#ur telling me that my lowkey crush did send me a snap after i thought he already went to sleep
ilottcallum · 2 years
now what the fuck is this snapchat
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taejeonie · 4 years
what if taehyuck dated...
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taehee is jeno in the gif okay
i could see hyuck having a small crush on taehee during mmc
so he was like :// whenever they would fight
and really :DD when they make up
it would disappear during debut ofc cause u gotta stay focused!!
but then i guess his feelings came back during ‘boom’ era
at first he thought that he was only missing her bc she’s not in dream anymore BUT
she came over while they were in the waiting room with some food after they performed
so they were just talking and doing normal teenager stuff and catching up
and hyuck was staring at taehee with like heart eyes that renjun had to snap him out of it
casually, he pulled taehee to his lap and placed his chin on her shoulder
all of them were like “yeah this is normal” and carried on with the conversation
so hyuck decided to just do a l i g h t scan of her face
like very quick
but he took his time looking at every. feature.
like the sweat dripping of her forehead bc the ac isn’t on
the way her eyes go slightly big when she got interested at what jaemin was about to tell her
or how her fingers play with his hair at the back of his head out of habit
“were her lips always this cute? they look so soft. i-“
“excuse me, i need to go to the bathroom”
so taehee gets off his lap while still talking to jaemin
while hyuck goes to the bathroom to calm down
inhale exhale inhale exhale
boom he’s back to liking her again
but stronger (부딪칠수록 더 stronger)
i feel like dream would know
like renjun would be the first to notice, then it would be a slip of the tongue around jaemin and jeno
and then i feel like jaemin would tell chenji like it’s no big deal
“wait let me text noona real quick-“
so at this point dream knows
and hyuck’s contemplating whether or not he should tell mark hihi
i feel like she does have feelings for hyuck
but she doesn’t acknowledge it
like i said, she doesn’t think about what it would be like to date the members
but then hyuck’s got a MASSIVE crush on her so i think she would pick up on it
like recently, he’s super flustered around her and that he couldn’t come up with a proper come back during playful banters
or that he’s super clingy than before but now he won’t admit it
“haechan, you’re so clingy nowadays. you like me, don’t you?”
“huh??? what, of course not!! why would i,” then he stands up and walks out of the room without another word
and that she keeps catching hyuck staring at her before quickly looking away
she’d find it cute, maybe a little funny
i think she would talk about it with mark bc she was suuuuuper curious
but in reality she just wants to know bc deep inside,,,she liked him too
“do you think,,haechan likes me?”
“of course he does! why would you ask that?”
“no no,,like ‘like like’ me. you get it?”
“oh? i don’t...i haven’t thought about it. why? do you ‘like like’ him?”
“....maybe- i don’t know :((“
and mark’s like :00
“oh okk, don’t worry. i gotchu”
taehee: ?????
lowkey got scared bc mark acted weird
but she trusts him enough that he won’t do anything out of the ordinary
so later on, mark texts hyuck bc he has a mission
mission: find out if hyuck likes taehee
to lee donghyuckie: hey
to lee donghyuckie: are you not telling me something?
from lee donghyuckie: i don’t know what you’re talking about ...
to lee donghyuckie: do you like taehee?
mark had to wait for a few minutes before hyuck sent a reply
from lee donghyuckie: hyung
from lee donghyuckie: i really really like her.
from lee donghyuckie: what do i do?
then he sent something similar to a rabbit crying sticker, making mark laugh
“who’s cute?,” taehee asked
“uhh oh nothing”
to lee donghyuckie: if you really like her that much, then i think you should go for it
to lee donghyuckie: you know well enough about how your decisions could affect the both of you
to lee donghyuckie: but i think the both of you would be careful about this
to lee donghyuckie: whatever your choice is, we’ll all be here to support you
on the other end of the line, hyuck was so touched
he’s so greatful for his members he was really moved
so bc of mark’s encouragement (+ a bit of jaemin’s pestering), he finally made his decision
from lee donghyuckie: okay then. i’ll go for it. what should i do?
so after talking with mark and the rest of the dreamies over food and drinks
“noona do you want to come-“ “JISUNG!! SORRY NOONA ITS BOYS NIGHT”
their plan was just for hyuck to go along with taehee’s antics bc she’ll cave in eventually (according to mark)
“but what if she doesn’t?”
