#v: season 10 verse pending
daryldix0narchived · 5 years
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@aarontwds​  || wordless prompts ||  dream – muse a comforts muse b after a nightmare
Their hearts were heavy. Bodies tired and all this chaos? Kept opening up old wounds that’d only recently scarred over. Everyone was anxious. High strung. Not sleeping. When they did, it was fitful at best. Or brought on by exhaustion and so deep, no one wanted to wake up once they finally sank below consciousness. Others? Like Daryl? They promised to keep an eye over someone else while they drifted off in hopes of doing the same. Though..that wasn’t something that looked like it was going to happen. Not with the night nearly over and the silence of four am falling over Alexandria. The last hope for any snoozing was quickly fading away.
Maybe for good measure..
Daryl could hear the scream all the way downstairs. 
Taking the steps two at a time, he rushed into the bedroom (knife from the spot he’d left it on the kitchen counter held firmly in his hand) as Aaron bolted up in bed. Wild eyes darted around the room before he figured out what was going on. (High strung. Ready for anything, remember?) The knife was sat on the nightstand in seconds. One knee on the bed before he sat, his arms were waiting for Aaron to be taken into an embrace. Which he was without a word.
“M’here,” his voice was rocky from going hours without being used. “Shhh. I’m here..” Their temples touched and he hugged him tighter. Only able to imagine what was haunting him, he had a pretty damn good idea without even askin’. Which he wouldn’t. Instead, he simply sat there and tucked his nose against the other man’s neck offering warmth and comfort without hesitation.
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daryldix0narchived · 5 years
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@lykanblood​ || angsty starters || ‘ you have to wake up.’
Daryl has no idea how he ended up toppling over right near the water’s edge. Exhaustion, maybe? He swore he could still feel the heat from the fire on his face right before it happened. The smoke scent was singed into his nose. They’d all worked their fingers to the bone to put that damn thing out and save what could’ve been lost. Heat blazed down on them, came up from the ground. Some people were already asleep. Getting some much needed rest was a priority. One that Daryl didn’t quite take to heart..
Until he was given no choice.. ..and scared the hell out of someone at the same time. 
What the hell that must have looked like. To be found like that?
The rattle against his shoulder had him scrambling to sit up. Wary, out of it gaze darted towards the sound of Kenzi’s voice telling him he had to wake up. His head felt like it was cracking open from the inside out. Shoulda taken that advice. Kenzi let out a surprised noise that jarred him the last bit awake. “Sorry. I...” Hell. He musta looked dead. Laying there away from everyone. The redness in her eyes said that had to be what went through her mind until he jerked awake. (How many times did she try to wake him up anyway?)
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“M’fine. Shoulda gone to bed fer once.. Didn’t mean to scare the hell out of ya.” He searches her gaze searches hers. A guilty, tired smile for an apology. “Which, by the looks of it, I did.”
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daryldix0narchived · 5 years
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@smokinmirrors​ || wordless prompts || ‘ i can’t keep my eyes open.’
Daryl’s not sure who the stranger was that laid dead alongside the road a few miles back. Hell. He’s barely got the name of the girl who he’s sitting next to. Only he figures that they knew one another and he musta meant something to her. She’s been quiet with bare minimum information since they settled down to camp for the night. Not that Daryl normally minded quiet. He preferred it. Everyone knew that. But with someone he’s not sure he trusts yet? (Cause that guy coulda ended up dead a whole lot of different ways.) The more she talked, the more his gut could get a feeling for her. So far? It was telling him she was alright. Shaken up. Lost, maybe. Nothing dangerous. One thing he could tell though? Was she was tired.
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“Enough questions and talkin’ for now then. You can have my bed in the tent. Ain’t much. Just a sleepin’ bag and a blanket but it’s somethin’ at least. Rest up. We’ll get outta here tomorrow. Probably best to get on the road sooner rather than later. See if we can get some miles in before dark again.” Was that an invitation for her to come along? Looks like it was. If she trusted him enough to fall asleep? That said something..
