#unless we've plotted a bit <33
starrstained · 5 months
tiny starter call ❤
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Violetta rewrite, question 3, all the characters
Oh boy, all the characters!!
3. What are your plans for -character-?
Ok, if I forget a character, ask about them in another ask.
I will just say that I keep most of every character that mysteriously disappeared - so Braco, Napo and Luca stay (and in s3, Lara stays). However, I don't really have big "plans" for them on their own, Braco and Napo will be used to react to stuff they witness people do, Luca will be useful for the Italy plot and Lara is gonna be needed for a thing in S3.
Violetta - Well, I am sticking her story as closely to canon as possible, but due to how the other characters have changed, she will change too. She'll also be exploring her identity in ways that the show didn't really allow her to. We've seen this already in my season 1 rewrite, but I will continue on that track for s2 and s3. Also, she will dress up as Roxy due to another reason than to spy on Leon. Actually, I will fix her in season 3. I can fix her <3
Leon - I'd say probably as close to canon as possible, if I am being honest. He's gonna have a better break up with Lara when that comes. Also gonna let him have a better storyline in S3. With Leon, i'm also making some plans for Leonetta - I love them, but they also need some polishing and I am gonna give them that. I've already started with it, as you've seen.
Francesca - My little blorbo girl!! If you've read my s1 rewrite, you'll see I have some PLANS for my favorite child, who's also my friend and also my wife (I grew up with her, it's weird, I used to be younger than her now I am almost older than her). Ok, so dating wise, for the most part, she's gonna have the same dudes, but I will change a few things with that too... but as her own little storyline goes, well, she's gonna be exploring her identity a lot too. That's all I can say without spoiling, but if you know me, you know :-)
Diego - So, I can at best describe him as "a cooler version of Ramiro from SL". There is one thing Diego does that I have changed - basically, he's no longer gonna be the worlds biggest douchebag for those 3 episodes. He's a bit too confident for his own good, which is gonna lead to comedy and also to him getting into some accidentally flirty situations with people he did not intend.
Ludmila - Ah, Ludmila... i'm giving her some depth already before s3, as you might've noticed already... but she's also gonna be her big clown self as usual <33 But in season 3, I will DEFINITELY have some fun with her, I'll say that much. I'll also have a lot of fun of where i'm taking her story in season 2 rn.
Maxi - For the most part, he will be a supporting character, but I will try to give him some screen time cause the boy really NEEDS it you know, he's great! Right now, he's gonna have something with another character I really think canon dropped.
Camila - Her in s2 canon exploring what she likes and who she likes? Yeah, I am definitely taking that and doing some stuff with it. Camila's storyline will be very fun to explore. I'm already exploring her storyline with it sometimes taking place at her house and us getting to know her family, and there will be more. Just you wait.
Broduey - It's a little sad cause I WANT to give him some more, though right now I don't have as much plans for him. I am actually bad with the boys in general unless it's Leon and Diego. But with the band storyline coming up, Broduey is gonna have his own things there
Naty - My little Natalia <3 She's gonna have some stuff doing on with other characters, but also have a thing that's hers. She starts off as giving other characters great advice, but doesn't realize it. "Why would anyone care what little me says". By the compliments and boost from others, she's gonna shine <3 Also I have a fun love triangle coming up for her and two other people who both wants to date her and she sort of short circuits and starts dating both
Andres - Like Broduey and Maxi, I sadly don't have much plans, but I want to give him some of his own scenes to shine cause he deserves it.
Angie - The cool aunt with all the life experience. She's the one I am gonna change the most. I already changed by letting her tell Vilu right away. I am gonna give Angie some JUSTICE, I tell you.
Germán - Ugh I don't wanna talk about him. He's still gonna do some horrible stuff because he has to for the plot, but I am getting mad just thinking about what I have to write him doing
I don't have much to say about any other character atm but if you want me to talk about someone else I will
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