#ur1 incident
cherrysweather · 4 years
Hi there, if you feel like writing something I have a request! It was the UR-1 incident day last month, so I just wanted to read some headcanons about Blackquill falling in love? Like, how he deals with it and stuff! He deserves some fluff in his life.. Oh, also, don’t be so hard on yourself! I took a look at some of your pieces and I really enjoyed them, especially those about Apollo; they all seemed in character and well written! So keep it up!
Hello! It’s nice to see someone here uwu
I hope you’re doing fine!
Thank  you for your kind words; it’s nice to hear them but it’s hard to convince myself of them, but they make me feel good and I’m happy you enjoyed what I wrote and I hope you’ll enjoy this one too<3
And I’m so so SO sorry that I kept you waiting a whole month for this, thing e-e
I hope you’ll fogive me T3T <3
And oh if I agree with you; Blackquill deserves some peace in his life :(
I wrote for both pre and post UR1 Blackquill because I think he would deal with it differently, I hope it’s ok with you u,u
Headcanons: Falling in love! Simon Blackquill:
Pre UR1:
He’s always 100% focused on his studies to become a prosecutor, so he doesn’t really have time and friends to hang out with;
You’re probably the only person he talks to outside his family;
You two met at school, while changing classes you caught his attention, and who knows why and HOW he managed to speak to you;
Aura nearly called the police to report the disappearance of his real brother when he told her he made a friend;
Everything was normal between you two, if you met in the corridors, good, you exchanged some words before going to your respective classes;
Sometimes he even walked you home if it was too late or just because he wanted to, getting to know each other more and more;
It was until his sister pointed out that he was probably falling for you;
That disgustingly happy smile he has whenever he gets home after spending the day with you, how he doesn’t let pass more than two seconds to answer you when you text him, the fact that he only uses your notes to study the subjects you have in common because he finds them “more understandable and clear” are all tiny details that his sister noticed;
And was more than tempted to tell you, but didn’t to prevent her brother from disowning her;
All she got when she pointed it out to him was the most serious “we’re just friends” of her life;
“Yeah, you’re just friends and I like men” she sighed leaving her brother in his world of denial;
One night Aura’s friends convinced him to go out with them since they love him;
And Aura told him to invite you so that he won’t bother her and her friends (deep inside she loves him kskgrdhij);
And that’s when the light in his head lit;
Seeing you dressed nicely instead of seeing you with your casual school clothes punched him hard right in the center of his chest;
For all the night he can’t look in your eyes without blushing at the feeling he has in his head whenever he watches your form;
And Aura won’t lose this opportunity to tease him as soon as they’re back home;
“You still believe it’s just a friendship?”
From that night whenever he sees you he needs a moment to concentrate, but two times out of three he freezes;
SimonBlackquill.exe has stopped working;
He needs time to understand these feelings and to accept them, working on both his shyness and free time, finding ways to spend more time with you;
He hates doubts, confusion, unknown, especially if they lie in his head;
But he’s fast to understand that he feels lonely whenever you’re not around SO, he needs to have you by his side;
And he can be highly persistent;
He searches for you during breaks just to share them completely with you, he brings you gifts that he thought you may like and sometimes he makes them himself;
Once he brought you a pen that had glitter inks because he noticed how you organize your notes with the colors, another time he tried making a necklace using the feathers that Taka was losing and some wooden pearls;
It was pretty raw, but you never took it off your neck anyway(dsjdfjdjf he’s so cute);
If you show him some affection too, he won’t waste any more time before confessing that he likes you;
He’s straightforward with it, all the anxiety goes away as soon as he sees that bright smile on your face and he’ll melt completely when you wrap your hands around his body to accept his feelings.
Post UR1:
Ok so, he doesn’t;
He WON’T deal with this shit anymore;
He doesn’t need someone that keeps telling him that he has unhealthy habits, he overworks, doesn’t sleep and eat enough all day every day;
Because he already knows, and he’s ok with it;
But if he does, you‘ll have to be ready with a lot of patience;
It’s so obvious that he likes you, but one of the few things he has left from the past is the ability to deny the obvious;
He’ll always give you the cold shoulder whenever the two of you interact;
He’s always teasing in the coldest way possible over the smallest things for his fun, whenever he can he humiliates you and when he looks at you, it seems like he wants to kill you (a thing that, in part, he really wants to do);
He’s able to drive people, you too, to hate him or just not bear him in such a simple way that’s scary;
I guess that’s the power of psychology;
But OH BOY if he’s protective;
The only person that can come near you is Athena, everyone else is dead the moment he looks at them in the eyes;
If he sees someone touching you while talking he blocks their hands by holding their wrists in his ✨delicate✨ hand;
Someone is over the line of your vital space? He’s there to push them away or to pull you at him, hand on your shoulder before killing whoever is bothering you with his glare;
And whenever you ask him why he cares since he acts like he doesn’t care at all, his tsundere self comes out;
He just doesn’t know how to express his feelings :( ;
Useless to say that if you don’t do the big steps, you two won’t go anywhere far;
If you have the patience and hold on until you tell him that you like him, he almost laughs in your face, but inside he’s screaming with joy;
OF CouRSe, he’ll tease you;
“Oh, you like me? Are you a masochist or something? You like when people remind you how dumb you are?”;
The only time this bitch wILL EVER SToP saying bullshits to you and himself is when you first kiss him;
He understands your intentions pretty quickly, but still pretends to be surprised when you get close to him and try to get up to his face;
He TRIED to tease you even now, but you have your right to be pissed off, so when he tried to push his face away from you standing straight, your fingers almost instinctively gripped the collar of his jacket and pulled him down to your height to kiss him;
SimonBlackquill.exe has stopped working²;
He just pretends nothing happened when you pull away from him, his brain elaborates everything and his face is deformed by a satisfied smile that slowly turns into a provocative one:
“So desperate to get a kiss that you even put your hands on my neck? Chill, my lips are here for you and they won’t go anywhere”;
After this you just try to walk away from him embarrassed, hearing him chuckle amused behind you before one of his hands takes your arm to help him turn you towards him and kiss you again;
With time he understands that it's thanks to you that he doesn't feel alone like when he was in prison, and this helps him to open up more to you and stop treating you coldly;
But he won't stop teasing, I'm sorry.
