#unrelated but i had no idea how to get rid of the url on the picture
drswannbond · 2 years
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Just realized that this gorgeous production still from Nicola Dove (bless her, she was the one taking all the angsty 00swann pics on set) shows the precise moment when Bond finds Madeleine safe and sound in Safin's lair.
I've always been a sucker for that infiltration look, but haven't we been robbed of a well-deserved reunion scene? Alright, Mathilde had just vanished with a serial killer and they had cause for concern, but you can't tell me that their first instinct wasn't to grab each other in relief, can you? Remember how they both resumed intense levels of handsiness as soon as they met in Norway again, up until that spontaneous fight or flight peck on the lips (unscripted !) in the forest shed before they were separated.
Just imagine all the potential... On Madeleine's side, the comfort at this utter proof of commitment that he did stick with her this time, tempered by the abject vision of him pointing a gun at her, a vivid reminder of the time a car window almost didn't hold up against the onslaught of a machine gun. For James, the obvious and overwhelming relief at getting to her in time, corrupted by his terror and guilt at having let Mathilde slip away. And the rage at this Safin, this would-be substitute, not only threatening but toying with their daughter (at this stage of the script, the writing has long ceased to be ambiguous and always refers to them as a "family") and taunting him about Madeleine supposedly wanting to stay on the island; haunting his girls for decades of their lives, until Bond can hopefully put an end to it and fly off with them into the sunset.
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hopoo · 7 years
RoR2 Q&A 12/2/17
Since we got a million asks, I’ll collapse all the answers periodically into one giant QA so it doesn’t ruin your tumblr feed. I tried to answer every question - if yours isnt there, someone else might’ve asked the same question. Expand below to read!
Q: Are you thinking about putting out a beta version to test or are you just waiting for the game to be fully released A: Not sure exactly how we want to do it – we HAVE to have some way of getting the game out to testers, especially for networking/matchmaking testing. It will most likely be some form of closed/limited beta, but we really haven’t though too much about it.
Q: Any ideas on what the system requirements could be? Will they be high or playable on most machines? Also will it work with integrated graphics? A: Most likely the game will be pretty light for GPU with our graphical style, but CPU intensive. What that actually translates to won’t be until the game is closer to launch, where we start optimizing.
Q: ROR1 most loved thing me and my friends liked to do is ruining the framerate with all the items that we had. we had lots of fun crashing the game for whoever hosted the game. might this still be able to happen? I'm looking forward to the release anyway and so are my friends especialy with peer to peer now we can connect better. A: Uhh hopefuly you won’t be able to crash the game, but the game will still scale infinitely like it did previously
Q: Could you make it so that when you use Unstable Watch and timestop, all colors in the game become inverted for the duration? And if you want to go all the way with a certain reference, have only Chef's cleavers stop in midair at the edge of a radius from an enemy, and when the timestop ends the cleavers hit at the same time. A: No memes
Q: Super excites for risk of rain 2. Im real glad i found it in a steam summer sale, bought then and after that bought it for my ps4. Are we going to see any new characters? (Bandit will always be fav so as long as hes good im happy) A: Yes, definitely new characters!
Q: can you make one of the new death messages be "HOST WHEN?" A: No memes!!!!
Q: While Vita's out of the question, what about the Switch, which basically seems to have slotted itself in the 'more powerful handheld device' niche? A: We’d obviously love to be on the switch, but that ultimately depends on A. can we optimize the game to run on the Switch, and B. do we have the technical know-how to actually get it running? Porting to consoles tends to be a much more dramatic change than people expect, even if the engine natively exports to it.
Q: Hi. I’ve been a fan of risk of rain for the past few years. I just want to ask: in risk of rain, some mechanics like heaven cracker can pierce a line of enemies and the huntress’ ability to hit and run. With the change from 2D to 3D  environment, how will they work? There are many other abilities and mechanics that i also want to ask about, but these two were the first ones that i could remember immediately. A: We’re not going to bring back any mechanics that don’t fit just for the sake of continuity – however, the Heaven Cracker I can see being actually more fun in 3D since you have to actually align yourself with the enemies. Since everyone can shoot and run in the 3D version, Huntress’ niche is sorta gone, but we have some clever ideas to make that back
Q: In DevBlog #8 you explain some of the steam integration going into Risk of Rain 2 which will make a lot of people happy but will RoR2 also be available without steam for those who prefer? For example will I be able to buy it on GOG like I did RoR1, and play LAN games without steam? A: Right now we’re focusing on making it work via Steam P2P, but (I believe) that we haven’t done anything to explicity lock out connections via IP. You just won’t get the same Nat punchthrough benefits (I’ll have to ask Jeff, our network dude about it to make sure this is correct, but afaik I think that’s right)
Q: Would you guys happen to have an idea of when you think the game would be realeased? A: Nope! Hopefully not too long!
