#uppity by forcing these fancy speeches into his mouth
billygaysanguine · 25 days
does anyone ever think about how scapegraces speech patterns changed drastically after book 4 or just me
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My Eyes - Part 2
Pairing: Bucky; Steve x Fem/Reader
Word Count: 4,549
Story Description: Steve is a good man, America’s golden boy, a hero. He’s Captain America for christ’s sake! So it’s normal to want what he has… right? Bucky knows he doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t even deserve the second chance at life he’s been given. But Bucky can never let him know. Steve can never find out that his friend is in love with his best girl.
Story takes place post “CA: CW” and all tension has been resolved.
Part One
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“You look so handsome.” Y/N smirked as she saw Steve straighten his tie in the mirror for what seemed like the 100th time.
His cheeks reddened and he grinned at her through the mirror’s reflection.
Then Y/N got up from her spot and wrapped her hands around his waist from behind him. “And you still can’t take a compliment without blushing.” She kissed the side of his neck.
Steve turned around without breaking contact with her. He looked down at her apparel that did not match his in the slightest. She was wearing cotton shorts, one of his t-shirts, and wool socks that were bunched at her ankles.
“Listen… about tonight-“ He started his usual speech.
“Steve, don’t. We go through this every time. I don’t need to go to these fancy parties anyway. I’m no hero. I’d just feel out of place.”
“I just feel like I constantly need to remind you that I’m not keeping you a secret because I’m ashamed of you. It’s to keep you safe.” He sighed and looked at the ground in shame.
“You need to remind me or you need to remind yourself?” Y/N challenged, raising an eyebrow. “Because I already know all that.” Before Steve could defend himself further, she kissed him lightly on the lips. “Trust me. I’m going to have way more fun than you. I’m gonna swim a few laps in the pool, steal some of Tony’s expensive alcohol, and then I’m going to head home and binge watch Netflix.”
Steve chuckled at that. “Can you drink the stolen alcohol after you drive home?”
“Ugh… Finnnneeee. I guess so, Mr. Responsible.” She teased.
They both laughed again.
Then Steve smiled sadly. “I just wish I could have you on my arm. Show you off to everyone…”
Y/N patted his chest. “Go, Steve. The others are probably waiting in the lobby for you.” But suddenly her eyes darkened. She started peppering kisses across his neck. Then she moved to his mouth and captured it into a passionate kiss. Steve’s body reacted on its own, gripping her waist tightly and pulling her closer to his body possessively.
Steve grumbled when she eventually pulled away. “What was that for?”
Y/N smirked mischievously. “Just wanted to leave my mark… hopefully it will keep all those rich, uppity women off of you.” Then she bit her lip. “And maybe it will make you come home faster.” She added a wink for good measure.
Steve shook his head at her endeavor to be seductive. Little did Y/N know that her innocence and sometimes awkwardness were exactly what he found so sexy about her “It’s cute that you think I’m not going to find you passed out on the couch with an empty bottle of wine.”
“That was one time!” Y/N wailed.
“Whatever you need to tell yourself.” Steve chuckled. Then he spotted Porthos, Y/N’s german shepherd, watching them as he lay on the bed. Y/N had wanted to name him Zeus when they first got him. But Steve turned down any god-like names, feeling it was sort of awkward since they knew an actual god. Y/N decided on one of the Three Musketeers. She’d always loved the book and told Steve that Porthos was the comic relief. But when it came to battle, he was perhaps the most loyal and always executed brute strength with his giant size. Steve liked the sound of it.  
Steve moved to the dog now, petting its head. “Look after our girl, okay?”
Porthos wagged his tail and licked his hand. Steve was the only other person he was pleasant toward. The other Avenger’s couldn’t get within five feet of the dog. Even Thor, an actual god, seemed wary of Porthos’ aggression.
Steve gave Y/N one last kiss on the cheek. “I’ll see you at your place later tonight.” He confirmed.
Y/N looked at her dog now. “What do you say, Porthos? Should we go for a little swim in the pool?” He barked in agreement. “Don’t tell Tony. He gets mad when he finds all your fur clogging up the drains.”
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Bucky was on his way to the gym when Porthos started barking joyfully and ran toward him.
He bent down to pet the dog. “Hey boy. What’re you doing here?”
Then Y/N walked around the corner, wrapped in a towel. She was only wearing a bathing suit underneath and her hair was still slightly dripping. Bucky does a double take, not expecting to see her. His smile disappears as he managed to find his unfriendly demeanor again.
“Oh, hello. I didn’t realize anyone else was home.” Y/N said awkwardly. She tightened the towel around her body. But Porthos attempting to lick Bucky’s face quickly interrupted her thoughts. She had a pleasantly surprised expression now. “I-I’ve never seen him so friendly. He pretty much hates everyone but Steve and me. Even Fury won’t get close to him.”
Bucky couldn’t help but smile at the dog. “He doesn’t seem so mean.”
“I guess it’s just the side effects of all Steve’s training.” Y/N sighed and laughed lightly. “When he forced me to get a dog, he made it clear that he was meant to be protective.”
Bucky was now standing up, despite Porthos whining for more petting. “Steve got him for you?”
Y/N tried to hide the shock from the two of them actually having a conversation. “Yeah, Steve is a little… umm… let’s say overprotective. When we first started dating, he bought Porthos for me. I think it gives Steve a little peace of mind when he’s away that I have a little bodyguard.”
Bucky nodded. In his mind, he told himself he’d do the exact same thing. It was no secret how much Steve loved Y/N. But Bucky also knew how much Steve worried about her safety.
“Why aren’t you at the party?” Y/N asked slowly. She tried to contain her excitement that they were beating the record time of conversation between them.