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lunawritesaa · 4 years
Happy ur1 incident day 💔 2020 and all
it hurts 😪
Tumblr media
happy UR-1 day 💔
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aaimagines · 6 years
Crush/Relationship headcanons for a female reader and Aura Blackquill, please?
(I’ll try to mix some pre UR1-1 incident Aura and after the fact)
Aura Blackquill:
Aura would try to impress you with one of her robots to get your attention, because she knows something slightly different is good for getting attention. Her eyes would glow as you gush over her invention and she knows even if you weren’t directly admiring her, you would be soon.
She struggles with whether she should be out and open with her feelings, or if she should keep sending subtle hints your way and wait for you to make the first move. Eventually, she decides she’s not patient enough to just wait around, and makes her feelings known.
She relies heavily on you after the UR-1 for her emotional needs, because she becomes quite distraught with her beloved mentor deceased and her brother on death row for a crime she knows he never would’ve committed.
She can be quite overbearing, and it would take a lot of strength to try to continue a relationship with her. She’s overly paranoid about you getting hurt and taken away from her, too, and she can be quite rude for no real reason other than she’s angry and needs someone to take her feelings out on.
After the hostage situation, she begs for your forgiveness and tells you to move on from her. She regrets treating you so poorly after Metis died and her brother was imprisoned, knowing you deserved better, and that your once healthy relationship had been entirely deteriorated.
She feels guilty if you continue your relationship or promise to wait for her until she’s out of prison, and knows that no matter what she doesn’t deserve you. She tries to think of ways to improve herself and how she can properly make this situation up to you.
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ashen-sky · 4 years
I read it and I swooned the characterizarion was spot on actually! Im wondering how the relationship between reader and blackquill will go after the ur1 incident. Back to characterization though, it was nice to see the way clay interacted with eveyone and the reader, and his relationship with aura🥺😭 Especially with starbuck! What an adorable idea, everyone interacting made me smile a lot I love love loved it. And about your continuation idea! I would love to see an he lived au (1/2)
Thank you! I’m glad you liked it
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lunawritesaa · 4 years
Can i have blackquill who had a s/o pre-ur1 who always came to visit and never forgot about him? Like for eight years even when he broke things off quickly and pushed her away? How would he react when he got the shackles unbound and she was there?
of course! went with headcanons because it worked better with your request~
!!spoilers for the end of dual destinies pertaining the UR-1 incident and turnabout for tomorrow!!
Simon Blackquill
Before the events of UR-1, Simon was a much more positive person. He still had a seemingly tough exterior, but he wasn’t as harsh when he spoke to others. 
He honestly considered you the greatest thing to ever happen to him. Any time he would think about you or someone would mention you, he would smile slightly. You genuinely made him happy!
Although he’ll deny it endlessly, he was always a bit brighter whenever you were around. 
When the UR-1 incident happened, he was so deeply pained by cutting you off completely from his life. 
But he did it with you in mind. He knew that dating a murderer is definitely not the best thing for one’s reputation and didn’t want you to suffer because of him. 
Even if it meant that you hated him for the rest of your life. He didn’t want you to be negatively affected by his actions at the space station in any way. 
You, however, weren’t going to let him push you away that easily. You love him, how could you just watch him being sent to jail and act like you never knew him?
You couldn’t.
And that’s when you began frequently going and visiting him at the detention center. 
The first couple times you show up (more like the first few months) he doesn’t speak a word to you. Often times when he saw that you were the one visiting him, he’d walk right out of the room.
It takes him a while and a lot of pleading from you before he begins to actually stay in the room and talk with you. 
He honestly loves the visits and loves seeing you, but he suppresses these thoughts so much because he doesn’t want to put you through any more than he’s already put you through.
Even if you tell him otherwise, you can’t convince him that he hasn’t hurt you. 
Most of your visits consist of you telling him how your life is going while he sits there and just listens, commenting here and there. But he doesn’t say much. 
Simon definitely most likely entrusted Taka to you when he can’t have him in his cell with him, so he does like to ask how his bird friend is doing. 
After he gets more used to you visiting, he begins to treat you like an old friend and starts engaging in more conversation. But he’s still going to suppress his romantic feelings and such for your sake. 
Of course, when the UR-1 incident starts becoming a hot topic again and gets a retrial, you’re there.
How could you not be?
You sit in the gallery for the whole trial, anxious and completely focused on the events unfolding beneath you. I mean, it is practically life or death for your beloved Simon. 
And when Simon is proven innocent, you’re quick to run to the defendant’s lobby and just sob into his chest as you hug him tightly. 
You and Simon have waited eight years for this moment. The moment where you were reunited once again and could be happy together again. 
He does hug you back, seemingly begrudgingly, but inside his heart is beating fast as he subconsciously grips you tighter. 
Is beyond happy and thankful that you’re there with him when he’s freed. To be honest, there’s no one else, except Athena, that he’d rather be next to him when his innocence gets proven. 
The moment doesn’t last for long since he has to go back in and continue the trial in Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth’s place.
But he whispers in your ear that he promises that he’ll take you to the Whet Soba once the whole ordeal is finally over. 
As a thank you, and a date.
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