#ur so calico coded to me!!!
sun-stricken · 3 months
Do you have any hcs abt the natsu, erza, gray trio?
* literally so fucking close, siblings im telling you
* they are a trio full of contradictions, cant assume anything with them
* they argue so much. all of them.
* Showing up at each others places with zero forewarning just to sleep or raid their fridge is an average night for them
* Its a common occurrence to see Erza walking calmly with them under her arms or over her shoulders
* Every new guild member with fail has a crush on one of them
* Natsu and Gray bring out the dumabass in Erza, according to her it’s contagious
* Natsu and Gray taught themselves morse code for the soul purpose of arguing when Erzas around
* Gray frequently blocks Natsu on every media platform he has, even email with no explanation for days
* Erza holds both Gray and Natsus ‘leashes’ and Gray holds Natsus and Natsu thinks hes free
* Theres never a dull moment with them
* “This is a safe space” *says literally anything* “This is no longer a safe space!”
* Erza is the designated bug killer between them
* They, as a trio, are black-listed from over half the establishments in Magnolia. individually or just two of them or with just one more person they’re completely fine. But not just them.
* Natsus the type to collect the most embarrassing photos of people and send them to his victims years later
* Erza genuinely had to sit down and stare at the wall for an hour after receiving one of these photos
* Natsu participates in cathartic screaming. Which means he lets out blood curdling screams at random times and scares the shit out of everyone around him
* Sent Erza and Gray into near panic attack the first time, now Gray joins in and Erza referees it like a competition
* Erza is a covert MENACE to them. Straight up psychological warfares on them
* Erza, whispering: you just lost the game
* Gray: im going to kill us both please just let me live—
* Gray knows random laws off the top of his head and will call the other two out for the stupidest ones
* sometimes he lies tho just to fuck with them
* They 100% share clothes and pack extra for each other while going on jobs
* Gray owns many hawaiian shirts and they definitely bully him for it but keep getting him more
* On many occasions, Erza has subtly instigated things that she knows would end up with Natsu and Gray fighting for her own entertainment
* They all have a constant need to prove people wrong and have issues with authority, they hate doing what people tell them to
* “try not to die” “fuck off no” “?? the hell you mean ‘no’????”
Golden retriever, Calico cat, and Black cat friends
yeah thats all i got for rn, but here are more quotes as a treat, free of charge!
Erza: Gray? What are you doing here? 
Gray, wearing a hawaiian shirt, sunglasses and holding a gatorade: My best.
Natsu: If you listen closely you can hear the sound of my brain sizzling 
Erza: Ah yes, the sweet melody of insanity 
Gray: Its just the wii music but sped up and off key
Erza: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? 
Natsu: No. 
Gray: No. 
Erza: Didn't think so.
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Weekly tag Wednesday !!
Thank u for the tags @spookygingerr and @especially-fuk-u !!
Name: dean :D
Age: 18
Your time zone: EST
What do you do for work: I’m in school right now so nothing, but this summer (probably in a couple weeks) I’m working at a pool store and maybe an ice cream shop
Do you have any pets?: yes!! I have a calico cat named Salem, she’s my best friend and so cute I love her so much
What first drew you to the fandom: I kept seeing clips of shameless on TikTok, I finally caved and started watching it over the summer, and I got hooked ever since (averaged a season and a half in a day), lurked around the fandom for a while but then started majorly interacting. I’ve never been normal about anything I’ve ever consumed, this is no exception (autism goes brrrr)
Morning person or night owl?: night owl baby!! Earliest you’ll get me up is 10am, I’ll go to sleep around 3-4 am (I also have insomnia)
What are your hobbies?: any type of art or craft, I paint, sew, draw, bookbind and just random miscellaneous stuff, my last art project was making spikes for my jacket from soda cans. I also read, like, a lot, mainly fanfiction bc special interest, but also I love non fiction (essays, memoirs, political theory) and some fiction (I love love love horror), I’m a major Jack of all trades, just constantly looking for something new to try
How tall are you?: 5’6” baby!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?: anywhere warm and with a beach, I love summer and I’m built for it, I’ve considered New Orleans a lot for some reason, maybe California but I also hate west coast culture so um there’s that
Favorite color: yellow !! My and my siblings were color coded to prevent fights, and yellow was my color as a kid and it’s just stayed my favorite, and people always unanimously agree yellow is a color that Suits Me, saying i have yellow and sunshine energy, it also just best on me compared to other colors
Favorite book: this is such a hard choice, im going to say the perks of being a wallflower I think, ultimate comfort book really, but I also love to talk and think about Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Favorite movie?: it’s a horror movie called the empty man, it’s SO weird and SO fucked up with the most normal and sane horror protagonist
Favorite fic: I could never choose, one I’ve been thinking about A Lot is the origins of girldadism, but I also love meanest hunk of woman and enemy lines I’ll recommend them till the day I die
Favorite musical artist: I love love love Green Day i could talk abt them forever I’m going to see them in concert this summer and I’m SO freaking excited, honorable mentions are Noah kahan and old dominion
What is your average screen time so far this week?: 8 hours and 10 minutes. Higher than I was expecting considering all I’ve been doing is studying
What’s the first app you open in the morning: Spotify! I need music all the time ever, it helps me get going in the morning on weekdays, and on weekends either tumblr, discord, or Instagram depending on who’s texted me
How long have you been on tumblr: I think this summer will be 6 years?
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I’m learning my third language (Ukrainian) and planning a fourth (French, probably in college (I’m so done with Spanish bffr)) I also make my own recycled paper! I think that’s always fun to mention
I’m tagging:
@mickeym4ndy @astaraels @em-harlsnow @mickittotheman @transmickey
@atthedugouts @jademickian @liza420
And anyone else who wants to !! Ur welcome to do so !! And no pressure, you can otherwise consider this a friendly hello, fist bump, dap, and/or an “I’m thinking of you”
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prettydan · 7 years
My favorite breed of cats are calicoes!! My cat is a calico and she's so beautiful ☺️
i used to have a calico cat named ali!
url: ehh | nice | i love omg | holy shit how did you get that
icon: okay | alright | very nice | wow that’s great i lov
theme: default | nice! | beautiful | fuckign give me the code
mobile theme: not a fan | it’s okay | very pretty | im in tears it is so beautiful
posts: not my thing | good content | very very nice wow | i aspire to have posts like yours
following: no but i really love u | wow i am now! | yes
comments: ur cat is so cute :’)
im doing blogrates! please no more
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