#uss jenolan
siryl · 4 months
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The Sydney-class U.S.S. Jenolan from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Relics." This vessel was represented on-screen by the executive shuttle model created by Bill George and John Goodson for Star Trek VI after extensive modifications by Greg Jein. The digital images shown here were created by Eaglemoss Publications for the Official Starships Collection.
I've always liked this design. It's very different from a typical Federation starship, yet at the same time looks distinctly Starfleet.
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startrekplotnthemes · 9 months
Season 6 Episode 4 Relics 
Discovering a Dyson sphere, a large superstructure that encompasses a sun to absorb its energy and distribute it, the Enterprise also encounters a distress signal from the USS Jenolan, a ship that had been missing for 75 years. Warping aboard the ship La Forge discovers that the transporter has been jury rigged to maintain two signals indefinitely. Reversing the process, La Forge is able to bring back Montgomery Scott but is unable to reconstitute the other signal. Returning to the Enterprise, Scotty marvels at the new technology and after getting cleared by Beverly makes his way to engineering. He quickly discovers however that some of his knowledge is obsolete such as when he grows concerned about some crystals in their casing. An annoyed La Forge asks him to leave engineering and a dejected Scotty complies.
Making his way to ten forward and the bar, he orders a scotch before realizing that all the alcohol has been replaced by synthehol, Days offers him some actual liquor from Guinan’s supply and he makes his way to the holodeck where he recreates the bridge of the original Enterprise. He wallows in self pity before Picard finds him and the two begin to exchange stories of their history with StarFleet. Picard identifies the alcohol he has obtained as Aldebrean whiskey until Scotty decides he's had enough pouting and ends the simulation. Picard asks La Forge to travel with Scotty to the Jenolan in order to recover survey data.
The two slowly repair their relationship aboard the old ship as Scotty is able to show off his expertise and know-how while using the older systems. He corrects La Forge in a couple of areas, including a part where he wrote the book for the engine La Forge is working on, explaining its real capacity he committed for safety reasons. While this occurs the Enterprise approaches a hatch on the Dyson sphere. Thinking it is some sort of communication huh they send out a signal, yet that ends up triggering the hatch to open and the gravitational pull of the ship inside. Coming within range of the star inside they find it is emitting deadly amounts of radiation and that the shields can only hold out for so long. 
Back on the Jenolan Scotty and La Forge work out how to get the ship flight worthy after finding the signal of the Enterprise has disappeared they take the ship to the hatch where Scotty is able to deduce they were dragged in. Coming up with a risky plans Scotty has the hatch open and uses the Jenolan to jam the hatch from closing, giving the Enterprise the opportunity to slip through, beaming the two engineers aboard before blowing up the Jenolan to clear the way. Back aboard and post disaster, Scotty talks with the La Forge telling him to appreciate his time as chief engineer since he can only feel that sort of feeling once before he is led to shuttle bay. The senior staff of the Enterprise see Scotty off, awarding him with a shuttle craft to go where he wants.
This episode is heavily nostalgic with the return of Scotty. Despite the aspects of fan service, the episode managed to hit on aspects of living your best life and addressing older people who feel like they have hit their peak a long time ago. Scotty spends a lot of his time recalling his glory days and when he was at his peak as chief engineer. In telling La Forge to treasure his time aboard the Enterprise it is a message to appreciate ones youth and when you're operating at your prime. He waxes poetics about women and ships that one can only experience their first time once, such as Picard recalling his first time captaining aboard a rickety ship. By the end of the episode Scotty has come to have a vigor as he rediscovers his ability to contribute and be useful while working on the Jenolan. It is communication between the Original Series and the Next Generation. Things have changed but the advances of the Next Generation would not have been possible without the original.
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federationgothic · 5 years
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beammeupchief · 7 years
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nerdcalendar · 8 years
March 3, 2222 - Montgomery “Scotty” Scott is Born
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Montgomery Edward “Scotty” Scott, serial number SE 19754 T, was born in Aberdeen, Scotland on March 3, 2222. Feeling that he was “practically born to” space travel, Scott enlisted in Starfleet in 2241, beginning a five-decade career as a ship’s engineer. Starting off on the Deneva Colony’s freight line, he quickly found his way to the fleet’s starships, finding his true calling. Scott would go on to serve aboard 11 ships, including an impressive 30-year run aboard two Starships Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, beginning in 2265. Aboard the Enterprise, Scott developed a reputation as a miracle worker, and soon knew more about the ship’s warp systems than the people who designed them. He was proud of his work, and of the ship itself, once even starting a bar fight with a group of Klingons who dared to insult the vessel.
In 2270, Scott was instrumental in the massive refit of the Enterprise as overseen by Captain Willard Decker, improving many of the systems and setting a standard for future Starfleet vessels. In the 2280s, after the Enterprise was badly damaged in combat with notorious madman Khan Noonien Singh (which also saw the death of Scott’s nephew, Peter Preston) and set to be decommissioned, Scott was promoted to Captain and assigned to oversee the testing of transwarp drive aboard the USS Excelsior. Transwarp drive was intended as a successor to warp drive, but Scott was unimpressed with the technology, referring to the Excelsior as a “bucket of bolts.” He would later sabotage the ship as part of a plot to steal the Enterprise. In 2293, just before his ultimate retirement from Starfleet and after buying a boat, Scott participated in a diplomatic mission to end the generations-long hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon Empire, during which he played an essential role in uncovering a conspiracy to sabotage the peace talks and personally prevented the assassination of Lieutenant Valeris, immediately after the assassin had narrowly missed Chancellor Azetbur.
