#v: the typical forbes montgomery
thcgoodtimegirl · 1 year
@prettytragcdies for Grayson
Rosalie strode into the lawyers office with a grimace. She didn't want to be doing this, but Captain and Archer had made it clear after the last screw up that the young adult would have to handle things on her own, mostly. Archer handed her the card of a lawyer and said that he'd owed the family favors. So, here Rosalie was, cashing in on those favors.
She stepped up to the front desk, "I'm Rosalie Forbes-Montgomery, here for a meeting with Mr. Montgomery." That was a weird twist, though her family assured her there was no relation.
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thcgoodtimegirl · 2 years
❛ somehow we fell out of touch . ❜ ( xoxo Georgia or Karen or whoever you'd rather it be from most tbh )
Rosalie glanced over at Karen and nodded, “Yeah, I guess we did.” After a rough summer on the estate, she hadn’t really been back to normal. “How was your summer?”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 5 years
@prettytragcdies​ continued from (x)
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Rosalie glanced at her near empty glass before shrugging and smiling at her friend. “I don’t even know what the problem is. I just feel empty.” All the time, she felt nothing and sometimes she wasn’t sure what she was willing to do to feel anything. “You don’t ever just feel nothing?”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 5 years
TAGGED  BY:  @prettytragcdies TAGGING: @dr-calliopetorres-ortho, @hclfgoddess, and anyone else who wants to consider themselves tagged.
[ X ]  slept in the same bed with someone of another gender [ X ]  slept in the same bed with someone of the same gender [ X ]  kissed someone of another gender [ X ]  had sex [ X ]  had someone in your room other than family [  ]  seen porn [  ]  bought porn [ x ]  tried drugs [ x ]  been drugged
[ X ]  taken painkillers [  ]  taken someone else’s prescription medicine [ X ]  lied to your parents [ X ]  lied to a friend [ X ]  snuck out of the house [  X ]  done something illegal [  X  ]  felt hurt [  X  ]  hurt someone [  ]  wished someone to die [ x ]  seen someone die
[ X ]  missed curfew [ X ]  stayed out all night [  ]  eaten a carton of ice cream by yourself [  ]  been to a therapist [ X ]  received a ticket [  ]  been to rehab [ X ]  dyed your hair [  X  ]  been in an accident [  X  ]  been to a club [  X ]  been to a bar
[ X ]  been to a wild party [ X ]  been to a Mardi Gras parade [ X ]  drank more than three alcoholic beverages in a night [ X ]  had a spring break in Florida [ X ]  sniffed anything [ X ]  wore black nail polish [  ]  wore armbands [ X ]  wore t-shirts with band names [  ]  listened to rap
[ X ]  dressed gothic [ X ]  dressed girly [ X ]  dressed punk [  ]  dressed grunge [ X ]  stole something [  X  ]  been too drunk to remember anything [  X  ]  blacked out [  X  ]  fainted [  ]  had a crush on a neighbor
[ X ]  had a crush on a friend [ X ]  been to a concert [ X ]  dry-humped someone/been dry humped [  X  ]  been called a slut [  ]  called someone a slut [  ]  installed speakers in a car [ X ]  broken a mirror [ X ]  showered at someone of another gender’s house [  ]  brushed your teeth with someone else’s toothbrush
[  ]  considered Ludacris your favorite rapper [ X ]  seen an R-rated movie [  ]  cruised the mall [  X  ]  skipped school [  ]  had surgery [ X ]  had an injury [  ]  gone to court [  ]  walked out of a restaurant without paying/tipping [  ]  caught something on fire [  X  ]  lied about your age
[ X ]  owned/rented an apartment/house (well archer rented it for the summer so she wasn’t at home) [  ]  broken the law in the police’s presence [  X  ]  made out with someone who had a GF/BF [  X  ]  got in trouble with the police [ X ]  talked to a stranger [ X ]  hugged a stranger [  X  ]  kissed a stranger [ X ]  rode in the car with a stranger [  X  ]  been harassed [  X  ]  been verbally harassed
[  ]  met face-to-face with someone you met online [ X ]  stayed online for 5+ hours straight [ X ]  talked on the phone for more than 4 hours straight   [  ]  watched TV for 5 hours straight [ X ]  been to a fair [  X  ]  been called a bad influence [  X  ]  drank and drove [  ]  prank-called someone [ X ]  laid on a couch with someone of another gender [  X  ]  cheated on a test
If you have 00-10 … write [I’m a goody-goody] If you have 11-20 … write [I’m still a goody-goody] If you have 21-30 … write [I’m average] If you have 31-40 … write [I’m a bad kid] IF YOU HAVE 41-50 … WRITE [I’M A VERY BAD INFLUENCE] If you have 51-60 … write [I’m a horrible person] If you have 61-70 … write [I should be in jail] If you have 71-80 … write [I should be dead] If you have 81-90 … write [I got a ticket to Hell]
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thcgoodtimegirl · 6 years
@satanmontgcmery continued from (x)
“There are two sides to everything, that means that it’s not just your fault.” 
