uss-caryl · 9 years
hey about tonight's episode; Daryl was about to go back to Alexandria but I was wondering /why/ I mean he's usually not the one who panics and I thought 'is it because of Carol?' but by now he should know that she can take care of herself so why did he leave Abe and Sasha? (before coming back)
I think a large part of it had to do with Carol, but also because of the rest of Team Family. They were left behind with the Alexandrians, who aren’t that adept at this world just yet. He doesn’t trust them to protect his family. Plus, Daryl and Carol haven’t been reunited that long. According to the Wikia timeline, it’s been roughly 41 days since their reunion (after being apart an estimated 8 days), and about 33 days since they left Grady.
So I would say Pookie is more than a wee bit twitchy about leaving her–capable though she may be–surrounded by people he doesn’t fully trust to back her up. Or maybe he would just feel better having her close, hopefully to prevent anything from happening to her again because capable though she may be, shit happens, has happened, and may happen again.
I think he believed Abe and Sasha could have pulled the job off by themselves, but like Rick said, leaving the mission before it was over would have put that part of the family in danger, plus putting those left in Alexandria in the path of almost certain devastation. He made Daryl choose the long-term good over the short-term… that Daryl needed to trust the family left behind, the community they’ve become a part of, and have faith that working towards that greater good will be the best in the long run.
But I did totally scream at the TV when I saw he’d gone back to the mission, lol. ^_~
~Capt. Janne
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hedgehogg99 · 10 years
I can't help but wonder if Carol did actually kill the two at the prison. I know she told Rick she did, but I can't help but wonder if it was actually Lizzie. We know that Lizzie is capable and Carol had sworn to protect her... Anybody else wonder about this? In my Carly-addled brain, Carol will entrust Daryl with this information. 😊
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jannes-fandoms · 10 years
Hi, I have a couple quick questions about the merch for USS Caryl that y'all have for sale. First: How was the design chosen. Was it left up to the creator completely or was there some kind of community-wide vote as to what it would be? Second: What will be happening with any profit from the sale of the merch (Charity? Fund to help send a fan to a con? Purchasing swag for giveaways?)? Sorry if these questions have been asked and answered already (point me to the answers if so, please & thanks).
How was the design chosen. Was it left up to the creator completely or was there some kind of community-wide vote as to what it would be? 
The design was based on a little simplistic piece I (Captain Janne) came up with and presented to QM Haley. It was of an anchor with a cherokee rose with a banner that read "USS Caryl" above it. She liked the design, but we both wished for something a bit more... awesome. I'm not much of an artist, but she is good friends with the awesome Praxid. She showed Praxid my idea, which she built upon with a few suggestions.
So there wasn't so much a vote on what the symbol would be, though. It has been generally accepted in the fandom that the Cherokee rose represents both Daryl and Carol, although somewhat more Carol, as Daryl has symbols such as the wings, crossbow, and motorcycle to represent him. Naturally, that's where the idea of the arrows came from, courtesy of Haley and Praxid. The anchor, of course, represents the ship. ^_^
What will be happening with any profit from the sale of the merch (Charity? Fund to help send a fan to a con? Purchasing swag for giveaways?)? 
All profits will go towards funding giveaways (such as autographed photos of Norman and/or Melissa). We have discussed other uses of the funds to do various things for our passengers, but the bottom line is that all profits will go towards the blog in some form or fashion. This blog would be nothing without you guys, and finally, we're able to give a bit back. I wish we could present each and every passenger with a token of our love and gratitude, but giveaways and such are the best we can really do.
I hope this answers your questions!
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
So I'm really interested in people's (my fellow caryl'ers!) thoughts on the premiere tonight. I personally thought it was complete let down. From a Caryl standpoint. From a Carol standpoint. And even from just a general WD Fan standpoint. I'll be honest, I'm starting to lose general interest in the show (storylines going nowhere, new characters nobody cares about) and am sticking around simply for my Caryl. And even that.. like they srsly couldn't even give us a crumb? *feels taken 4 granted*
I rather felt the same way, Nonny. I rushed home from a special event to be home in time for TWD and the dance party, only to be severely let down by the premiere. It felt as though it followed the generic storyline we see a lot these days in TWD… Rick has an idea, no one likes the idea, so Rick makes a fuss until they do it, it goes okay, then it goes wrong and people die.
*le sigh* The premiere did nothing for me. While I still cling to the hopes of Caryl going canon, my hopes for the show in general are sinking. When a premiere is as predictable as this one was, there’s something wrong.
Who knows, though? Maybe next week will be better and sweep us off our feet… maybe with some awesome Caryl scenes. That would be an appropriate apology, methinks.
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
So what did you think of that scene between Carol and Morgan. My uncle said "well, looks like your ship just sunk there, bud." I don't believe that though. Would be nice to see them become friends though
PBBBBBTTTTTT!!!! Just because a man and a woman make eye contact and speak for more than 30 seconds does not mean they’re in love with one another. It’ll take a LOT more than that to sink OUR ship!
