astoldbyjace · 7 years
Do Not Join USC GREEK!!
I normally don’t do things like this but I feel like I’ve stayed silent about this long enough.
This group @uscgreekhq is ran by an admin team who gives little to no respect to the people who take time out of their day to send in an app and trust them with their muses. They have in their rules that OOC drama isn’t tolerated by they let OOC drama stop them from accepting your app. They will believe any bad story about you even if you have proof to back up that the stories are a lie or they have miss information.
If they deny your app and you message them to find out why. They will block you or just simply not respond at all. Do you know any other groups that do that? Because I don’t at all. Even when I ran my own group, I never do that to anyone. I even gave people who had OOC trouble in the past a second chance and see if they could change their ways.
I have been in this rp community for about 3-4 years now and I’ve never once been treated like this. Just because you run a group doesn’t mean you can just treat people like shit and get away with it. I urge you that if you’re considering joining this group that you stay away and take your beautiful and perfect muses to a better community and don’t put yourself through the bullshit of this group.
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astoldbyjace · 7 years
We used to be in a group together so I wanted to join the new one and you block me without even answering my message.
Why does everyone hate me so much? What did I do?
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