#uploading one my drafts from eariler
midnight-stormm · 2 years
Another thing I wanted to state that stood out to me was when dream said how sapnap was a crucial part of dteam in the meetup vlog and that really hit me the most.
Too many times we seen people exclude sapnap from dteam. Cutting him out of photos or clips where he is with dream and george. Only refering to dteam as dream and george without even mentioning sapnap. Basically erasing his existence from their lives and dteam and its sickening.
Sapnap is their rock. The glue that holds dteam together. He is indeed a crucial member and doesn't deserve to be treated less than especially to no ship. You can't have dteam without sapnap. Same goes for dream and george. They all play a role in making dteam.
He doesn't deserve the hate and it was real nice to hear dream say that. It's not the first time but it just shows how much he cares for sapnap; same for george, he care about sapnap as well.
It's called dream team for a reason. Stop excluding sapnap.
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