#utajima resort murder case
kindani-case-files · 6 years
It's kind of funny to see how in the past Kindaichi usually were the one asking around for info about past cases when something happened but now he's the one withholding Utajima's bloody history from people, the irony.
Anyway I need Kenmochi, Itsuki, Fumi, etc. to appear (even as cameo is fine!) and of course for my murder child Takatoo to take the main stage again (he's like, what, 43 in current timeline?) But seeing how Kindaichi and Akechi literally don't change at all he probably will stay the same.
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irregularscans · 6 years
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Chapter Release! After a long while, Kindaichi is back as an adult!
Utajima Resort Murder Case, File 12 : https://mangadex.org/chapter/480643
Look forward to C.M.B later~
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kindani-case-files · 6 years
Random thought: saw a theory on pixiv encyclopedia about the one who admired Phantom and created the Opera House was Takatoo's real father.
While so far there's no indication of it (though thematically fitting, I guess? Masks are associated with Takatoo after all), I had a wild guess about Utajima Resort Murder Case (Phantom of the Opera 4th murder) as something used by someone who personally knew Kindaichi (as challenge, for example) so that he would go back to solve cases (wilder guess: Takatoo). Evidence to refute this is that Takatoo wasn't responsible for all murders in that Opera House (if I recall correctly) so he shouldn't have any connection to this case either.
If the first one who built the Opera House was Takatoo's father, and if during the 20 years gap Takatoo and his father become an important plot point that makes Kindaichi refuse to solve cases, the Phantom of the Opera murder cases can be connected to him. Or maybe he figured out about those three cases and tries to create a fourth one just to spite on Kindaichi. Or maybe it was just coincidence that Kindaichi got involved in the fourth one, but Takatoo takes it as "fated encounter" anyway (that kind of case has actually appeared in the series after all). My point is, even though so far we haven't seen any sign of Takatoo yet, there's still very small possibility that the case was indeed orchestrated by him actually I just want him to be alive and well because after Akechi is confirmed to appear he is the last of my precious genius trio to take part in the new series.
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