The following year, Scott attended the christening ceremony for the next Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, an event which saw the death of his longtime friend and Captain, James T. Kirk. That same year, Scott boarded the transport ship USS Jenolan, en route to the Norpin colony, to live out his retirement. However, the ship crashed, and Scott spent the next 75 years trapped in its transporter buffer.
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(Star Trek, 1966-94) (source)
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defconprime · 3 years
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Eaglemoss USS Jenolan, 2017.
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wemblingfool · 3 years
Star Trek has a starship problem.
And the problem is this: Starfleet has too many.
I mean it's only natural. You want to have cool new ships to excite your fans. That's logical. But in the span of time the Romulans had four unique ships (+ a repurposed klingon, and an alteration of the scout model that was originally used only once), Starfleet had well over two dozen.
Again, it's only natural. You only rarely see the "big" aliens, and you want to show off new stuff with your heroes. Thus, the majority of your new models will be Starfleet.
My problem though, is this. Starfleet is basically military, and the Federation is huge. You're not gonna run your cruisers to do nothing but haul cargo back and forth to Andorra, or assign your explorers to running passengers back and forth to Vulcan. So... Where are the civilian ships? We know Starfleet really isn't in the habit of repurposing obsolete frontline ships to civilians, from various bits of dialogue about being "mothballed," and just a general lack of such. Given Excelsiors and Mirandas were in frontline service for a century, and La Forge commenting that Scotty's Jenolan "would probably still be in service today," we can basically assume Starfleet uses their hulls until they fall apart.
So... Where's the ship owned by the Oceanographic Institute that parks in this newly discovered planet for three years while marine biologists catalogue it's sea life? Where are the cruise ships that run out of Risa?
How would I, a farmer from Idaho, go see my cousin who lives in an unimportant colony on Celtus 3? Do I need to play a game of Starfleet checkers, jumping from various military vessels to starbases and back, until I land on an excelsior delivering cargo there?
We've only seen one ship that was explicitly said to be civilian, The Raven (which was a five deck, 100 meter ship owned by one specific pair of researchers). The Oberth was nebulous and never fully explained if it was a civvie, or fleet. It was used for both. The Jenolan was also nebulous.
So my problem is this: why do all the exciting new ships need to be Starfleet battleships? The Excelsior had three concept designs that would have been terrible as the USS Excelsior... but honestly? They would have been excellent designs to repurposed and use as civilian owned transport/research ships.
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So, you can still work in cool looking Starfleet style designs, but they don't all need to be the best warships in Starfleet.
(I'm aware Enterprise introduced a few civilian ships, but those were all gone by the time of TOS, let alone Voyager)
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discotreque · 4 years
Disco 3.09: Terra Firma (Part 1)
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That scene of [spoiler] flat on the ground getting just systematically pummeled by [spoiler]—punch after punch after punch after punch—was a perfect metaphor for what the themes this season have been doing to me emotionally. It’s been a pleasant, if occasionally heart-wrenching, surprise to feel something about this show besides “whoa, cool CGI!” or bone-chilling dread—but hopefully Season 4 won’t feel quite so much like it’s being aired directly at me.
So I went zero for two on last week’s predictions in the first goddamn scene, lmao. Turns out the post-TNG combadge on Vor’s early-TNG uniform was just a VFX mixup in the trailer, since he’s seen with the correct oval-backed delta in the actual episode—so that’s neither a meaningful plot element nor a cute inside joke about historical accuracy over the centuries, shame. Still got to see Gersha Phillips’s take on a spandex front-zip, though—that piping! *chef’s kiss*
I also thought Georgiou’s condition was “obviously” something engineered by David Cronenberg’s character (subtitles say his name is Kovich). Apparently he didn’t cause what’s happening to her; he’s just here to explain it. Now if only he’d explain what the fuck is up with his tie...
Speaking of the unfortunate Lt. Cmdr. Yor—he was from the fucking Kelvin timeline??? I wasn’t sure they’d ever acknowledge that in prime canon—and I don’t think the mainline Trek universe has ever been called “the prime universe” diagetically until now, either. (“Why not The Mongooses? That’s a good team name! The Fighting Mongooses.”) I especially love what a small connection it is: one guy crossed over from there, a long time ago, in what was apparently a one-off incident. (He also arrived a year before Lower Decks S1 is set—will we see an animated Vor on the Cerritos next year?)
Tilly: *aggressively eats lunch with you*
You can see how the hope and idealism of Discovery’s crew has softened Admiral Vance—his conversation with Captain Saru was so mentorly and almost tender that it gave me the terrible, terrible feeling that his character growth, and especially his soft “See you when you get back,” mean that he’s definitely going to be killed by Ossyra before they actually get back :(
Likewise, Georgiou’s goodbye scene with Saru and Tilly was a transparent attempt to manipulate my emotions, and guess what? I was successfully manipulated 😭😭😭
As a “computer person” myself, I found Adira forgetting to un-pause their descrambling program—then thinking, since it wasn’t running, it had broken—almost painfully relatable 😩 Also in that scene, Stamets sticks up for Gray’s presumable intentions in (sorry for this...) ghosting Adira (...it was right there!), and Adira says, correctly, “but he doesn’t get to decide what’s good for me”—and speaking of painfully relatable moments, I loved Stamets’s reaction there.
