#uri voice yshtola i know this will come as a surprise but me and thancred are. we're. i. we.
minarcana · 11 months
"When are you and Thancred going to get married?" it was a joke in her head, but Kore found herself actually curious on the matter now that she voiced it.
Her gaze skittered to where Ryne, Gaia, ans Thancred inspected the new changes to the landscape.
"I mean, you two have been together as long as I can... well, I thought you were together back on the Source, but Y'shtola corrected me when I brought it up," she admitted, moving her hand through the air as if swatting away the self-correction.
The Empty had changed in a burst of aether and love, flowers and wind scattering in a joyous burst that left the ground lush and air free of the dry crackling of a sin eater's presence. The girls have already lept to explore— Ryne first, Gaia behind, the darker girl's hand never leaving Ryne's grasp as she was dragged along to see what they transformed this into.
Urianger is watching, smiling widely, hands clasping one of the flowers that he'd caught reflexively. This world created anew because of people's connection and dedication to each other, and his daughter and friends he holds so dear, it's— "Ah?"
What was that question? Wh- why was that question? "I. Ah? Wherefore... dost thou asketh, Kore?" His voice isn't strained and he's not going to flush. The thought of it now rises unbidden and is plaguing him. Well, he already has... there's. Thancred couldn't possibly. Unless he did. Doesn't he dislike commitment? Except he said for Urianger he'd just.
Does it. Matter? Urianger's gaze is fixed on Thancred's back as the other's off in the distance looking at something. Is there that much a difference between saying Thancred is his partner or his spouse? ....Now that he thinks it, there is a difference, and the concept alone flusters him. "Ne'er did either of us bring up the idea," he phrases the last word hesitantly, unsure what to call it, "and assuredly, as the world doth fight on, all Scions must be too busy for such frivolity." And surely it's too early to ask such a thing!
Her other statement makes Urianger turn to face her, expression a mix between affronted and embarrassed. "On the Source, nay— and thou art not the first to bring up such a thing. I cannot understand how all are so unsurprised to hear I and Thancred are involved, or assumed only we had been before. Tell me not that my attentions were so obvious that thou saw feelings not even I knew of...." He sounds defeated. This whole time, he assumed he had been mysterious and inscrutable in the amount of attention he paid to Thancred, nothing more than friends, and surely all the Scions would have been astounded to hear he and Thancred were... involved(???? is that the word?) on the First. But nay, Y'shtola only said 'just now?' and Ryne's reaction was 'I thought you were already married when I met you, though?'. How were he and Thancred, supposed bard of great emotional intelligence, the last to notice! He thought he was subtle!
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