#usagi descendants
drawnaghht · 8 months
auntie’s sister - Usagi’s parents theory
oh yeah, I remembered what I remembered a few days ago: why I think Auntie has a younger sister that's in the Miyamoto family line, instead of younger brother - because of the whole meaning of Yuichi as it is written, as a given name.
Yuichi Usagi is the first son in a while. Maybe even since Auntie's own grandfather?
So this ties back to the whole "What's in a name" theory post I made a while back, where I connected Senso and Samurai Rabbit.
Because Yuichi spelled as both 雄一 and ユウイチ - Yūichi - means “heroic first (son)” - maybe he was named that bc the family hasn't seen a son in a long time? So by that reasoning, it makes even more sense if Yuichi is more like a title or nickname in this case, but Usagi places it in the same way as he would a family name bc their family didn't have a name for a long time as farmers.
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And so, going from that reason, maybe his family line tying him back to Miyamoto Usagi, must be maternal - his mother and grandmother at least, since Auntie mentions his great-grandfather - so for a few generations, the family didn’t have sons at all. Anyway, that’s just a theory I remembered now ^^
As an additional theory/headcanon, maybe even that they were overjoyed to have someone carry a family name but by that time, Neo Edo had changed so much that Miyamoto Usagi had already been branded a traitor in the city, without the family knowing about it. So what do they do? Perhaps they decided not associate with him as openly, to avoid scrutiny because it was hard to change public opinion - and after Usagi’s parents died, Auntie cut off ties from the city entirely. She passes on some of the stories about family history, and Yuichi sticks as a family name to Usagi because that’s the only other name he got.  imo, auntie seemed fairly in the dark about how much Neo Edo had changed while she was away from it, so it’s a possibility that the perception about Miyamoto Usagi changed during her lifetime, e.g. after the war she was in. But that’s backstory we don’t know exactly, so this is just headcanon and fanfic territory for now ^^ 
Anyway, that’s probably why I headcanon that auntie had a younger sister who’s the parent, because the Yuichi name seemed somehow to tie into this family history for me xD even tho the show itself is slightly vague about it (auntie just says “I promised your parents” it does leave this theory open as a possibility.
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el-pada · 18 days
after so much complaining abt samurai rabbit to friends i decided to go ham and try to make my own take on the "show about a descendant" idea, i doubt ill develop it further so im just dumping all my doodles here
descendant of yamamoto yukichi, a shrine maiden in training who wishes for a ronin esque life, things are mundane as always until she starts getting possessed by one long gone ancestor who is warning of danger coming back
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s0fti3w1tch · 2 years
This is a ref for Leo I have for an upcoming fanfic, but this is probably generally how I'll draw post-movie ROTTMNT Leo half the time now.
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Also Leo uses a cane because I use a cane because of injuries sustained— not too severe, but mobility aid is needed to make things easier after that
He still has his other blades, but this is to showcase the more headcanonny art. And yeah, on the combat cane, the height adjustments are replaced with buttons to (1) active the shocky-shocky! and (2) detach the top. I'll probably update it bc I think Donnie would go ham on upgrading it for Leo.
And out-of-context spoiler for the fic:
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bunnybunstrawbieee · 2 months
✿⁠✿ Another post of em ✿⁠✿
✿⁠✿ I just liked to draw them ✿⁠✿
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✿⁠✿ bonus! ✿⁠✿
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cayenneexe · 1 year
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I am also on the train “Transfem 2012 Leo bc I hate Leorai”
also Miyamoto is just done with his descendant
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homankfc · 6 months
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This lovely design of usagi’s descendent was brought to you by @the-trashiest-pada ‼️‼️‼️
The usagi on the left is just a random design I decided to test out for Yuichi
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a-lonelydrawer · 2 years
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My rise! leosagi from twitter (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆
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bunnyboncandy · 2 months
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Wanna do Leosagi rp on my fan iteration? 20+ only due to me mostly prefer to interact with people my age. And sfw only! (Yes this is a second blog!)
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sunsestart · 2 years
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I FINALLY MADE MY RISE!USAGI DESIGN!! But it's actually two Usagi designs because I thought it would be funny to have both Miyamoto and Yuichi in rottmnt
Imagine it pls
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abowlofsourcream · 2 years
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This is how the tortoise and the hare went, right?🐢🐇
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pizzazz-party · 10 months
for months now i’ve been struck by the notion that while the turtles are great warriors by the end of ROTTMNT, they also make for terrible ninjas.
like. if you stuck them in UY’s feudal japan, they would get bullied by neko nin for their lack of discipline and technique. and also for wearing funny little fabric masks.
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drawnaghht · 7 months
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"Miyamoto when he finds out what Neo Edo think of him"
@freakova showed me this and it immediately made me think:
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bunny man would shred if he could xD
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freakova · 1 year
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umhuhwellthen · 7 months
Auntie Ref I made for the comic! Did you know her eyes are green?
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Ye olde art trick of the hands behind back
Drawing Auntie's smile lines filled me with so much joy.... she's always smiling and got the wrinkles to show for it and she was in the wars and miyamoto usagi's descendant (SHE HAS HIS HIS CHIN, HIS JAW AND HEAD SHAPE IM 😭)but she doesn't have his frown! She's content with her lot in life!
Ofc I have feelings about my favorite SRTUC character I don't know why I'm surprised
I'm working on two draw the squads rn and making refs for SRTUC, Usagi Yojimbo, and rottmnt! rabbits cuz I've got ideas in the works with them and wanna draw them in my style and don't want to sameface syndrome them. Especially when I have a rise!Yuichi Usagi.
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bunnybunstrawbieee · 2 months
Soo the au thing again but just drawing Mariko-
Descendant au Mariko thingie- (⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ⁠)
here she is
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Edit:I forgot Mariko's lighting on her hair.
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sketching-shark · 2 years
I’ve become quite charmed by the swagless looks & cringefail personality of the Samurai Rabbit series, but I also find it continuously funny how Yuichi has nothing but pure admiration for his ancestor because while it is very much true that Miyamoto Usagi helps out a ton of people who really need it and is always trying to do the right thing he also murders like 20+ dudes in every comic he appears in.
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