“then you do it!!! stop being a coward- OW”
lmao renjun u try confessing to ur crush ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
so for a few damn weeks
hyuck went along with whatever taehee’s got under her sleeve
and they flirted back and forth
they’re never not joined by the hip during schedules together
cheek kisses became more frequent
hyuck kept cooking for her and then they would eat together <3
a way through a woman’s heart is truly through the stomach
i feel like whenever taehee would be affectionate towards the other members hyuck would get jealous
so when she’s ‘free’ already, he goes to her and sticks beside her for the rest of the day
hyuck was about to give up tbh bc it seemed like there wasn’t any progress
“just wait,” mark said
so he did
they were playing games one time and hyuck kept on getting distracted he wasn’t doing as well as he’s supposed to
his heart skipped a beat at the nickname even if he’s heard her call him that a thousand times already, “hm?”
“you’re not playing well! is something bothering you?”
she doesn’t bother him after that for the rest of the game
while they were waiting for another round to start,,,taehee decided that she’ll do it now
she’ll confess and hope that hyuck wasn’t playing with her all this time and that he was genuinely interested in her
taehee’s nerves got the best of her so her character died in the game
“noona!!! you left me all alone”
“good luck then. i’ll be spectating you, don’t worryyy”
she said it in a really cute way that it made hyuck press a wrong key and almost die
minutes passed and they were about to win yayayay
but taehee hasn’t said anything yet
so she takes a deep breath and sends a text to mark
to markly <3: i’m gonna do it
“i...really...like you...like a lot-“
hyuck freezes
“and i don’t know if you really mean what you’ve been doing and saying for the past weeks...or if you’re just going along with me. i was trying to make it obvious so i’m wondering if you wanted to go out with me....?”
“game over”
their monitors go back to the lobby as silence lingered on both ends
“lee donghyuck, say something!! my pride’s already hurt...”
“ah i knew i shouldn’t have-“
“i’m kinda,,,bummed out”
“w-what why?”
“because you asked first”
taehee felt a smile creep up her face before letting out a small laugh
“noona, do you want to go out with me?”
hyuck can sense her pout through the speaker so he gives in instead
shut up hyuck ur just whipped
“okay okay!! i’ll go out with you~”
their first date was in a secluded movie theater
like you know that movie theater idols go to for dates? that one
and then they ate out after
i feel like all the members and managers would know
especially because the pair’s so smiley and clingy and in jisung’s words, lovey-dovey around each other
so when each of them got home the members teased them
johnny to hyuck and markwoo to taehee
I FEEL LIKE THEY WOULD KISS A LOT LIKE A LOT LOT as if the cheek kisses aren’t a giveaway
their first kiss would go like this
they were playing games and you know they’re both competitive
so like they strike deals
the “if i win you do this that blah blah”
so hyuck was gonna ask for a kiss (*^▽^*)
and taehee was too
but she couldn’t help herself
so mid-game,,,she put her phone on the nightstand and grabbed hyuck’s face to connect their lips
hyuck was surprised at first,,,then he eased on to it
like “wow i’m finally kissing the girl of my dreams”
they lowkey forgot about the game
lowkey made out on hyuck’s bed
hyuck got so smug istg
when they pulled away to catch their breaths, the first thing that came out of hyuck’s mouth was
“you couldn’t resist me, couldn’t you?,” earning a slap to his chest
but hyuck made up for it with more kisses!!! (≧∀≦)
the members would find it SO cute whenever hyuck was a lil jealous
“ahh you guys keep going out,,we never see you both anymore,” yuta chuckled as he put an arm around taehee
yuta chuckled as he pulled his arm away, “ah right right,,she’s your girlfriend now (^ν^)”
but he doesn’t get like jealous jealous dw it never gets out of hand it’s just for fun
i feel like the members would help them on dates too,,esp taeyong
i could see taeyong be so into this like he’d go
but then there’s this moment where he just sits in between them and puts his arm around his shoulders saying, “you better be careful, okay? (⌒▽⌒)”
hmm i imagine taehee asking hyuck to do her eye makeup
bc hyuck’s eye make up is so pretty sHUT UP
so he’d do it in taehee’s room
eventually leading to them making out again
from then on, mark makes it a point to knock before entering a room
when they were recording kick it,,hyuck was waiting for his turn in the studio alone
it was supposed to be taehee’s but she wasn’t there yet bc she had to help produce for other groups
and it was cold cause it was JANUARY OKAY
so when taehee came in the studio wearing a shirt, jeans, and a thin jacket
hyuck’s like, “why are you wearing that? it’s cold”
“my friend gave me this i wanna wear them :((“
so hyuck took off his jacket in exchange for taehee’s
it was his anyways
he would wait for her to finish recording and would take her out after
“what do you want to eat?”
