#v: the living are gone and the dead are hungry » paranormal verse.
graunblida · 3 months
@goldenlilja smashed the heart !
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" hey, your birthday's this weekend, right? " lexa calls to her vampire friend in the other room. the fridge calendar is near eye level with her and reminded her of this fact. a crude yet cute little doodle depicts malee with a crown and SPARKLES. " do you know what you want to do? " she remembers the year before when the pair hijacked one or several trolley pubs downtown. or was that her own birthday? it's hard to recall.
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graunblida · 10 months
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What We Do in the Shadows Sentence Meme   //   Accepting @percentstardust sent: ‘well, what can i say? i’m a ravenous little monster.’ // Nikia
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" You're not a m- " Is what Lexa is about to say before peering into the half-eaten box of cookies she's just taken off the shelf. Between both of their metabolisms, she's thinking they'll have to add another weekly grocery store trip. She discards the box on the counter, draws closer and wraps her arms around the vampire. " Okay you're a little ravenous. " Lexa's one to talk with the way she can INHALE snacks. " Do you wanna make dinner or go out? " They should probably eat something other than junk.
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graunblida · 1 year
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@percentstardust​ sent: “In every generation, there is a chosen one. She alone shall stand against the vampires, demons and forces of darkness. She is the slayer.”  ( Nikia. Probably talking about herself. Lmfao. )
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      “ Are you monologuing again? ” Lexa’s head pokes out from around the corner before the rest of her eventually follows. In her hand are two, piping-hot mugs - one for her and the other for Nikia. “ Tea’s ready. ” She offers one to her girlfriend and gestures for her to join her on the couch. “ C’mon, ” Lexa pats the spot next to her. “ You can narrate from here. ”
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graunblida · 1 year
@ofdamages​ sent: 6   // spotify wrapped meme
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        “ the shade is a tool. a device. a savior. ”  she gestures up at the cover the branches and leaves above provide. hues of orange, red and yellow glow from the sun beating down on the MIGHTY oak. “ see, i try and look up to the sky, but my eyes burn. ” lexa taps the rim of her sunglasses. even with this precaution, the rays still pose quite a risk. the other knows not how lucky she is to be able to set foot in the light UNSCATHED. 
my own summer ( shove it ) - deftones 
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graunblida · 1 year
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What We Do in the Shadows Sentence Meme   //   Accepting  @nanlanmo​ sent: ‘i’m just here to scare you guys.’
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Lexa was not proud of the high pitched SHRIEK which escaped her lungs only a few moments ago. She wasn’t usually so jumpy, but Jessica’s presence was completely unbeknownst to her. She couldn’t decide what was more embarrassing: being unable to detect the vampire or letting her guard down like that. 
“ Gee, thank you for that, ” Lexa huffed with a roll of her eyes and lowered the flashlight. “ We were just saying this investigation could use some cardiac arrest. ” So far ( besides the stunt that was just pulled ) , the house seemed to be abandoned and nothing more. Sure, it was a little eerie, wandering around a fully furnished home that had been slowly decaying for years in the dark, but there weren’t any signs of a haunting. Of course, Lexa and the other two hunters had only gotten a good look at the first floor. Even if the redhead had only tagged along to tease them, it might be good to have a vampire with them in case other supernatural forces revealed themselves. 
“ Well, since you’re here, you can search the basement with us. ”
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graunblida · 2 years
@hersilver​ smashed the heart! 
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“ here's to you, fill the glass, 'cause the last few days have kicked my ass. ”
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graunblida · 2 years
@percentstardust spice! continued from (x)
[ sms   »   nikia  ]    it’s too much, isn’t it? i knew a phone call would suffice.  [ sms   »   nikia  ]   i miss you, figured i’d try something different heh.  [ sms   »   nikia  ]   breathe, love 
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graunblida · 3 years
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Doom Patrol Sentence Starters  //   Accepting @hersilver​  sent: ❝  this  is  your  most  reckless  scheme  yet.  ❞
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       the hunter sat in stakeout position, biding her time until she could set her plan in motion. “ i know, which is why i’m gonna need your help on this one. ” malee might not have looked threatening on first glance, but the vampire was quite capable. when she didn’t hear a response, lexa pressed the button on the walkie-talkie again and sighed. “ i’ll buy you all the chicken nuggets you want. ” more proof the two were KINDRED spirits because lexa ( even if she wouldn’t admit it ) was almost motivated by food. 
