember those pics of you, naked, that you texted me?" stocking: *bluuush* y-yeah? Kid: "I deleted them about a week after you sent them." stocking: why? Kid: (taps her phone's screen) "Would you want those pics getting used as blackmail, by someone who could hack my phone?" stocking:...... *she tears up* Kid: (sits up, holds her) "Stocking? What's wrong?" stocking: n-nothing... just remembering things from the past... Kid: (serious) "Stocking...Was this about those students who hurt you?" stocking:.... *she nods and silently cries* Kid: (holds her, stroking her hair) "I refuse to hurt you, Stocking. And I want to do everything possible to make sure no one hurts you..." (kisses her forehead) "Did you want me to keep those photos?" stocking:.... i-i understand what you're trying to do, and i appreciate it. Kid: "I appreciated those photos--you shared them with me, I valued them, and you looked so...enticing. But...we were just dating...I didn't know whether I should keep them. Did I do the wrong thing? Should I have kept them?" stocking: dont worry kid, i could always send you more. Kid: (smiles) "So don't delete those? You trust me not to let someone else get their hands on them?" stocking: you could save them to a disc drive or something. *shrugs* Kid: (laughs a little...then realizing something) "Do you still have that...'dick pic' I sent you?" stocking:....... C: Kid: (smirks) "If you send me a naked pic, then I should return the courtesy..." (pulls out his phone, removes the bedsheets from both of them, revealing he is already hard...and he snaps a pic) "And...send." (texts dick pic to only Stocking) stocking: *bluuush* i-im still a bit nervous though... Kid: "Then don't. Take your time, however long that takes. And consider that pic of me a freebie..." (kisses her cheek) "I hope you like it. Maybe you want a different one..." (hands her his phone to let her snap a pic) stocking: actually, i think i'll go for the real deal... *she bends down and licks the tip* Kid: (eyes roll back a bit) "Ah..." stocking: *she smirks and begins rubbing him off slowly* Kid: (nods) "Just like that..." (hums with pleasure) -she continues this for a while until she starts to slide it into her mouth* Kid: (letting his fingers go through her hair) "Your tongue..." (groans) "I'm so close, Stocking...Play with my testicles..." stocking: *she hums and rubs his balls* Kid: "Yes..." (guides her head to take in more of him) "So close..." stocking: *she snares her tongue around him* Kid: (gasps, grunts, as pre-cum develops) "I'm going--I'm going to..." (grunts as he begins to cum) stocking: *she laps it all up* Kid: (lies back on the bed, panting) "Your mouth is a treasure..." stocking: *she licks the last of it up* mmn~ Kid: (draws her up so that she straddles him, as he kisses her lips) stocking: *she slips her tongue into his mouth* Kid: (moans, his hands reaching for her buttcheeks) -later- Kid: (calm, relaxed, holding Stocking's hand) liz: well you two lovebirds are awfully close this morning. Kid: (smiles) "It's...a good morning." stocking: you got that right~ Kid: (blushing a bit) Kid: "Er...I think we were playing video games at the Namco Arcade today before we depart for our next city, yes?" mio: yes please! Meme: (smiles "So cute.") Patty: (shoveling another breakfast pastry in her mouth) "Let's get goin' then." Black Star: (frowns at Patty) Black Star: (pouts at Tsubaki) tsubaki: *sweatdrop* Kid: (smirks at Black Star) "Did you like the view, Tsubaki?" tsubaki: w-wha?! Patty: (practically choking on her own laughs) Kid: "I heard there was a...full moon last night." Black Star: (grinding his teeth) soul: come on man, lighten up. stocking: come on babe, be nice. he doesnt like being the.... 'butt' of the joke! Black Star: "THAT STUPID SLIDE SCREWED ME OVER!" (points at Soul) "No one saw you bare-ass naked out there!" -later- Black Star: "I'll just have to beat someone at a game...STOCKING! I CHALLENGE YOU TO ANY VIDEO GAME OUT THERE!" stocking: alright then. how abooout... this one? Black Star: "...What is it?" -it was bubble bobble- -and so- Black Star: "Fffffffffff...." stocking: hehe~ Kid: (applause for Stocking) Black Star: (marches to Tsubaki) "I am mortified..." tsubaki: *pap pap* Patty: (snaps a pic of Tsubaki encouraging Black Star) Kid: (kisses Stocking's cheek) "Congratulations." stocking: thanks hun~ Black Star: "Hmph. Come on, Tsubaki--let's play a game..." tsubaki: ok. Black Star: (plays Galaga) Patty: (grabs Liz's wrist) "DDR, Sis!" -later- Patty: (panting on the floor) "14 rounds was too many..." liz: phew. Kid: "Have fun, Love?" stocking: yeah. you're pretty good at those shooter games. Kid: (smiles) "Just an application of real life to the game. I don't suppose your father has arcade machines in his house?" stocking: try a whole room full. Kid: o_o; "...Impressive. No wonder you are so skilled." stocking: hehe~ Patty: (sitting up, still catching her breath) "Does...Does your dad let people play them? Or does he want the machines to be in mint condition?" stocking: thats part of an 'exclusive membership'. Patty: (frowns) "So, what do I have to do to be in this 'exclusive membership'? Is Kid in it?" stocking: i'll see if i can get you in~ Kid: (smiles) -later, in akihabara- Black Star: "What's in Akihabara?" mio: its essentially the manga and anime merch capital of japan. Black Star: o_o "YAHOO!" Kid: (whispers to Stocking) "Looks like he's forgotten about the pool mishap..." sayaka: look! there's a maid cafe! Anya: o\\\\o ("Squee!") stocking: *whispers to kid* i bet you want to see me dressed like a maid, dont you 'master'~? Kid: "..." (nosebleed x8) liz: !!! kid are you ok?! Kid: (slaps hankie over his nose) "J-Just humidity...Ha ha ha!" (blushing at Stocking) stocking: well, i could also be a nurse, or even a bunnygirl. Kid: (blushing, whispering) "...How would you respond if...when I was finding our new toys, I saw those outfits for sale?" Patty: "Ladies, I think we all should go to the maid cafe and dress up! And the boys, too!" -and so, everyone joined in on a cosplay photoshoot- Anya: "Too short..." (tugging at her skirt) shinra: *in a maid costume* ./////. Arthur: "How did you convince us to dress like this?!" tsubaki: *office lady style* oh. Black Star: (lifting up his skirt up and down, exposing his boxers) "Really comfortable, though..." soul: .