Q: Hello! I loved Risk of Rain 1 and it is great to play with friends. I have two questions (technically three, I'm cheating). 1. I am assuming you're going to release it on steam, so that said will there be steam multiplayer integration? Like... Invite via steam, games are created with the help of steam peer-to-peer. It was a pain to get 4 people playing on one server without port forwarding. 2. Will there be a better way to keep track of items? 3. Can you add a menu to see what items you have? A: Yes, steam invites and all that are the goal. I know we talked about holding TAB to expand the item menu so you could see more at once, but we haven’t actually done that yet. I know it was a bit silly for it to be uncropped and expanding off the screen.
Q: Is this still in development? A: No we’re just pretending
Q: Are you gonna have the same soundtrack from the first game? A different soundtrack? A mix of both? (Don't get rid of the Dried Lake or Sunken Tombs songs). A: That’ll ultimately be up to Chris, but I’m sure he’s in the same boat as us and doesn’t want to cover the same ground that we did previously.
Q: I was telling a friend how excited I was for this, and he expressed a concern I’d like to ask you guys about. He said that, being 3D, the game might end up either not as hectic as the first, or too hectic, what with the hoards coming from all around you. What’s your take on this? (I’m not actually too worried about it, but I still wanna hear your take on the matter.) A: Currently, we’re using SFX as a tool to present not only how close an enemy is, but what state they’re in and how many there are. Since I’ve also been playing the game for like a million hours I’ve also developed the ability to recognize which enemy by the frequency of their screenshake… but that won’t be relevant to most players. We’re really hoping to avoid radars or anything like that for awareness.
Q: Just wanted to say, RoR2 is looking to be coming along fantastically. I really love that you are constantly taking things in unexpected directions-- I never expected to see the game translated to 3D but you have done it and I can imagine many hundreds of hours spent playing. Will Chris Christodoulou be working on the music this game as well? A: Yes, he will be back!
Q: Have you considered calling the second Risk of Rain "Risk of Twain"? A: Not until now
Q: This is kind of a question and a half. How big will the RoR2 maps be and will all the RoR1 maps return in 3D with the additions of new maps or just overall new maps? A: Overall we’re not really looking at the previous maps for the inspiration for our new ones – we’re not making RoR 3D, but a sequel, so we don’t really want to recreate too much old stuff!
Q: Since RoR2 is moving to more dynamic network model, how will people with screwy NATs be affected? NAT Punchthrough is great and all, but if implemented incorrectly can lead to multiple users on the same NAT being unable to join servers outside of the NAT (See Rainbow Six Siege). Will users still be able to host dedicated servers like the old game? What does this mean for users buying the game through GOG/Humble Bundle? Really hope everything goes swimmingly because port forwarding sucks. A: This is the exact reason that we will have to have some form of limited beta, because this is something that we can’t recreate in office. I honestly don’t know enough to respond accurately on what would happen in that particular situation, but thanks for the heads up
Q: Relative to the first one, will Risk of Rain 2 be a sequel, prequel, completely unrelated, or even have story at all? A: Sequel!
Q: How were you going to implement artifacts this time around? Is it going to be based around areas that are randomly generated and you sometimes have access, or multiple spawn locations, etc. A:  Dunno, we haven’t implemented really any form of map permutations yet. The artifacts also ended up taking a much more important role in the game than we initially expected – not sure if the old way of unlocking is strange if it’s to be a core feature.
Q: (Big fan) I just had some curious questions; How many characters do you intend there to be in RoR2?, How differently do you plan on changing the previous characters?, Any hints on the final boss? pls, What is the estimated price of the game? and will their be any chance of PvP? Cannot wait, super hyped and keep up the great work :D A: We’re aiming for 10 characters on launch. No spoilers or hints! Definitely not PvP in any official capacity since the networking structure wasn’t designed for a good PvP experience.
Q: I've got three questions : 1) Will it be called RoR2 or will you find / have you found something else ? 2) Why the hell is there one more 'o' in the tumblr URL than in the actual 'Hopoo' name ? 3) What's the average of the team's favorite meals ? thx xoxo <3 A: I think it’ll just be RoR2. The hopoo tumblr was taken on creation of this tumblr, so we had to make it hopooo instead ☹
Q: Will RoR2 reveal why the Contact Light was carrying a teleporter linked to a planet crammed with hostile lifeforms? A: I’d like to explore what the heck is up with the humans in this game, but I sorta wish I had a better avenue that’s not just item logs and monster logs.
Q: I'm going to ask the real questions, is Sniper a man or woman? This is important because reasons. A:
Q: Theres something that confuses me alot about risk of rain 2. It's the lore. If the characters have left the planet, why would they come back? A: Canonically, the returning characters were never on the Contact Light to begin with (and presumably there could totally be like, a bunch of engineers and commando suits.)