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graunblida · 2 years
@hersilver​ gets a bestie valentine’s day thing
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       “ malee, ” lexa began when the two of them sat down with their takeout. “ you’re immortal. you’ve lived through so many events, and known so many people. ” she paused to open one of the boxes and then trade with the vampire when she was done serving herself. “ really, you can do whatever you want, go wherever you want and yet...you choose to hang out with me. ” it was a realization that had snuck up on the hunter more recently. they had a UNIQUE friendship, but one lexa wouldn’t trade for the world. reaching into her pocket, she pulled out a valentine’s day card ( it was mickey mouse clubhouse themed )  that had a box of candy hearts attached to it. “ here. it’s dumb, but i usually hand these out to my friends. happy valentine’s day. ”
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graunblida · 2 years
"I can't believe people don't eat the crust like what- it's part of the food, it's fantastic even if it doesn't taste the same as the rest of the watermelon."
@hersilver // absolute shenanigans
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" i know what you mean, when i was younger i would- the what? "
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graunblida · 3 years
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@natshana​ sent: “  isn’t that my shirt?  ” (the gay shit it is) 
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lexa’s mind was still focused on the plan for the day. after eating, the two were going to visit the library and dig up whatever they could about shadyside’s history. particularly anything that could connect a rumored witch to the town. she stared at deena, head slanted and eyebrow slightly raised. eventually she set her coffee mug back on the table and glanced down ( she totally didn’t forget, she was just checking ) sure enough, the fabric that covered her did not actually belong to her. a loan from the previous night, since she crashed at deena’s on a whim and couldn’t be bothered to pack much else besides the essentials. “...do you need it back? ” she was only partially serious, fingers gripping the hem of the shirt. 
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graunblida · 2 years
( from jennifer ) would you kiss a succubus demon? i am asking for a friend.
@percentstardust || spooky shenanigans
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" for a friend you say? perhaps. might depend on context. the chances would be higher if they weren't trying to kill me. but if they were, my answer would probably still be yes. "
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graunblida · 2 years
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Stormbreaker Prompts   //   Accepting @percentstardust​​ said: “ i  have  a  lot  of  enemies . ” ( nikia )
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        As if on cue, something flies through the air in their direction. Lexa manages to back up in time, and it seems the other slayer is also hyper aware of the projectile. In the wall between them, a dagger is soon wedged into the plaster. “ Hmm you don’t say. ” Lexa deadpans before reaching up to obtain the tool. Once the blade is free, she wipes any residue on her jeans and looks the weapon over. “ So should we be running? Or do I have time to admire this? ”
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graunblida · 3 years
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@prettybite​ sent: *skipping rocks on a lake with lexa* take that you fucking lake
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        lexa just...observes for several silent moments as the stone hits the water with a loud kerplunk! the noise stretches all the way to the trees on either side of the lake, and at the rate she’s going, malee is going to scare away all the wildlife in the surrounding area. “ yeah, you tell that piece of shit who’s boss. ” lexa winds up for another throw, though it’s not quite as good as some of her first, only bouncing three times before sinking.
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graunblida · 3 years
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Friends With Benefits starters   //   Accepting  @bloodiyr​ sent: “ you know, this is wonderful... and very nice. “ “ well, it's scientifically proven to be. “
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          a brow is quirked, and lexa props herself up with her elbows to get a better look at ashen. the two are lounging about rather closely, ( occasionally one’s limb is draped over the other’s ) though engaged in separate activities. “ hmm, has it? ” her book on demonology is set down open face on the mattress so she can easily resume later. “ oh to be a fly on the wall when they conducted that study. ” lexa does a quick google search, curious about how the data was collected and the sample size. “ well, science aside, what do you think? ” she’s eager to hear ashen’s thoughts and opinions on their DYNAMIC . 
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graunblida · 3 years
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Text Message Sentence Starters   //   Accepting @bloodiyr​​ sent: [ text ] You’re under arrest for being too cute.
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[ sms   »   ashen   ]   babe. [ sms   »   ashen   ]   are you drunk?  [ sms   »   ashen   ]   ...you gonna arrest me, though? 
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