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Rosalie watched her aunt for a moment, they were Forbes-Montgomery’s they didn’t talk about their feelings. She still felt like she needed to say something though.  Rosalie wasn’t close with anybody, not in her residency program, not with her family - and definitely not with her extended family either. It wasn’t like Archer was exactly forthcoming when it came to being her dad ever in her life.
“Everyone has a role that they play.”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 5 years
STUDY  : Rosalie Adelaide Forbes-Montgomery (typical forbes-montgomery and living with addison verse)
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—    basics.
▸     is    your    muse   tall   /    short   /    average
▸     are    they    okay    with    their    height ?  Yeah
▸     what’s    their    hair    like ? Rosalie has dirty blonde hair.
▸     do    they    spend    a    lot    of    time    on    their    hair     /    grooming ? Rosalie was raised with Bizzy in her ear for a lot of her life. She was taught at a young age that the image she portrayed to the world was everything. She could never be caught off her game when it came to the outfits she wears unless she wanted to face the wrath of her...Bizzy. 
▸     does   your   muse   care   about   their   appearance   /   what    others    think ?  Even if she didn’t care about what she looked like, Rosalie didn’t have a chance to decide to not care. She was taught at to always be the best and in order to be the best, she had to look the best at all times.
—    preferences.
▸    indoors    or    outdoors ?   outdoors ▸     rain    or    sunshine ?   rain ▸     forest    or    beach ?   beach ▸    precious    metals    or    gems ?   precious metals ▸     flowers    or    perfumes ?   perfumes ▸     personality    or    appearance ?   appearance ▸     being    alone    or    being    in    a    crowd ?   being alone ▸     order    or    anarchy ?   order ▸     painful    truths    or    white    lies ?   white lies ▸    science    or    magic ?   science ▸     peace    or    conflict ?   conflict ▸     night    or    day ?   night ▸     dusk    or    dawn ?   dusk ▸     warmth    or    cold ?   cold ▸     many   acquaintances    or    a    few    close    friends ?   many acquaintences ▸     reading    or    playing    a    game ?   playing a game
—    questionnaire.
▸     what    are    some    of    your    muse’s    bad    habits ? Any time that Bizzy was particularly harsh with her, Rosalie has a few things that help her feel better. The estate had easy access to alcohol and she was taught early how to mix a perfect cocktail. It’s a recipe for disaster. 
▸    has    your    muse    lost    anyone    close    to    them ?    how    has    it    affected    them ? In order to lose someone close, she’d have to allow people to become close to her. The estate wasn’t exactly the place to be forming close connections and boarding school, she learned, was all just about what she could give people to get what she needed.
▸     what    are    some    fond    memories    your    muse    has ? When she was younger, the Captain would take her sailing. She loved being on the water. She did enjoy her riding lessons and any time that Addison would let her visit.
▸     is    it    easy    for    your    muse    to    kill ? She’s had dreams a few times of smothering Bizzy with a pillow, but she’d never be able to go through with it. 
▸     what’s    it    like    when    your    muse    breaks    down ? Rosalie doesn’t have the opportunity to break down. She becomes numb and tries to drown out anything that she might be feeling. Usually that’s calling a few of her acquaintances and seeing where the party’s at so she can get drunk and do things she should probably eventually regret.
▸     is    your    muse    capable    of    trusting    someone    with    their    life ? Nope. Rosalie has been on her own with the nannies since she could remember. Bizzy’s cold way of keeping her in line, Archer’s absence, and the Captain’s infidelity makes it pretty hard for her to believe that anyone genuinely cares what happens to her.
▸     what’s    your    muse    like    when    they’re    in    love ? Rosalie doesn’t believe in love. She doesn’t think she’s capable of it and she believes she’s too broken to be worth loving. Rosalie feels like every relationship she’s ever witnessed is more like a business agreement than a mutually beneficial arrangement where someone would genuinely want to be around her.
tagging .  @hclfgoddess @dr-calliopetorres-ortho
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thcgoodtimegirl · 5 years
❝ are you still pouting? i hear pouting. ❞ (from Bizzy)
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Rosalie rolled her eyes at her grandmother. Bizzy had never been great at loving anyone much less the illegitimate kid of her precious baby boy. The teen had long since accepted that her family would never look like the family that was portrayed in sitcoms where, despite everything, love was unconditional at the end of the day; the Forbes-Montgomery household had always been conditional. 