“Uhh…” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not too fond of crowds and parties. Stark likes to show off all the Avengers at those things. No one really wants to see a Hydra assassin at a fancy charity event.” He saw Y/N quickly open her mouth to defend him. So Bucky quickly turned the attention on her to stop it. “So why aren’t you there?”
“Oh, I don’t go to any public events with Steve. People would figure out our relationship if they kept seeing the same girl at those parties, lovingly eyeing Captain America all night. Then our secret relationship wouldn’t be a…secret.”
Bucky couldn’t help but look at her with a little commiseration. It must be hard to be with Steve when she couldn’t be with the Captain America part of him. He understood why his friend did it, but that didn’t make it easy to see the disappointment on her face.
Before Bucky could accidentally be nice to Y/N, Porthos saved him by running to Y/N’s side. The dog looked up at her and whimpered as if he could sense her small distress.
Y/N smiled down at her dog. “It’s fine. I always have Porthos to keep me company.” Then she got a hopeful expression as she looked at Bucky. “Hey, I was going to steal one of Stark’s fancy bottles of wine and watch Netflix back at my place. But now that I know you’re here, we could watch a movie or something in the theatre. Steve mentioned you were trying to catch up on some classics.”
Bucky’s heart warmed at how thoughtful and kind Y/N continued to be toward him. Why couldn’t she just respond to his malice with hatred like he wanted?
“No thanks.” He replied curtly.
The quickness of his answer hurt Y/N more than the actual answer. She knew she got too hopeful. Y/N just nodded, trying to hide her disappointment. “Well, I’ll see you around Bucky.”
He noticed how her shoulders slumped lower as she walked away.
Bucky rubbed his face and turned back toward the gym’s entrance. Going out of his way to be mean to Y/N was terrible. He wished he could be friendly with her. But he knew better. That would become a dangerous game. Friendliness would turn to flirting and then Bucky wouldn’t be able to hide his feelings. He couldn’t do that to Steve. Bucky never believed Y/N would betray Steve and give anything in return. But Steve just discovering Bucky’s affections would be unforgiveable.
Working out seemed to be the only thing that could make Bucky feel even slightly better.
Steve tried to be as quiet as possible when he was unlocking Y/N’s front door. The lights were all turned off when he slid in.
He was greeted with a dangerous growl from a few feet away.
“It’s just me, Porthos.” Steve whispered.
The growling immediately stopped as the dog recognized Steve’s voice and promptly went back to sleep.
Steve was already trying to undress himself before he even got to Y/N’s bedroom. When he entered, he found that the TV in her room was left on. Netflix continued to play episode after episode of Parks & Rec. Its volume was low enough to set the perfect sleeping conditions with white noise. The TV was the only form of light in the room, enough for Steve to tiptoe around.
Steve smiled at Y/N who was sound asleep in bed. He quietly chuckled when he saw the almost empty glass of wine and an empty bottle next to it on the nightstand. He could only assume it once belonged to Tony.
Now only in his briefs, Steve slid under the covers. Y/N immediately responded to dip of the bed next to her. She rolled to face him, still half asleep and wrapped an arm across his bare chest.
“Ugh. You smell like rich people cologne and perfume.” She groaned. Steve just chuckled.
“Hmm… how was the party?” She mumbled.
“Extremely boring.” Steve answered quietly, loving the feeling of her warm body against his. All the tension from talking to strangers and forcing polite conversations was gone the instant she touched him.
Y/N giggled sleepily. Steve didn’t think a cuter sound existed. “Did you get hit on by a bunch of women?” Her eyes squinted open now.
“No. That kiss of yours must have worked.” Steve teased.
“Guess who I talked to tonight…”
“Bucky.” Y/N grinned proudly.
Y/N nodded eagerly. “Porthos loves him. Did you know that? He ran right up to Bucky and couldn’t stop licking his face. I was shocked.”
Steve brushed some hair behind her ear. “Dog’s got good judge of character.”
“Maybe this means we’ll be friends soon.” Y/N sighed optimistically. Then her eyelids were becoming heavy and her body was begging for sleep again.
Steve wanted to tell her not to get her hopes up. But he couldn’t do that to her. She seemed so happy that Bucky even acknowledged her.
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Steve looked over at Y/N for the hundredth time during their short car ride from her house to the compound.
“Please stop looking at me like that.” Y/N sighed. But her eyes never stopped looking out her passenger window.
“I’m sorry. I just hate how quiet you get before I leave for missions.” Steve replied.
“I can’t help it.” Y/N mumbled. “Who’s going with you?” She looked at him now.
“Tony, Nat, and Bucky.”
Y/N nodded. “I’m glad Bucky’s gonna be there.”
Steve smirked and looked away from the road. “Why is that?”
“No one will ever protect you more than him.” She answered as if it were obvious. “You have Bucky and I have Porthos.” The dog’s ears perked up as he heard his name from the backseat. Y/N reached behind to pat him on the head.
Steve smiled at that. “I’ll make sure to tell Buck that you just compared him to our dog.”
“Oh god, don’t make him hate me more than he already does!” Y/N yelled out, but was still laughing as she said it.
They were at the compound now and Y/N walked onto the jet hangar with Steve. It became their little tradition: Y/N coming to see him off, no matter what. There were only a handful of times when missions were such a last minute emergency that Y/N didn’t get to do her little sendoff.  
Y/N waved goodbye to Nat, Tony, and Bucky as they walked past the two of them. “Be careful, you guys.” She said in a warning tone. Bucky barely even looked at her. Nat, however, sent her a little wink. Tony blew her a kiss. It made Y/N giggle.
