#uuuuugh i look like a lollipop
spacesergeant · 4 years
Sensory Overload
So I very easily get sensory overload which can result in a complete meltdown if I cant get away from the trigger.
Here’s some fun examples:
Bright light!  Direct sunlight if it’s in my face is an instant headache and results in angry squinting obviously but this extends to even a dim day and indoor lighting in cases. I usually like to be in a dark cave if possible. This is extra confusing because I love bright colours and sunshine in summer, I just dont like being out in it. I sunbathe from my bed <3 I had tinted glasses for my last years at uni as the studio lights were too much.
Heat/Humidity! I can NOT handle being too hot, and if it’s humid I feel like Im suffocating. This can result in minor panic attacks if I cant escape it. English summers are not fun anymore as every time there’s a heat wave I’m a mess.
Textures! Certain textures are absolutely unbearable. Paper lollipop sticks might be better for the environment but my god if paper touches my teeth I feel like I want them all pulled. Paper on/under my fingernails makes me wanna pull those off too and just the thought of it makes me fidget and pull on my nails. Unfortunately, this applies to a lot of food textures too. Anything that squeaks against my teeth (green beans, for example, can fuck right off), anything thats mushy (peas and mash). Undercooked vegetables that are not quite soft and not quite crunchy are uuuuugh. I also dont like mixing my foods up, I think this is partially because I dont like all the different textures at once. I wont melt down over the food stuff but I sure as hell dont like it.
Sounds! (this is a big one) “Industrial” sounds like the boiler going (it’s right above my bed-nest), the absurdly loud fridge, the downstairs radiator (constantly clicking. Why? Why are you doing that? You’re not even on), the rats running on their wheel, our laptop fans which sound like tractors, beeping, alarms, the usual things that annoying the normies, and SILENCE. Silence will actually kill me. Idling cars, especially if they’re diesel (Im looking at you Taxis) will immediately make me angry and that anger will only grow if the car sits there for ages. I’ll pace around getting more and more worked up until the bastard leaves. This was bad enough to get me to change rooms at uni to get away from my taxi driver neighbours who would idle outside my window at 4am every bloody morning. Also, the sound of cars reversing? Thankfully doesnt last long but something about it really aggravates me. PEOPLE! If Im at home, I dont want to hear other people going about their lives outside. This is my safe, quiet place, please stop intruding with your noise. I dont care that you’re having a nice BBQ with friends, or if it’s a family gathering, or workers trying to get something done. We hates it, Precious, we hates it.  This particular includes the bloke who lives across the street who is constantly waging war against nature and VACUUMING HIS DRIVE?? powerwashing his van, using electric saws out back (I think someone there does carpentry or something), and mowing the verge which Im pretty sure isnt even his property. Why do you hate nature so much, guy? What did it ever do to you? Being in crowds is super stressful, it’s too noisy, too many people, in my way, getting too close... It’s overwhelming and I cant hack it.
Children! I fear them. They have no sense of what’s socially acceptable yet and will straight up scream in your ears and run smack into you and stare at you like nothing else exists. They are incredibly annoying and I dont understand them. I dont hate kids, honestly, but they cause me mental pain when in full hyper child mode. It’s not their fault but they do need to back off far, far away from me.
Extras! Tight fitting clothes, high collar tshirts (stop choking me, damn you)
There’s probably more but these are the standouts.  Also I’d like to point out that although I can get really angry about almost any of these things, I never take it out on people causing it because I am fully aware that these are MY issues. Im aware people have lives to live and things to do and I have no right to throw a strop and ruin their day. 
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