#v://standin on the edge face up cause you're a natural//singer au
creatorofclay · 4 years
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Elijah Kamski was a technologic child prodigy. He could weave lines of code and run programs with such ease that his peers didn't think possible. At 16, he graduated University with a masters degree in programming and ai study, as well as robotics. His future was clear, and his parents pushed him along to follow that path to fame and fortune. But, Elijah had other plans. In addition to programming, he had a deep desire to sing. Perform. It was in his blood as much as the numbers. He taught himself to play guitar, spending a bit of money to buy one, much to his parents chagrin. They didn't want him wasting his time when he'd worked to fast track his career since he could walk. Elijah just wanted to perform.
By the time he turned 18, he had traveled around the country to different cities that were well known for aspiring musicians to start up in. New York, LA, Seattle, Nashville, Austin. By the time he returned home to Detroit, he had amassed as much knowledge about music as a career and art. Playing for small crowds on street corners and in parks, attracting crowds by playing familiar songs, he found quickly how much he truly loved to perform, and how he loved to see other people happy.
His parents weren't too happy to hear about the way he had been spending his time, but they didn't say much on it as Elijah seemed determined to move forward with his plans.
He created a program that could perfectly autotune anyones voice without making it sound robotic or weird. Using his own personal AI to correct, it became an overnight sensation. Within a couple years, he created a company that made a over a hundred different voice programs, made and sold hardware for the program to use in a studio or even on the street, and created a chance for anyone to create any sort of story they wanted. Musically, through story telling and podcasts, the possibilities were endless.
L1m3 was what the program was referred to, pronounced just as Lime. Once it started to really gain traction, he built a centralized location for the AI to be housed and store whatever data it learned to help whoever used it. The data farm and factories for the tech were built on Belle Isle in Detroit, just a short drive from where he lived. Elijah hired people to maintain the servers and work maintenance on whatever they built in the little factory. His tech was used all over the country, even garnering some attention overseas.
With that success, Elijah took advantage of any free time he had to perform. Nights with his guitar on stages and in clubs, he was a local hit. He gained quick popularity thanos to his voice and natural talent. Throughout his early 20s, his career shot straight up.
But, as quickly as it went up, it went down. It wasn't long before the critics started to connect the dots between the man who created a perfect autotune and the face that his voice sounded so amazing. People caught on and started to turn on him. Even when Elijah denied the claims, it only made matters worse. Suddenly, it was either he used his own tech to feel superior himself or used it to make himself look better by comparison.
By 25, he stood backstage of his final performance. The audience turned violent when they announced his name. Furious. Elijah never stepped out to meet them, he just turned for the back door and left as quickly as he could. He never sang again in public and within the next year his company stopped production of new tech and programs. They became maintenance only, maintaining the systems for anyone who still used it. Unsurprisingly, the numbers dropped drastically.
He tucked himself away in his home where he started to descend into a deep depression he couldn't get out of. That was when he met Chloe. He'd met her a couple times before, quick friends who could get along well. Elijah was too drunk to even realize who he had been texting, but when he woke up the next day with a massive hangover and Chloe was there with such a concerned look, he knew it was bad. He didn't ask, didn't want to know. He just offered to hire her there to watch over him. Chloe agreed, jokingly giving him a ridiculous figure to pay, surprised when he agreed.
Over the next 5 years, she got Elijah to take better care of himself, to start going to therapy, and keeps him on track taking his medication. He still has days where his mental state dips, but it's nowhere near as bad as that first day. She lives with him in that house in the city.
Present day, at 31, Elijah still plays guitar or piano for himself. He will sing, quiet, when he's home. But, he won't let anyone else hear. L1m3 started to ramp up again in use as time went on as more people became aware of it again, prompting Elijah to work on it more and hire more people to manage the servers.
Some afternoons, he can be found in a park somewhere around the city, under a tree, strumming his guitar. He sets out a sigh for himself that just reads "No money, just requests." Some nights he's in bars, whoever will let him play. He doesn't drink anymore, except wine on occasion. Always afraid he could push himself too far again.
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creatorofclay · 3 years
"You know the musical is right, Elijah. Don't dream it be it. And you are it. The very thing that has made me feel so accepted here in this world of movies. That's what makes you beautiful."
Elijah looked up to her from where he sat. If there was one thing he could believe in, it was her. The first costar he worked close with and the one who has been a good friend for him. A friend... And something more. He stared for a moment, a long, curious moment, before pushing himself to stand.