///////////////. *dressed like a school girl* Patty: (sexy nurse) "Nice skirt, Soul!" (flips up his skirt) Kid: o\\\\o "...I'm a bunny girl...And these fishnet stockings are chaffing..." liz: *in a red dress* Meme: "Very pretty, Liz!" (dressed as a cowgirl) stocking: *nosebleed* *she's wearing a devil girl costume* mio: this is embarrasing.. why do i have to wear a stupid plugsuit? Meme: o\\\\o ("...I am so...um...") "It looks...fine, Mio." madoka: *just wearing a cardboard box over her clothes that says 'gundam'* eternal feather: *muffled speaking from her hello kitty mascot suit* homura: *in a rilakuma kigurumi* Crona: (dressed in shining knight's armor) "Um...Excelsior?" Arthur: -_- "Are you kidding me?!" mami: *she smiles* its cute. *she's cosplaying satsuki kiryuin in her normal mode* Crona: o_o Ragnarok: "...Wow." Kid: (hands cupping his crotch, given...how tight his outfit is) "...Can we just get these photos done already?" sayaka: ok. fuzzy pickles everyone! *cosplaying sailor mercury* --Everyone but Black Star: "Fuzzy Pickles!"-- Black Star: "...What?" -as the picture comes out- Kid: (looking at Stocking...and covering with his hands more) tsugumi: awesome! *she was dressed like a magical girl* Anya: "Hmph. Of course you pick a magical girl..." (blushing at her outfit...and Arthur's...) stocking: you look adorable kiddo~ Kid: "Th-Thanks?" Patty: (leans towards Shinra in her sexy nurse outfit) "Need someone to take your temperature, cutie?" shinra: .////.; Kid: "Um...Why is there a bill for 'costume purchases'? Who bought costumes?" sayaka:..... *raises hand* Patty: (raises hers--and Liz's) Anya: (keeps her hand down...the liar) liz: hey! Patty: "I bought yours for you, you ingrate!" sayaka: iiii bought everyone else’s. Meme: o_o ("Mio's plugsuit...") (passes out) mio: s-senpai get a hold of yourself!! homura:..... (thinking: you perverts.) Patty: "Hang on--I was in a nurse's outfit!" (slaps Meme's face) "Wake up!" -later- Meme: (sipping water) -a few days of the trip later and they were finally able to return home- Kid: (chuckling a little) liz: phew, finally back home. Kid: "Yes." (still laughing) liz: whats so funny? Kid: "N-Nothing." ("Good thing I shipped Stocking and my...'toys', or else getting through security would be awkward.") kirika: *she doesnt even look up from her handheld* yo. -mocha is sitting on top of her head- Patty: "Mocha! Kirika!" (runs over to hug them) kirika: geh! hey! jeez... so, ya guys get me anything? Kid: "A little bit of everything: some culture, some food, some games..." Patty: (holding up stuffed monkey toy) "Eek eek!" kirika: neato. liz: well, i'm gonna unpack, then im going to take a shower. kirika: *smirk* i know somethin you dont know~ Patty: "???" Kid: "What?" kirika: go ask pops. Kid: "He's here?" kirika: in the deathroom. Kid: "I'll walk over, then." -and so- Kid: "Father?" lord death: yes kiddo? whats up? Kid: (smiles) "We're back home..." (walks up, hugs him) lord death: *he hugs him* hey son! how was your trip? Kid: "Some surprises, but I feel like life is getting back to some stability. How were you and Azusa while we were gone?" lord death: *sweats and blushes* um.... Kid: " 'Um'...?" Azusa: "Sweetie, we have to--" (stops) Azusa: o_o "Kid! Um...Welcome!" lord death: *sweats more* y-yumi could you tell him? im too nervous! Kid: "...Hi? Um, Father was about to tell me something...Father? What were you going to say?" Azusa: "...Kid? Why don't you sit down?" Kid: (seats himself at chairs that Lord Death summons) "What is it?" lord death: *blushing* Azusa: "...Kid, do you...I mean, you know that we love you very much. Right?" lord death *he nods* Kid: "Yeeeeeees...Father, this isn't another secret that's going to make things awkward between us, is it?" lord death: of course not! it's gonna bring us together! Azusa: (nods) "We...got back from the doctor, and..." (starts crying a bit) "OH, jeez, this is harder than I thought..." Kid: (panicking) "You're not dying, are you?!" Azusa: (shakes her head, but still struggling to spit it out) "We're...I'm...p-pr-pregnant." Kid: "..." lord death: *blushes* --Meanwhile, at Gallows Mansion-- --EARTHQUAKE!-- liz: WHAT THE HECK?! Patty: (runs out of the bathroom in a towel) "What the hell?!" -meanwhile- cafe master: ??!?!? -meanwhile- gopher: EEEEIE!!! -back in the death room- Kid: (collapsed on the floor) lord death: o-o; Kid: "F-Father? Is that you?" lord death: hey kiddo, its gonna be ok. you're juuust fine. Kid: (remembers what just happened) "WHY DIDN'T YOU WEAR PROTECTION?!" Azusa: "Kid!" lord death: .///////////////////////////. Kid: "And birth control?! Why didn't you--" Azusa: (slaps Kid across the face) lord death: easy now. Kid: (stunned) Azusa: (furious, holding back tears...stands up and marches out of the room) lord death: now now everyone, lets just calm down and take it easy. Azusa: (turns back) "You two talk. I need to calm down." -lord death follows her- Azusa: (crying) "He hates me." lord death: now thats not true, he's just.... im sure he's just shocked. Azusa: "Are we doing the right thing? Did you...want another child?" lord death: *he hugs her* everything will be fine. it will all work out. Azusa: (trying to compose herself, even as she cries) "I'm fine..." (trying to push back) "Just hormones. That's all, right? Just...Just..." (puts her hand to her stomach...and cries) lord death: shhh. there there... would you like some tea to help calm down? Azusa: (a hand over her mouth, but she nods yes) -later- stocking: coming! *she opens the door* oh hey kid, whats up? Kid: (staring at his feet, looking paler than usual) stocking: kid?...come on in. i'll get you some coffee. --He stares at the coffee on the table-- Kid: "...I screwed up." stocking: whats wrong kid? -she sees the bruise on his cheek- stocking: !!! kid! you're hurt! Kid: "...Father and Yumi had news...I-I didn't take it well." stocking: whats wrong? Kid: "...They're having a baby." stocking: !! kid... Kid: (shakes his head) "I...was upset." stocking: i can understand, sorta. Kid: (crying) "I asked...why they didn't use birth control..." stocking: *she hugs him* ........... Kid: "She hates me." stocking: im sure that isnt true. Kid: "She slapped me in the face. I think that's proof..." stocking: !!!! Kid: (sobs) stocking:....... do you want to spend the night? Kid: "C-Can you call Liz and Patty to--to let them know?" stocking: o-ok... -later- Kid: (curled up, but not crying anymore) stocking: *she's stroking his head* Kid: "Why did I say that?" stocking: its not your fault, you just wanted them to be safe. Kid: "Or was I afraid of...being replaced" stocking: ...... you arent being replaced kid... Kid: "...I thought things were getting back to normal..." stocking: shhh..... Kid: "...How do I apologize?" stocking: ...... -the next morning- Kid: (sniffles, coughing, sneezes) "Super." stocking: you gonna be ok? Kid: (blows his nose) "Is there school today?" stocking: yeah.... *she puts a hand to his forehead* christ, you're burning up... Kid: "Ugh...I-I