#unlike jacob whose temper is almost always solely triggered by his loved ones being hurt
carewyncromwell · 2 years
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[HPHM] Blaise Cromwell Moodboard
Fancasting Chris Pine as Blaise // done because he outclasses that Peregrine bloke when it comes to trying to gaslight his family members
“Don't you know what's out there in the world? Someone has to shield you from the world! Stay with me... Princes wait there in the world, it's true -- Princes, yes, but wolves and humans too. Stay at home...I am home... Who out there could love you more than I? What’s out there that I cannot supply? Stay with me...stay with me...”
~“Stay With Me (cover)” by Seth Sikes
“Even if Malfoy couldn’t get what his master wants from the Department of Mysteries with that Time Turner, he could still do irreparable damage with it. If all Malfoy needs is assistance, to believe that you’re helping him and for you to earn enough esteem that the Cromwell Clan stays safe…then give him the intelligence I’ve given you. Don’t give him that Time Turner.”
Blaise raised an eyebrow, his lips spreading into a rather condescending smirk. “Why? Because it’s wrong, little Winnie? Because it’s illegal and immoral, and ‘not the right thing to do?’”
“I’m not foolish enough to appeal to you with morality, Blaise – I know you don’t have any,” spat Carewyn. “I’m asking you not to do it for your own self-preservation. For the Clan’s. …For your family’s.”
Blaise’s smirk actually slid off his face. Carewyn held his gaze as best as she could, even with how ill she felt.
“I may not be one of those who takes turns standing watch in your old department,” Carewyn said very softly, “but Jacob is.”
Blaise’s face went rather white, and Carewyn knew she’d struck a cord. For as cruel, selfish, and immoral of a person as Blaise was, he still saw his family – all of it – like his personal belongings. And he “took care” of his belongings. He wanted complete control over them and, like Charles before him, he never respected them as people, nurtured them, or gave them any freedom…but Blaise didn’t want anyone touching “his things.”
The older man’s jaw clenched as a rather dark glint flashed through his eyes.
“…I see.”
His teeth still bared, he extended the hand holding the Time Turner’s gold chain and, very slowly, lowered it into Carewyn’s hand.
Carewyn’s eyes softened in relief.
“Thank you.”
Blaise exhaled heatedly through his nose.
“Jacob always was a fool,” he growled, his voice full of resentment. “Risking his life for people like that Muggle filth who abandoned you and your mother – ”
“Better than selling his soul and freedom to serve the person who locked my mother and all of you up like prisoners,” Carewyn shot back rather coolly.
Blaise’s eyes flashed angrily. “You will not speak ill of your grandfather, Winnie! Everything he ever did in his life was for us, including you, your brother, and your mother, and I will not have you forgetting that!”
“Crow that lie as much as you want – it won’t ever make it true.”
~Excerpt from “Gonna Hit Rewind,” a post-HPHM ficlet set during the events of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 
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