When you’re an adult of a certain age and you’re talking to someone a fair bit younger, you’re sometimes confronted with the uncomfortable reality that wisdom rarely comes from quantity of experience alone. To grow wise, you have to experience things that teach you important lessons, and you have to be willing to learn from those things. That can happen at 16 or 46, and realizing it’s more about luck than time when you’re closer to 46 than 16 can give you a little existential vertigo. It’s a lovely grace note in Stamets and Adira’s relationship (and Anthony and Blu’s performances!) that Paul doesn’t always have the high ground when it comes to emotional intelligence.
SPEAKING OF PERFORMANCES, just drive a truck full of Emmy statues up to the Martin-Green household and dump it out on the lawn. Every one of Prime Michael’s pangs of hurt and confusion and desperate affection for Phillipa comes through loud and clear—and Mirror Michael is just unhinged. Sonequa Martin-Green is one of the greatest acting talents any Star Trek production has ever had, she’s clearly having the time of her life sinking her teeth into this role, and it’s a genuine fucking privilege to watch her work every week. I can’t decide whether I want Evil Michael Burnham to have a SUPERLATIVELY AWESOME death scene or show up again down the line as a recurring villain—but this is Star Trek, so you never know, we could easily get both.
David Ajada shows up to collect a paycheque, ask Saru if there’s room in the A-plot yet for Book (not this week, sadly), and walk around looking like the goddamn Wikipedia entry for "compulsory heterosexuality" in yet another long black sweater from H&M’s 2019 "Gender? I don’t know her" collection. (Face it: there’s no man more attractive than a fictional one written by a lesbian.)
I guessed last week (privately; no points) that the barren planet we saw them on in the trailers was going to have some kind of Guardian of Forever situation, but I didn’t expect Paul Guilfoyle to be there, and I did not expect Carl—who, sort of like how Book has a Star Wars vibe, feels right out of Doctor Who.
(The only other headline in Carl’s newspaper that I could make out, by the way, besides the big one about the emperor, was about the USS Jenolan having gone missing—the ship that crashed into the Dyson Sphere with Scotty in its transporter buffer, as seen in TNG’s “Relics.” Easter egg? Or plot point???)
Michelle Yeoh has been so great in so many ways on this show, but she outdoes herself in this episode, in every single scene. Just like Michael Burnham, Georgiou was conceived as a one-season character—she wasn’t designed to have room to grow—and Season 2 didn’t really do anything to write her out of that corner. Season 3, though, has done a really compelling job of giving her interesting things to do and interesting ways to change.
And sending her back to the motherfucking Mirror Universe is possibly the most interesting way to show just how much she has changed, holy shit. (I guess Carl didn’t read about the Interdimensional Displacement Restrictions in that newspaper of his.)
There are two legitimate reasons for sending characters to an AU with extremely out-of-character doppelgangers: to highlight something about our regulars through contrast, and/or to let the actors vamp. The MU arc in Season 1 was grim and almost entirely joyless, and didn’t really shine a light on anything in the prime universe—it was just a generic escalation of stakes for our heroes. The Klingon War was the frying pan, and the MU was the fire.
This time we actually learn things about these people: Georgiou, of course, but also that the “real” Captain Killy has a lot more of Prime Tilly’s trademark nervous disposition than Prime Tilly pretending to be Captain Killy. (Too bad Killy’s destined to get blown up by Klingons with the ISS Disco in the Prime Universe.) It was also a ton of fun to see Rhys and Owo as deadly rivals, Rekha Sharma as Evil(...er?) Landry again, and Bryce throwing knives in the mess hall—at, please correct me if I’m wrong, a brunette Hannah Cheeseman as an un-augmented Airiam?????
Also, I don’t know why they got Mirror Stamets of all people (inventor of the evil spore drive—not, as far as we know, also an evil slam poet) for that dramatic recital at the evil ribbon dance, except I know exactly why: he’s played by Anthony Rapp, who’s a goddamn treasure. And Georgiou changed the timeline here—Mirror Stamets was still alive to get phasered by Mirror Lorca in S1—but I hope we come back to the MU in Season 5 and Stamets is somehow, inexplicably, still around—only to get killed in a hilariously blasé way again, because—again—he genuinely sucks at like, the logistics of betraying people.
Finally, those adorable little DOT-7 drones... but make them eeeeeeeevil.
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Next week: We must leave behind all of that which destroys us. A mood for 2021 if ever I’ve heard one. (Plus, Mirror Saru grabs a dude—either Mirror Culber or someone else in medical red—and bodyslams said dude into the ceiling, which... is also a mood for 2021, tbh.)
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 10 Easter Eggs & References
This Star Trek: Discovery article contains spoilers for Season 3, Episode 10.
With only three episodes to go in Season 3, Star Trek: Discovery delivered an episode that is moving the series forward, but also, changing Georgoiu’s role at the same time. “Terra Firma, Part 2” was also nostalgic as hell, and felt right at home among some of the rough-and-tumble TOS episodes, including, of course, “Mirror, Mirror.” But the deep-cuts in “Terra Firma, Part 2” weren’t just limited to a Terran dagger of Georgiou’s sword. From aliens from all corners of Trek canon, to a very slick reference to Scotty, “Terra Firma, Part 2” had it all.