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charlenewaterhouse · 4 years
Web 2.0 Backlinks Can Be Fun For Everyone
Table of Contents
Getting The Das To Work
Domain Authority Stacking Things To Know Before You Get This
Domain Authority Stacking Fundamentals Explained
More About Web 2.0 Links
MozRankMozRank is measurement of your site's link authority and popularity on a 0-10 scale. This view reveals your site's score in comparison to your competitor's websites gradually. MozTrustMozTrust is a measurement of your website's "link trust" on a 0-10 scale. This view reveals your website's score in contrast to your rival's websites with time.
Simply click the "Include Rival" button in the top right corner, enter the competitor's domain, and select "Include Competitor". It will take a while for information to appear about that rival, as Pronto Analytics begins aggregating information about the competitor's site every week. Removing a competitor's websiteTo remove a competitor, click the gear icon to the right of that listing and pick "Delete".For more information about DAS visit our Official Website.
Provided by Ashley Greene at MozCon 2018 When everyone else zags, the winners zig. As winners, while your 101+ rivals are attempting to automate 'til the cows get home and split test their method to greatness you're zigging. Whether you're B2B or B2C, you're marketing to people. Genuine individuals. Homo sapiens.
Das for Beginners
In this talk, Ashley will offer a framework of simple user interview and study techniques to construct consumer compassion and your "voice of customer" playbook. Using genuine examples from companies like Slack, Pinterest, Intercom, and Airbnb, this talk will assist you reveal your consumers' greatest problems and discomfort points; understand what, when, and how your consumers research study (and Google!) a requirement you solve; and find brand-new sources of information and influencers so you can unearth circulation channels and partnerships. domain authority stack.
Some Ideas on Authority Link Building You Should Know
Prior to we dive into the nitty-gritty, let's start with the basics: Established by Moz, a software company that constructs tools to assist in SEO, link structure, content marketing and incoming marketing, Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking metric "that anticipates how well a site will rank on search engine result pages (SERPs)." DA varieties from one to 100, with a greater score agent of a higher capacity to rank.
Seems direct enough, right? Wrong. The problem with DA that has left many SEOs with much to be wanted was how they tackled computing ball game: weighing greatly on the quantity of links a website gets, but not necessarily the quality of 1) those links, or 2) the material on that website.
In reality, according to an short article in Search Engine Journal, decreasing the value of link sellers is one of the primary objectives for Domain Authority 2. 0. Moz's Principal Browse Scientist Russ Jones discusses the thinking for this update in the following declaration: "Domain Authority has actually become the industry standard for determining the strength of a domain relative to ranking.
The brand-new Domain Authority is better at understanding sites that do not rank for any keywords at all. Moz is changing, from an intricate linear design to a neural network. This offers numerous benefits, consisting of spotting link adjustment. In addition to taking a look at link counts, Moz is now able to incorporate their proprietary Spam Score and complex circulations of links based upon quality and traffic, in addition to other aspects.
The Of Domain Authority Stacking
According to Jones: "These essential improvements to Domain Authority will provide a much better, more trustworthy metric than ever before. We can remove spam, improve correlations, and, most importantly, update Domain Authority relative to all the changes that Google makes." The change is coming on March 5, so anticipate to see some fluctuations in your score.
"We staked the model to our existing Domain Authority which decreases modifications, but with all the improvements there will no doubt be some variation in Domain Authority scores across the board." These changes will enable online marketers to make more informed strategic and data-driven decisions. Having a more concrete DA that isn't manipulated toward black hat link practices should reveal your real ranking capacity, now that link purchasers and sellers are becoming devalued.
Because the infamous Penguin Update, lots of webmasters have been rushing to eliminate backlinks Google might have penalized them for (a. k.a. high risk links, toxic links, bad links, and so on). However how do you identify which links are toxic and should be removed? There appears to be a conversation regarding whether Domain Authority must be used to determine which links are high quality vs which links are hazardous and need to be gotten rid of.
The 6-Minute Rule for Domain Authority Stacking
But correlation does not equal causation. I believe that using domain authority as a primary metric to figure out which links are hazardous and should be removed is a potentially unsafe error - DAS. Here's why ... According to the main SEOmoz glossary, "Domain Authority represents SEOmoz's finest prediction about how a site will carry out in search engine rankings" and it is computed by "combining all of our other link metrics (connecting root domains, variety of total links, mozRank, mozTrust, and so on) into one single rating." In other words, domain authority is a measurement of a website's backlinks.
Fascination About Das
To put it simply, the link was acquired mainly to manipulate search rankings, not to offer value to users. Examples of manipulative links consist of paid links, link exchanges, spam blog sites, and poor quality directories. I have actually seen a number of correlative studies, consisting of one really extensive study, planned to determine what factors are related to a natural link profile vs.
The elements identified were: Anchor text. Sites that had an excessively high portion of backlinks that utilized "money keywords" as anchor texts were more likely to be punished. Natural link profiles consisted of more top quality and URL anchor texts. Relevance. Websites that had an excessively high percentage of backlinks from sites that were on unrelated subjects were more likely to be punished.
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