Before she even had time to turn back to Steve, his lips were crashing onto hers. It was always like this. Before he left, he kissed her like it would be the last time. A part of Y/N felt like it was him being his overdramatic self. But another part of her, the part that she managed to keep quiet, knew that it wasn’t at all dramatic. Steve’s chances of dying were much higher than she allowed herself to consider.
He pulled away after a minute and rested his forehead against hers. “I love you.” She nodded and her lips inevitably turned into a frown. “Hey, none of that.” Steve begged. It was hard enough leaving her, but leaving while she looked unhappy made it even worse.
Steve then bent down to Porthos, who was sitting obediently next to Y/N. He pet his head, “You look after my best girl, you hear?” The dog barked in response. Steve grabbed his bag and started walking backwards, not wanting to look away from Y/N until he absolutely had to.
“I love you.” Y/N muttered.
Steve gave a little crooked smile. “I know.”
“Get your own lines, dork, and stop stealing Han Solo’s!” Y/N laughed. She knew he did it on purpose. He always tried to leave putting a smile on her face.
Her and Porthos watched as the jet lifted off the ground. The wind from it was tossing Y/N’s hair around. Porthos barked at the loud engine.
Steve took the seat next to Bucky’s, leaving Tony and Nat to pilot the jet.
“I feel like I’m watching ‘Gone with the Wind’ every time you guys kiss like that.” Tony teased from the pilot’s seat.
“Don’t be jealous, Stark.” Natasha smirked darkly.
Steve rolled his eyes at the mocking. “Maybe don’t watch next time...” He suggested.
“Yeah, nobody’s forcing you.” Nat added.
Everyone laughed. Even Bucky smiled a bit. It was always good to keep things light before missions. It kept the impeding doom to the back of their minds.
Steve glanced at his best friend. “You know, she really likes you.”
Bucky eyed him. “Who?”
Steve narrowed his eyes. “You know who, punk. Y/N!”
Bucky didn’t say anything, his jaw just clenched at the uncomfortable subject.
Steve didn’t bother pushing it. After all, he’d promised Y/N he’d never bring up the weird relationship between the two of them. Or better yet, the lack of relationship between the two of them.
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Steve huffed after punching out what seemed to be the last of the agents from the Hydra base they’d infiltrated. He heard someone step behind him and he readied his shield to toss at them. He quickly stopped mid-swing when he realized it was Bucky.  
“You good?” Steve asked his friend, who barely looked like he was breathing heavily or had even been in any sort of altercation.
Bucky nodded.
“Hey, Rogers. I’m in the control room. You’re…ugh…you’re gonna need to see this.” Natasha said through their comms.
Bucky and Steve shared a concerned look. Clearly she wasn’t in trouble. Her tone and word choice made that clear.
They quickly made it to the control room. They found that Natasha and Tony had already hacked into the system to gather all the information on remaining Hydra bases. But what made Steve stop dead was the image on the giant screen.
Y/N’s face was plastered on the display. It looked like a photo that paparazzi had taken: candid and she was clearly completely oblivious to being followed. Her full name and date of birth were written on the file. It even stated her affiliation with Steve. But what made his heart stop was the address written in large font.
“We have to get back to base.” Steve ordered calmly. But they all knew he was in a panic.
They were flying on the jet as Steve cursed after Y/N didn’t pick up her phone once again. “Did you try the base again?” He asked Tony.
“Everyone that was left home got called out on another mission a few days after we left.” Tony said regretfully. “Do you want me to send Happy over?”
Steve shook his head. Happy wasn’t capable of engaging if there was an enemy there. He didn’t want to throw Tony’s best friend into danger.
Bucky gripped Steve’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “She’s okay, Steve. We’ll be there soon.” But it felt like he was trying to convince himself too.
Tony didn’t bother landing at the compound, going straight to Y/N’s place instead. Her house sat on a large plot and Tony managed to land the jet in a small area where the trees hadn’t claimed it for their own.
The platform wasn’t even down all the way before Steve was sprinting off the jet. Bucky was right on his heels, gun at the ready. Steve shoved his shoulder into the front door, not bothering with the key.
The house looked untouched.
“Y/N!” Steve called out. No answer. “Y/N!” He tried again.
Bucky was checking all the rooms for possible intruders. His gun was held up, ready to kill.
To both their shock, Y/N came slowly walking out from her bedroom like a zombie. She clearly had just woken up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
“Steve?” She mumbled. “What’s going on?”
“Oh, thank god.” Steve gasped, rushing forward and pulling her into his arms.
This woke her up, but further confused her. “Is everything okay? You weren’t supposed to get back for another couple of days.”
Steve put her down but refused to let go of her. His hands brushed her hair away and then he softly clutched her face. “Y/N, I’m gonna need you to pack whatever you need. You have to come to the compound with us. It’s not safe here anymore.”
“Steve, what the hell is going on?” Then she looked over his shoulder and realized that Bucky was standing behind him, gun at his side.
“Y/N, please just do it. I’ll explain on the way back.” Steve hurried.
She looked at Bucky again and somehow saw that he too seemed in a panic. So she just nodded slowly and turned back to her bedroom, Steve right behind her.
“The surrounding area is clear. My heat sensors aren’t picking up any signs of life in this creepy forest.” Tony reported through their comms.
“Roger that.” Bucky replied as he looked out the windows to double check.  Suddenly he felt someone bop the side of his thigh. He looked down to see Porthos looking up at him as if he were asking what was going on. Steve and Y/N’s anxiety must have made him a little spooked.
“Everything’s okay, boy. You did your job.” Bucky patted his head and then heard Steve and Y/N coming out of the bedroom. He met them at the front door.
Steve held Y/N’s hand and carried her bag over his shoulder. He was calmer now that he had Y/N.
