#unmv nakhil
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Ali-Campwright brothers! Technically stepbrothers since Milo and Raihan get married about a year after the Galar Trio story.
Eric is Milo’s son with his late wife, Pia. Generally soft spoken boy but has a whole lot of insecurities he tries to not talk about with anyone, but over the course of their story Fionn and Roy get him to open up. Had a weak body growing up but gradually got better after George got his own body.
George is...a whole story. Really as I’ve mentioned before his and Eric’s whole situation is a subplot and part of the climax for the Galar Trio story. His default form once he’s finally separated from Eric is as his look-alike but occasionally he likes to change his hair and skin color sometimes (as seen in the lower three pics where he has the hair and skin color of his other family members). Rarely goes fully into his true form. Still trying to understand this whole ‘morality’ business but he’s learning from some good people.
Nakhil is Raihan’s son with a lady he met one night and is no longer in the picture. He is the precious baby of the family and so far his only outstanding trait is his somewhat worrying lack of danger awareness or fear when it comes to pokemon.
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(kinda) New Kids
aka I was unable to control myself and these guys happened. I’m not adding them to my Self-Imposed Challenge but they may get some headshots, I mean Nakhil already has one with his stepbrothers and Audouin may be getting one soonerish. 
Just having this post so I can keep track since there’s like...a lot now. They’re more or less listed chronologically from slightly oldest addition (as in i thought of them almost immediately after typing up my challenge) to the most recent. Content in [ ] are specifically my meta thoughts.
EDIT 6/27/2021: Kiyo (formerly Seine)’s info here is now mostly outdated. Also belated but Gina’s info here is also outdated but hers wasnt really set in stone to begin with
Jason & Camille Pensée-Lino
Grant and Viola’s twins
Jason is the older twin, Camille is younger twin. Camille identifies as genderqueer
Kinda typical outgoing-reserved twin dynamic
[Had always been meaning to give Grant (and Viola) children since Siebold and Valerie have kids. Wanted all three of this trio to have kids that hang out and spend time together]
Both of them are more likely to be into artistic stuff, though they need more development in general.
Shank, Amber, and Umi Mizoguchi
Brawly and Roxanne’s children
Shank is the eldest son, his real name “Hagi” is in honor of Old Man Briney who passed away a year before he was born. Amber is their only daughter and her real name is “Kohaku” which is basically just ‘amber’ in Japanese. Umi is their youngest son and kinda happened on accident but they love him.
[Honestly all three of them just suddenly snuck up on me but I am committed, plus always need some more Hoenn kids]
Shank is into water sports but mainly surfing and sailing. Amber works for Devon Corp either during or after becoming the next Rock-type Gym Leader. Both of them probably have ties to the reformed Team Aqua and Team Magma, respectively. I still need to develop what the former villain teams are up to during fankid era
Umi is just baby but that can change if/when I decide to get more invested in this family
Daphné Carnet
Diantha’s adopted daughter
[I wanted a fankid to carry on the “Carnet” surname and didn’t feel like having Ilima and Mina’s kids change theirs and I had always been toying with giving Diantha a daughter]
She has a bit of a backstory already! A super tldr is she was a runaway from a bad household and had befriended Diantha a year or two before getting formally adopted by her. A bit like Emma’s background really.
Also is another reincarnation kid and there’s more relevant drama with the circumstances of her past life.
[The next four boys also have more detailed and unnecessarily drama-filled backstories]
Nakhil Ali-Campwright
Raihan’s son
[I just went wild one night and decided to throw some more drama at Raihan and also kinda wanted a younger sibling for Eric and George.]
He was the result of a one-night stand that Raihan didn’t know resulted in a baby until Nakhil’s mom was arrested and the young infant was found severely neglected. This all caused quite the scandal for Raihan.
[Also he kinda exists to have Milo and Raihan have something to bond over (aka raising a kid solo along w stress of a scandal) while unintentionally also feeding into Eric’s inferiority and guilt complex]
He does end up growing up in a loving family with his fathers and brothers! May need to develop him more but for now he’s fine as sweet baby
Seine Mandragora
Ryuki’s son
[Also another case of a kid that just snuck up on me. Though I can say it was most likely because I saw Ryuki’s actual eyes in the anime and thought it’d be a cute look on a kid of his]
He was the result of a fling/one-night stand sort of thing between Ryuki and a fan of his. Said fan was either engaged or married at the time. 
Seine ended up growing up not knowing he wasn’t his dad’s son until at some point in his teens he gets caught in an argument with his parents in which oops its revealed. While the argument and drama does get resolved somehow he still gets curious and decides to meet up with his bio dad, Ryuki.
The two end up bonding like how they do in those films where the main dude suddenly becomes a father/father-figure to a troubled kid, but Seine doesn’t stay with him. They do keep in touch though.
[He doesn’t have much role beyond this little side-story and possibly encountering Astra, Hoshi, and Vivi during their Island Challenge. Possibly also ends up accompanying Chase during one of his travels in another region. Also definitely has strong affinity for Dragon-types so could do something there.]
Momo Ryouji
Lance’s much younger half-brother
[Really a result of me wanting to create a Lance kid but having trouble with the fact I don’t ship him with anyone and just didn’t feel like going the other routes I did with some other characters for this]
The result of an affair Lance’s late father had with a much younger woman, though the rest of the clan find out only after Momo’s mother dies as well. Lance’s mother knew beforehand, having met her while visiting her late husband’s grave. As much as she wanted to raise the boy herself she was also too old already. The other clan members wanted to get rid of him but Lance steps in to be his guardian.
[While a lot of him is still pretty vague and undecided I’m committed to him existing. Very tempted to have him be a sort of mish mash of Red, Green, Gold, and Silver’s traits, given that Lance also had experience being a mentor/father/older brother figure to those four. Plus like Hoenn I need more kids for Kanto and Johto] 
Audouin Dulcis
Dulse and Calem’s son
[This ship has always been at the back of my mind because of how events go down in my au wherein they do get to meet and interact while in Alola. Read here for me rambling a bit about them. Anyway talking with @pokemon-legends-and-legacies and @pkmnomegaverse finally made me crack and give them a kid]
Fully taking advantage of the “bizarre alien biology/reproduction” trope for this. Specifically the current scenario is Calem just kisses Dulse’s hand and that is enough to acquire a copy of his DNA.
Dulse ends up having Audouin by himself, but single parenthood is the norm in their homeworld anyway and he’s already had experience raising Zossie (more as a younger sister but still) so he doesn’t really see it necessary to try and reconnect with Calem to tell him about their son.
Audouin takes heavily after Dulse in appearance and personality, albeit more expressive.
[Currently still going through the possible routes aka does Calem meet him or not and all the possible interactions with Calem’s other children, but so far the route appealing to me is where they end up meeting and Audouin and the Narcillard kids get along, in contrast to their not-Calem dads who can’t stand each other lmao. In any case, Dulse still mostly remains a single father but Audouin would drag them to Calem’s world spend time with his half siblings and other parent at least every four years after the initial meeting.] 
undercut is the one kid in fankid limbo
Gina (short for Aubergina)
Korrina’s daughter
Mostly Im thinking I need more Aura capable kids and a Korrina kid would be cute, plus the top candidate for her dad atm is Wally but since I have him as Hoenn Champ if he was her dad he’d be a disappeared dad who didn’t even know he was a dad
Kinda really want to go the single mom route for Korrina
I honestly don’t have much reason to be attached or invested in her at all yet, maybe if a good dynamic with some of the other kids comes up or I make a better drama backstory that I would like, idk
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