#unless u're fucking RICH
snow21ella · 7 months
despite all her battles in Life
The most painful one is when they took her innocence
when she was a child .At age 11 she was sexualized
Her thin frame and develop body older stare and hollar
She hung out with cousins 3 years older then she was
Friends at school are 2 years older. She was so mature that they never questioned her age unless she mentioned it or asked
Her virtue was taken by a guy who was twice her age .
He knew it was wrong . She had dated an older guy before
The difference is that the one she dated respected her when she said stop and hurt and let go and kiss her softly and apologize.
Not all men are the same . The person who took her virginity just wants her for one thing .She pushed and told him to stop .
her body froze wanting to scream but silence in the motel room
tears run down her face and want to escape
By his surprise blood in the sheets he smiled and looked at her ask so this was your first time.
She said yes he took in the shower to rinse her off
He was hopefully you end up pregnant and we can try again
She got back home and showered for like an hour scrubbing her body off crying blame herself
She then had to hear someone she knew oh she lost virgin she was walking different
She wondered why the young women envy her if she never did anything to offend her.
She still saw him each time she went to soccer games with family
She avoids him each time
That was the only time she was assaulted though
Was her frame or because every one she always complemented how pretty she was.
Since that day her insecurities begin
Most of the guys she talk just want her for one thing sex
They treat her like an object not a person
She never knew how to make love only how to fuck
She always walks with confidence to hide her insecurities
She loves deeply and heart is still hopeless in finding true love
People assume she was stuck up and better than everyone
She would rather be known for that beneath the layers of trauma she had to carry at young age
She holds everything in to protect her self
She has a wall for the reason
People she trust took advantage so trust doesn't easily
She only let few people in and see the real her
This is why her circle was small back then growing up
Her first love broke her heart and abused the trust she given him just to throw in her face when they argued.
She holds her tears in because no one ever listens or care
She had learned to survive in the world of men who saw women like a piece of meat
So at times when she starts to treat them the same
She can count with two hands how many have touched her
Her body count is not much even though she has a wild side of her
She has ignored rich men before because her body meant the world to her since it was taken
She found true love that cut deep now that she way older
She wonders if it lasts forever than her ex .
She has only been in a serious relationship 4 times
This was the second longest one she had since her past bf
She let her wall down a lot with this one
She actually knew what making love felt like
She thought to herself he might be the one I want to spend growing old with
Every time she talks about him to family she had this biggest smile
Everyone notices her eyes light up each time she picks up his calls or reads a text
She trusted him with her heart and told him not to break like her last one did
She had trust issues he knew and promised to honest and loyal
She has healed from her past relationship
When she met him it was when her heart was broken
Somehow he managed to make her pick up and put back together with each kindness,kiss and love jest u're he made.
She fell in love with his charm and how he carried himself in a world full of people that criticize his looks
He gave no fucks what people thought
His walk with confidence of knowing he was good looking
Every Girl and Guys complement him
Always wonder what he saw in her to look her way
He can have any girl he wants
He had flaws and his emotions never show
He did talk much about his life
He brought the wild side and kink side she hidden so deep in her soul
she wants to try with him
He was her safe place and always will be
He was her Peace at one time
She Fallen for him so deep some red flags where ignore
She loves him unconditionally that she lost who she was
She hated to introduce herself again start over
Give her Body to someone else
She gave him her heart to not break
Years later his actions and distance make her question
his love for her.
If it was just her she would left a long time ago
She became this person that was toxic and insecure ,jealousy that she never felt
She hated that
She is starting to be annoyed by it
He drove her question herself who she was
Was she just a peace of ass for men
Her confidence was there anymore
Her trust broken
When she cried and he didn't care
She had put this wall up again
Hold everything in until she was by herself
She hates sleeping alone
She was so used to being alone and just having fun when she was in her 20s
That to try again with her ex one time she debated
She loved the freedom it brought being single back then
Now it is different due circumstances
He made her be emotionless each time he broke her heart
Although her thoughts and feeling where running in her mind
She forgot how to communicate them
Her silence she wonders did he question it
Does he even care
She could left him for someone with money
All she wanted was for him to love her like she loved him
Be his one only was that selfish
Yes , she just wanted to feel real love for once
She wants him to touch her mind and soul
She wants to build an empire with him
When neither of them push each other out to become a better version of themselves and put challenges within each other
Is it even love?
Is the spark even there?
Losing someone you love is easy to let go
But loosing and letting go to best friend that you feel in love
is the pain full heart break to heal from
Not only did loose them you lost yourself to
when someone put so much love that forgiveness is easy forgetting is the hard part.
