phoebehalliwell · 6 months
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before melinda was burned at the stake, she vowed that each generation of warren witches would become stronger and stronger, culminating in the arrival of...
WYATT, CHRIS, & MELINDA HALLIWELL · precious earth series · metals
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Christopher “Chris” Perry Halliwell
chris is a whitelighter-witch, the second born son of piper halliwell and leo wyatt. and, as we all know, second born sons rarely get the glory. like his siblings Wyatt and Melinda, chris possesses the powers of telekinesis, orbing, and telekinetic orbing. unlike his siblings, that’s where his powers stop. given his power deficit and his father’s distrust, chris has felt like he’s been kept on a short leash. it’s time he cut himself loose. at age twenty, chris has moved out of the house, moved out of the city, and is carving out his own path as a coder by day, demon hunter by night. chris out to prove himself. he know it won’t be done through his power; it’ll have to be done by his skill. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Wyatt Matthew Halliwell
“when three planets burn as one over a sky of dancing light, magic will rest on a holy day to welcome a twice blessed child.” and then he’ll turn evil and kill everyone. guess they left that line out of the prophecy. best to not risk it, everyone figured, and wyatt was stripped of the twice blessed destiny. still, as the first born, not only to Chris and Melinda, but to all of the next generation, the whitelighter-witch born to piper halliwell and leo wyatt still packs quite a punch. he has powers of orbing, telekinesis, telekinetic orbing, healing, and projection. with all that power, you better hope the elders don’t decide that gideon was right. keep that smile on. be good. stay on your best behavior. that’s it. you’re charmed! so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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ONE. BY THE PRICKING OF MY THUMBS. don’t worry, mom. the next generation has got this under control.
TWO. TOTALLY BUGGIN’. i’m at the college library. i’m at magical bug infestation. i’m at the combination college library magical bug infestation.
THREE. THINK LIKE A MAN. there’s a monster in davis. there’s also a charmed one in davis. surely, melinda has everything all under control.
FOUR. BLACK SHEEP BLUES. chris is hunting a demon. chris also has daddy issues. here’s to hoping these two things don’t intersect...
FIVE. OPERATION: SAVE SELKIE. are you a selkie? are you in trouble? dial 1-800- CHRMD1S; pj, parker, and peyton will be on the case in no time!
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Parker Rose Halliwell
every rose has its thorn. not every witch has her athame, but this one does, so watch your mouth. parker is the middle child of phoebe and coop halliwell, sandwiched between PJ and Peyton. however, in spite of the middle child title, her headstrong recklessness means she’s usually the one picking fights, not resolving them. she is a cupid-witch with the power of premonition, as well as the ability to beam (a cupid’s favorite teleportation power) and sense love. right now, at the age of sixteen, parker is honing her skills, picking her battles, and saving the world, one demon at a time. not the typical teenage life, but she’s a charmed one. the typical teenage life isn’t an option for her. not that she cares. she loves her family, she loves her magic, and she loves her life. she wouldn’t trade it for a goddamn thing. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Prudence Johanna “PJ” Halliwell
cupid is a teenage girl. well, a cupid is. a cupid-witch. PJ is the firstborn daughter of phoebe & coop halliwell and the eldest sister to Parker and Peyton. like her sisters, is able to to beam (a cupid’s favorite teleportation power) and sense love. she also possesses the power of astral projection (though she hasn’t quite reached the level of her late aunt and namesake yet) and the power of levitation. but there’s a reason the “cupid” comes first in the hyphenation. when she’s not busy being a charmed one and saving the world, pj is saving teen hearts, one at a time. seventeen going on eighteen, in her senior year of high school, the teen queen almost has it all, but the life of a halliwell is never steady for long. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Katherina “Kat” Riley Mitchell
she’s Tamora’s twin. she’s Henry’s older sister. she’s paige matthews and henry mitchell’s daughter. she’s a warren witch with the powers of molecular immobilization, orbing, and omnilingualism. she’s eighteen; she doesn’t want to be more. if anything, she wants to be less. just “kat.” an adventurer, a free spirit, a lover, a fighter, anything she so pleases. unfortunately for her, she’s too busy sticking her nose in places it doesn’t belong to ever live so carefree a life. her curious nature means there’s always a new battle on the horizon. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Henry Jacob Mitchell Jr.
it’s always more dangerous to bring a mortal along for the ride. that is, unless that mortal is henry. taken in by paige matthews and henry mitchell at birth, henry’s survived seventeen years so far and shows no sign of slowing down or backing away. whatever magical powers he lacks he makes up for in magical knowledge. right now, in his junior year of high school, all henry knows about his future is that he will make a name for himself in the warren lineage. that is, assuming another lineage doesn’t come for him first. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Melinda Penelope Halliwell
it’s possible to be soft and strong. melinda proves that easily. she is the youngest sister to her brothers, Wyatt and Chris, a whitelighter-witch born to piper halliwell and leo wyatt. she has the powers of telekinesis, orbing, telekinetic orbing, and empathy. she’ll always be a charmed one and a halliwell. but, at eighteen, she’s decided it’s time for her to forge her own path, something she is attempting to do at college, alongside new friends Ale and Effie. of course, with doubtful thoughts in her head and other people’s emotions in her heart, this may prove more difficult for the young angel than previously thought. no matter. she’s up for the challenge. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Peyton Marie Halliwell
peyton is the not only the youngest daughter of phoebe and coop halliwell, she is also the youngest of the entire next generation, and, no, they’ll never let her forget it. she is a cupid-witch with the power of telekinesis. she can also beam (a cupid’s favorite teleportation power) and sense love, just like her sisters, PJ and Parker. right now, at the age of fourteen, baby peyton is just starting high school and would love for midterms to be the most stressful thing in her life. unfortunately, for a halliwell and charmed one, that’ll never be the case. her power of three is always on the hunt for trouble, whether she likes it or not. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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THE FAMILY. Tamora Ilsa Mitchell
it’s a bit difficult to believe in fate when you feel like you’re the cosmic screw-up. tamora is the daughter of paige matthews and henry mitchell, twin to Kat and older sister to Henry. her twin kat, the brave one who’s off galivanting across the world and going off on adventures, got molecular immobilization as a power. tamora, the shy one, the scared one, the one who’s too nervous to learn how to drive so her brother has to drive her everywhere, the one who’s never even been on a date because the idea of having someone really see her damn near gives her a panic attack, that tamora, is the one with her bold aunt’s explosive power. beyond possessing molecular combustion, tamora is also the only whitelighter-witch in her generation (save for her cousin Wyatt) who can heal, and the only one who cannot orb. so yeah. her family might believe that everything happens for a reason, but tamora is pretty convinced she’s just a glitch in the system. right now, at eighteen, her only goal in life is to keep her head down and make it through this year. as a warren witch, that should be easy. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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INTRODUCING. Alejandra “Ale” Cabrera
horror movies are a lot more fun on the screen. rom coms are a lot more fun to live out. unfortunately, ale can’t have it both ways. love, adventure, excitement, terror, magic, and, of course, college, are all mixed up in her future. so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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phoebehalliwell · 2 years
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INTRODUCING. Euphemina “Effie” Patterson
doctors hate her! local woman is three hundred and something years old and only looks twenty! the secret, effie shares, is to have a buoyant personality and a positive outlook on life. oh, also, being a whitelighter helps. but being the human equivalent of a confetti cannon helps more. let’s go girls! so watch out, because something wicca this way comes…
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