#unreal you can be like ‘why X?’ three times and the poor VA for Solas just has to go ‘IDk the writers haven’t figured that out yet :’-] ‘
ziracona · 2 years
For the record what /should/ have happened at the end of Inquisition is Solas is going to break some of the veil to restore magic and power [[not somehow inexplicably be going to nuke the world?? To death?? Like I’ve been in the fade as a human a dwarf an elf and a qunari we were all just fine??? Or letting the old gods out again??? Which was the whole reason it went up?? Like..:Anyway]], enough of it to change how the world works, which will eternally upset the power structures in Thedas, and then use that power to lead an army to restore lands to the elves, since they’ve been thrown out of even the shitty reservations Andraste gave them.
He should have been awake for centuries, trying alone to fix things in better ways and failing, driven to isolation even among his own, in the burned wreckage of his good intentions, not awake for one year and viewing everyone he sees as not a real person [[Boring and unlikable motivation??? I mean I’m glad they had him change that by the end, but? It’s like a boring ‘intellectual bro’ failing that kind of guy would give his D&D pc. Also doesn’t really fit his characterization in-game? Like damn bro for someone who didn’t see anyone as people most of the time you sure cared if we delivered flowers or made life better for the mages]]. All of that would be in line with history of the game! The knights who tried to protect the Dales during the Exalted March of the Dales were all followed by a wolf companion? Him, trying to help. Trying to save them again. Let him have lived in the ashes of every attempt for centuries. Let him have been pushed and drained, not just woken up and still somehow feeling the most qualified around for every choice after seeing his last choice broke things in half.
He should have tried everything else and given up after a string of ‘I’ll act and make it better, I’ll act, and make it better,” all falling to a memory of “he ruined it, he caused this.” Alone for centuries. Chosen to do the only thing he could and go all the way, accepted dying alone and dying as the villain as inevitable, and decided to at least make that worth it to himself once, and leaned hard into the “I’m big and bad and doing this alone.” Become an expedient force of destruction carving out lands and a chance for his people, becoming everything, to draw blame from the elves onto himself, and pursued the most expedient from A to B path forward possible, despite the carnage, to assure the results he knew would be best, even if he knew it would probably also get him killed alone, and painted the villain forever again. Because nothing else had worked, and it was too late to back up after everything lost. We could have had a fuckin Sword of Damocles and DA could have knocked it out of the park ripping off Code Geass twice in one series and they just biffed it so hard!!
EDIT: OH and I should have been able to see that if my little Qunari did nothing, the man would die alone succumbing to his eons old fate one last time and ending in his biggest fear, still trying to, and sort of doing, something deeply good, for which he will be hated for all time, while my guy had the power to save him from that. But knowing if he tried to help, he would himself be seen as a beacon of evil and all he’d sacrificed to gain, in chantry reforms, in freedom for Mages, in lives for the elves of Orlais, in perception of the Qunari, would be turned against them and called into doubt and leave them in the ashes of his good intentions. And fighting should have broken out full scale at the end of the game, and he should have been able to, instead of either choice, abominate himself into a dragon by calling on his bloodline, and go out shielding the guy from a falling mountain or something just once at the start of a war Zhuzhi Lang style and been at peace.
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