Falling out love is the toughest processes
Especially if she still has to be contact with him
she can't just block them and act like they never existed
When she has beautiful little people that look like them
She learn how to keep her heart still pure
Heart shattered but healing will take time
She became stronger than she thought she was
Her fire in her soul waken to become the best version of herself
Fearless , still hopeless romantic with little bit of wild
She is still growing and learning about her self
She not given fuck what people got say
walking with her head held high and Fixing that crown
He has pushed that button where she wants to act out
She is still in control of herself
Self Destruction is not showing due to know is it worth it
Why act out of control when it gives other pleasure to see out character
Now that is power that not everyone Can handle that power
Silence speaks volumes
Patient is taught
love is learn
Rage is given because circumstances
Anger is built
Peace is within yourself
Ego is Driven if given
The soul can be crushed for those who let it be taken
she decides when it is time to walk away not wasting her time she just walk away
She is in the control table and has turned She step up the game for a man who needs to say what they want and set her free if you are going to be wasting her time and not live her correctly.
She still loves him Just be a man to be the to let go if you don't feel the same.
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taocastleprincess · 7 years
i'm ranting for a second bc i've been ignoring everyone ALL DAY bc this shit is so irritating. like it's making me so anxious what the fuck // and i'm on mobile so i can't put this under a read more so i'm sorry in advance for clogging your feed w my personal drama :(((( i literally CANNOT and WILL NOT be able to rest until we finally put the deposit down on this apt and sign the lease. idk why everyone else is acting like NOT having a place ready for august is completely and totally fine. IT'S NOT. bc this is what's going to happen... i'm going to wait all fucking summer for them to get their shit in order while begging the fucking landlord not to sell to anyone else THEN SUDDENLY "oh shit, i don't think i can go thru w this anymore... i think i'm just gonna dorm again, Shy lol :( i'm really sorry" and i swear to God i will lose my shit. like i don't understand what's the problem? living off campus is WAAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper and we're all grown ass adults? why do you wanna be under the thumb of a catholic school while paying for bad wifi, horrible food, and an even shittier living space? if they don't have the money to put up right now, then i get that, i'm broke too i'm literally using the leftover money i have from being abroad to operate until i start my job, but if that's the case THEN BE HONEST. JUST SAY YOU DONT HAVE THE MONEY AND WE CAN WORK OUT A SOLUTION instead of me looking like a fucking jackass whenever i ask the landlord to extend the deadline. everyone is being so fucking selfish/inconsiderate bc they can ultimately just fall back on campus housing, but i literally don't have my parents helping me anymore and i'm not taking out a huge ass loan my last year of college. this situation is annoying the fuck out of me, meanwhile THE SAME ANNOYING ASS PPL are calling/texting/FBing me wanting to talk about how amazing their summer is so far. WELL I CANT RELATE CAUSE YALL ARE ABOUT TO HAVE ME HOMELESS AS FUCK IN THE FALL. just leave me the fuck alone until you can pay your share of the deposit or fuck off. i don't want to talk about how much money you just blew at the club while i'm literally begging you to stop being a dumb bitch and pay your share of the deposit. jesus christ i hate people. like, i know the rest of you are spoiled fucking rotten and you don't give a shit about anything beyond the next two weeks and half, but don't tell me to "chill out" if your punk ass already has a fall back plan. this whole situation is a shitshow and it's making me even more angry bc the only reason we're IN this situation is bc of the same girl that everyone GUILT TRIPPED ME to share a room with. and i'm not even going to elaborate on how much EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICAL LABOR that's going to take; that's a whole 'nother 5pg rant that I don't feel like getting into. this is just the shittiest situation ever and i hate everyone involved and i wish they would stop spamming my fucking phone until they get their shit together bc rn i'm liable to ruin a friendship or two. or three.
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sonder-paradise · 3 years
Sgajsjdhsjajsjh I hc Dazai to be into rough fucking, nothing that would thoroughly hurt u (unless u're into that) but hard bondage, maybe shibari (?) While he pounds into you, mocking how utterly blissed out you look all tied up for him to ravish 👀
*deep inhale* 😳
Dazai adores tying you up. The way the ropes wrap and twist around your bare skin and restrain you. It’s an art in a way. Your pretty, supple body displayed in a rich entanglement of crimson red rope. It highlights your best features and what better way to appreciate his art than to put it to use. To watch you do nothing but struggle against the bindings, legs trembling and eyes watering as he roughly fucks into you. Legs spread and loosely bound by the knees. He relishes the fact that you can only moan out his name in a babbled trance while he gets lost in your tight heat. Arms happily tied with the sensual red rope and snaking around your pretty form. He degrades you while he fucks into you, muttering about how filthy you are all tied up and fucked out. How could you get out of this mess when you’re cock drunk on his dick?
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