“anything for my babyyy”
taehee would love holding his hand
like the feeling of his fingers in between hers just makes her heart go boom boom
bonus points if hyuck squeezes them from time to time and let’s her play with his hand
he found it cute when all of his rings transferred to her fingers
“you know i have to return that to the stylists, right?”
“yeah but this one’s yours so :>>>”
hyuck gets them matching rings for their five months anniversary
dude i think they’ll just be plain out obvious
like there’s so many moments of them during kick it era that czennies think of it as ‘out of context moments’ but it wasn’t the case to taehyuck
like taehee straddling hyuck on the floor of their practice room
mark: oKAYYYYY
or whenever they shout randomly about each other off-screen
but czennies just brush it off as like “tHey’Re bOtH aFfEcTiOnAtE fRIeNDs”
some of them really really really want to date
don’t worry, they are, they’re just not ready to put it out there ;))
taehee was hyuck’s #1 supporter during reload era
would compliment his facial expressions when they were recording their reaction for their mv
‘quiet down’ being her favorite song bc hyuck sounded so sexy
when hyuck came home after ridin’s first win the first thing taehee did was kiss him sweetly
hyuck pecked her cheek when she pulled away (*´꒳`*)
jisung and chenle: EWWWW T_T
if johnny’s not in the room they would dance together
but then there are intimate moments where they’re just swaying to the music, taehee’s arms wrapped around hyuck’s neck and the his arms around her waist
would kiss the side of her head from time to time
and when their feet get kinda tired,,they get ready for bed and sleep next to each other
there are times where hyuck falls asleep first and taehee would lie awake, adoring him
and vice versa
most of the time taehee would be the small spoon
vlives with just the two of them would be their thing
i mean it already was,,anyways
hyuck decided to be dangerous in this one vlive
he would tuck a strand of taehee’s hair behind her ear
would kiss his fingers and boop them on taehee’s nose
would interlace their fingers together
markleeswatermelons i want to confess to my crush but i don’t know how. what should i do?
“‘i want to confess to my crush but i don’t know how. what should i do?’ ahhh noona is really good at that!! right?”
then hyuck found it really funny bc taehee’s looking at him like ‘wtf are you doing’
“come onnn!!! tell them!!”
“you have to help czennies!! hihihi”
taehee took a bite of her sandwich in reluctance
“hhhhhh uhhh,,you should just go for it, honestly. make sure you get to say everything you want to tell that person, and don’t be afraid if you think things won’t go your way. it’s part of the process,,you’ll find the right person one day :)) but if it does go well then congratulations!!! we’ll be cheering for you hehe”
the whole time hyuck’s just looking at her with heart eyes it melts mah hart <//3
taeheesunshine taehee please take care of me!! >.<
“‘taehee please take care of me’, of course i will take care of you? did you eat yet? i’ll cook for you :>>”
“noona seems like the one to take care of us and to baby us all the time,,but she really really really...”
hyuck takes a peak at taehee’s nervous expression and laughs
“she really really likes being babied. really-“
“IT’S TRUE HAHAHAHA....don’t worry, it’s cute ;))”
hyuck tops in this relationship
in conclusion, taehyuck would be the couple everyone would adore and take care of!! the members tease them from time to time but nevertheless supportive of them!!
“just know that we played a part in this”
“yeah, haechan was a chicken so we had to rely on you”
“H U A N G R E N J U N”
although they’re a very outright and clingy couple, i feel like no one from the outside would suspect 
sure there are those suspicious fans 
but they’ll still hide it really well :>>
hyuck finally gets to spend a lifetime with his first and last <33
“you said you’re gonna marry me in the future,,,,i gave you my answer already”
hyuck chuckled and kissed the corner of her mouth 
they really do love each other 
“you’re so cute,” he says, before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss
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snapitseventeen · 7 years
best friends to lovers!woozi
I’m suffering real post concert depression right now and overwhelming love for my boy lee jihoon
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alright let’s be real
jihoon’s a v shy person
and he also has no time for socializing and making new friends bc svt’s real busy
and he also produces and practices like 24/7
actually when does this boy sleep???
but alright let’s get to it
you and jihoon have known each other your whole lives
your parents and his parents both are high school sweethearts and best friends so of course they planned to get knocked up the same time and have kids the same time
t o tally norm i mean i would
he was born first so he automatically has the ‘seniority’ card my ass it was 2 weeks
there hasn’t been a day that you haven’t spent with him
of course i mean until he goes to seoul
b ut im just getting started so not yet
it was natural for you two to become friends honestly
everyone knew you were inseparable
you lived next to each other so when one of you woke up, you ran outside next door to wake the other ass up
usually u waking him up bc he’s a rock my head rock my head ok bye
you guys went through everything together
first fight
first grounding
first period if you’re a girl
first detention
first time you made one another cry
first family vacation
that one time jihoon beat up the dude who bullied you at 7????