Here’s every Easter egg, callback and reference we caught in “Terra Firma, Part 2.” Your Emperor warns you, spoilers are ahead!
Agonizer references Kirk and Chekov 
Georgiou’s leniency on Mirror Burnham echoes exactly how Kirk treated Mirror Chekov in “Mirror, Mirror.” In that episode, Mirror Spock was blown-away when Kirk didn’t order “full duration” in the Agony Booth, even though Chekov’s crime warranted death. Basically, Georgiou is behaving a lot like Kirk did in “Mirror, Mirror,” the irony being, she’s from this universe, and Kirk wasn’t. 
Georgiou predicts problems for the Empire 
When Georgiou tells Mirror Burnham that the subjects of the Empire are in constant rebellion, she suggests that the current model of the Terran Empire is doomed to fail. This assessment aligns with what Mirror Spock said in “Mirror, Mirror,” when he outright acknowledged that at some point in the future “the Empire will be overthrown, of course.” 
“An Alliance to Destroy Us”
Mirror Burnham mentions a vast alliance trying to take down the Empire. This vaguely references a similar alliance that Prime Burnham discovered in “The Wolf Inside.” In that episode, Georgoiu destroyed those rebels from orbit, but this timeline is slightly different. 
Coalition Members
Burnham rattles off a lot of alien races that are part of the coalition against the Empire. And, those selections all seem very pointed, and interesting. Here’s why.
Romulans– This implies the Romulans and the Vulcans split in the Mirror Universe, much as they did in the Prime Universe. Plus, it also implies the Terran Starfleet might be more aware of Romulans in the 2250s than their Prime Universe counterparts.
Andorians- Founding members of the Federation of the Prime Universe, sworn enemies of the Empire in the Mirror Universe. 
Tellierates- This checks with what we saw in “The Wolf Inside,” in Season 1 of Discovery.
Klingons- Again, in “The Wolf Inside,” we learned that Mirror Voq was the benevolent leader of the rebellion against the Empire.
Denobulans- This is a callback to Enterprise. Dr. Phlox was a Denobulan, and in the Enterprise two-parter “In a Mirror, Darkly,” Mirror Phlox worked for the Terran Empire. So, if Denobulans were revolting, then yes, the Empire was in real trouble. 
Rigelians- Although mentioned in TOS and DS9, we first saw Rigelians in Enterprise. Most recently, we saw a Regelian in the Lower Decks episode “Much Ado About Boimler.”
Coridanites- We most recently saw members of the Coridanite species in the Discovery episode “Far From Home.” But, the first time they appeared was in the Enterprise episode “Shadows of P’Jem.”
“You could kill her with the press of a button”
Does Georgiou have a Tantalus Field? Captain Killy suggests that she has the ability to kill Mirror Burnham with “the press of a button.” In “Mirror, Mirror,” Kirk discovered a device called the Tantalus Field, that was able to remotely vaporize people. In an unused concept for Enterprise, at one point, it was going to be suggested that the Tantalus Field sent people to alternate dimensions. That said, in this scene, it seems like we’re meant to get a similar feeling from “Mirror, Mirror,” and not necessarily assume Georgiou has the Tantalus Field. 
Mirror Image Credits
The credits for “Terra Firma Part 2” are inverted, to acknowledge the idea that the episode begins in the Mirror Universe. The only other time a Trek show has had “Mirror Universe” credits was in the two-part Enterprise episode, “In a Mirror, Darky. Parts 1 and 2.”
No one has heard from Lorca 
It seems possible that during the 3-months that Georgiou stays in the Mirror Universe, Captain Lorca does cross over into the Prime Universe. This would explain why “no one has heard” from him at all.
Landry and the other co-conspirators 
Rekha Sharma returns again, as Mirror Ellen Landry. She’s the first of the co-conspirators to be tracked-down by Mirror Detmer and Mirror Bunrham. In the “original” Mirror timeline, Landry had been put in an agonizer booth for like a year or something. But, she was very much a part of Lorca’s rebellion.
You are not Terran!
When Mirror Saru hears about all the great things Kelpiens have been able to do, he mentions that Georgiou must have “traveled far beyond the Empire.” Later, he accuses Georgiou of not being a Terran, essentially, because she’s acting way too nice. All of this implies that the Kelpiens in the Mirror Universe are aware of another universe, and another reality. Mirror Saru even says “Return to where you are from!”
Also, bummer news, but in the Mirror Universe, Saru’s sister, Siranna, is apparently dead. 
Mirror Airiam Is Not a Cyborg! 
Actress Hannah Cheesman appears in both “Terra Firma Part 1” and “Terra Firma Part 2,” but it’s only here, in dialogue in Part 2, that it’s outright established that yes, this is Mirror Airiam. Obviously, in the Mirror Universe, Airiam never was involved in the shuttle accident that led her to become an augmented human. Interestingly, Hannah Cheesman was not the original Airiam, that would be actress Sara Mitich, who played Airiam in Season 1 of Discovery. Since Season 2, Mitich (sans-makeup) has played Commander Nilsson. In “Terra Firma Part 2,” Mitich plays Mirror Nilsson, opposite Cheesman as Mirror Airiam. This is the first time since the beginning of Season 2 that both Airiam actresses have been on the bridge at the same time. You could call this Mirror,Mirror Airiams, but that would be going to far, right?