“Where’s Porthos?” Y/N asked Steve quietly.
“I got him, doll. He’s right here.” Bucky grabbed her attention.
If Y/N weren’t so confused with the situation, she would’ve look at Bucky with disbelief from how nice he just sounded.
Bucky, Nat, and Tony sat silently in the kitchen as they listened to Y/N yelling.
“So what? I’m just going to be a prisoner here now? I have a job Steve! You can’t keep me locked away here forever! I’m a civilian, not a damn Avenger!”
She wasn’t mad; she was scared. Bucky could hear it in her voice.
“Exactly! You can’t protect yourself! I’m trying to keep you safe, Y/N!” Steve yelled back.
Suddenly Nat stood up from the stool.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Tony asked.
“I’m going to track down that file, find out where it came from and find every place that has it in their system.” She paused her exit. “Steve’s gonna want to go after it. We all know it.”
Bucky knew she was right. Hell, he’d go with him to kill anyone that knew Y/N existed. They had to tie all loose ends.
Tony eventually left. Bucky assumed he was going to find Pepper. If a scare like this did anything, it was to remind everyone else to hold their loved ones close.
Bucky was left alone in the kitchen. He’d never been so scared in his life. No one else caught on to it, thank god. But he was just as scared as Steve to find that Y/N had been taken, or worse… killed, before they could reach her.
Steve came walking back into the kitchen, making Bucky sit up straighter at his entrance.
“She okay?” Bucky asked quietly.
“She’s scared. But she won’t admit it.” Steve sighed. He looked exhausted. “She can be as mad at me as she wants. I’m just glad she’s here…safe.”
“What do you want to do?” Bucky asked.
“I need your help, Buck.”
“Of course. Just tell me what you need.”
“Steve, I should be going with you!” Bucky argued.
A few days after the scare with Y/N, Natasha had helped Steve compile a plan to assure the information didn’t travel any further. What no one seemed to speak about was the other part: killing every single person that already knew about it. Tony, Wanda, Vision, and Sam had already agreed to go along with them. Maria would be their eye in the sky, remaining at the compound to instruct needed information in real time.
Steve refused to ask for Clint’s help. It was too close to home for the man. Steve couldn’t ask him to protect the thing he loved when Clint had a family he’d successfully kept hidden…unlike Steve.
“Bucky, there’s no one else I trust more.” Steve stated evenly. He gripped Bucky’s shoulder and stared him down, leaving no room for reason.
“We’re always better together. Let me help you in the field, Steve.” Bucky knew there was no point in trying.
Steve’s face softened and looked down at the ground. “Please, Buck. I won’t be able to focus out there if I’m worried about Y/N. If she’s with you, I know she’ll be safe.” Then he looked up with those lovesick eyes from just thinking of Y/N. “I love her. I just need you do this for me, okay?”
Bucky couldn’t even find the words to respond. He just nodded slowly and patted Steve on the back.
But Bucky truly would have been more comfortable with Steve. He wanted to hunt down anyone that could pose a threat to Y/N just as much as Steve. But of course nobody knew that. Being her bodyguard instead felt like Bucky was being benched in a fight where Steve needed him most.
Bucky looked down at the files Natasha had spread out onto the conference room table earlier. “Does she know about all of this yet?”
Steve sighed and Bucky instantly knew it wasn’t a good sign. “Y/N struggles already with watching me leave. And now I’m endangering my life for her sake… let’s just say she’s struggling with that even more.”
Before either of them could say more, Y/N came rushing into the conference room. “I’m not done arguing with you.” She snapped at Steve.
Bucky took a step toward the door to give them privacy. But Y/N pointed her finger at him with such a glare that he felt frozen.
“You’re not going anywhere, Barnes! You need to hear this too.” She barked.
Bucky held up his hands in surrender. He’d never seen this side of her before. Glancing at Steve’s expression, he looked more prepared than Bucky.
“Steve, I refuse to let you go on this suicide mission. I am fine! Everyone is fine! I promise I’ll stay here. I’ll move into the compound! What safer place is there than here? I’ll sell my house. I’ll do anything… just…just please don’t do this. You’re not putting anyone at risk for me!”
“We all care about you, doll.” Bucky surprised everyone, even himself. “Steve didn’t ask any of us to do this. We all volunteered.”
Y/N looked at him in shock for a moment. But her emotions got the best of her and she managed to look past his unexpected statement. “You’re no better, Barnes! You’re encouraging him! Why aren’t you talking any sense into him?! Isn’t that your whole thing?”
Bucky’s face reddened at her verbal attack. He was trying to take her outburst seriously. But his warped mind was too busy finding it cute that she was calling him by his last name to express her anger.
Bucky looked at Steve for help.
“Bucky’s not coming with, Y/N.” Steve corrected her.
“What do you mean?” She whispered. If there was one thing worse than Steve going through with this crazy operation, it was him doing it without Bucky.
“I’m taking you to a secure location.” Bucky muttered, not having the courage to take his eyes off the ground.
“This is a secure location!” Y/N retorted.
Steve stepped forward and raised a hand to comfort her. But he knew better than to try to fool her anger with intimacy. “Tony has a lake house in Canada. It’s off the grid. The island isn’t even on the maps. It’s a safe house. You’ll be protected there.” Steve wasn’t submissive like Bucky. His shoulders were tense, jaw clenched, and eyes serious. He was using his Captain America mode on her.
She didn’t like that at all.
“Fuck that.” Y/N practically growled. “Fuck all of this.” She stepped closer. “Steve, what the hell are you doing?” Her voice was a whisper now. “Why don’t you take me? You and me, Steve. We go to this stupid safe house and nobody goes on this fucking suicide mission. Because I’ll never be safer than when I’m with you.”