and then he got accepted to be a trainee at pledis
you were devastated as fuck!!!!!
you two almost parted ways in bad terms
when he found out, you were the first one he told bc hello best friend!
you were honestly at shock like you knew he was talented and loved music like hell he sang and played for you all the time
but lowkey although you supported him 10000%, you never thought he would actually get in!
so your congrats was just sorta like “y-yay?”
jihoon was so disappointed at your reaction like he thought you would be screaming and bouncing off the walls like usual
so our bub got a bit sad and then you noticed and was like
“n o no noooonooo jihoon I’m so happy for you!!! you gOT IN YAY!!”
and then he did that eye smile and your insides just melted thank you
so you were helping him pack but you felt just like empty a bit??
like it didn’t hit you yet that your best friend of forever was leaving you and home for god knows how long
and so you just blurted it out one night like a few days before he was leaving
you two were playing video games when you put down the controller like “don’t go.”
jihoon was like “what????”
“to seoul, don’t go.”
he was flabbergasted like ????
and then you just started pulling things out of your ass
“what are the chances of you actually pulling this off???”
“jihoon this is dumb”
“just stay here”
oh and then this one triggered him
“what if you’re not good enough”
hiS FACE GOT SO COLD, he never looked at you that way before you were honestly a bit scared
he started yelling at you about his dreams and how you were supposed to support him and how he felt so betrayed and then
“you’re not my best friend. get out.”
and that’s how you ran out crying back to your house
you didn’t talk to him the next day, you actually couldn’t face him
but the day after that he was leaving and as much as you were scared to see him, you couldn’t let him leave without saying goodbye so you woke up and ran to his house in your pjs to see him eating breakfast with his parents
“oh y/n, jihoon was about to see you” his mom said with a smile
“make up already, we all know you two can’t stay mad at each other for long” his dad said as you and jihoon were walking upstairs to his room
it was quiet at first but then both of you started saying sorry at the same time and you kept talking so just like honestly it was a relief
you ended with a hug and a few tears saying how much you were both going to miss each other and how you’ll text and keep in touch
sadly you couldn’t accompany him to the bus bc you had a school thing so you said goodbye at his house
you guys did keep in touch of course but as the days weeks months and years went on with him not coming back home bc practice you eventually stopped texting and calling each other
you began pursuing your own thing - highkey you were a really talented volleyball player and you were happy your parents were your biggest fans and you actually thought you could do this for a career
when jihoon debuted you were so excited you were keeping tabs on him and his group bc hello you were his best friend!
you literally burst out laughing at his pink hair but you were also like “aw he looks so different nice job puberty”
you sent him a text on his debut day and he responded so fast you were a bit shocked tbh
“oh by the way nice pink hair”
“shut up”
you guys didn’t talk to each other again for a while bc hello he’s a hot idol now
bUT THEN YOU FOUND OUT you got accepted to the most competitive volleyball team in seoul so ofc you had to go
the first couple months you were so caught up with practice that you never even thought of texting jihoon
and then he called you one night like
“you’re in seoul??? what the heck man why didn’t you tell me?”
“what how’d you know?”
“one of my members watches volleyball and we were all watching and i saw you and yeah”
and that’s how you ended up setting up a date and time to meet up with jihoon at his dorm with the other 12 members of seventeen????
you were honestly a bit scared like you knew his group, you knew enough about the members to know who all of them were, you actually really liked their music and it still amazes you every time you think your best friend produced this song???? but like whAT IF THEY DON’T LIKE YOU
and then you rang the doorbell dressed sorta nicely like -> (girl / boy)
and this one really tall guy with dyed hair opened the door
and then jihoon comes out and tells mingyu to let you in and to stop being annoying and
and like you saw his pictures from his comeback BUT
him in person WOW and he got taller than you so like ;)))
and likewise he’s like in his head shiT WERE THEY ALWAYS THIS ATTRACTIVE????