" I am only as good.. As those around me. And you, Stefani... " he reached up to her, his fingers lightly at her chin, " What did I do to deserve you in my life? I am glad you feel accepted. So do I. I don't know where I would be without you here. "
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creatorofclay · 4 years
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creatorofclay · 4 years
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creatorofclay · 4 years
Tag dump 2020(improved): verses
v://there is something at work in my soul which I do not understand//past
v://the world to me was a secret which I desired to discover//CyberLife
v://what can stop the determined heart and resolved will of man?//present
v://life although it may only be an accumulation of anguish is dear to me//post game
variation://post peaceful revolution variation://post violent revolution
v://some men just like to watch the world burn//worst ending
v://and suddenly you know: it's time to start something new//alt post peaceful
v://false face must hide what the false heart doth know//android au
variation://pre-android c://android!elijah
v://that meek darkness be thy mirror and thy whole remembrance//reverse au
v://let every man be master of his time//god au
v://always hungry; never satisfied//demon au
c://half demon!elijah
v://life's only obligation after all was to be interesting//killer au
v://morality doesn't exist. only morale//alt killer au
v://you are the night and the night alone understands you//vampire au
v://outcast in the court//supernatural event
v://give me my robe put in my crown; i have immortal longing in me//alt vampire au
c://vampire!elijah c://dhampir!chloe
v://i can't espresso how much you bean to me//cafe au
v://standin on the edge face up cause you're a natural//singer au
v://fate it seems is not without a sense of irony//watch dogs au
v://when does a personality simulation become the bitter mote of a soul?//i robot au
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creatorofclay · 4 years
At a young age, Elijah had an affinity for sounds, any kind of sound. Being a young genius, he knew he could do anything he wanted with his future, even graduating from a top college with a doctorate in technology and AI studies at 16. But, what he really enjoyed most was singing.
His greatest joy was going to concerts when they were in town, to the point where he took a job working at a small stage where they had frequent concerts. With his degrees, he was trusted with all the sound and light equipment. Every night he heard all kinds of music performed and even sung back from the audience. Talking to some people after the shows gave him an idea. When they were singing, in their own minds they could hear themselves perfectly in tune with their favorite songs, but in reality they were often far from it. Elijah decided he could create something to make anyone a great singer for themselves. The idea was never something to be marketed, but the voice changers quickly became a huge success. By design, they would auto tune the users voice depending on the key of the music playing around them. They could even be used to change the pitch or tone, all in a way that sounded completely natural. You could hear someone using it and not tell the difference between the machine and the person behind it. It was adaptive to the way the one using it sang, able to always perfectly pitch anyone's singing.
At night he would perform his own songs and music at small venues, just letting out his own voice and words. During the day he would make others dreams come true by helping them to be great singers. His favorite use of his technology was a one man podcast he found on Spotify one night. The creativity was shining through, and the world seemed a bit happier.
When the company executives saw they could make a profit off of this, they started selling the rights to certain voice programs or techs to be used in shows and by celebrities. Elijah didn't want to cheat the system, or sell out, but he was left with no other alternatives. He left soon after to pursue his music career, but kept to small venues. People often accused him of auto tuning his own voice, but it was never the case. He had a natural sense for tone, and perfect pitch. The more he started to deny the claims that he was using his own technology, the more haters started to pop up to tear him down. They accused Elijah of using his voice as an excuse to make himself seem superior. They would twist his words in interviews to the point where Elijah would refuse to do spoken interviews at all anymore. He stopped speaking out in front of people and stopped singing all together. 
During his last big performance, he was booed off the stage long before he even appeared before them. He never went out. It had been a small gig, but some other rising stars had convinced him to join them. But, once he heard the curses at his own name being announced, he left out the back before anyone noticed. He stopped speaking more than he needed to and the only person he performs for now is his close friend, Chloe, who lives with him. 
Chloe was hired by Elijah when she got out of medical school to be his personal nurse. She specializes in mental health and he would take her advice long before he ever started to really decline. When he got really bad, he insisted she stay with him, claiming it would help her pay for her studies and pay off her loans. Chloe supports him when he needs her, while also working with young and troubled teens who also struggle. 
Singing voice claim is Andy Black
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creatorofclay · 5 years
Special verses / AUs
Non canon verses that are by special request only
Normal verses here
-As the god who was credited with creating the human race, Elijah spends much of his time among his creations, watching them, seeing how they live. He almost never intervenes in their lives unless there is some special circumstance. But, he is fascinated by humans and thinks coffee is the greatest thing they have ever accomplished.
