omegasmileyface · 2 years
adding lore to my ghost zone nation of scene kids and catgirls and tumblrinas. one of the new details, inspired by crab rave, is that the more tumblr-based part of the community has a festival called The Raving. the event is used to celebrate the fading/destruction of corrupt individuals in positions of power. participants rejoice in the streets, usually while dressing up as crabs and eating crab-based ghost foods, though as a culture they cannot remember why there's a crab theme. also, bands perform the song
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
What’s :3 architecture like?
OK SO theyre unified more by ideals than physical similarities, which means theyre pretty diverse in lots of aspect, which shows up in their architecture. at its core, its just "ghost architecture":
floating shit (if you try to make areas in the nonsensical infinite realms apply to physics, the realms will fight back)
shared spaces (if you want to be alone youll live outside of a gathering or live in your lair. non-lair spaces are almost never private)
(as an extension of that last one i want to point out that many ghosts who live in cities will spend like half of their time OUTSIDE of it and just kinda wandering about bc like. its the infinite afterlife. they dont need to sleep. they do whatever they want. this is Certainly true among the youthful and creative and curious :3 people)
few doors - this is kinda mortifiedverse lore, but doors are pretty much restricted to lair entrances - and solid walls - theres very little weather. windows are empty, columns are frequent, etc.
death themes. there's more of it among the Glom Psu than the others but i think its so fucking funny how in canon everybody has skulls and bones and bats and shit all over everything so im keeping it
stuff that super does not go together. depending on how devoted a certain ghost is to a theme it could be from a typical suburban tudor house with a single pool of lava to an absolutely nonsensical collage of various home-and-non-home architecture
each :3 cultural group has trends that are common among them and of course they mix into the blend of the area but ill separate them here for the sake of background
glassy windows. i know it contradicts what i swaid earlier but they have both empty and glassy windows. think about it. thats free sunlight. for laying in. this city DOES have sunlight btw even though they dont have a sun
tall structures with platforms on the inside and outside. like yknow those cat athletic structures. the planks on the walls that kind of thing. catwalks! those. i would kill for that.
treeeeees. with bark.
lairs often have their doors hidden away in hard-to-access crooks
complex tunnel-like system closer to the ground
big public hearths with short, wide brick walls around them. also for laying on.
shallow pools
glom psu:
bright colors!!! the ghost zone in general is known for bright colors but these guys have RAINBOWS. and BLACK AND PINK. and PATTERNS. outside every fucking building
a lot of like...... big victorian houses except with walls that are more open
a few ppl have "intradimensional" lairs that manifest as like normal houses with normal, barely non-euclidean doors.
wings are very common, on buildings and stuff
skate parks :) they have roads designed for skating in addition to floating, with soft curves and rails and shit
suburban-looking parks with brightly-colored, spiky playgrounds and elaborate gazebos
actually yeah just keep putting spikes on things. they dont particularly hurt though its fine. theyre like. gummy.
cafes! these guys love eating but mostly sweets.
i guess cafes isnt architecture huh. well. its mostly just floating, column-heavy, more open victorian houses. just in general these guys love that
the architecture itself is pretty varied , with neighborhoods mostly sticking to general aesthetics. look up any -core tag on tumblr and theres a place with architecture like that. you know every 2013 "what if everybody on tumblr lived/worked/went to school together" fandom/aesthetic separation? yeah. thats real when you die
more closed off areas (both lairs and non-lairs). tumblrinas value their privacy. that being said it frequently results in big houses shared between 5-6 individuals. these shared-house groups have a term for themselves loaned from Uwu: öwôw ówuv
curving, vertically-varied walking paths. tumblrinas dont float all that much
There Is A Tumblr University.
every block or so youll find a message board with paper and pens and pins and stuff available where people """""post""""" messages and respond to others and such. tumblrinas have a potent historical tradition of recorded, written, public gradual conversation
extremely varied building purposes. there are libraries. there are restaurants. there are movie theaters. there are karaoke houses. there are sex dungeons. (ghosts have sex if they want to.) there are buildings purely for thinking. theres a building where someone puts a single doodle of a cat in the center of the floor once a day. theres everything.
the lack of consistency in architecture shows how varied and active the eebydeeby are. they thrive on differing perspectives
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omegasmileyface · 3 years
hey so ive read fanfictions where the author used real conlangs as ghost languages and i was thinking about that and im only really familiar with one conlang and its Uwulang so . you know
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