#unless I reblogged something bad then Im certain of what made people unfollow
plushie-lovey · 2 years
A few weeks ago I was nearly at 200 followers, now I'm back down to 165. Ik why you guys left but it was for a silly reason. To each their own
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robuttsinyourthighs · 4 years
I'm sorry to ask, but what is going on? I saw the discourse but I really can't put things together / I don't understand what is going on. Im sorry about the people who are being a-holes to you.
It's a long story. I'll try to be concise but include details.
It started with some anti megastar anti Starscream people spamming a post I made about liking both MegaStar and StarOp (genuinely I don't really have any attachment to shipping I just pair everyone with Starscream I don't care). Like they copied my post and spammed it through multiple fandom tags and kept making new user names and at one point tried to pretend it was me.
They called me a cracker in one of the many anonymous messages they sent me. I was updating people with names to block and mentioned the person might not be white due to the weird racial insult, and I only had one suspect who had been harassing people in a semi-similar fashion and they happened to be a POC but that was my only suspicion (hadn't named them yet or claimed it was any specific ethnicity).
Then I was spammed with the N-word repeatedly and accused of targeting POC, then told I was racist. Then they strangely started saying I was targeting black people and when I revealed my only suspect happened to indeed be a black person, but I hadn't mentioned any race other than "not white", they claimed I sent people after this suspect (my following is not big and I think this harasser is working under the assumption I'm somd BNF and I'm really not??) and they accused me of trying to attack a completely innocent user. I then posted proof that my suspect is not innocent of every doing anything wrong and had proof of him harassing users before all this.
Then they noticed that a certain user they believe is a TERF commented on something or reblogged something, or I reblogged something from them? So they accused me of being TERF as well as racist. I just wanted proof of the user in question being a TERF because I don't support that shit and they couldn't give me an answer so their claims were discredited and unsupported.
Today (yesterday now) I saw a post come up from a user on the supposed opposite side of things that said MegaStar shippers were going after them. I tried to empathize and commented about the stuff that had happened to me and they had a very abrupt ANTI MEGASTAR reaction and told me not to interact, which is really fucking sus.
Looking into their page and the new discourse going around, it looks to me that someone is harassing people with MegaStar art in an attempt to make MegaStar stans look bad? Honestly I couldn't care less-it's shitty discourse, let people ship who they want, don't like don't read etc. But I made a post saying how weird it was.
Suddenly ANON is back with their random rage-boner accusations. They switched from fandom discourse to the TERF thing AGAIN and I lost it.
I just had a breakdown and vented it all out and they tried to invalidate what I'm going through by saying I was gaslighting by "making it about me"... The one being harassed and slandered... I just wanted proof of this person I follow being a TERF because some random anonymous person shouldn't be able to dictate who you follow without evidence? I told them I hadn't found any evidence myself and the rage-boner anon eventually randomly name-dropped my earlier suspect and again, with no evidence, said I had them harassed when I've done no such thing but point out their potential as a suspect and screenshots to back up my claim and this anon can do nothing to support theirs.
At the end of the day there is someone/some people, I believe, parading as MegaStar shippers harassing a bunch of people into hating the ship even more to give themselves leverage to say "look how bad it is they are harassing us" over posts no real fan of a pairing would actually do so. I really don't care that much about the ship itself but rather the principal of let people ship who they want and don't bother other people over it, don't like it don't read or block the creators if you think it's offensive or problematic. I don't support TERFS and will gladly unfollow and block anyone I find to be one, but I'm not going to jump on every claim of TERFS unless there is proof (just link me to a post and I'll read it myself). I am anti-racist and have lost my job in standing up to a racist co worker in the middle of 2020 and still am trying to recover. I'm very much over the drama over this petty "shipping wars" bullshit but it keeps popping up.
I can't even try to empathize with someone without tripping a landmine from an anti.
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