“No, that must just be the ringing in your ears.” From hearing yourself talk. She finished the thought in her head. Rosalie was a Forbes-Montgomery, and she could give almost as good as she got.
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thcgoodtimegirl · 6 years
he offers a wry smile,  shaking his head,   “oh,  rosie.  the fact that you’re here at all puts me WELL AHEAD of you in the category of ‘life sucking’.  overall,  my life sucks a whole lot more than yours right now,”  
he’d seen her name on the list of new interns,  of course.  he’d just found himself hoping it was,  somehow,  a different rosalie forbes montgomery who just happened to be starting her internship the same year as his niece.   funny,  how that hadn’t been the case.
“congrats on graduating med school,  by the way.  sorry i couldn’t make it to the ceremony,”
he’d been a little busy.  avoiding his wife.      
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Rosalie did her best to not make it seem like his words hurt her, saying that her presence was ruining his life. “Derek Shepherd and your way with words. It’s weird how someone can go from being the closest thing to a person's kid,” because she really had been, “to making their life suck just by being there. You’re edging into Archer territory.” in more ways than one, she thought to herself
Archer was right - something Rosalie would never have thought possible, Derek definitely wasn’t good enough for a Forbes-Montgomery.
“Thanks, but you never got an invitation to the ceremony, I didn’t see the purpose of wasting a stamp. We all knew you’d be too busy with surgery to show up anyway.”
For her med school graduation, Rosalie had sent the invitation directly to Mark instead; he’d be there either way, it was just easier to cut out the middle man.
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thcgoodtimegirl · 4 years
Rosalie sat on the counter in the kitchen, finishing a bottle of wine that must have been left from earlier. It was late, everyone had been in bed by the time she got to the estate. No welcome wagon for the not-real Forbes-Montgomery. God she wanted to cut, she was supposed to be on call, which would’ve given her a better chance at cutting something, anything. Mark, Derek, and Richard had all but driven her to the airport and watch her get on the plane. 
It wasn’t like Bizzy’s death changed anything, and since she’d been taken off all services, Rosalie slid an unopened bottle into the opener and poured another glass. The estate was unnervingly still, even during the night, there had always been people moving around. Rosalie felt confused by it until she heard steps enter the kitchen. Glancing up, she sighed, “I’d offer you a glass, but I probably shouldn’t. Besides, this bottle’s mine.”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 7 years
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Rosalie strolled into her dorm room after she’d finished her early afternoon classes to see her best friend and roommate. Throwing her books on her desk, she pulled out the hidden bottle of scotch that she’d snuck onto campus. Earlier that day, she’d received a phone call from The Captain about staying out of trouble and it had rubbed her the wrong way. 
“So where are we going tonight?”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 4 years
What makes you dangerous?
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What makes you dangerous is that you are a Corrupter. Corrupter's are people who take no mercy. It is unknown how they latch onto their victims, but when they do...the victims are done for. Corrupter's take over their mindset, body, and turning into what they desire. That's if the victim is lucky. If not, the victim dies before they can process them being corrupted. Corrupter: "You can try, but you can not escape me." (As a realistic standpoint, you want to be the best person you can possibly be, but if you get angry or hurt in any way, you won't let go of it until it works in your favor. You like to be in control and knowledgeable of your surroundings.)
tagged by: @prettytragcdies​
tagging: @hclfgoddess​, @teddyaltman-cardiogoddess​, @dr-calliopetorres-ortho​
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thcgoodtimegirl · 7 years
Bizzy’s Dead
Rosalie was smack dab in the middle of her residency and working her ass off. She was slowly gaining her footing among the other residents and the attendings. Of course, she was a bit luckier than most, she had Shepherd who was her ex-uncle and Sloan who was her former...stepdad? secondary uncle? Who knew; but she had family and friends there. It didn’t hurt that she’d grown up familiar with the chief of surgery. 
She was starting to learn those connections would work against her though. Rosalie never received a phone call or a text from Archer or Addison, but somehow it made it through the hospital that Bizzy had died in Los Angeles after marrying her...well, whatever Susan had been. Mark had pulled her aside and told her to go to the estate, to be with her family, but Rosalie had ignored him. 
Barely an hour later, Rosalie was pulled into the chief’s office and told that she was going to Connecticut to be with her family, that all of her cases had already been reassigned. A plane ticket was put in her hands and Rosalie realized she wasn’t getting out of it. 
Rosalie arrived at the estate late at night after the staff usually would’ve left already. It was obvious when she walked in that the house had been shut still for while. She dropped her things off in her bedroom before entering the kitchen and helping herself to the vast collection of wine that the estate held; she would say her greetings to her family in the morning.