But sassy friends?
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~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
hi! i've read sooo many Caryl AUs were Daryl helps Carol out of her abusive marriage to Ed, but I'm yet to find one where the roles are reversed. could be Daryl living with Merle and/or their father. OR maybe he's in an unhealthy marriage of his own. maybe he even has a child, and is worried about getting custody. idk, does anything like that exist? i'd love for someone to write something along those lines :D
Omg, I would LOVE to read something like that, AU or otherwise! Anyone have linkage?
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Anyone know what happened to CarylSmut blog?
I honestly have no idea. -_- I miss their posts, though!
Anyone heard anything?
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Do you really think Carol has a good chance of dying in the MSF? Shipping and love for Carol aside.....
As optimistic as I like to be, I always know in the back of my mind that no one is ever truly safe in TWD, especially in the MSF. But I think Carol has a lot to offer the story, offering the subtle nudges needed to instigate what needs to be done. While Rick is often an explosion to be reckoned with, she is quiet and prepared, like a chess master. She sees three steps ahead and plans accordingly.
I could see Carol lasting a very long time in the show. Much like Daryl, she would never want to be the leader. While Daryl is Rick’s right hand man, Carol would be a quieter, more subtle assistant. I predict that this coming season, this trio’s combined forces will be unlike anything we have ever seen.
We shall soon see, Nonny! October will be upon us before you know it. ^_^
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Can anyone use the icons imorca makes?
You should probably direct this question towards Imorca for an exact answer, but the general rule is that as long as you give credit, it would be okay to use it as an icon or within a post. Using it as part of another work, however, usually requires the artist’s permission. When it doubt, though, always ask the artist for permission first!
Here’s hoping I haven’t steered you wrong!
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
You know why I kinda have hope for Carol and Daryl?? It goes back to the scene in Scream the t.v. show ( the now infamous they spent 5 years quote). I THINK, don't quote me, but I do think that to include a reference to something like a another show/ musical artist you have to have permission from the creators. So think on the creators of TWD letting the Scream writers use that particular reference. Just sayin.. 😜
THAT WAS MY VERY FIRST THOUGHT WHEN I HEARD ABOUT THIS SCENE!!! I mean, I have no earthly idea if they would need permission, and even if they did, what that permission might imply... BUT I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE THEY MENTIONED IT!!!
(Sorry, I still have  a lot of feelings regarding this.)
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
If any Caryl fans are going to TWD panel at SDCC they should ask Norman/Mel/Gimple what they thought about the Caryl reference on Scream, because maybe we'll get something outta them then. Straight up asking when/if Carol and Daryl are going to get together has never worked so people should avoid asking questions like that and find other ways to get them to talk about Caryl :)
Please? lol
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Actually, SpoilTheDead has gone to shit in the past year. They don't get spoilers anymore, all the spoilers come from TheSpoilingDeadFans. Plus the people who run SpoilTheDead are twisted, it's not a good place for Carol fans at all so I wouldn't recommend it. TheSpoilingDeadFans Facebook page has all the spoilers if people want to know what's going on.
Thanks for the info! Part of the reason I haven’t kept up with Spoil the Dead was how unfriendly of a place it’s been towards Carol/Caryl fans. I’d generally peek in for the good bits, then scamper away. I’ll have to give this new source a try.
Caryl on!
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Daryl only cries tears of joy & tears of worry for Carol. That's love, isn't it? A man in love does this for only the woman he loves! He can't lose her. He's not scared of zombies who can eat him alive, but losing her... It scares the hell out of him! I may not know much, but I know that's love! Am I right?
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~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Does anyone know where I can download TWD episodes that are of a decent quality??? (Preferably HD of course, but beggars can't be choosers) I would LOVE to make a Caryl video but I don't wanna screw it up by making an ugly one with bad quality :/
I think this is where I’m supposed to shake my finger at you and tell you pirating is bad.
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But we do post links to the episodes streaming online all the time, sooooooooo...
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Where does a Captain draw the line?
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Maybe because we’re not asking the right questions...
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~Capt. Janne
(I blame this entire response on exhaustion and no coffee.)
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Has Melissa been seen on set lately?? I'm scared.
I haven’t been keeping up with spoilers as much as I usually do this summer, but a quick check with my sources says yes. ^_~ I highly recommend you make an account with Spoil the Dead, then check out the filming section of the spoilers so you can keep up with all the latest cast sightings! It’s loads of fun, reading all the speculations, figuring out the hints of the episode’s story... If you’re into spoilers, it is without a doubt THE PLACE to hang out this summer.
~Capt. Janne
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uss-caryl · 9 years
Hi ! Sorry for my English but it's not my first language ! I read a story with Carol, Daryl and Sam very hangst but I don't remember the exact title it's like "separate" or "separatis" could you help me ? I will read the rest of this history, thanks for the answer ! 🇫🇷🇮🇹
Oooooo, I remember seeing it a while back in the tags, shortly after the season ended. Anyone care to help a shipper out?
~Capt. Janne
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