#v: lone shinigami of the first division ( isola radiale )
hakkyoken · 2 years
starter - @shurensama​ 
The singing coming from Calliope Theater took Nanao’s interest as she’d just stay there and here them sing asides from holidays are almost not a thing to be celebrated at Soul Society than the World of Living. 
There is something familiar regarding reiatsu-related things and he seemed came from somewhere else which is ‘Hell’ in their world.
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“What do you think of their singing?” She wondered about his reaction if he likes it or not.
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hakkyoken · 2 years
starter - @phxenixrxsing​ 
It was been a long while that she evaded Unohana despite being in a common side but as she was supposed to be looking for her new home at Fibonacci, there is a certain Espada that served under Aizen was here, prior to her mental surprise.
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“Why are you here, Espada?” Her hand shows a little shaking as she holds the hilt of her family heirloom. She had never met him since the battle at Fake Karakura but here, this is a first.
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hakkyoken · 2 years
starter - @qwincy​ 
To be surrounded by snow for scavenges is something Nanao would not do but she was too late as gotta find something behind the snow underneath. She only wanted is the free gift card she can use but alas, they are very hard to capture.
Maybe this man can help as she have shown no hesitation to ask for help.
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“We can help each other catch these snow-things.” Cooperation in a hard-to-catch objectives is a must.
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hakkyoken · 2 years
starter - @hundreddemoncircle​ 
When she just got returned to this place once again, her Zanpakuto’s hilt is on her hands but it trembles her because she is afraid of close-range combat. Supposed to head to her new home, she felt like she was stalked and like, being read on like a book.
Nanao already knew she doesn’t have any Kido or Hado spells to use that not even the Shikai of Shinken Hakkyoken will save her. 
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“W-Who’s there? I-I’m not afraid to use my sword if you dare get close to me!” She drew her sword as the sheath dropped that picked immediately.
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hakkyoken · 3 years
starter - @demonxslayerxsango​  
Either the other was curious of why she wears a black hakama and robe without the lieutenant’s badge around her arm or something else. There were some people thinking that Nanao was visiting a funeral even if she’s the only one in her own world that’s still alive in Spirale. 
Lysithea was the first person on doing that and now this one.
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“I assure you, this is how i wear in my world. I’m not here for burials.” Well, she doesn’t have any clothes to wear, anyway. Shinigami things.
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hakkyoken · 3 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Nanao must have been busy nowadays that she spent her time in one of the libraries while not bothering the mist but this is the one that bothers her the most, even if she didn’t partake there. That made her curious.
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“What was going on outside since weeks ago? I was at the library, reading without noticing that i slept there for the whole time.” Badou was the first one she had seen, therefore why not ask about it.
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hakkyoken · 3 years
starter - @santcryu​ 
They meet again but which one of them was lost this time? Nanao was merely trying to do skateboarding as she was unaware of her surroundings, knowing that she only practices it as Tina did helped her out on how to make a skateboard working well.
As her two feet on a skateboard, velocity ensures and a collision just happened on two of them that her skateboard went to the other direction.
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“Y-You alright? I wasn’t looking where i was going.” She barely can stand up but might need help. “Can you help me get my skateboard, please? It was still moving when i collided with you.”
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hakkyoken · 3 years
starter - @absurdjustice​
Definitely he’s not one of those lost people from Seireitei as Nanao would wonder about him. Reading books inside Spirale’s library is something a little habit for her asides from wandering around the fields. He might be looking at her, so she looks back at him as she asked about what does he want while standing still.
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“What can i do for you? I was about to visit the library to read books just in case if you ask.” She may never read minds but she can guess what others’ intentions are and this is a succession. Nanao cared less now since he is human and she isn’t but a shinigami.
“You wish to read with me inside?” Maybe he likes to read books or something but she will never know.
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
Whatever Badou’s idea is regarding on how to deal with these things, Nanao doubted herself. Like yeah, diamond beats diamond but how do they use that idea though?
She’s merely holding a shard from those creatures that she doesn’t know what to do with it.
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“Are you sure this will work?” One were roaming around while they weren’t noticed.
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hakkyoken · 3 years
starter - @santcryu​
Somewhere at Mermaid Cove Mall. Nanao hoped this man isn’t lost or probably he was. Asides from he looked shrewd that almost resembles Ichigo Kurosaki. Only reason why she’s at the mall is to look onto stuff since this was her first visit to a mall due to her hectic and stuck-up stuff in Soul Society.
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“Are you here to do shopping as well or something?” She’d admit that she had never seen a pirate or heard one before as he is one, the shinigami doubts. Where does this guy live in Spirale anyway?
Gods, help this poor woman.
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hakkyoken · 3 years
starter - @geometragic​ ( event )
Strolling around looking for a shop that sells a pink kimono or at least that gives her something interesting while under the influence of a faulty mask that makes her act like her uncle who was a person so flamboyant but she stopped to someone in front of her.
Nanao only tapped his shoulder behind him that she was slightly unaware that he as well wearing one or not. Not like that matters anyway.
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“Pardon me, friend. Do you know where i could find a floral kimono or at least food to eat? I could treat you some steamed buns if you point me where.” It was strange indeed for Nanao to be this laid-back. Especially to strangers.
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hakkyoken · 3 years
“How do i make this thing work? This one with a board and four wheels, i mean.” A first time Nanao had held a skateboard in her whole life. All she needs is basics on how to use it.
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“Think you can give me advice on how?”
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @sakyuu​ 
Being lost in Mistwood is one of her worries because she’s completely not familiar to the landscape. Nanao was unlucky to this ever since a stranger misdirect her here. She noticed someone so, hope he wasn’t bothered.
If she can sense someone’s abilities, Dune is something she can’t mess with.
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“Excuse me. Do you know on how i get out of this place?”
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @lachasse​ 
Wandering aside, Nanao can’t help but to remind his outfit like how Quincies wear except he wears black just like her garb. Can’t help but to remember things from her world. Judging by his appearance, he seemed not an ordinary human being. 
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“The way you wear, reminds me of how Quincies from my world in terms of uniform. Except that’s white.” It is a normal day to meet and interact with random people. Rook is one of them.
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @baddestdangerboy​ 
It just wasn’t her day on how to use the phone in general. Sure it does look like it’s modernized but Nanao was on the cavemen’s era on her mindset when it comes to human-related things. Even search engines made her confused too in general.
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“Do you know how to use this ‘internet’?” Someone needed to enlighten her how to use a phone in general too, while at it.
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hakkyoken · 4 years
starter - @tsukiakaeru​
Ah, Golden. Should have stayed at Cotes but eh, doesn’t matter. She’s only interested of how the ward was built for while looking around the whole thing. The cat can’t help but to remind her of Yoruichi of her world, who also has a cat form. 
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“You remind me of one of Captain Soi Fon’s friend. Do you need something or some cat food?” Hard to know if the cat is hungry or not. Might be picky but unsure as heck for Nanao.
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