should go back to the Mansion..." (tries to stand...and buckles) stocking: *she catches him* you need rest mister. i'll have one of my dad's servants look after you. Kid: "O-Okay..." -at school- liz: ..... Patty: "Man..." -after school, stocking stays behind- Azusa: "Miss Pheles?" stocking: yes ma'am? Azusa: "...Hi. How are you?" stocking: i'm doing good Azusa: (nods) "Have you spoken with Kid?" stocking: yeah, he's resting at my place as we speak. Azusa: " 'Resting'? Yes, I heard he was ill..." (sighs) "I blame myself." stocking: ....i heard you and kid had a bit of a falling out, huh? Azusa: (nods) "His father...God. He's taking this worse than I am...Look, let's stop dancing around this: you know I'm pregnant with his child, yes?" stocking: *she nods* Azusa: (groans) "Of course he did...Sorry, I didn't mean anything by that: I just meant of course he would share with...well, his family." stocking: *blush* yeah... he's not angry at you. he's just.... *sigh* he worries about you guys. Azusa: (adjusts her glasses) "I appreciate his concern, just not how he expressed it...Could I...Do you think...I mean...*sigh* If I visited your apartment, would he be willing to speak with me?" stocking: well, he's really sick right now... Azusa: "Please?" (removes her glasses) "I really have to speak with him." stocking: *sigh*....ok. Azusa: "..." (hugs Stocking) -and so- Kid: (blows his nose) "Ugh..." stocking: kiiid! im back! i got some stuff for you. Kid: (smiles) "Thank you." stocking: *she opens the door* i see claude's gone home. Kid: (nods) "He was very considerate." stocking: oh, there's someone here to talk to you. Kid: "Oh?" (sees her) "Oh." Azusa: (enters) "Hello." (pulls a chair up to him, sits down) "You look awful." Kid: o_o; "Um...Hi." Azusa: (looks at Stocking--with shiny eyeglasses) stocking: *gives them a look that says 'patch this up you two'* Azusa: (frowns, turns back to Kid) Kid: (terrified of both of them) stocking: its ok kid. Azusa: "I will not apologize for slapping you: you were truly awful." Kid: D: stocking: miss azusa!! Azusa: (removes her glasses) "I will not have you or anyone else shame me for what I did or did not do. The fact is that your father and I have discussed having children for some time, we made a decision, and we pursued it." Kid: "...Okay." Azusa: "We had been trying for a year now." stocking: .... Azusa: "We were seeking advice from our doctors, checking on our health, trying various posit--" Kid: o_0 Azusa: (stoic) "...Anyway." stocking: 7-7; Azusa: "Your father and I love each other. We wanted a child. I am pregnant." (takes Kid's hand) "And you are our child...if you will let me be your...mother." Kid: "..." (sniffs loudly, cries a little) "That's all I want..." Azusa: (crying too, pulling Kid in for a hug) "Okay...Can we just pretend that you didn't say what you said, I didn't slap you, and we were just happy that I'm pregnant?" Kid: (laughs) "Yes." stocking: *she smiles* Azusa: (pulls back) "Good...because this pregnancy is already a nightmare. Do you have any idea what it is like having a shinigami inside of you?" stocking: .///////////////////////.;;;;;; Azusa: "...If I ask whether you two are using protection, will you slap me?" Kid: (shakes his head no) stocking: the worst i'll do is chop you on the head. Azusa: (smirks) "You'd hit a pregnant woman?" stocking: n-no! Azusa: (looks to Kid) "Feel better?" Kid: (shrugs) Azusa: (pats his head) "We'll make you some chicken soup, like my mother made." (stands up) "Come with me, Miss Pheles." stocking: yes ma'am. Kid: (still surprised, pulls out his phone, texts someone...) Azusa: "This recipe will need some spice..." (opens cabinet) "Do you have anything beside sugar?" stocking: i have cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla. Azusa: (groans) "Good thing I bought some while I was out..." (removes some cayenne and hot pepper) "If you are going to prepare a meal to remove a cold, you need spices." stocking: *cringes* y-yeah... Azusa: "Cut the chicken, steam it, and I'll prepare the noodles and spices..." (As she finishes with each spice, she sets it on Stocking's shelf) "Keep these spices and use them later." (eyeglasses flash at Stocking) stocking: suuuure ma'am. Azusa: "What was that?" stocking: of course! *she smiles* Azusa: "Good..." --The meal is completed and served to Kid-- Kid: (stares...the soup is bubbling) "Um..." Azusa: "Eat it." Kid: (chuckles nervously) "Maybe I should let it cool a bit--" Azusa: "EAT IT." Kid: (panics--practically eats it all in one spoonful...then his face turns red and fire explodes out of his mouth) stocking: o-o;;;;;;; we maaay have to work on your nurturing skills. Azusa: "What are you talking about? He's sleeping like a baby now." stocking: *looks at kid* Kid: x_x (passed out from heat exhaustion and slamming the back of his head against the bed's headboard) stocking: o-o;;;;;;;;;;;; -later- Kid: "I think my tastebuds all committed mass suicide..." stocking: *she rubs his back* Azusa: "I will leave you two to it..." (leans down, kisses Kid's forehead) "I love you." Kid: (blushing) "Y-Yeah. I love you, too." Azusa: (nods, smiles at Stocking) "Keep an eye on my child, Miss Pheles." stocking: see you later then. also, you can call me stocking outside school. Azusa: "..." (blushes) "Then call me...Yumi." (hurriedly) "Goodbye." (scampers, slams the door behind her) Kid: o_o stocking: *she chuckles* well then. that was.... something, huh? Kid: "Yes..." (stretches) "But that soup really did get rid of my cold. What did she put into it?" stocking: cayenne and hot pepper.... *gags a bit* Kid: (chuckles) "I think you may have to memorize that recipe, for my next cold...Stocking? Thank you." stocking: *sigh* its disgusting, but at least you feel better... and no problem, babe... Kid: "I'd kiss you, but I don't want you to catch whatever virus the soup didn't...or taste those spices..." (whispers) "But sometimes, a little spice is needed in a relationship..." stocking: *blush* y-yeah... Kid: (yawns) "I think I better get some more sleep..." stocking: yeah. i'll sleep on the couch tonight. Kid: (frowns) "I'm sorry..." stocking: its ok. you need your rest. Kid: "I'll make it up...