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thcgoodtimegirl · 5 years
@hclfgoddess​ continued from (x)
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She was tired, just as tired as any of the other interns, with the added stress of her family suddenly showing up at her place of work and telling everyone of their relations. Rosalie liked distance, keeping people at arms length was safer in her experience. Here she was though, stuck by her uncle’s mistress. “My deal?” She asked her, “What’s my deal with my uncle cheating on my aunt literally in my place of business? I can’t imagine why I would have an issue with that. Look, Meredith, it’s not my job to police Derek’s actions or lack thereof when it comes to you, him, or his wife. They are unfortunately family though. So take that as you will.”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 5 years
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FULL NAME : Rosalie Adelaide Forbes-Montgomery TITLE(S) : The Good Time Girl NICKNAME(S) : Rosie
╳   FLAWS.
moody  |  short-tempered  |  emotionally unstable  |  whiny  |  controlling  |  conceited  | possessive  |  paranoid  |  liar  |  impatient  |  cowardly  |  bitter  |  selfish  |  power-hungry  |  greedy  |  lazy  |  judgmental  |  forgetful  |  impulsive  |  spiteful  |  stubborn  |  sadistic  |  petty  |  unlucky  |  absent-minded  |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  childish  |  callous  |  clingy  |  delusional  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cynical  |  cruel  |  depressed  |  deranged  | egotistical |  envious |  insecure  |  insensitive  |  lustful  |  delinquent  |  guilt complex  | reclusive  |  reckless  |  nervous  |  oversensitive
honest  |  trustworthy  |  thoughtful  |  caring  |  brave  |  patient  |  selfless  |  ambitious  | tolerant  |  lucky |  intelligent  |  confident   | focused |  humble  |  generous  |  merciful  | observant  |  wise  |  clever |  charming  |  cheerful  |  optimistic |  decisive  |  adaptive | calm |  protective  |  proud  |  diligent |  considerate  |  compassionate  |  good sportsmanship | friendly  |  empathetic  |  passionate  | reliable |  resourceful  |  sensible  |  sincere |  witty  | funny
art  |  acting  |  astronomy  |  animals  |  archery  |  sports  |  beach combing  |  belly dancing | bird watching  |  blacksmithing  |  boating  |  calligraphy  |  camping  |  candle making  |  casino gambling  |  ceramics  |  racing  |  chess  |  music   |  cooking  |  crochet  |  weaving  |  exercise  |  swordplay |  fishing  |  gardening  |  ghost hunting  |  ice skating  |  magic |  engineering  |  building  |  inventing  |  leather-working  |  martial arts  |  meditation  |  origami  |  parkour  |  people watching  |  swimming  |  puppetry  |  pyrotechnics  |  quilting  |  reading  |  collecting  |  shopping  |  socializing  |  storytelling  |  writing  |  traveling  |  exotic dancing  |  singing
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thcgoodtimegirl · 6 years
@storiescrafted continued (x)
Rosalie glared at him, she was furious at him. “Do you realize what you’re doing? Because I do. You have a wife. Have you even thought about what Meredith Grey is going to feel like when she learns that you’re married? Even if you and Aunt Addie get a divorce and you two live happy ever after, she’s still the mistress.” Rosalie wasn’t a fan of Meredith Grey, they had their issues between them, but she also was raised to know when someone was properly at fault; it wasn’t Meredith’s fault that Derek didn’t tell her. “If you don’t care about that, do you care enough about me to realize the situation you’re putting me in? I have to lie to both of them. Every time Meredith and you have a fight and she calls you an ass? I have to pretend that that’s the reason that you’re an ass when really? There’s so much more to it. You. Have. A. Wife. And I’m done covering for you.”
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thcgoodtimegirl · 7 years
Rosalie stormed through the hallways and into the attending’s lounge; no she wasn’t an attending, but she knew that was where she would find someone who would listen to her. It was another day of being on neuro and Derek refused to let her in on a surgery, he had taken all of her interns but wouldn’t let her even scrub in. How was she meant to learn if she wasn’t even allowed to get close to a brain?
She wasn’t stupid to the past that frequently floated through the halls, she’d heard the stories of Dr. Grey and McDreamy, McSteamy, and McSatan; but Derek seemed to believe that because she was his ex-wife’s niece and shared a name, Rosalie didn’t deserve to properly learn. It was frustrating as hell. 
Flopping down onto the couch of the lounge, Rosalie screamed into a pillow before looking at her favorite attending, Arizona Robbins. “Wanna help me kill Derek Shepherd?” 
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