Bucky’s heart dropped at that.
“I have to do this, Y/N.” Steve demanded, still in his captain voice.
“For me or for you?” Y/N whispered.
“For us, Y/N.”
“Bullshit.” Y/N spat before she left the room just as fast as she arrived.
Bucky shifted his weight awkwardly. “Your girl’s really got a mouth on her, huh?” He tried to lighten the tension, mostly because he didn’t know how else to help. But it was like Steve didn’t even hear him.
Bucky inhaled. “Steve?” His voice was so earnest that it got his friend’s attention. “I promise I’ll look after Y/N. I’d die before I let anything happen to that girl, you hear me?” It was a risky statement to make for Bucky. But Steve took it as a sacrifice for friendship rather than a confession of love for Y/N.
Part 3
Thanks to everyone who has contacted me so far. You are all such sweet and lovely humans. I am so lucky to have people reading my stories. 
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Rewritten: The Royal Romance: Ostentatious Displays (Part 13)
A/N: Haven’t had an opportunity to write all week due to corporate events and travelling but feels great to be back in the world of TRR. I think I’m going to start taking more creative liberties with cutting down the choices chapters as some times they read a little forced when converted into this format... y’all better be excited for diamond heavy parts coming up next
Summary: Riley is exiled to the rejects table at the ball and expected to dance a waltz she doesn’t know the steps to. Olivia makes a power move that causes unrest in her allies at court.
Choices Chapter: Book One, Chapter Eight
Disclaimer: Characters and main storyline from Pixelberry’s Choices.
Word Count: 4000+
Warnings: none
Link to Full Series: Rewritten
Tags: @krsnlove
Ostentatious Displays
I pulled the drapes aside in my beautiful room at the Nervaki’s Chateau and took in the wondrous view of the mountains. New snow fall made the duchy of Lythikos look untouched and fresh. Today, I would be expected to attend a ball during which I would take part in a dance I didn’t know the steps of. 
Later in the day, I went over to Hana’s room to get ready. I used to love getting ready with my girls before parties and Hana was exactly the type of person I needed when I was feeling down. She had picked out a stunning sparkly, shimmering dress for the night’s proceedings. “Ta-daa! How do I look?” she exclaimed, spinning for me and posing. “You’re going to set the ball on fire!” I cheered her on. “Everyone’s going to be talking about your dress.” “You think so?” she grasped at the satin, excited. She was one of the most beautiful people I’d ever seen, inside and out. She had a heart of gold, the cumulative talent of a hundred people and looks that girls would do anything for. “I’ll force people into awkward conversations about it if I have to,” I laughed. “Come on, what are you going to wear?” she asked. “Oh I,” I mumbled, “I was just going to wear the dress I wore to the races…” “You’re going to wear the same dress twice in a week?” she raised an eyebrow. “I don’t have anything else,” I bit my lip. “Nonsense, you can have one of mine,” she said, throwing open her wardrobe. The closet was full to the brim with gorgeous dresses of all colours and shapes. I ran my hand across the fabrics feeling their softness against my fingertips. “This one will be perfect for you,” she said, bringing out a sparkling blue ball gown with sequinned corset and flowing skirt. “I designed this one a few years ago, it’s probably about your size.” I tried it on and it fit like a glove. “I can’t believe you designed this,” I breathed, unable to look away from myself in the mirror. “I can’t believe how good you make it look,” she said, making me break into a huge smile. “The dress doesn’t make the lady. The lady makes the dress. You look spectacular. Shall we be off?” “After you, Lady Hana,” I bowed to her.
We entered the ballroom to see that it was coated in gold: gold chairs, gold chandeliers, golden flowers. Both Hana and I were immediately offered a glass of champagne by a member of the chateaux’s staff, which we eagerly accepted. This was opulent wealth like I had never seen, except maybe at the palace but even then that had had a more natural feel to it. We spotted Maxwell across the room and made our way over. Maxwell bowed to us, “Ladies… it’s a pleasure to see you both tonight.” “That’s… unusually formal of you. What gives?” I questioned. “Tonight, I am representing the Duchy of Ramsford at this important social event,” Maxwell said, pointing his nose high in the air pretending to be dignified. “That sounds like something Bertrand would say,” I said. “He’s been calling me all night to remind me,” Maxwell whispered back. “Ah… you’ve got to be on your best behaviour or else Bertrand will get on your case?” I nodded, understanding. “Pretty much,” he said, obviously bored. “Wow, Olivia hired a full orchestra to play tonight,” Hana said, pointing over at the sixteen-piece orchestra. “I’ve heard you’re quite the musician yourself, Hana,” Maxwell commented, warmly. “Oh no… I’m not,” Hana said, rapidly shaking her head. “Really? I feel like I remember hearing that you were a virtuoso pianist,” Maxwell said, confused. “I still play from time to time, but only for fun,” Hana flatly said. I glanced around the room, noting the fancy name cards at each golden place setting. My gut told me that this seating plan was not going to land in my favour if it had been organised by Olivia. “Where are we sitting?” I asked Maxwell, suspicious. “About that,” he said looking at his feet. “Turns out I’m sitting at the head table with Olivia and the Prince… But you two are at the farthest table at the back.” “Olivia is making us sit at the back… The company will be much better at our table,” I said, linking arms with Hana. “No offence, Maxwell.” “None taken. Hell, I’d join you guys if I could,” Maxwell shrugged. “Er, I mean, I should say, Olivia has greatly honoured me.” “Don’t worry, we won’t tell Bertrand,” I whispered. “Sorry to leave you guys,” Maxwell frowned. “Don’t worry about us, Maxwell. Riley and I will make the best of it,” Hana said. “Just remind me when we are making the seating chart for my wedding with Liam, exactly where I will put Olivia,” I teased as Maxwell walked away to join the head table. Hana and I