#urgh this was the only good thing to come out of this series ngl
seven-oomen · 4 years
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Hi, Ben!  I hope you are having a good day, today!  I’m glad your bloodwork came back good, and I hope your meds’ side effects are finally settling down some.  I saw that your punching bag came in.  I hope it helps!  That’s something I’ve yet to try using (the few gyms I’ve ever attended didn’t have them.)
So while restocking some of our bandanas at work, I started having thoughts about Peter losing a bet or something and having to wear one for a while whenever Noah takes him for a walk in wolf form.  The collage is a selection of some of my fave options (the Wiggle Butt one had me giggling for like a solid five minutes, ngl).  Theoretically this could also be a disguise to make him look more like a dog and less obviously a wolf (not sure it would really work, but people tend to be pretty oblivious at times.)
I’m glad you liked the DILF Club adopting the Winchesters thing (at least, I think I saw something about that?)  It was definitely one of those ideas that gave me all the warm fuzzies.  I’ve been trying to decide if they just take Baby when they take the boys (because it’s BABY, and I fully believe all three would know how to hotwire a car if need be, for various reasons), or if I’d rather they (probably mostly Peter) bought Dean a really beat up old Impala to restore himself, that’s free from any memories or influence from his dad.  And how it might affect Sam to not be the only “smart kid” in the family (and would that lead to Dean not dumbing himself down so much for his brother’s sake?)  And Chris could teach them hunter stuff, and Peter could show them where hunter biases and inaccuracies are, and about what the supernatural is really like, and Noah could teach them driving and classic rock and police procedure far better than their birth dad ever could.  And depending on the age gaps involved, Bobby could either be like “fuck, I forgot what it’s like to have actual friends” with a side of “making a fuck asshole dads club”, or he could figure out a few things about Chris and Noah (and possibly some of the stuff with Peter and Talia), and be like “Okay, so this is gonna be a mutual adoption of wayward idjits.  Deal with it."  I’m not sure how to bring in Cas without all the Armageddon/fighting God insanity, though.  Maybe he’s connected to a pagan god they encounter instead or something.  He wouldn’t need to show up for quite a while, though, so there’d be time to plan that out.
Also, that "sentiment is chemical weakness”, “you’re literally making them a card” quote thing is pretty much the exact mood I’m going for in Peter and Derek’s conversations in IYWTD.  XD  Which I really need to be working on, but my focus is all over the place today.  I also keep really wanting to write a little Valentine’s one-shot for my series, but I keep reminding myself I’ve got too much to do already.  It’s only somewhat helping.
That last preview was adorable, by the way.  ;D  I’d say that if it works, then it’s plenty smooth, frankly, and I don’t know that either of them have a leg to stand on, really.  XD  Sublty is none of them’s strong suit.  And Peter’s whole vibe of “goddamn, but I could watch you two all day” is kind of a fucking mood, tbh.  XD  I look forward to finding out what all shenanigans they manage to get up to before stumbling back to mildly traumatize their children.  ;D
And those are some excellent and admirable goals for this year!  Sending all the best energy for successful completion of as many as you wish!  I hope you’re feeling better today, and that things are going well overall!  (Eat, hydrate, and) Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Hey B! Glad you’re alright and I’m doing okay. I’ve started making lists again with things I need to clean, restarted my eating patterns, and restarted an exercise regime. We’ll see how that goes, but for now, I’m doing okay. 
Financially I’m not looking so hot, but eh, yeah I’m hoping next month will be better. Hopefully.
Also, those bandanas are everything omg <3
The wigglebutt XD Peter needs that one. *makes mental note to put that into the oUAT and TWITTB verses.* XD
Also needs the one for pets, attention, and cuddles, pretty much all of them. Omg these are amazing!
I mean Saarloos Wolfhonden (Saarloos Wolfdog, a Dutch breed) are a thing:
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So I feel like with a bandana, Peter could probably pass for one of these:
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He’s just a very big and broad version of one.
(Or that’s what Chris tells everyone who wants to hear it.)
Ok aaaaah, everything about that whole bit with our boys coming together and being adopted and Bobby making friends or adopting a couple more idjits, urgh!
I’m too tired to form many thoughts but, yes to all of it!
And I’m glad to hear you liked the preview for that one. I still hope to actually finish this chapter before the weekend starts and I’m trying hard. I think it’s gonna be real funny and sweet and also a bit sad. I mean they are going from one day of having sex out of boredom and repressed feelings to suddenly having to act like nothing is wrong. And then stuff with Chris happens and more shit happens and drama, drama, drama, and lots of Stilinski brother shenanigans (Stilinski twins and Liam) and they rope Scott, Isaac, and Jackson into it. And I have a few fun things planned for the universe. ^^
And thank you <3 I hope I manage to tick a few off as well, at the very least the writing and editing part and the bottom few and that alone would be amazing. Hopefully I can keep that up <3
I hope you’re doing okay B <3 and I’m sorry for the slighty shorter reply but I am exhausted right now and will be heading in early. It’s 9 pm but I am falling asleep.
Lots of love from me and Mo <3
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