but you two greet each other in a big hug and his busan accent came out while talking to you and his members are just like :)))) “we’ve never seen him so hyper :))))”
and so you meet all his members and you guys eat for a bit and honestly you hit it off with them thEY LOVE YOU and when you and jihoon go to his room for some best friend catch up time some of the boys start pouting and whining and it’s really cute but jihoon pulls you towards his room with jeonghan mingyu and cheol and just locks the door
you two talked for the longest time it was like you were back in busan in his bedroom and that made you tear up a bit like you missed him a lot like the first year or two coping without him was absolute hell for you
you were the only person that he felt so easy to talk to like words flowed out endlessly and without that comfort in the beginning he was so lost
sadly you had to go back to your own dorm and so you said goodbye to jihoon and seventeen (not before you got their numbers and snapchats)
you still didn’t see jihoon very often, but you certainly did communicate with him a bit more
every time one of you had a break, you would send a snap and a little “hey loser good luck with adsfgfdj today”
you honestly didn’t know when you began to catch feelings for jihoon and same with him
like the rare times you two hung out together, the first thing you noticed was how good he looked no matter what he was wearing
you just like began noticing every little thing he did
you especially loved seeing him work at his studio or seeing him dance
his body just moved so fluidly??? like he wasn’t in the performance unit or anything but he was so good at dancing!!!
and his seriousness when working at his computer like you were in awe how did you not notice this handsome face since idk your birth?
when he caught you staring at him yOU BLUSHED SO HARD and he did that little smirk like “you okay there?”
you almost smacked him
that night you were in your bed just thinking about him like you were making theories and everything
“alright if he liked me this could honestly be the best thing ever. I know a lot about him and he knows a lot about me okay we grew up together we uSED TO BATHE TOGETHER alright mom and dad love him and hello aunt and uncle basically adopted me already-wait not adopted, that would make him seem like my brother hell no okay so-”
the day you both found out you liked each other was a wild ride
you got hella scolded by your coach bc you kept making mistakes at your game and you were just not having it so you went to their dorm a bit uninvited just like hoping they’d be okay with having your company for a bit bc you needed some lovin
you were literally about to cry and all the boys were like “y/n no!!!”
so they kept trying to make you laugh and that really made you feel better
and then they started being sly with you and jihoon bc you sure as hell know that they know about jihoon’s crush on you
“y/n who’s your favorite member???” jeonghan ha
“oh that’s an easy one!”
jihoon just expecting it to be him
“what the hell???” jihoon accidentally said out loud
everyone was laughing like hard crore even you
and then baby just left to his room and you’re like ??????
cue seungkwan “u made him jealous y/n oh no!”
so of course you go after him and try to talk but he’s just in his room all stoic and a bit irritated just at the mere thought of you and minghao together
so you’re like “jihoon what the heck? it’s just a harmless topic”
“why don’t you like me??”
“don’t be dumb, we’re best friends-”
“exactly, that’s why I should be your favorite”
“stop being a baby”
“I’m not! just thinking about how you like minghao makes me wanna punch him”
and you like cross your arms and sigh bc even when he’s overreacting he’s still so fucking cute!
“it’s not like I wanna date him”
and he’s just like “whatever”
so you’re just pumping yourself up like thiS IT IT PERFECT TIMING DONT PUSSY OUT
“I mean, if they asked me who I would wanna date, I would definitely say you”
he would be so shocked but also like :))))))
“-and I know this would potentially ruin our 19 year long friendship but-”
“shut up and come here” and he would pull you in and hug you so close like you would feel lightheaded a bit in a good way
and then he looks at your face and looks at your lips and your heart is beating so fast like you’ve been wanting to do this since you first saw him again and 
boom boom
“hey is everything-oH HEY!”
you and jihoon as a couple would be the cutest thing ever
jihoon hates pda with the guys but he LOVES it with you it sort of offends the boys a bit
he always holds your hand he loves being connected to you
really likes it when you give him back hugs tho
really appreciates when you force him off the computer and you two just lay down on the couch in his studio cuddling and you’re just stroking his hair
sort of addicted to kissing you too especially on the shoulder
it’s honestly perfect because you guys are just so comfortable bc hello again you’ve known each other since birth
the boys love you and they always count on you to take care of him when they can’t and vice versa
support 100000% he streams your games and you his performances
you’re his muse to everything you’re the reason he gets up every morning
tours are hell bc all jihoon wants to do is hug you and sometimes facetime is hard bc time zones but you both somehow make it work
you guys barely fight at least not big ones, you both understand it won’t be easy but you love each other so it’s okay
there’s a huge amount of trust which is so important when he travels
when he announces you to the public you get a fair amount of hate and he got so sad but you’re like “eh”
eventually the fans accept you and love you bc like you’re jihoon’s best friend and who better to be with him than someone he’s known his whole life???
omg when both your parents found out
your dad to his dad
“you owe me a car”
jihoon makes me so warm and this was longer than I thought it was gonna be but !!!
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