(Yawn)...to you..." (closes his eyes) -next morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: morning kid. feeling any better? Kid: (stretches) "Much. Thank you. I feel like 8 million dollars..." Kid: "How...was the couch?" stocking: decent. Kid: (frowns) "I will make it up to you." stocking: *she smiles and hugs him* Kid: (returns the hug) "I better shower." -at school- Kid: (squirming) stocking: you ok? Kid: (nods) "Just...haven't spoken with Father since..." stocking: want to speak with him after class? Kid: (nods) -later- Kid: "Father? I want to--" o_0 lord death: yes kiddo? Kid: (keep calm, keep calm keep calm keepcalm) "That's...a lot of books." lord death: why yes, some of these were from when your mama was having you. Kid: (picks one up...and sees her name inside it) "Yes..." (sits beside Lord Death) lord death: it's been a while, and i need to relearn everything. Kid: "You will. You'll do fine." (smiles) "I have confidence in you." lord death: *he smiles* and someday, if you and stocking ever decide to have little ones of your own, you can use these. Kid: (nods) "...I'm sorry." lord death: oh? for what? Kid: (tearing up a bit) "For insulting you and Yumi...I'm happy for you both. I just...reacted badly." lord death: shhh. there there. its quite alright. Kid: (hugs him...then laughs) "I'm going to be a big brother..." lord death: you sure are. Kid: "...How far along is Yumi?" lord death: we just found out recently. Kid: (sighs) "This is a big change, Father." lord death: i know. Kid: "But...You will be an excellent father...as always." lord death: *he smiles* Kid: (hugs him) "I love you, Father." lord death: i love you too, son. Kid: (smiles) "Father? Would I...be a good father?" lord death: im certain of it. Kid: (frowns) "I still have a long way to go, and I don't think I'm ready right now...but I have been thinking about children much more lately." stocking: yeah. say! maybe when the baby is born, we can babysit as practice? Kid: (smiles) "Would that be okay, Father? For us to babysit my future sibling?" lord death: why of course! Kid: (smiles at Stocking) "Babysitting...That's going to be a challenge." stocking: im sure we can manage. Kid: (nods) "Yes. Father, is there anything we can do right now to help you and Yumi?" -later- Kid: "What now?" stocking: not sure. Kid: "It has been a long day, so perhaps we should get or make dinner." -kid's phone rings- Kid: (picks it up) "Hello." nygus: kid, you're needed at the city gates, its an emergency! Kid: "We'll be right there!" (hangs up) "Stocking, to the city gates! Where are Liz and Patty?" liz: we're here. -and so- Patty: "What's going on, Naigus?" -at the city gates, a woman is standing there. she seems badly wounded- Kid: (trying to stay calm) "Where are the healers?" nygus: on their way. woman: i-im going to die.... Kid: (approaches the woman) "No, you are not...Stay with us." (to Naigus) "What medical care have you administered to her?" woman: does it matter? im going to die either way! i-i dont care what you do to me but....p-please... Kid: (to Naigus) "Administer care, now." (to the woman) "Please, let our first aid attend to you. What did you want to say?" woman: m-my baby! please! if anything, just save my baby! Kid: (eyes widen) "W-Where is your baby?" liz:...... k-kid.... look at her.... Kid: "...Oh." (to Naigus) "Get Stein and any OB-GYNs on retainer, now." woman: *she falls to her knees and coughs up a glowing yellow substance* nygus: jesus. GET A HAZMAT TEAM IN HERE, STAT! Kid: (trying to sense her soul...) "What on earth...?" -later- spirit: *sighs* the baby is fine, but.... there was nothing we could do for the mother. Kid: (can barely keep eye contact) "...We should have been able to..." nygus: she was infected with clown blood. spirit: aka, those freaky madness mutants asura summoned? Kid: (frowning) "...Asura did this to her?" spirit: either that or a clown... *he sighs* Kid: "...Spirit? Naigus? Can we use that substance from the woman to track a Clown?" spirit: sadly, no. Kid: (shakes his head) "There has to be...What will happen to the baby? Who will tend to them?" marie: i'll look after her. Kid: (nods) "Thank you...A child without a name..." marie:.... christa. that's what i'll call her. Kid: "...That's beautiful." marie: shh, its ok sweetie. Kid: "Marie? Is there anything you will need?" marie: i'm gonna need a place for the baby to sleep and stuff! !!!! yuuummiiiiii~ you know what this means? Yumi: "...Please, no..." marie: our babies, are gonna be besties! :D Yumi: (aggravated groan) "Super." -the next morning- Kid: (sitting before a book...) liz: what'cha reading there? Kid: "More so looking..." (It's a photo album of Kid as a baby, along with photographs with him and his father and mother) liz: *she nods and looks* you have you're mom's face....s-sorry. Kid: (smiles) "No, no, it's fine..." (rests a hand on that photo of his mother) liz:.....*frowns* Kid: "What's wrong?" liz: you were pretty lucky to have such a loving mother... Kid: "...Yes..." (rests a hand on her shoulder) "I want us to be that home for you, Liz..." liz: *she smiles and sighs* i cant..... what happened today... with that woman.... it keeps replaying in my head... Kid: (nods) "I am scared for Christa." liz: i think she's in good hands.... Kid: "I know...but when she learns about her mother..." liz: ................. *she rubs her stomach* ........... Kid: "Liz?" liz: ?? s-sorry... just remembering something... Kid: "Something you want to discuss?" liz:..... *sigh* a year before we met you, i- *she sighs*....... i had a child. Kid: "...Wow." liz: yeah.... but i wasnt able to take care of him and patti, so i had to give him up for adoption.... i must be such a shitty parent... Kid: "..." (pulls her in for a hug) "You provided a life for that child. You gave that child a home. What more can a parent do?" liz: i-i guess.... but sometimes i really miss him... Kid: "Do you wish you could meet him?" liz: *she nods* Kid: "...Have you ever contacted the adoption agency?" liz: *she shakes her head* Kid: "...I hope, in the future, when you are ready, that you do. I think you need...to know about your child." liz: yeah... Kid: "...I'm sorry. If I had known I..." liz: its fine kid. Kid: "..." (nods) liz: i feel a little better now. Kid: (smiles) "Liz...I hope you consider this place your home...and that...you find the family you want." liz: thank you kid.... for everything you've done for me and patti. *she hugs him* Kid: "And for everything you both have done for me, Father, Stocking...Yumi..." liz: *she smiles and falls asleep* Kid: (smirks. "It's morning, and she's asleep...I better carry her to her room...") -at school- Kid: (staring at nothing...) stocking: i take it liz caught your cold today? Kid: (frowns) "Something like that." Kid: (sighs) "She...had a difficult conversation with me." stocking: oh... is everything ok with you two? Patty: (realizing...and keeps quiet...) Kid: (smiles) "Yes, they are. Just...something that came up that is deeply personal to her from the past, and was difficult to discuss." stocking: oh..... i understand. Kid: "...Stocking? Can we start shopping for Yumi and Marie's