You know this one! Risa is the pleasure planet, made famous by the TNG episode “Captain’s Holiday.” Is Risa a pleasure planet in the Mirror Universe? Seemingly not? Maybe?
Klingon-Romulan Alliance 
The idea that the Klingons and Romulans form an alliance in the Mirror Universe in the 2250s is oddly similar to what happens in the Prime Universe in the 2260s. In the TOS episode “The Enterprise Incident,” we learn that the Klingons and the Romulans started sharing technology, partially because they wanted to take-down the Federation. 
Scotty Easter egg!
Carl’s newspaper contains all sorts of interesting headlines, including one headline that reads “Starship USS Jenolan Reported to Be Missing.” This references the USS Jenolan from the TNG episode “Relics.”In that episode, Scotty was brought into the 24th Century after having stored himself in a transporter for like 70 years. Relevantly, Scotty was present in “The City on the Edge of Forever” when Kirk and Spock returned through the Guardian of Forever, and said, “You only left a moment ago.” 
Tkon Empire
Another of Carl’s headlines reads: “Supernova Threatens Tkon Empire.” This references the TNG episode “The Last Outpost.” In that episode, the Tkon Empire had been destroyed for 600,000 years. They also had the ability to move planets and stars. 
Guardian of Forever
Obviously, the biggest reveal here is that Carl is really the Guardian of Forever, first seen in the TOS episode “The City on the Edge of Forever.” The Discovery writers choose this name in honor of Carl Sagan. When the Guardian speaks his name, we hear an audio sample from Bart LaRue, who played the original voice of the Guardian in 1976. When the Guardian says: “Back in the day it used to be sure, come on through, just don’t screw up history or you’ll have to fix it,” he’s clearly referencing Kirk and Spock. And probably, Spock again in “Yesteryear.” 
For more on how the Guardian of Forever has changed Trek canon again, check out this deep-dive. 
He was called “San”
Georgiou’s flashbacks earlier in Season 3 are now connected to a character named San. We still don’t know exactly who he was, but he is mentioned in the tie-in novel Die Standing. Clearly, we’ll hear more of this story in Michelle Yeoh’s next Star Trek show.
Read more
How Star Trek: Discovery’s Guardian of Forever Twist Sets Up Section 31
By Ryan Britt
Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 9 Easter Eggs & References
By Ryan Britt
“He’s not the only one suited for the Captain’s Chair”
Mirror Georgiou brings the relationship between Burnham and Prime Georgiou full circle when she tells her that she’s also got what it takes to be the Captain of a starship. This references the opening moments of the very first episode of Discovery ever, “The Vulcan Hello.” In that episode Captain Georgiou straight-up told Bunrham it was time for her to get her own ship. Okay, so that’s two Georgious who have said it now. Does that mean it’s going to happen?
Live long and prosper
Not really an Easter egg, but it’s straight-up adorable that Michael’s default goodbye is still the Vulcan salute. Someone stepping into the Guardian of Forever, while having someone else give them the Vulcan salute? That’s Star Trek, baby. But like, a double-shot of Star Trek with no chaser.
Romulan Ale toast for Georgiou
Speaking of booze, it seems that everyone in the DISCO crew is drinking Romulan Ale during the toast for Georgiou at the end of the episode. This could be a vague reference to Star Trek III: The Search For Spock, when Kirk and gang all have Romulan Ale, and Kirk says “To absent friends.” Chris Pine Kirk says something similar in Star Trek Beyond, and there’s a similar vibe in this scene, as to those two scenes. In each case, we never really saw if there were any lasting effects of that Romulan booze, but we did know that those respective crews were now ready to get down to business.
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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 airs its last three episodes on CBS All Access over the next three Thursdays. 
The post Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Episode 10 Easter Eggs & References appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2WpnzGe
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fardell24b · 6 years
Rise of Weirdness - Part 35
January 2001
More Atlantean artefacts are discovered around the North Atlantic.
The Yugoslavia Civil War begins, with Macedonian declaration of independence.
January 1, 2001
In the ruins of Babylon, an archaeologist discovers a map of the Solar System showing locations where pieces of a powerful artifact are to be found.
An Atlantean artefact is found near Douglas, Isle of Man.
January 2, 2001
Archaeologists examining the monolith that shot down the Zond probe discover that it's actually of Atlantean origin.
In Damascus, a teenager digs up a Tablet, that suddenly glows...
January 3, 2001: John F. Kennedy Jr., (D-NY) is sworn in as Majority Leader to the U.S. Senate in Washington D.C.,
Dneipr River Crisis; Soviet officials from Turkey and the NATO alliance of backing nationalist and Islamic fundamentalist forces across the Caucasus,...
January 4, 2001
A mysterious artefact is discovered in a cave near Sydney, New South Wales.
In Peru, an archaeologist finds a Quipu with magical properties near Machu Picchu..
January 5, 2001
In the State Library of New South Wales, Sydney, a young researcher finds a reference to 'magic' being observed in the colonial era,
An Atlantean artefact is found near Havana, Cuba.
