#v: we are just mortal souls left to die » demigod verse.
graunblida · 10 months
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arrested development prompts // always accepting @bokketo sent: "I deceived you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship." // loki (context, what context? idk have a wild myth!verse bastard)
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Over the years, Lexa had developed a habit of taking her grandfather's words with a hefty grain of salt. The gods tended to over dramatize events and situations, and he proved to be no different. So when the old bastard warned her about his blood brother, she paid him no heed. There was quite a few many things the Allfather was wrong about, but when he was right? Lexa's shoulders rose and fell sharply with her sigh.
" Okay this one's on me. " She can practically hear Odin's ground-shaking MIRTH. She had always figured Loki was the family scapegoat, but perhaps the myths transcribed by mortals were more accurate than not. " Why did you need me? Couldn't you have gotten it yourself? " Lexa gestures to the meginjord, now in the trickster god's possession. Her uncle will be most displeased she played a hand in all of this.
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graunblida · 2 years
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EXTENSIVE SCAR RELATED PROMPTS  //   Accepting  @nofable​ said: ❝  looks worse than it was.  ❞ from mr carter kane
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          it takes a lot of self restraint not to retort with ‘ wow, i’d hate to see the other guy! ’ not that she feels carter wouldn’t appreciate the humor - after all, he seems to be at peace with whatever had happened- but rather, it was kind of low-hanging fruit, and lexa was better than that. “ i want you to know i was going to follow up with a dad joke, but decided we both have been through enough today. ” green eyes glance at the khopesh held at the other’s side. a MAGNIFICENT weapon, distinct in both shape and design. “ so what was it? did you accidentally cut yourself? ” she’s mostly teasing, but knows it is entirely a possibility. “ hey, it happens. i whacked the side of my head pretty good with the butt of my spear once. ” lexa points to a small, dark mark that remained above her cheekbone, close to her eye. 
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graunblida · 2 years
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‘tol and smol’ prompts   //   Accepting  @runaljod​ said: [ LOWER ]  for the taller muse to kneel in front of the shorter one so they’re less intimidating. 
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           a warm smile breaks her otherwise STOIC expression. she considers magni a brother-in-arms, and for as long as she can remember, they have looked out for one another. always her advocate, from the early days of her training to the present where both stand as accomplished warriors. never once has she questioned his loyalty, but the gesture is appreciated nonetheless. the commander mirrors his position, to show the respect is mutual. “ you needn’t be so formal, my friend. ” 
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graunblida · 4 years
starter for @maegtig​ !!!
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There are few places outside of the highlands where Lexa feels this FREE. the air is crisp and the way the fog settles over the land is simply breathtaking. There’s a cabin in the mountains that has belonged to her family for ages and it’s the perfect residence for whenever she wishes to temporarily remove herself from society.
She’s out for her morning run, the sun barely peaking over the horizon when she sees him. At first, the signs of another person catch her off guard, and she comes to halt in order to investigate. Her shoulders are tense initially, in case the figure in the trees is not a friendly one. Soon, she realizes the aura radiating off him is quite familiar, but it’s the long hair that’s the dead giveaway. 
“ Didn’t think I would be seeing you for a few days yet. “ She thinks this may be the first time she’s run into her cousin on Midgard, as they typically only see one another for family gatherings. “ Or are you hiding out here? “  Lexa teases, unscrewing the cap of her water bottle.
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graunblida · 4 years
lightning thief, only it’s lexa stealing gungnir because odin won’t let her have sleipnir. needless to say chaos ensues throughout the nine realms. 
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graunblida · 5 years
“ i am sitting on a throne while they’re buried in the dirt . ” ( from eris! )
@fondlyembraced | the pretty reckless starters | accepting 
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There was no disputing that the goddess had power. Her claim only accentuated this fact. Lexa was still figuring out where she fit in all of this: gods, mortals, monsters. But she did know that it was best not to underestimate the might of a celestial being, which is why she chose her words carefully. “ You have no qualms vanquishing your enemies. “ She spoke after clearing her throat. Her eyes were focused on the mist surrounding the primordial being. “ And neither do I. “ What was this? Was she offering her sword? Her loyalty?  Lexa wasn’t entirely sure, only that she knew it was better to be on Eris side than to oppose her. 
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graunblida · 4 years
lexa: i want to die morrigan: my dear, you choose others for death lexa: okay i choose me morrigan: [pinching the bridge of her nose again] nO
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