#v: apollonia's eternal ordeal ( isola radiale )
soulcrash · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​ 
Exploration is sometimes that Apollonia supposed to do if she wants to know what’s with the wards and everything Spirale offered after looking at some pamphlet that she threw away since her very first. Even if not roommates but at least living in the same place which was fairly fine with her.
Maybe heading to Cotes seemed to be reasonable why she had to go with him, regardless of what will he do there.
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“If you’re going to the second ward, hope you don’t mind me coming with you.” She only wanted to see the whole Cotes for herself, which is why she picked him as company than heading alone.
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soulcrash · 3 years
starter - @streetb1rd​ 
Knowing that she’s cornered before he arrived, the two hooligans were pummeled down by herself. She isn’t called the ‘Black Knight’ for nothing on her abilities of using her raw skills with the sword and the gun, even if they’re stripped off along with her armor. The hooligans were armed with some towel filled chloroform and knives.
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“I’m fine, if you wish to ask me. Them? They’re still breathing but disarmed.” The armed hooligans were unconscious as they’re still breathing. Apollonia doesn’t kill unless if it was necessary. She’d do the same if there is someone needing help or in Orchis’ situation.
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soulcrash · 3 years
starter - @kisorashi​ 
Apollonia doesn’t care on eavesdroppers as she’s really used to this ever since that one day she was arrested by the Enforcers from the skydom. She only sighed because her armor was taken away which was merely the only thing she’d wear even if its cumbersome for her. There was a girl that shares the similar flair from Gran but she doesn’t recognize her. Like, legit not recognized for the Black Knight’s eye and memory.
Still unfamiliar territory to her on Spirale, maybe she’d try to ask a few questions of where was she currently.
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“Excuse me, do you know what is this place?” She’s definitely not from others than Archimedes Ward but an unknown place for her. Could it be one of the main wards or she went too far away from her ward.
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soulcrash · 3 years
starter - @geometragic​ 
Wanting to head home to the Skydom, is now nigh-impossible for her to do so. Apollonia’s concern is now on how to survive the whole place by herself without Orchis, Orchid or Gran’s crew. Not even a presence of them were here, Drang and Sturm? No, they aren’t here.
Apollonia doesn’t care on those looking at her in whatever intention is. Let it be perverted or not as she’ll just hit them with a wooden sword if ever someone gets close to her. But this one is different. Was he here for company? Well she surely will find out. For starters, she’d need to know how long was he here in this place.
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“If you’re here to ask me if i’m new here, then your upcoming guess is correct.” BB gun on her left holster that she had to use a rope to tie it on her waist and on the right side is her wooden sword. It makes her looked embarrassing that she wished her father or his crew aren’t here, seeing her like this.
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soulcrash · 3 years
random starter - @gallowsbough​ 
Armorless as usual, Apollonia wasn’t expecting to see a primal beast from Lumacie around Spirale. New aside, the meeting was not expected knowing that she’s only exploring around Fibonacci. Isn’t Yggdrasil supposed to be living in forest-like areas? It finds the Black Knight, seemed strange.
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“I wasn’t expecting to see a nature-loving primal beast, which is you in an industrial-like place which is Fibonacci.” Asides from how deep her way of speaking was, Apollonia means no harm to the other. The place, she just memorized it when she got here for the very first.
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