January 6, 2001
Lawrence Fields, who had discovered the colonial era reference to magic the previous day, discovers further information of Indigenous people performing magic in Corroborees.
The Syrian Government takes possession of the glowing Tablet that had been discovered four days before.
January 7, 2001 In a suburban community in New Jersey, a bored teenager discovers an abandoned lab beneath her family's basement.
In Washington, Senator Kennedy announces that an Antiquities Committee will be set up in the Senate.
January 8, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are discovered on Bermuda...
The Dneipr River Crisis, escalates with fighting between NATO and Soviet forces breaking out in the region...
January 9, 2001
In New Jersey, Peta Fields has another look at the mysterious basement. She also discovers a journal, and some old tapes. She starts reading the journal.
A mysterious artefact is found in the Jenolan Caves, near Oberon, New South Wales.
January 10, 2001
Feilds reads more of the journal, finding that it notes the location of the Library of Magic for her community.
A stash of magical Quippu is found near the location of the other discovery.
January 11, 2001
More artefacts are discovered in the cave near Sydney.
In the Mitchell Library, further references to magic being observed in the colonial era by explorers are discovered.
January 12, 2001
Feilds searches for the Library of Magic for the first time. She doesn't find it and goes home disappointed.
An Atlantean artefact is found near Roanoke, Virginia.
January 13, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near Ponta Delaga, Azores.
A ceasefire is called in the Dneipr River Crisis.
January 14, 2001
Feilds asks her friends about rumours as to the location of the Library of Magic. She is met with many different responses...
A mysterious artefact is found in the Wellington Caves, near Wellington, New South Wales.
January 15, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found in Westfjords, Iceland.
Feilds decides to search for the Library of Magic the next day.
January 16, 2001
Fields begins scouring the town for the Library of Magic.
In Peru, more magical quippu are found in the dig near Machu Piccu.
January 18, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near Nuuk, Greenland.
A mysterious artefact is found under the sea near Sydney...
January 19, 2001
Peta's History teacher tells her that the Library of Magic had been moved sometime in the last 30 years (but she won't say where it is now.)
January 20, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near New York.
January 21, 2001
Peta continues to look for the Library of Magic... by looking at the newspaper archives at the regular Library (reading between the lines)...
Bucharest Riots; Vampires, neo-fascist Legionnaires, and Jewish guerillas clash over alleged plans to join the "Greater Exodus" fueling tensions. Across Eastern Europe,...
January 22, 2001:
Macedonian leaders led by Boris Trajkovski proclaim independence from the Yugoslavian state, calling for political and diplomatic recognition by the United States, European Union and the Anglo-French Union,....
Fighting erupts in Polog and Kumanova, Macedonia, as Serbian forces clash over Bosnia-Hercegovina, in an effort to control the Visoko Pyramid,...
January 23, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found on the outskirts of Providence, RI.
January 24, 2001
Peta Feilds does find the Library of Magic, by pestering one of her Fluffy classmates. He allows her to accompany him to the Library of Magic.
January 25, 2001
Yugoslavia Civil War begins, when Federal forces beseige Skopje...
January 26, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near Dover, Delaware.
January 27, 2001
Peta Feilds visits the Library of Magic a second time, and signs up to a course on 'How to use Incantations Responsibly'.
January 28, 2001
The seige of Skopje is relieved as more uprisings occur in northern Macedonia and southern Kosovo.
January 29, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found on Elsemere Island, Canada.
January 30, 2001
Peta shows up to the Library of Magic to begin the course.
January 31, 2001
Uprising in Pristina, Kosovo...
February 2001
More Atlantean artefacts are discovered in North America.
The Yugoslavian Civil War spreads to Montenegro, Bosnia and Croatia...
February 1, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near Reykjavik, Iceland.
February 2, 2001
Peta discovers that the original Library of Magic for the community had been taken offworld...
February 3, 2001
Slovenia declares independence from Yugoslavia...
February 4, 2001
The archaeologist who discovered the map (Quinn Daniels) presents her discovery to her mentor at Cambridge. Her mentor advises her to keep it a secret, for now.
February 5, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found beneath the ruins of Cobh, Ireland.
February 6, 2001
South of Newark, New Jersey: Peta Fields finds that simply having access to the Library of Magic doesn't mean that the other Buzzer's would give her the time of day.
February 7, 2001
Yugoslavia Civil War: The Federal Air Force bombs Skopje to try to force the Macedonian Separatists into submission. This draws international condemnation...
February 8. 2001
Her mentor having given her permission to proceed, Daniels begins preparing for her expedition to find the first segment.
February 9, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near Penzance, Cornwall.
Mermaids launch attack on the USS Greenville nuclear submarine after it conducts military operations at a religious site at Oahu, Hawaii,...
February 10, 2001
Feilds begins using incantations to help with her chores at home. (Clearly, she hasn't seen Fantasia...)
February 11, 2001
The siege of Dubrovnik begins.
February 12, 2001
Daniels leaves Cambridge, to go to Australia...
February 13, 2001
Atlantean artifacts are found on Anglesly, Wales.
February 14, 2001
Indeed, Peta Fields should have heeded Walt Disney's warning in Fantasia. Some of her incantations pile up into a feedback loop and the house automates itself in a manner hostile to its residents...
February 15, 2001
The United Nations General Assembly debates the situation in Yugoslavia. Particularly whether to send Peacekeeping forces or not.
