floffpoff030 · 1 year
Happy #UsagiChroniclesDay ! :D Here is my screenshot redraw, it’s from my favorite episode “Go”
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And also here are a bunch of drawing I did of Yuichi in the Usagi comics style :>
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drawnaghht · 1 year
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Happy birthday Usagi! Boy, you sure were running around a lot the week of your birthday. Literally the next day he's already on the run from the Keisatsu and angry mobs again.
Screenshot redraw for the show's 1 year anniversary! That's today, 28.04.2023. Cant believe it's already been a year since the show first aired!
This is from episode 4, "Run Rabbit, Run" and I liked how Kitsune caught Spot and then placed him down on the signboard to also pet him. sdfsdfs I had so many screenshots to choose from but picked this one because I had fun doing the speechbubble in Krita (smth I like the program for: it's vector layers). I decided to also do something simple and not go all out for the sketch and art itself so you get something like this ^^ Surprisingly, the background came out nice. I had a lot of fun studying both that and the rest of the shot here!
Crop of the og shot:
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Excited to see what other ppl have posted for the anniversary of the show! ^^
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drawnaghht · 1 year
remembered that the anniversary is this friday! and i had made posts for that! but also sdfsdf i am fashionably late as always and have not started on my own redraw.
anyway, Samurai Rabbit: the Usagi Chronicles has it's first anniversary on April 28th!! Gonna do a redraw and call it #UsagiChroniclesDay and hope people will join :3
No strict rules, but easiest thing to do is to have a screenshot from the show and redraw it in your own style! :D
And if you prefer to draw something new, it would be nice if it was mainly the cast from Samurai Rabbit. Maybe even the crew will see it if it trends on twitter or something. I think that'd be cool!
might finish my Usagi Chronicles reanimate who knows! here's a WIP of it as a promo post:
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I've been working on this one since february, but it can just be something simple too! Like a screenshot in the Chibi Usagi style or world for example, or adding more characters in with a new sketch! Lets make this fancollab happen! haven't seen what tag people prefer so I'm gonna stick with #UsagiChroniclesday for now!
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drawnaghht · 1 year
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S1 e04 - "Run Rabbit Run"
(love how intimidaring Chizu looked in this ep)
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drawnaghht · 1 year
hmm i have some more sketches and WIPs but i think i will post them tomorrow when it's light outside again (I did not finish either of the comics I started lol but at least I can take pics of them!)
here's a little preview of what I was trying to do last week:
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but i got a little obsessed with fonts and layout so sdfsdf these are now just reference files haha
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drawnaghht · 1 year
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Happy anniversary Usagi Chronicles!
Another fave scene for 28.04 - Usagi and Kitsune discover he has a bounty on his head and he is cornered by one of the people on the street with a big sword. Kitsune cuts off the rest of the mob in an agressive tessen stance to separate them and the ensuing fight. What I like is how the shot right after that is of Kitsune looking behind her in worry; probably wary of whether Usagi will be able to hold his own against a larger non-yokai opponent.
I didn't have time to redraw this one but I wanted to post the edit I did of it anyway ^^
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drawnaghht · 1 year
Samurai Rabbit fanart collab :D
replying to @floffpoff from this post but oohhh, an art collab, what a nice idea!
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someone else on twitter also had the idea that we could do screenshot redraws of our favourite scenes and imo that's also a great idea because those are pretty easy to do in general! I'll look it up tomorrow to share here on tumblr as well.
so maybe we could even do something like an art telephone game one day, or just post all our screenshot redraws in the same hour. Any of those two options could work tbh ^^
I think something that everyone could take part in, like a big screenshot redraw collab would honestly be a nice way to show the crew too that their show means something to fans :] To include more than just fanartists though, it could also just be something to hashtag under for a whole day! I feel like something simple like #SamuraiRabbitDay or #UsagiChroniclesDay could work, it would just need to be something easy to write and say hehe ^^ I think it would be fun to use a tag mostly bc that gets the attention of other fans and maybe the crew will see it too. seems like something cheerful!
like maybe it could even look like this? lol i am just using my old screenshot redraw as an example here but I think any of those tags could be fun to use ^^
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drawnaghht · 1 year
#SamuraiRabbitHour? #UsagiChroniclesDay #HappyBirthdayYuichiUsagi?
I know I literally just put out tags for an anniversary collab we as a fandom could do but I'm not good at tag deciding so I'm just putting a few tags out publically to kinda rattle them around my head for a bit xD
lol I started thinking with that previous post that, while it's nice that the creators and crew of the show don't see some of the stranger drama and stuff that happens with fandom spaces on here and twt, I think it would be nice to get a hashtag trending alonside the usual ones, just to track the collab a bit :P
anyway lol, maybe a poll would be easier abt this sorta stuff but in my experience, it's good to just collectively decide on an easy tag to make things simpler. We can even decide to just use the show tags (#samurairabbit and #usagichronicles) if that seems better :D
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