#utter trash pls xcuse me
svcredblood · 6 years
hello demons, it’s me, ya gurl: daisy! i’m trash in every single way you could possibly imagine so yay for that! aside from that i’m 20 years old, from the CET timezone (we all have our struggles) and currently super busy with easter preparations, hence me being pretty scarce atm. for now i’ll bring you the intros of my two daughters anyway, let’s start with kali! 
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( FLAWS by BASTILLE. ) that song always reminds me of kali behera. she is a thirty-two year old female that has lived in honey county for eight years, currently residing on main street. kali is a doctor around here, with a reputation for being adaptable, courageous, guarded, & tenacious. it’s hard to miss her at leon’s pub, especially since they look so much like priyanka chopra. )
kali was born about 32 years ago in a small town in michigan. both her parents were immigrated to america from india and she was their first child after they had already tried for a while. after kali followed two more: her little sister and her little brother. money had always been short with her parents owning a little flower shop but they managed. getting through some very tough times made them a tightly knitted family.
her parents hopes for kali were always almost unachievably high but she did her best to try and make them proud. they just wanted their children to have a better life than they had right now and if she could manage to do anything to help with that she’d at least try. young kali was extremely good in school but had as good as no friends, since after school she almost always had to help out in the shop or take care of her younger siblings. not that she ever minded the responsibility.
the young girl never really had a favorite subject in school but rather soaked up every bit of education she could get. while her classmates would sit in classes they hated and almost fell asleep kali’s curiosity and ambition knew no limitations. while exactly that made her a bit of a thorne in the eyes oft he other kids at school it actually made her quite popular in university, after she had graduated high school with a 4,9 GPA.
to kali it had always been obvious that academia was the way to go, she wanted to go to university, she had been wanting to do so ever since she was little. the real question was: which subject? she knew her job later on would have to make her enough money so she’d be able to support her younger siblings through college and their further endeavours. medicine was a sensible choice but once she actually started she actually found herself liking it quite well. her grades were constantly pretty good but once she settled in she even allowed herself an actualy social life. 
she did her residency in another county quite close to honey county, which she chose as her place to live. there  she met brandon, a young doctor, the guy every female resident was pining after ( mcdreamy, u know what i mean) and well, let’s just say while it took quite a while they got together at some point. after dating for another year and a half he proposed and since kali was completely head over heels for him she did the only thing she could possibly think of doing: she accepted. things were going pretty well until she was done with her residency. 
after finding brandon in bed with one of the younger residents kali quickly found out that this behavior hadn’t been a one time thing but rather something that has been going on during the etirety of their relationship. kali, hurt in her trust, declined the position she was offered in the hospital and decided to start her fellowship in honey county hospital, where she is currently busy finishing just that. she is going to be a cardiothoracic surgeon and is mostly back to her no social life ways. 
kali has proven herself to be quite the talented surgeon and honey county hospital is hoping she will stick around after her fellowship but it is to be expected that she could also choose a better hospital to work at, however she likes to live at least halfway close to family. currently she is supporting her little brother who is going to college at the moment. 
she really has no interest in a relationship, especially after her last one has left her that broken hearted so she focusing entirely on her work. brandon left her with an exquisite brand of trust issues though and while kali loves her family more than anything else she never told them about the true reason of their breakup. instead her parents are quite irritated that she didn’t marry a doctor. 
this is a mess, i’m sorry. i’m honestly just still trying to figure things out and i’m rlly hoping it makes at least some kind of sense. if you’d be interested in plotting please do like this or just hmu! i’m really excited to get started w all of you! <3
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