February 16, 2001
Quinn Daniels arrives in Armidale, New South Wales to meet the archaeologists who would be assisting her during her journey into the Outback.
February 17, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found on the ocean floor, very close to the wreck of the Titanic.
February 18, 2001
Peta apologises to her parents for causing trouble with the incantations. (It is fortunate for her that they didn't go to the police...)
February 19, 2001
Refugees begin crossing the border from Kosovo into Albania in large numbers.
February 20, 2001
After much discussion, Quinn Daniels and the other archaeologists leave Armidale.
February 21, 2001
Atlantean artefact are found in the Irish Sea, off the shore of the Isle of Man.
February 22, 2001
Peta again signs up to the 'Responsible Use of Incantations' course.
February 23, 2001
Sarajevo comes under siege...
February 24, 2001
In Coober Pedy, South Australia, CHUDs are reported in the Opal mines... (Just in time for Quinn Daniels and the archaeologists from Armidale be held up by the reports).
February 25, 2001
Atlantean Artefacts are found on the ocean floor off Rockall.
February 26, 2001
Peta spends the entire evening in the Library of Magic, researching a mystery from the 80's...
February 27, 2001
In San Francisco, the General Assembly votes on whether to send peacekeeping forces to Yugoslavia.
February 28, 2001
In Coober Pedy, the threat of the CHUDs is deemed to have passed (once the local Army forces have secured the mines, but the nature of the area means that most of the underground passages cannot be).
March 2001
Even Serbia becomes a combat zone...
More Atlantean artefacts are found in Ireland.
March 1, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near the Giants Causeway.
March 2, 2001
Peta discovers that something had been buried somewhere in the community in 1985...
March 3, 2001
Quinn Daniels and the other archaeologists are able to leave Cooper Pedy. (The threat of the CHUDs having deemed to have passed.)
March 4, 2001
An Atlantean artefact is discovered in the Bahamas...
March 5, 2001
Peta and one of her friends begins searching for the buried artefact...
March 6, 2001
Quinn Daniels arrives at the first location indicated in the map, deep in the Australian outback.
March 7, 2001
The United Nations resolves to send peacekeeping forces to Yugoslavia.
March 8, 2001
Quinn Daniels and the other archaeologists arrive back in Coober Pedy with the artefact segment...
March 9, 2001
Atlantean artefacts are found near Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
March 10, 2001
Peta buries a time capsule of her recent discoveries in the Pine Barrens.
March 13, 2001:
Visoko Bosnian Pyramid triggers the awakening of zombies at Samogitia, Lithuania, fueling panic amongst Soviet forces in the region,...
April 2001
Tensions increase in the Balkans (with news of atrocities occurring everywhere in Yugoslavia).
Australia elects a celebrity as Prime Minister.
April 1, 2001:
U.S. reconnaissance fight is shot down by Soviet forces in the Crimea, fueling tensions in the Balkans,...
April 6, 2001:
Fighting erupts between Croatian Ustashe guerillas and Serbian Chetnik militias in Sarajevo, escalating the violence in the Balkans,...
April 13, 2001:
Mogul Richard Garriot (a.k.a. "Lord Angleterre") of Cambridge, England, proclaims majority ownership of the moon, threatening to expel the Transformed populace,...
April 18, 2001:
Celebrity Paul Hogan is elected Australian Prime Minister in national elections, based on a populist campaign,...
April 28, 2001:
Ghosts erupt in Gudovac, Croatia, from Ustasi-created mass graves from 1941, triggering a humanitarian crisis,...
April 30, 2001:
Fighting in the Balkans intensifies as ghosts of those killed in the Holocaust begin appearing in Zagreb, Croatia, sparking a humanitarian crisis,....
May 2001
Tensions rise in India with the resignation of the Prime Minister.
The Yugoslavian Ghost Eruptions cause much consternation, especially in various religious communities, throughout the Solar System.
May 9, 2001:
Ghosts erupt in Blagaj, Croatia, fueling panic across Yugoslavia, with mass graves by Ustasi, sparking international concern,...
May 11, 2001:
Ghosts erupt in Glina, Croatia, fueling the evacuation of central Croatia, expanding the humanitarian crisis in the region,...
May 19, 2001:
Indian officials report Atlantean artifacts at the Gulf of Khambhat, fueling. Political tensions with China, Pakistan and Iran,..
May 21, 2001:
Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, ending c. 32 years of Hundu nationalist/fundamentalist political rule nationwide, fueling civil unrest and violence,
May 22, 2001:
Off-world leaders led by Danii Randall launch a media campaign condemning the religious leaders of Roman Catholicism triggering massive protest,...
Indian government officials led by President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, refuse to relinquish the Atlantean artifacts, citing them as Harrapan, and thus indigenous,...
June 2001
With findings of Atlantean artifacts increasing, there are calls for the United Nations to set up an agency to handle them.
(There is also hope amongst some circles that there's an artefact to deal with the 'Ghost Eruptions'.
June 3, 2001:
Ghosts of Ustasi atrocities in 1941 erupt in Korita, Serbia, escalating the violence in the region,...
June 4, 2001:
Mermaids flood Houston, Texas, triggering a massive tsunami wave flooding the city, killing 36 people, demanding the return of all Atlantean artifacts,....