made our way through the tables to the back corner only to spot a very familiar face already sat there, drink in hand. “Welcome,” Drake said, arms wide, “to the table of exiles.” “I’m actually glad to see you,” I said, dropping into the chair next to him. “Here I was worried that we’d be stuck with some stuffy nobles.” “It’s probably meant to be an even bigger slight that we’re with a commoner,” Hana hissed. “Olivia really missed the mark,” I said. “Thanks, Brooks,” Drake said, looking confused. “That actually means something, coming from you.” “You don’t seem bother at all, Drake, to be seated in the back,” Hana commented sitting on Drake’s other side. “What can I say? After enough years of getting treated like this, you build up a thick skin,” he sipped his whiskey. “Besides, back here? Out of the spotlight? At least we can relax.” We watched as a swarm of servers appeared, carrying mouth-watering dishes of food to other tables, starting at the head table far across the room. Each time they reappeared they seemed to go to every table but ours. “The food looks amazing,” Hana said, eyes wide. “I hope they serve us soon! I’m starving!” “I wouldn’t get your hopes up,” Drake said, taking a hip flask out his pocket to top up his drink. “Where we’re seated, we’ll be the last to eat. If there’s even any left by the time they get to us.” “But... the lobster bisque… do you really think we’ll go hungry?” Hana said, alarmed.” “Not if I can help it. This can’t be too different from hailing a taxi in New York,” I said, armed with my server knowledge. I scanned the room for a target. A server walking in our general direction entered my line of sight. “Hey,” I said, “Sorry to bother you but... Do you know who I am? I am Riley of House Brooks, First of Her Name, the Unblemished, Queen of Times Square and First-“ The server walked straight past me and I shrugged. At the very least I had got a half smile from Drake and a giggle from Hana. “A+ for effort, Brooks. But these guys deal with uppity nobles all the time,” Drake said.
Half an hour, a few glasses of wine and a couple whiskey shots from Drake’s flask later, we were still waiting for our food. Hana’s stomach had growled more than once and Drake kept licking his lips when the smell of the food wafted over from other tables. I was starting to feel pretty tipsy with the ratio of food to alcohol I had consumed. “The service here is terrible,” Hana eventually exclaimed. “All by design,” Drake said. “Even if it’s on purpose, at least it’s not the worst service I’ve had,” Hana said. “You’ve had worse service than this?” I asked. “Believe it or not, I’ve been to a wedding where food wasn’t served until midnight. They got hideously behind schedule and decided to do an open call for speeches before dinner. It took hours,” she said, grimacing at the memory. “Heavens,” Drake rolled his eyes. “Drake,” I scolded, whacking him with my clutch. “I can tell you a real horror story,” he said. “Let’s set the scene. Casual get-together. Lots of people I don’t know but that’s fine. There’s a bar, a man’s true best friend. So I figure I’ll grab a drink. I go up to the bar and they’re out of whiskey!” “That’s practically a crime!” I teased him. Completely missing my sarcasm, he said, “I couldn’t believe it either. How do you have a party without whiskey?” “You can’t!” I said, my shock dripping in sarcasm. Suddenly recognising that I was making fun of him he said, “Here I was thinking you were being supportive.” “You continuously underestimate my ability to make fun of you,” I smiled. “I gotta stop doing that,” he said. “From what I’ve seen though, Olivia has got quite a stash of alcohol here.”   “From what you’ve seen?” Hana questioned, suspiciously. “I did some exploring and I happened across her wine cellar,” he said, equally aloof. “It’s actually pretty impressive... We could go there for a drink tonight, Brooks… if you’re not afraid of sneaking out after hours.” Before I could respond to his dare, a server appeared at our table with the first course and I was completely distracted. “Finally!” Drake said, smile wide, spoon already in hand. I took a ravenous spoon of the lobster bisque. It was cold and with no lobster. “Yuck,” I said, then remembered the number of times I’ve eaten worse food. I was becoming a different person. I had eaten pizza I had dropped on the floor in my apartment a dozen times but now cold soup upset me? “So it’s not just me,” Hana said, sadly and threw her spoon down into her bowl. Drake poked at it, “I wanted one thing today… and they’ve taken it from me.” As if to save us from our pitiful moment, the orchestra began to play. Olivia stepped up on a small stage, looking glamorous in a long, black dress and expensive gems dangling from her ears. “Hello, dear guests, and welcome to the Nevrakis family’s chateau,” she said, more warmly and dignified than I’d ever seen her before. It was like she was auditioning. “It means so much to me that you would join me in this place that’s so dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy the festivities tonight as much as I will. Now, everyone please join me up front to begin the Cordonian Waltz.” “But we haven’t finished eating,” Hana hissed. “I don’t think she cares,” Drake said, crossing his arms like a moody teenager. “Well… let’s do this,” I said, mustering any courage I had left. Hana stood up with me, leaving behind our cold soup and Drake, looking even more uncomfortable than before. “Aren’t’ you joining us, Drake?” Hana asked. “Waltzing… isn’t my thing. I’ll be here with the… food,” he said looking down at his disappointing meal. We abandoned Drake at the table, knowing when to pick our battles. We joined up with Maxwell and headed to the dance-floor to find partners. I looked over people’s heads for Liam, hoping his dancing prowess would save me and would get a little time together. I balled my hands into fists, feeling the nails dig into my palms as I spotted him… asking Olivia if she would like to dance. “Of course. Anything for you, Prince Liam,” she said, taking his offered hand. He wrapped his arms around her and she giggled as he spun her onto the dance-floor. They were entranced in one another’s eyes. No one else was in the room. Except I was and watching them… it made me feel like I was going to cry. I hid my face from Maxwell