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daryldix0narchived · 5 years
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@hartsiick​  || wordless prompts ||  bed – muse a makes muse b lie down. Bitch you know Aaron's making him REST
‘I’m not taking no for an answer. You’re sleeping. No if’s and’s or but’s..’
Voice stern. Fingertips press against his chest and Daryl brings his attention up to the man standing in front of the bed and, thus, towering over him. Okay. Towering over him more than he normally does. Not that Daryl would ever admit that out loud. Only with rolls of eyes and huffs at the mere mention of it. The dark circles under his eyes have caught the attention of the biggest worry wart in his life. Round eyes implore before they narrow into serious business. He feels almost chided for resisting so bad. Watch needs to be kept. Negan needs to be found. Excuse after excuse when sleep’s the last thing on his mind.
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With all the worries going on in Aaron’s life? Why the hell did he decide Daryl’s sleeping habits (or lack thereof) should be added to the list. “Yeah, I hear ya.” His fingers curl over the top of Aaron’s forearm and he stares up at him with a crooked, guilty smile. “Got enough on yer head.” But he’s already laying back (even if he forgets to let him go for a beat, long enough that Aaron’s forced forward a couple steps) and then releases him once he’s on his elbows cause Aaron’s not moving til he’s laying down judging by that glare. “Don’t need how many hours sleep I’m gettin’ to be mixed in with what ya already got.”
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daryldix0narchived · 5 years
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@savedpeople​ || wordless prompts || shield – muse a [Negan] shields muse b [Daryl] from danger
Daryl’s been out here doing damage control for better part of the day and night now. Endlessly walking through the forest checkin’ to make sure that whatever walkers they saw being led out into the clearing have, in fact, not come callin’ considering one of theirs didn’t make it back. Lydia’s with Carol. She knows not to let her go. Won’t let anything happen to her. Where Daryl’s trust for her judgement is thin as the threadbare sheets on the bed inside the jail cell? He knows that Carol’d never do anything that’d end up in Lydia being lost. She’d protect her with her life. Cause she knows what she means. Not just to Alexandria. It’s clear to see Daryl’s taken the girl to the deepest parts of his heart where family resides.
Walking through the trees, cautious to not make the wrong step that’d end up with him crossing the line he’s two inches from, thumb stuck between his lips as he chewed on the corner of it and the other hand holding a long blade in a vice grip--he feels his hackles rise up when the stumble of feet overtop dried leaves comes up behind him. Eyes narrow and his grip twitches before he turns around and his knife’s inside the walker’s skull before mucky fingers come from damn near out of the dark and clutch onto a fistful of his hair. His scalp burns as he yanks the knife out. Another dead arm gets tangled against in the crossbow strapped on his back and the weight doubles, jerking him backwards as feet scramble to catch up on a forest floor littered with pine needles and leaves. There’s teeth right next to his face by the time he shrugs the crossbow off and drops the one caught up in it letting the other bite against the handle of his knife. More hands coming at him from the front. Where’d the hell were they two seconds ago? Like the damn shadows spat them out.
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There’s teeth right next to his face by the time he shrugs the crossbow off and drops the one caught up in it letting the other bite against the handle of his knife. More hands coming at him from the front. Where’d the hell were they two seconds ago? Like the damn shadows spat them out. One’s crawling, he can feet the pressure of teeth on his boot before there’s a sudden blur of movement and it immediately stopped, echoed by a sloshing, slick sound and a crack. Heavy breathing and he knows the sound of it and who it is. Never gonna live this down. As his wrist is splattered with the blood of the walker who falls with damn near a fistful of his hair before it let go. Another set of purposeful steps and he watches this time as two others who were feet away fall under Negan’s boots. Adrenaline’s high and he steps backward trying to get a measure of what’s going on in front of them. Nothing but fallen walkers in a heap around where they stood. He hears a question he never expected to hear in his entire life in a tone he’d never imagine (worry). 
‘Guess today’s your lucky day. So much for it bein’ mine. You okay? You get bit??’  Guess he found Negan?
“Nah. Nah, not bit. M’okay though..,” the back of his wrist wipes across his mouth and he eyes Negan from underneath streaks of messed up hair and says somethin’ he never though he’d say in his life, too. “Thanks..”
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