children?" stocking: yeah! that sounds great! Kid: "Great!" (reaches down, slamming down a huge catalog) "I've been going through every baby catalog and--Just look at all the cute outfits!" stocking: woah. Kid: "Squee!" (blushes) "Um..." (clears his throat) stocking: well you seem excited. Kid: (shrugs) "Y-Yeah...Just excited to be working on a project that doesn't involve monsters, mass murderers, or someone walking in on us..." stocking: yeah, haha. *sweatdrop* Kid: (gasps) "A giraffe baby's onesie--!" Patty: (glares) "DIE..." stocking: easy girl. Patty: (fuming) "Giraffes must die...If you two ever dress your baby up like a giraffe, I'm reporting you to the cops." stocking: jeez. Patty: (pouts) "Fine. I won't call the cops on you...only because you'll probably be a great mother." stocking: ^^; Kid: (smiles) "Yes, she will..." (kisses her cheek) stocking: *bluuush* l-lets just get to class. Kid: (grunts as he lifts and carries the big-ass baby catalog) "Co-ming..." Patty: (helping him carry the book) "What's our first class?" stocking: *she checks her class schedule* hmmm... Kid: "Is it math? Literature? Home ec?" stocking: looks like math. Kid: "...Will you be okay with that?" stocking: *sigh* i've been getting better. Kid: (smiles) "And you'll keep getting better..." Patty: (holds up a graphing calculator) "Just need your little cheat-sheet..." stocking: ?? Patty: "Some of the tests don't allow calculators..." (hides the calculator, reveals her watch) "That's why this calculator watch helps! And no teacher has caught me yet! Ha ha ha!" stocking: oh my god. --Someone snatches Patty's wrist, ripping the watch off of her-- stocking: what the hell?! Azusa: (eyeglass flash) "No cheating in the classroom. You'll get your watch back at the end of the day..." (smiles at Stocking, Kid) "Good morning, Kid, Miss Pheles..." (walks into the classroom) stocking: busted. Patty: o_o "At least I didn't wear cheat-sheets under my clothes..." soul: *glaaaare* Patty: "...Hi, Soul! You wearing your sexy boxers today? And cheat-sheets? Please say 'yes'!" Kid: (facepalm) soul: ............ Patty: "Just sayin'." (clicks tongue, aims finger pistol at him) soul: *rolls eyes* -at lunch- soul: yeah, i think this will work. *puts some papers into his bag* Black Star: "What're you doing, Soul?" soul: just prepping for my job interview after school today. Black Star: "Job interview? Where?" soul: the Megalo-Mart. y'know, that big grocery store that opened up last year? Black Star: (nods) "Stipend not covering the bills?" soul: just trying to make a little extra cash. Black Star: (smiles) "So you can buy me a kickass birthday gift?!" soul: heh, maybe. blair said the experience might do me some good. Black Star: "You need a reference? I can write you the best letter, man." -a few days later- soul: morning guys. Kid: "Good morning. How are you, Soul?" soul: pretty good. Black Star: "How's the job?" soul: doing pretty good. they pay's decent enough, thought my coworkers are... rather interesting. Kid: "Oh? How so?" soul: well, you know that akabane kid from the ALT classes? he's working there too. there's also some other people.... and then..... *excalibur face* there's that dickbag, patrick. Black Star: "So, you've been stocking shelves with those jerks?" soul: well, most of the others seem pretty decent. for the most part. but that patrick guy.... just... eff that guy. Kid: "What do you have against Patrick?" soul: where do i even begin with this guy? first off, the guy smells like a literal toilet. he's a complete asshole to his coworkers and to the customers, he's just disgusting to look at, he's literally just horrible. Black Star: "What, he doesn't bathe or something?" soul: not that im aware of. that and.....his 'gas attack'.... *urk* makes me sick just thinking about it. Kid: o_o "Is...Is this even a real person?" soul: i have no idea anymore at this point. the only reason this guy hasnt been fired yet is cause....i heard he's mafia. Kid: (frowns, sighs) "No matter how we try, organized crime keeps a hold of this city..." soul: i'll keep you posted. -a week later- soul: fuck! Black Star: "Dude?" soul: its been a long week, and grossman's been getting worse. Black Star: "...Hey. Do you know how this guy gets home? Which route he takes?" soul: no, but i'm gonna have to tonight. my boss kiiinda asked me tooo 'take care of the mess' as it were. stocking: *whispers* contracted murder?! Kid: (chokes on his drink) soul: that's not all, this guy? he was supposed to have died 3 years ago. Kid: "...Is he a zombie?" soul: dont think so. more like some ghost with physical form. stocking: ghosts you say? well, i happen to be an expert on ghost hunting. i shall help you on this task~ Kid and Black Star: (look at each other) Black Star: "Um...You two okay on your own, or should we come with you?" soul: we could use back up. -that night- Kid: (watching) soul: ok, he's walkin home, tread slowly. Black Star: (in a fedora and a trenchcoat) "How come I'm the only one who wore a disguise?" stocking: *throws out the fedora and gives him a sunhat* Black Star: "Hey!" stocking: shh. soul: ok move. Kid: (nods, follows) -they arrive at a house- Kid: (looks at the address) soul: ok. there looks like a tree leading to the attic. stocking: allow me. *she summons her wings and flies up to the window, cutting it open and entering, tossing a rope ladder down* Kid: (smiles) "My angel..." soul: ok. -they climb up- Black Star: (picking up the rear) soul: ok, now what? Kid: "I'm not sure I can sense this Patrick...I sense a few other souls around here..." stocking: *she looks around* there's a toolbox. be ready to arm yourselves. Kid: (frowns) "Why didn't I bring Liz and Patty...It's not like my clothes turn into weapons..." soul: here. *hands him a screw driver* this should help for now. Kid: "A screwdriver. Oh, joy." Black Star: (pulls out a wooden mallet) -so they sneak down, to where grossman is gorging on something- Kid: (grimacing at the sound, whispers to Stocking) "Since when do ghosts eat?" stocking: unless he was given physical form.... which i think is the case... Black Star: "A ghost in a skin-bag? Weird...What is he eating?" stocking: not sure.... ugh, the smell is awful.. Kid: (smells) "Ugh...Is it meat?" grossman: *BRRRRAP* ugh.. what the hell? stocking: ......... !!!!!! *she tenses up* Kid: (stands alongside Stocking) grossman: wait a sec, aint you that bitch from the private school? yeah, i think you are. stocking:........... grossman: dont give me that look you slut, you know you loved every fucking second of it. Kid: (inhales) "Stocking...Is he..." stocking: ........... *she nods silently* Kid: "...Soul? Black Star? Block the exits." grossman: i kept the pictures, gott'em riiiight here. soul: y-yeah.... grossman: why dun i refresh your memory sweetcheeks? stocking: !!! \make him suffer\ Kid: (already behind Grossman, slams his fist into the back of his neck) grossman: gahk! what the he- Kid: (kicks into Grossman's back, intending to stomp his foot down to pin him...) grossman: agh! the hell're ya doin you shi- Kid: (shoves his foot down, pinning Grossman) "Retribution must be doled out." (looks to Stocking) "What should be done with him?" stocking:....... hell's too good for you. *she slams her swords into grossman, until he's cut up to shreds. her expression doesnt change* Kid: (and seeing her attack...something returns to Kid's eyes: shock) "Stocking?!" stocking: *she then cuts grossman's soul in half, causing it to fade*............................... Kid: "Stocking?! What have you done?" stocking:.............