#user mavnix
radical-sky · 7 months
a8, b6, c1, and d10 for that fanfic/fandom ask game <3
thank youuu for playing logan!!
A8: Is there a show or a book that you gave up on that you went back to later? Why did you come back to it?
I have given up on a lot of shows :(( so many shows go downhill in the later seasons and I just don’t have the will power to finish them. As far as books go, I can normally push through them. Earlier this year I listened to Hawke by Ted Bell and that was the worst drag to get through. I hated the narrator, the hero was just too perfect, the damsel in distress idiot girlfriend was infuriating, and the plot was very predictable. I finished it, but I wasn’t a happy listener. Something that I’ve given up on and come back to though? I honestly don’t know. I either finish it or abandon it completely.
B6: What is your favourite story trope? Why?
Without looking through AO3 bookmarks, probably ‘not actually unrequited love’. Idk if that counts as a trope, but I love the angst and despair or thinking they’re alone in love.
C1: What trope are you tired of reading? Why?
I hatehatehate highschool and college AU’s, but I never read them. Uhhh, a trope I read sometimes that get sick of seeing?? Time travel fix-it’s maybe? Idk if it’s not something that I enjoy I really won’t spend my time reading it.
D10: What is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
WOOO OKAY THIS COULD GET LONG I HAVE SOOOO MANY (but I will keep it short can’t give away all my ideas). Truly the entire summer I’ve been possessed by a TGM fic idea that will not release its hold on me. Mentally I have it mostly planned out and I have it partially written, but it will be Long. Very Long. I haven’t posted any snippets or anything yet because I will finish it and post it fully completed. I also have the Ethan timeloop in Venice fic bouncing around in my brain as well!! So many fics and so little time ☹️
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