The verse where everything is the same, except in his youth, Elijah made a deal with a demon of greed and is now stuck with him forever. That demon is Connor (@rob0badge).
(origin post here) Elijah built his android empire on his own sweat and the blood of others. To further his research into humans for his androids, he resorted to torturing and murdering to learn just how they function. All secret, no one ever knows about his big secret and he even wipes his androids memories periodically to keep any evidence from getting out. The Chloes, as a result, are not deviant.
MORALITY DOESN’T EXIST. ONLY MORALE // ALT KILLER (Intertwined with @creation-is-chaos and @rxseguided)  Elijah’s dark desires and dark interests intertwined with a man he met during his college days, one Corvus DeVille. They became inseparable after that, even to the present day when they share a love of violence, blood, and one spunky detective, Jesse Stern. I’LL SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WAR // ALT KILLER 2 (exclusive with @creation-is-chaos) Elijah and Corvus, once dearest friends, are now enemies on either side of a continuous war waging in the underground of Detroit. One single incident put them on opposing sides and now they stand fighting each other until one of them falls. 
( Original post here ) Young vampire on the quest for knowledge, willing to sell information for the right price. He creates machines to prove he could do better than the geniuses before him, while also working in creating life in his own way.
Alternate vampire verse 1: OUTCAST IN THE COURT // SUPERNATURAL AU EVENT Originally used for the group event, Elijah spends his time working for both the vampire king and the werewolf king to spy on each other and try and give the other an edge up in their war against each other. He lives with a little witch he befriended whos apartment serves as his escape from the war. Alternate vampire verse 2: GIVE ME MY ROBE PUT ON MY CROWN; I HAVE IMMORTAL LONGINGS IN ME // ALT VAMP Approached late in the night by a supposed Vampire King(@ruthlessnessisyourdesire), Elijah is offered the chance to live on, watch over and improve his androids, while serving the very same king who came to him. Being a vampire seemed like a good deal, plus being sired under the king was too good to pass up. 
(Private verse for @fearlessandchaotic) Elijah Kamski is a young adult working at a niche hipster cafe to keep himself above water while researching to build his machines. Working part-time, just enough money for food, he gets along well with the owner. But, one evening he meets a young woman who seems to take an interest in his machines and he can’t help falling for her.
(original post info) With a talent for sound and singing and a natural intuition to perform, Elijah takes the stage nearly every night in small venues to perform. His old company, CyberLife, took his idea for the perfect voice synthesizer and sold it to the world, taking advantage of what it can do when all the young genius wanted to do was raise people's self esteem. Voice claim - Andy Black
Crossover AUs
(Original post here) Ex-CEO of Tidis Corporation, Elijah Kamski had stepped down from the position and moved to Chicago to look after the branch there instead, though he didn’t deal as much with the business he continued to tinker with the machines to make them even more than what they were, what they could be. He created more human like androids that would be more efficient than the current security robots the company used. After the CTO of Blume was arrested, they contacted Kamski to make a contract between him, Tidis, Haum, and many other corporations that had been affected [by the events of WD2]. Kamski had a plan to use his androids and the CtOS to do even more than Dusan had ever imagined, more in control than before. 
During the late 2010′s, into the 2020′s, Elijah Kamski worked directly under Alfred Lanning, building robots and helping to make the Nesterclass robots the best they could be. He always believed there was a way to make them better, more easily integrated into society, and a part of him looked forward to the NS-5s, believing the design was closer to what it could be. But, he didn’t fully agree with the way things were run, the way it was handled, and especially when Lawrence Robertson started to take the company into a different direction, he knew he had to go. He left to create his androids his own way and founded CyberLife in Detroit. It was a struggle to start up, as it was a direct rival to US Robotics. People called him brave to go against such a massive company, but he knew his machines were superior. And, when the incident in Chicago took place in 2035, he knew it was his time. He was right, his machines were better bound to the three laws, and he was going to prove it. 
(Background post Here) Out in the Mid Rim of The Galaxy is Carsius, a small planet completely uninhabited by organic lifeforms. It is a planet largely operated and populated by droids of every make and model, run and ruled by Elijah Kamski, the most well known droid maker through the Core Planets. No one is allowed to live on or visit the planet without strict permission from the man himself. He continues to work on commission, creating droids for wheoever has the credits, as well as collecting and trading interesting trinkets, antiques, rare materials, and information. If its interesting to him, he will trade for it. Neutral territory, located just far enough off the main trade route. 
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creatorofclay · 3 years
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