*the house vanishes, leaving an empty lot* i want........to go home now..........*she falls to her knees* Kid: "..." (leans down, and holds her) "Okay..." -later- stocking:....................................... Kid: "Stocking?" stocking:........ *trembling* Kid: "Stocking, I'm sorry." stocking: its not.....y-your fault.....am i a bad person? Kid: "...If it were me, I would have done the same. I am pretty sure I would." stocking:...... t-thanks for burning those pictures.... Kid: "Of course." (hugs her) "Stocking, I will always love you.” stocking:...... i just wanted him gone..... Kid: (nods) stocking: ............ -the next day- soul: well, work's doing much better now. Kid: "...Good." stocking:..... im glad.... i'll have to come in.... Kid: (nods) -a few days later- Kid: "..." stocking: you ok? Kid: (forces a smile) "Yes. You?" stocking: kid. i can tell when you're faking it. whats wrong? Kid: "...You destroyed his soul...and it made me remember..." soul: ??? Kid: "...Do you know what I did in the Book?" stocking: ??? Kid: "...Pandora made me see a vision of you...and I-I-I..." stocking:........ *she hugs him* Kid: "I wrapped my hands around your neck...and I killed you..." stocking:................ Kid: "So when I expressed shock that you killed that man...I understand why you did it...and I have no reason to judge when...when...I am willing to destroy absolutely everyone. And that scares me." (looks at her) "I was scared of you when you killed him." stocking:...................... Kid: "I'm sorry. I just have never seen you look like that before." stocking: i... i felt like i wasnt in control of myself... Kid: "Neither was I...which I think, in some very depressing way, means that my experience in that...hell has made me understand parts of myself..." (moves Stocking's hand to his heart) "I am not any one thing...I am not fully evil or good. I am only me." stocking:....... *she leans into him* Kid: "I'm sorry, Stocking..." (holding back tears) "I'm sorry for what you have been through." stocking: at least....he wont bother me ever again.... Kid: (nods) "Yes...How do you feel?" stocking: scared... but i feel safe with you... Kid: "Likewise...I love you." stocking: i love you too kid. Kid: "...I think...we could both benefit from talking about this...with someone..." stocking: maybe a therapy session? not like couple's therapy, more like one does one session then the other does the other session right after? Kid: (nods) "I want that." -after therapy- stocking: feeling any better? Kid: (smiles) "Yes. You?" stocking: yeah... so what now? Kid: (holds her hand) "I would like to get something for Christa...and that can help for buying for Yumi and Father, too." stocking: sure. mall? Kid: "???" -the store reads: Bundlebug- Kid: "Bundlebug? Odd name..." stocking: its a baby clothes store. Kid: (looks in the window...and squees) "Such tiny clothes!" stocking: *she smiles as they enter.* Kid: (holding up a dinosaur baby t-shirt, smiling widely) stocking: how cute! oh! look at this one! *its a duck onesie* Kid: "Adorable!" (holds up a stuffed tanuki doll, assumes a gruff voice) " 'Hello there, Baby! I'm a tanuki!'" stocking: *snickering* clerk: ah, excited about being parents are we? Kid: (blushing) "Oh, we're not--I mean, I'm not pregnant--I mean--! She's not--!" stocking: its for our teachers. Kid: (nods) Kid: "One of them is my step-mother--I mean, she's not married to my father, but--Um..." clerk: ah, i see. those kigurumi style onesies are really popular, we also carry styles in other animals, like rabbits, cats, elephants, you name it! Kid: "Stocking, which do you think for Christa? Maybe the rabbit?" stocking: oh this puppy one is adorable! Kid: "Oh, I think that should be the one to get her!" stocking: ^w^ Kid: (gathers a few more baby items for Christa) "We'll be taking these, please." clerk: alright then. Kid: "Anything else to buy, Stocking?" stocking: maybe some things for yumi's baby? Kid: (nods) "If we got a puppy one for Christa...maybe a cat one for my little sibling?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: "And I think the baby will need some toys..." (picks up a giraffe stuffed animal) "Um...maybe not that one..." stocking: hmm. how about this? *is a little panda* Kid: "Yes!" stocking: hehe~ Kid: (picks a few more outfits) "So cute..." -later- Kid: (giddy smile) stocking: you seem excited. Kid: "Just...pleased to get something for Christa and Baby Death." stocking: yeah. Kid: "St-Stocking? I...was wondering..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "We're...past 18 years old now, yes?" stocking: i think so. Kid: "But...do you feel like we are adults? Like, mature, independent persons?" stocking: i think so. Kid: "...But how do you know? I worry that I'm not very mature." stocking: lets just take it a day at a time. Kid: (nods) "Okay." Kid: (holds her hand) "I think you are mature..