June 6, 2001
Quinn Daniels returns to Cambridge with the first piece of the artefact.
June 15, 2001:
Followers of Edgar Cayce, Association fror Research & Enlightenment (ARE) led by Paula Zalitzki and Manuel Iturrade, report uncovering Atlantean artifacts in Guanacabibes, Cuba, fueling tensions in the Gulf of Mexico,...
Armed mermaid militia arrives at the United Nations in San Francisco, California demanding the return of all Atlantean artifacts, threatening similar attacks on coastal cities,..
Ghosts of Ustasi atocities of 1941, erupt in Knin, Croatia, further escalating the military crisis in the region,..
Vilnius Uprising; Soviet forces launch a brutal crackdown on Lithuanian nationalists claiming to have information of possible Exodus of the region into space, sparking international attention,...
June 22, 2001:
Ghosts of Ustasi atrocities of 1941, erupt in Rasica Gaj, Bosnia-Hercegovina, signaling the expansion of violence in the region,...
June 25, 2001:
Ghosts of Ustasi atrocities of 1941, erupt in Metkovic, Croatia and Dracevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina, signaling the escalation of violence in the region,...
July 2001
Anti-Semitism is on the rise in Eastern Europe.
As is Crime in Boston.
(Are these linked?)
July 6, 2001:
Mermaids trigger the flooding of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, killing 253 people in the process, demanding the return of Atlantean artifacts,...
July 7, 2001
Information on the Babylonian Map is stolen from Cambridge...
July 14, 2001:
Glogau Riots; Riots erupt in Glogau, Poland, amidst claims of "host desecration" by anti-Semitic mobs against the Jewish population,...
July 23, 2001:
Jenna Kingsley begins to assist Marina Neverton in her crimefighting in Boston...
July 27, 2001:
Ghost of Ustasi Ustasi atrocities of 1941, erupt at Grabovac, Croatia; Boricevac, Croatia; and Brotjna, Croatia; making portions of Yugoslavia impassable,
July 31, 2001:
Ghosts are invoked on the remains of Dachau, triggered by actions in Yugoslavia, fueling civil unrest and panic in the region,...
August 2001
More Atlantean artifacts are found on the Moon...
August 5, 2001:
Washington Post uncovers evidence of "re-education camps established by the Chinese government, cracking down on Transformed and Falun Gong members,.. .
August 8, 2001
Quinn Daniels arrives at the second location indicated on the Map, a location close to Copernicus...
September 2001
Various pagan faiths increase their influence on Earth.
New shows start on various American networks, that increase representation of Transformed...
September 1, 2001:
Libertarians led by Matt Philips announce in Manchester, New Hampshire, their intent to immigrate en masse to the moon, to form their own colony,
September 13, 2001:
Indian special forces capture a cache of Pakistani nuclear weapons in the disputed region of Kashmir…
September 15, 2001:
British actor Alan Davies comes out as a Spectrophilliac.
A DEFCON is held in Sydney, Australia.
September 16, 2001:
A ‘Pagan Pride’ Parade is held in Edmonton, Alberta…
September 20, 2001:
A copy of The Necronomicon Files is found in a raid on a terror cell’s safehouse in Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
September 25th, 2001:
The Legion of the Underground declares war on Al Qaida…
26, September 2001:
Star Trek: Enterprise premiers. Main Character Hoshi Sato is a Transformed (Linda Park is herself a Transformed TTL).
September 27th, 2001:
Zimbabwe Civil War: Harare bombarded by Opposition forces, as they approach the city.
October 2001
Tensions increase on Mars between Bland and Transformed settlers, particularly in the Utopia Planetia region.
Zimbabwe descends into chaos.
October 1, 2001:
Zimbabwe Civil War. Harare comes under siege by Opposition forces.
October 17, 2001:
Political activist "Starhawk" (a.k.a. Miriam Simos) is assassinated, fueling ethnic and sectarian violence throughout the State of Aphrodite; Many leaders claim that the assassination is an attempt by the United Nations to undermine the stability of the country,....
October 26, 2001:
Battle of Utopia Planetia is considered one of the most violent uprisings between Human settlers led by Kelvin Probst and Transformed settlers led by Janella Xanthe Peters,...
November, 2001
The Soviet entry into the World Trade Organisation marks a major change in geopolitics.
November 10, 2001:
Soviet Premier Gennady Zyuganov announces the Soviet entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), with many in the press noting the irony of the groupd entry into the capitalist group,...
November 18, 2001:
In a shocking development, mermaids seize control of Sardinia, threatening to flood the island until all Atlantean artifacts are returned,...
December 2001
In Cambridge, Daniels and her mentor discuss whether the artefact she is collecting is dangerous. (More dangerous than what has been found so far...)
December 9, 2001
Quinn Daniels returns to Cambridge with the second peice of the artefact.
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beammeupchief · 7 years
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Preview of the USS Jenolan from Star Trek The Official Starships Collection
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beammeupchief · 8 years
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Sydney class studio model with the modified lettering “USS Nash NCC-2010-5”
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defconprime · 3 years
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30 Years of Star Trek trading card number 41, "USS Jenolan NCC-2010," 1995.
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defconprime · 4 years
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Cover for Official Starships Collection issue 104, USS Jenolan, 2017.
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beammeupchief · 7 years
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USS Jenolan
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