#until i realized these are MY rptotds
purrpickle · 6 years
Random Pezberry Thought of the Day #279
It was Brittany who slipped Rachel’s ring off her finger without her noticing. It was also Brittany who directed Rachel’s attention to Santana when she realized it was missing.
“But I had it on this morning,” Rachel rattled out, wringing her hands in front of her chest.
Santana, Rachel’s ring already safe in the pocket of her Cheerio Letterman jacket, nodded unconcernedly. “It’s probably in your gym bag. Maybe it got snagged on your shirt while you were changing. Have you looked there?”
Rachel chewed on her lower lip. “No... But I can’t go now. Class is about to start.”
“Then we’ll go check after class.” Smiling, Santana settled her arm over Rachel’s shoulders, pulling her in. “C’mon. I wants to get the best seat to drive Mr. Schue crazy.” She danced away, laughing, when Rachel poked her side.
“Must you antagonize him? While I admit he is a frustrating, practically ineffective teacher, he is our glee teacher, too.”
Turning back on her heel, reaching for Rachel’s hand, Santana raised her eyebrows. “Right. A teacher who always listens to you.”
Rachel stopped, her head cocked. “Oh. True. Okay.” She nodded, squeezing Santana’s hand in hers, allowing her to lead her to their classroom. “Just, please don’t get held back so we won’t have any time to look for my ring afterwards?”
Santana smiled. “Who do you think I am?” she asked, moving back in towards Rachel, pressing her forehead to hers and grinning at her, hands sliding up and down her sides, tilting her head to brush a kiss along her cheek, “Sure thing, baby girl. I’ll make sure we’s get enough time.”
Smiling, and blushing beside herself, Rachel pecked Santana’s cheek, moving past her into the classroom, her hands squeezing Santana’s. “Thank you, Santana.”
Santana chuckled, fingers curling in Rachel’s as she followed her inside, “Yeah, yeah,” she grinned goofily, “I’ll collect that thanks later.” 
Later, a couple of days later, after Santana had to comfort Rachel about misplacing or losing her ring, Santana fondled the ring box inside her pocket, rehearsing lines and words over and over as she drove up to Rachel’s house. “You got this,” she told herself, smiling frenetically as she tried to convince herself, “Just give it to her, along with her original, and you’ll be good. Maybe better than good, even.”
Then, her smile turning into something real as she watched Rachel practically skip towards her car, already sliding out to skirt around to open the passenger side door for her, accepting Rachel’s kiss before she closed it and dropped into the driver’s seat, Santana opened her mouth, paused, then turned completely towards her girlfriend. “So, like...”
“Yes?” Rachel batted her large, beautiful eyes at her, curious.
Santana sucked in a deep breath. Just get it over with, she told herself. Lingering only a second, she pulled out the ring box, Rachel gasping. “Don’t be mad.”
“Is that...?” Rachel squeaked.
“It is,” Santana answered, nodding, “Just, like, not that. But it is a promise. Okay?” She bit her lower lip, studying Rachel. “I just want... I love you, Rachel. I never thought I would, but I do. You’re... You’re sometimes frustrating but also amazing, and... You’re It, baby. My It, and I got this sized just so I could...” She gulped before she caught herself, leaning over towards Rachel, her knee almost touching her if not for the lever between them, “I just wanted a promise.” She exhaled. Her words didn’t falter, and she didn’t withdraw, but her voice did lower in her throat. “That we... We’re real. And we’ll always work on not letting what we have... Each other... Go.”
Rachel stared at her, eyes flicking up and down from Santana’s eyes to the ring box Santana had eased open in front of her. It was a beautiful ring, not ostentatious, but definitely blingy enough to make Rachel coo, her heart skipping a beat in her chest. “Wait... You...” she breathed, her fingers moving up, over her lips as if in shock, “You took my ring? To do this? For a promise of... The future?”
Unable to not roll her eyes affectionately at her, Santana almost huffed. “Yeah, like anyone else would have been so romantic. I’s got skillz. “And yeah, I still have your ring, too. Even... Even if you don’t accept this one, I’ll give you your old one back.” She smiled. “Don’t worry.”
“Worrying is the farthest thing from my mind. Santana!” Rachel squealed, hands almost trembling as she made to grab at the ring box, only to pull back, biting her lip as she smiled. 
Santana inhaled. She bobbed her head. “So you acc - ”
And suddenly Santana’s arms were full of Rachel and her mouth was slammed against Rachel’s, and as her hands blindly found Rachel’s to slip the ring on her finger, Santana couldn’t help thrilling as their kiss deepened and her girlfriend eagerly climbed onto her lap in full view of her house. 
She was happy. Sue her.
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purrpickle · 4 years
Random Pezberry Thought of the Day #371
Having kept in contact with Santana after high school, talking her through Kentucky but also leaning on her for support during her initial unsure NYADA days, Rachel had not been prepared for the confident, cocky post-high school Santana who, while visiting her, met her after her dance class - and flirted with her.
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