#uwu poor middle child bride Daemon continues to be so funny to me
branwendaughterofllyr · 7 months
Hello! Numbers 3 and 7 for the ask game?:)
3. Screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Nonny, I know I have the screenshot of "Dany is a shooting star, there one moment, and gone the next" SOMEWHERE but I cannot find it. That one lives rent free in mind ever since I saw it in response to the criticism that Dany can't just conquer Slaver's Bay and then ditch it.
Any take that ends with "Sansa should have sex with Tyrion so she can learn to see past appearances." Sorry the 12 year hostage doesn't want to sleep with the Lannister husband she's been forced to marry. That sounds like a you problem, Tyrion.
The child-bride Daemon discourse also continues to crack me up. Like, Daemon can be mad at his grandparents making him go through with an arranged marriage, but let's not pretend that the dragon riding prince who answers only to the king was at the mercy of his lady wife in a society that has legal wife beating. (also, Rhea was probably the same age as him. If she was tons older, like Ceryse and Maegor, it would have been mentioned.) He had a dragon. Not only could he fuck off any time he wanted, he DID. He literally faffed off to the Stepstones, and Viserys kept giving him jobs in KL, he was not stuck at Runestone under Rhea's thumb, and I wish the fandom would stop the take that Rhea totally deserved to be killed by Daemon/on his orders because Daemon didn't like her. He had her killed/killed her, tried to take her stuff, and then suffered zero consequences for it.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
ohhhhhh. Maybe Rhaenyra? I was fully prepared to like messy selfish girl boss Rhaenyra, but the show's framing and the way the fandom uncritically laps it up bothers me. But I don't hate HATE her, and most of my dislike stems from both how George and the show chose to handle her.
uh, the Stannis the Mannis love looped right back around to being funny to me, so not that.
Like, I can't think of any character that I hate bc of the way the fandom acts about them specifically. The opposite has happened a lot, but not leading to hatred.
Oh wait. I know the answer. the Alysanne Blackwood wank has genuinely made me dislike this character, and even her relationship with Cregan Stark. I though she was fine the first time I read F&B, but now she genuinely annoys me.
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