and Hana as I composed myself. It was silly of me to feel so possessive over Liam. He was not mine. I was not his. Yet... “It would be unspeakably rude for Prince Liam to not dance this waltz with the hostess,” Hana tried to comfort me, placing a hand on my arm. “I guess that’s what happens when you have home court advantage,” I managed. “That doesn’t mean you won’t dance though… In fact, Lady Riley, may I have the honour of this waltz,” Maxwell smiled, bowing and offering me his hand. I placed my hand on my heart as I pouted jokingly, “It is I who would be honoured.” I took his hand and together we joined the loose circle forming on the dance-floor. Maxwell put one hand on my waist and raised my hand into a classic ballroom pose. I was just going to have to follow his lead and believe whole heartedly in beginner’s luck. “Wait a second…” he whispered, “Do you even known the Cordonian Waltz?” “Not exactly,” I hissed back. “Sorry! I knew I was forgetting something… Bertrand would never have neglected to mention it,” Maxwell panicked. I squeezed Maxwell’s hand in mine, “if he were here, I’d be stuck dancing with him and we’d be having much less fun. We’ll get through it together, right?” “Right,” he said, his usual playful smile back. As the music picked up, I tried my best to follow Maxwell’s steps and whispers. He led me into a pretty glide down the length of the ballroom and I giggled. The novelty of waltzing at these incredible events still hadn’t worn off. I saw Liam looking at me as Maxwell and I twirled past. Olivia, took back his attention and turned them into an elegant spin. I let Maxwell swing me around in time to the waltz and I forgot about Olivia and Liam for a moment. It was just me and my incredible, supportive friend succeeding. Maxwell then twirled me so that my back was against him and kept our feet moving. I could feel his body pressed up against mine as I tried to keep up with his steps. “This is rather scandalous for the ballroom,” I said, feeling his hips moving against my own. “The Cordonian Waltz is a romantic dance… in the old days, it used to be that this waltz was the only way couples could flirt,” Maxwell explained, his breath tickling my neck. “It’s very intimate. I’ve always loved those scenes in movies though. Like in Pride and Prejudice when she gets to dance with Mr Darcy and for that dance they are alone,” I said. We swayed together for a few more beats before Maxwell let go of my hands, gently pushing me forward. “Time to switch partners,” he hissed. “You should have the steps by now. You’re doing amazing, you’ll do great.” I glided forward to the next partner and found myself wrapped up in Liam’s arms. My hand laced onto his strong shoulder and his hand found my lower back, pulling me closer to him. I looked up at his eyes and for a moment we said nothing. “Why, hello there,” he finally said, releasing the tension with his award-winning smile. “Fancy running into you,” I jibed. “You mean, on the dance floor of a private ball during a choreographed waltz?” he asked. “Well when you put it that way, it seems inevitable, I’d run into you… but to be fair,” I looked away from him as he twirled me round, “I haven’t seen a lot of you lately.” “True,” he exhaled. “I’ve been a little preoccupied. Olivia is the hostess… and I’d be remiss in my duties if I didn’t spend time with all the women here.” “Liam…” I wanted to tell him everything; all my worries, my feelings, my thoughts. I wanted him and I to be on the same page. I wanted to trust him. “Liam,” I started again, “I understand. We’re kind of just in an open relationship right now and it doesn’t feel great to watch you with your other girlfriends but it does feel great when I get to spend time with you. You’re not just marrying for you… it’s for the crown.” Liam’s brow creased and the lights of his eyes dimmed, “Yes. No matter how I feel… Well, we’ll have to see what happens in the coming weeks.” My heart hurt hearing his response. I wanted reassurance, not rationality. I felt like he was trying to let me down before breaking my heart entirely. He lead me into a twirl and held me against him, my back on his body. I could feel every muscle and curve of his body as we swayed together. He smelt so good and I thought of his body on top of me in the hedge maze. I closed my eyes. Liam leant in close to my ear, “but, Riley, you should know… you are special to me… I need you to know that.” My body melted into his for a moment and it was just us. Alone. No outside influence, no crown. Just two people, still getting to know one another, but who already needed each other desperately. My trance was broken when he span me out of the move and back into his arms, facing him. Our eyes locked as we struggled to find the words we wanted to say in this moment. Olivia coughed, “Lady Riley, I believe he’s my partner now.” I, very, reluctantly let go of Prince Liam, taking one last full look at him. He stood so tall above me, but not in an intimidating way. I loved the dimples he got in his cheeks from smiling when he looked at me. His eyes were the brightest blue I’d ever seen. He looked dignified at all times in only the best clothes. Yet, what I liked most was the warmth I felt when I was around him. As I moved away, it was always as though my heart got colder. I joined Maxwell, my head spinning. “Watching you two together,” Maxwell whispered, gently, “I can tell that Liam cares for you a lot.” “Yeah but our relationship is so strange,” I let my smile slip from my face. “It’s not like he can just sweep me off my feet and carry me out of here.” “When you’re royalty, the rules are different,” he said. “I know that… and yet…” I trailed off looking at Maxwell’s face as it registered shock. I turned to look at what he was staring out and was just in time to see Olivia lean in close to Liam. They kissed passionately in the middle of the dance-floor. My hands fell from Maxwell as I stared at the man I was falling in love. I gasped, along with a number of other ladies on the dance floor. Liam pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead against Olivia’s. It hurt to admit how good they looked together. Olivia’s face was the definition of smug. I felt the strings of my heart pull and tears rushing to my eyes. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him in close to her. After way too long of a moment, the Prince gently pulled away. “Liam,” Olivia said, seductively, playing with his bow tie. “Olivia… uh… let’s talk… outside… perhaps,” Liam said, taking her hand and leading her towards one of the doors. I watched them walk away, as Maxwell moved me over to the side-lines where everyone stood gossiping. I focused on making sure that I didn’t start to cry. “Well that was a bold play,” I heard Penelope hiss. “Little Olivia is growing up. How sweet,” Madeleine said, dryly through gritted teeth. “Aren’t you upset by that?” I said, turning to Madeleine. “Ostentatious displays are for those who are either unrefined or insecure. I am neither,” she said, cold as ever. “We always knew that she and the Prince were close,” Penelope said in defeat. “It was a power move, if you ask me,” Kiara said angrily, showing real emotion in front of me for the first time. “Right, excuse us,” Maxwell said, leading me away again until out of earshot of the other women. “We have to play a little politics here.” “Right. Get strategic and get an advantage while Olivia plays her cards,” I said, nodding, liking the idea of a plan to distract me from the pain in my heart. “Look at Kiara. She’s clearly upset at Olivia’s display and she’s all alone right now. This is your opportunity to fight for another ally. Get on her good side,” he said. “If you can drive a wedge between her and Olivia it might weaken Olivia’s position. If Kiara has good things to say about you, it helps your position.” “I’ll give it a shot,” I said, crossing the ballroom and approaching Kiara as she stood alone. “Excuse me, Lady Kiara.” “Oh, Lady Riley,” Kiara said confused. “Comment ca va?” “Ca va bien, merci,” I said, remembering a tiny bit of conversational French from school. “Magnifique. What can I do for you?” she smiled, almost impressed at my small showing of language skill. “What did you think of Olivia’s little display there,” I said, helping myself to some of the appetisers at the table next to us. “I can’t believe her,” Kiara said, aggressively. “She wouldn’t have the guts to do that anywhere else. She’s gone mad with power here!” “I think Olivia went too far,” I said, biting some cheese off a cocktail stick. Kiara sighed, defeated like Penelope, “she’s only doing what we all wish we could be doing. If anything, I do have to give her credit for pulling it off.” “That doesn’t mean we have to stand by and accept it,” I pushed. “We need to stick together. Otherwise we don’t stand a fighting chance against Olivia.” “Are you proposing an alliance?” Kiara asked, flatly. “You should be my ally because I’ll support you too,” I said, diplomatically. “Olivia’s friendship is a one-way street. Why should you always let her get her way?” “You make a fair point,” Kiara grit her teeth. “We all need someone to speak well of us. We can help each other out,” I offered her some cheese on a stick. “Not a bad idea,” she said, accepting my food offering. “We could both benefit from a little well-placed support here and there.” “I’m glad we see it the same way,” I smiled, although it felt weird to have just negotiated friendship. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. I should mingle with what time I have left. A bientot,” Kiara curtsied. 
As the night went on, Liam and Olivia were notably missing for most of it. I mingled with other guests, making people laugh and telling stories of New York like old folk tales. I even danced some more with Maxwell, perfecting some steps to other dances. As the evening ended, I still couldn’t shake the image of Liam and Olivia kissing out of my head. As I was on my way out of the ballroom, too tired to keep fighting through the façade, I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. When I turned, my heart skipped a beat. “Hello, Lady Riley,” Liam said, concern showing through his smile. “Liam… you kissed Olivia,” I said, helplessly, the words scratchy against my throat. “It was an unexpected advance. She caught me by surprise,” he said, quietly so no one else would hear. “You should have thrown her off you,” I hissed at him. “It was incredibly public.” For the first time, I felt my trust in Liam fade. Now, having seen them kiss, I couldn’t help imagining them kissing on the lake, up on the slopes, in his bedroom... Had they gone to the maze together to share moments like ours? “I thought it would be better to handle it quietly and cause less of a scandal… I didn’t want to embarrass her,” he said, stoic as always. “I guess that’s a fair point,” I exhaled, trying to calm myself down. He moved closer to me, taking my hand in his and holding it between us. Our hands joined, a sign of trust. A sign that we were in this together. His finger’s gently caressed my knuckles. “I know we haven’t seen each other much this trip,” he said, gazing into my eyes. “It’s been a hectic few days,” I half smiled. “A strange few days. I spend all these events rushing from person to person, trying to say the right thing and keep all the nobles happy,” he said, turning my hand in his, feeling every curve. “But at night, I find myself lying awake for hours in the grand suite, unable to sleep.” I huffed, “Grand suite? That sounds fancy.” He dropped his serious tone and replied, “It’s the best room. It’s upstairs at the end of the quiet east wing. It comes with everything… even a hot tub under the stars, overlooking the mountains…” “Sounds… romantic,” I said, letting his words wash over me. “It would be, with the right person,” he whispered, searching my eyes. “Unfortunately, I’ve got no one to share it with.” “I’m sure Olivia would love an invitation,” I raised my eyebrows at him. All pretence dropped and he said genuinely, softly, “Olivia is not invited.” After a moment, I whispered back, “Maybe I can help you.” “Oh? Are you sure you can manage it?” Liam smiled and I felt the warmth I usually felt with him return to my whole body, like a drug. “I’m not making any promises,” I teased. “Prince Liam? If I might interrupt?” Penelope said, approaching us and making us spring apart. “Of course. I know we haven’t spoken all day, Lady Penelope. Lady Riley, goodnight,” he shot me a discrete wink and kissed my hand before walking away, leaving me in the doorway to the ball...
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