#unlike ahem a certain someone (es)
waiting-on-a-dream ยท 1 year
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Link: https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/1394187
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Haruto: [Opens door] Sorry I'm late.
Mayumi: That's alright. I haven't been waiting for long.
Haruto: [Sits down] How's your day been?
Mayumi: Good. I woke up early today so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. You came late, and Rin-chan had already finished off the last of the pancakes by then, haha.
Haruto: Such a shame. I would've loved to try them.
Mayumi: Maybe I'll make them again sometime.
Haruto: You'll have plenty of time to. So, how's life in Milgram so far?
Mayumi: I was really anxious at first, but I think I've gotten used to the place. It's not as bad as I thought it would be.
Haruto: Did the smoke diffuser help? Because it probably cost a ton.
Mayumi: Haha, yes. Lavender never fails to calm me down. Thank you for bringing one to me.
Haruto: Whatever makes you happy I guess.
Mayumi: It must be hard being a prison warden in such a place. I hope the other prisoners haven't been giving you too much trouble?
Haruto: It's nothing I can't handle. I'm surprised a fight hasn't broken out yet. I'd say you guys are pretty chill.
Mayumi: That's good to hear. If you're having trouble, please don't hesitate to ask me or Miyahara-san (Kiyoshi) for help.
Haruto: Sure. I'll keep that in mind.
Mayumi: By the way, can I ask how the song extraction system in Milgram works? I've heard bits and pieces of the process from other prisoners, but I was wondering if you could tell me more?
Haruto: Does it make you anxious?
Mayumi: Truth be told, yes. Wouldn't anyone be scared about something they don't know of?
Haruto: I'll be frank. I don't know how the system works either. I just press a few buttons on a machine and it works it's magic.
Mayumi: So even you don't know much about what's going on...
Haruto: Yeah. It's slightly unnerving.
Mayumi: Then, do you remember how you were brought here? None of us do, but since you're the warden-
Haruto: I don't remember anything.
Mayumi: Really?
Haruto: I don't remember anything before Milgram.
Mayumi: ...How is that possible?
Haruto: It's obvious, isn't it? I'm just as clueless about Milgram as you guys, perhaps even more so, with my past being a complete blank. We're all trapped here with no way out.
Mayumi: W-What?
Haruto: But enough about that. Let's not get sidetracked. It's your interrogation here, don't forget that.
Mayumi: You can't just tell me something like that and then-
Haruto: What do you think of the other prisoners?
Mayumi: ...I do my best to treat them well.
Haruto: Is there anyone you're not getting along with?
Mayumi: I'm almost ashamed to admit this. Daisuke-kun and his flirting tendencies, along with Ichiro-chan and Akane-chan who make me feel uneasy.
Haruto: Why do they make you feel uneasy?
Mayumi: ...I can tell bad things have happened to them. I wish I could help them, but I can't.
Haruto: It must be hard having thoughts like that with them around you everyday. Is that how it's like to be a nurse?
Mayumi: Maybe it's just me. I tend to think too much.
Haruto: My condolences.
Mayumi: It's alright. I'm doing my best to ground myself nowadays, think level-headedly and all.
[Bell rings, mechanical sounds in the back]
Haruto: We can finally wrap things up. If you please, sing your sins.
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