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "I guess I'm still thinking about children...It feels like maturity would be the state of being able to tend to a child. I'm not sure when I'll be ready for that." stocking: *she holds his hand* its always good to get in some practice. Kid: (nods) "I wonder how Marie and Christa are doing...It may help to see a parent in action." stocking: want to visit them? Kid: "Yes." -and so- -dindon- marie: oh, hey kid, stocking, come in! Spirit: (playing peek-a-boo with Christa) "Where's Uncle Spirit? Here he is!" christa: :D Spirit: "Where's Uncle Spirit? Here he is!" (giggles at Christa) "So cute." Spirit: (spots the guests...) "Oh, Kid, Stocking, hello! How are you?" stocking: i see you've made friends with her pretty quick. Spirit: (smiles) "Yes...She is so happy." stocking: *she smiles* hey there, look what i got you~ Kid: (shows some clothes to Marie) marie: awwww they're so cuuute! Spirit: (holding Christa) "Look, Christa--isn't that a cute doll your Aunt Stocking got you?" christa: magu magu! Spirit: "Yes, Christa--tanuki!" christa: *she hugs it tightly* ^w^ Kid: "How is Christa, Marie?" marie: she's been doing well. spirit's been visiting a lot. Kid: (sad smile) "Yeah?" ("...A father who wants to be a father again...") marie: yeah. Kid: "What's it like, Marie, to tend to a baby?" marie: well, its a lot of work, but its more than worth it. Kid: (nods) "I imagine that is what Father and Yumi feel." marie: yeah. Kid: "How have Christa's doctors' visits gone?" marie: they've gone well. she's in pretty good health. she doesnt seem to be infected with clown blood. Kid: (frowns) "I...worry when Christa is old enough to learn..." marie: i worry too... christa: *crying* Spirit: "Marie, where's Christa's formula?" marie: its on the counter! Spirit: "Thanks!" (puts the bottle to Christa...) Kid: (studies how Spirit is feeding, noticing the angle and paying attention to Christa's breathing and speed of consumption) christa:  :D -when she finishes, she hiccups and giggles- Kid: "So cute..." Spirit: (patting Christa's back to burp her) Spirit: "Stocking? Did you want to hold Christa?" stocking: eh? well, i guess its ok. *she holds her* like this? Spirit: "Support her head a bit more..." stocking: ok. *she does so* is this better? Spirit: (nods) "You're a natural." Kid: (blushing as he watches Stocking) christa: *tired crying* stocking: shhh, its ok... *she rocks the baby and hums* Spirit: (crosses his arms, nods approvingly) -soon, the baby is put back in her crib.- stocking: the nursery looks really good. marie: thanks to gen and sid, yeah. Kid: (nods) "I'm happy how much DWMA members help each other..." marie: we're like a family, in a way. Kid: (holds Stocking's hand) "Yes... -later- Kid: (sighs) liz: you ok, kid? Kid: "Yes. Just thinking about...children." liz: ah..... Kid: "Yeah...Stocking and I met with Marie and Christa today." liz: how are they? Kid: "Well. Marie has kept Christa healthy and happy as any baby can be..." liz: thats good to know. Kid: "..." ("Do I ask her, or let it drop? I just can't believe she's a parent...I wonder where her child is now...") -that night- lord death: hey kiddos, how's it going? kirika: eh. Kid: (smiles) "Father! Hello!" Patty: "Hey, Lord D!" lord death: so how are you all doing? kirika: same as usual. mocha: mrow. liz: alright. Patty: " 'Kay." Kid: "Better. How are you and Yumi?" lord death: quite excellent. *he smiles* actually, much more than excellent. Kid: "Oh?" lord death:.... *bluuush* oh no! im too nervous! come on LD, keep your cool. Kid: "Father, just tell us. You have a receptive audience." lord death: *inhales* yumi and i are getting married! liz: whu-whu-WHA!? kirika: about goddamn time. Kid: (smiles) "Congratulations!" Patty: (raises hand) "Flower girl, right here!" lord death: *blushing+flustered reaper noises* Kid: "How did you propose to Yumi?" lord death: *sweats* Kid: "Well, she obviously accepted. So, how did she react? Where is she?" -meanwhile at marie's place- marie: *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE* Yumi: "Please, don't deafen me--I am pregnant." marie: sorry, but ohmygosh im so happy for you!! Yumi: (smiles) "Thank you." (hugs her) "I...have not felt this happy in a long time." marie: *she pulls out a big, big book* well i've been keeping notes from watching wedding shows on TLC so... Yumi: o_o; "Please tell me you do not watch Bridezilla..." marie: naawwww, i have seen stuff like 'say yes to the dress' and stuff. Yumi: "Okay..." (pats her stomach) "I hope we can find one, seeing as I'll be...bigger." marie: C: Yumi: "Do they make maternity wedding dresses?" marie: we can get it custom~! Yumi: "...When can we try out dresses?" marie: first thing tomorrow! Yumi: (smiles, blushes) -the next day- Patty: "What's on the agenda today, Sis?" liz: well yumi asked us to help her pick out a wedding dress. Yumi: "..." lord death: are you alright? Yumi: (adjusts her glasses) "Fine, thank you. Just thinking how much work is ahead of us." (picks up a heavy book effortlessly, then lets go--and it slams hard. It is labelled "Wedding Plans") lord death: ooh! *he puts on his glasses* Yumi: "Yes, I spent most of yesterday afternoon making checklists of what we will need and preliminary plans for where to host the wedding..." (opens the book, revealing thorough, complicated lists of all details) "This is only a rough draft, so I apologize at how unprofessional it may look." (There are also charts, diagrams, illustrations, and photographs) (As well as the dietary needs of most of their likely wedding guests.) lord death: this is quite detailed. if i didnt know any better, i'd think kid wrote all this. no offence, dear. Yumi: (smiles) "I take that as a compliment." (shows an example seating chart) "I imagine as head of the DWMA, you will want to invite everyone. However, given the sheer size of the organization, I am concerned whether there is a venue that could actually house all members." lord death: perhaps, but considering how the death room can expand in size, i think it could be possible to squeeze everyone in here. Yumi: "Excellent." (kisses him on the lips) "You are excellent at changing sizes." lord death: *blush+steam* Yumi: (organizes papers) "Well, I have an appointment with Marie and others to pick out a dress. When will you be measured for your tux?" lord death: soon possibly~ Yumi: (frowns) "Do not procrastinate. I do not want you at our wedding in a T-shirt and shorts." lord death: worry not dearest. *he kisses her forehead* this is something i will take very seriously. Yumi: (smiles) "Excellent. Well, I will see you later this afternoon. Goodbye." (turns to depart) -later- Yumi: (overly ruffled dress that someone picked out for her) "...I look like a baby doll." stocking: hmmm. yeah, that really doesnt seem to work for you. Patty: (frowns) "I thought it'd be cute! Marie, what would you have Yumi wear?" marie: well, i think perhaps something sleek, maybe a mermaid style? Yumi: "Well...that could be good." Patty: "So, like, a mermaid tail and fins?" liz: i think she means like this. *she shows a pic from a magazine* Patty: "...Can we still dress up Azusa like a mermaid?" stocking: *sweatdrop* Yumi: "...I will go change now. Please keep her under control..." --One costume change later-- Yumi: (enters) "So..." marie: eee! its perfect! Yumi: (blushing) "Is it?" Yumi: "I mean, you said that about a lot of dresses, Marie..." liz: yeah, but this one really suits you. Patty: (thumbs up) Yumi: "...Will he like it?" stocking: why dont we ask~? Yumi: (blushes, waves hands) "No, no, no! The husband-to-be is not supposed to see the bride in her dress before the wedding!" stocking: ah! you're right! sorry~ but yeah, i think he's going to like it. Yumi: "...I will buy it, then." (assumes professional demeanor) "Marie, as my bridesmaid, I will need your help: I will require something borrowed, something new, and something blue." Patty: (opens mouth, pulls out a wad of blue bubblegum) "I got the blue!" liz: the dress is new, so dont you mean something old? Yumi: "Ugh, I am stressing out over this..." liz: its ok, everything’s gonna work out at the end. Yumi: "No, not until I have everything in order. I still have not finished the seating chart, the meal options, the proper flowers, the honeymoon, the music--" (stands still--then puts a hand on her stomach) "And...this one." marie: thats why you have us. *she smiles* liz: (thinking: she really is like kid...) Yumi: "..." (sniffs, holds back tears, stands up straight) "Thank you. Please let staff know I will buying this dress. I will pay for it with my account. Let me just change..." Patty: "Hey! We still need to try out our outfits! What color should we wear for our bridesmaid outfits?" liz: hmm... well, 'something blue', am i right? Yumi: (calling from inside the changing room) "Yes, that is the slogan. Do you think we can find a blue that looks good?" -and so- Yumi: "Hmmm..." liz: well? how does it look? Yumi: "Hmmm...Good shade...Very attractive on you, Elizabeth." liz: thank you. marie: blue like a clean soul~ Patty: (tugs at the dress) "What do you think, Stocking?" stocking: i think it looks really nice! Patty: "I'm not a big fan of blue. I was hoping for something with sequins and blinking lights." liz: *sweatdrop* Yumi: (puts a hand on Patty's dress) "It looks wonderful on you, Patricia. Could you please wear it? For me?" Patty: (frowns) "Fine..." Yumi: "Anything else we need, Marie?" -later- Kid: "I wonder how Stocking and the others did today..." liz: we're hoooome! we got the dresses taken care of. Kid: "Ah, welcome home! How do you like the dresses?" stocking: they're great, but you're just gonna have to wait to see them~ Kid: (smirks) "I was afraid you would say that..." (reveals a covered dish--removes the cover to reveal...) "I had the chefs create this decadent chocolate cupcake, with the finest frosting possible...but if you won't show me the dress..." (covers it) "I'll give it to someone else..." Patty: "Oh, that's cold, Kiddo." stocking: Q~Q \depriving her of the sweets she loves? you're such a terrible boyfriend. she probably hates you now~\ Kid: (hums as he walks away, trying to ignore the madness in his head... "I can hear you, but I'm not listening...") (...then Kid looks over his shoulder to see whether Stocking took the bait...) Kid: ("I mean, I'm only teasing her...right?") stocking: *she's eating it* Kid: o_O "THAT WAS MY BARGAINING CHIP! How did--I mean, I was holding the plate, so how did you steal from it?!" Kid: (uncovers the dish...and Patty is under it.) Patty: (waves) liz: o____________o how the.... you know... at this point its the norm for her.... Patty: "Yep! I am beyond your comprehension!" Kid: (pouts) "So now I'm going to have to wait until the wedding to see you in that dress?" stocking: kiddo, kiddo, kiddo~ when will you learn? nothing, and i mean nothing, comes between me and my sweets~. also yes. Kid: (frowns) "Darn." (walks by her) "I'll just have to wait to see you in that dress..." (whispers in her ear) "and get you out of it..." stocking:.......... *stoic face+nosebleed* Patty: "Stop doing that to the poor girl! We can't afford more blood donations!" liz: -_-; Kid: (wiping Stocking's nose) "But isn't she just adorable like that?" stocking: what? bleeding from the nose? *she paps his head* how meeeean! Kid: "Ouch!" (pouts, rubs his head) "I meant that stoic look on your face..." stocking: ................. *she tugs his cheeks* Kid: "Hey!" (grabs her face and tugs) "How do you like that?!" stocking: ah! *she whimpers* \see what you have done? you've gone and upset her! you disgusting, abusive, pig\ Kid: (covers his mouth) "Oh, no...Stocking, I'm sorry!" (approaches her) stocking?: *smiles* drop dead you bastard~ Kid: "...What?" -stockings begin crawling out of the floor and grabbing onto him- 'go die' 'i hate you!' 'kill yourself' 'disgusting' 'worthless' 'scumbag!' Kid: "This isn't happening..." (doesn't move) "This is just a hallucination...This is just a dream. Yes? Right?" (laughs nervously...then screams in panic) liz: kid?!? Patty: "He's shaking! Is he having a seizure?" Kid: (cowering) "Don't move...I could hurt someone..." stocking?: theres a knife in the kitchen.... get to work. i'll forgive you when your dead~ Kid: "...Okay..." (stands up, and walks towards the kitchen...) stocking: ??? *she follows kid* Kid: (approaches the knife drawer, removes a knife...) stocking: KID WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! *she runs and tackles him, knocking the knife away* Kid: "I just was doing what was asked! I thought if I took the knife, that you would tell me that was enough!" (crying a little) "Wasn't that enough?" stocking: why would you even do something like that? Kid: (crying) "I don't know..." Patty: (takes the knife away, placing it back into the drawer..."Better lock this...") stocking: kid. look at me... im not angry with you... Kid: "...I didn't know what to do...I needed to do something to wake up from the dream...and I thought...if I took the knife, something--someone would stop me..." stocking: ........... *she kisses him* im here now.... ok? Kid: (whimpers, holds her) -later, she lays next to kid in bed. they decided not to tell yumi and lord death of the incident- Kid: "...Thank you." stocking: no problem kid.... i love you, ok? no matter what the voices in your head tell you, i love you. Kid: "...I want to get better. It's not fair to you..." stocking: ......... *she strokes his back and head* Kid: "I want to purge those voices...It's just not fair to everyone else..." stocking: i know.... but we're here for you. Kid: (nods) "I believe that..." (turns over, hugs her) stocking: do you....w-want to put you face in my chest?....sorry.... Kid: (blushes a little, nods...approaches her) stocking: *she pulls him in close* you ok? Kid: (nods) "Better...I'm sorry to repeat myself, but I want to get better...You don't deserve to have to deal with someone like...me." stocking: ...... *she kisses his forehead* Kid: (holds her...slowly falls asleep) stocking: i love you kid. Kid: (Yawns) "I love you, t...Zzz..." stocking:...... *she smiles and slowly drifts off*
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