#v:in between places
the-scavengergirl · 5 years
Way out There://Closed to Misunderstoodcreatures/ Ben Solo /Rey 
  One thing Rey had discovered in her time since leave Jakku was the Force was a curious thing. A thousand years worth of Sacred Jedi Text sat in her lap, and yet none of what she’d experienced since leaving Exogol could be found. He was gone, she’d seen him disappear. And yet, she could feel him. And not in the you’ll always carry him in your heart sort of way she’d been greeted with from person after person after returning to the Resistance Camp. Of course they’d been speaking to her Of Leia, but the same principles applied so she gathered .
The days seemed to run together with no real beginning and no real end, no purpose, simply being. She’d slept more than she’d anticipated at first. Her friends writing off as exhaustion due to what had taken place. It was Chewie who’d sought her out first. He understood best. “ He’s gone Chewie.” She’d told the Wookie one particularly hard night when she’d sworn she could hear him call her from a dream only to find herself alone. “ I know he’s gone, but I still feel him—and not just here.” her hand falling against her heart as if it would draw him into the room at any moment.
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It took more lonely nights before Rey decided she needed space, the happy faces and endless celebratory parties were doing nothing to lift her spirits. The opposite actually .She’d never felt so alone, and she needed off the camp before she did something stupid. She spoke to Poe first. Notorious Flyboy, she knew his impulses would make him the logical one in the situation, stating after being on the run and surrounded by other now for so long, she was burnt out. Needing solitude, and time with the texts, that she was going to finish what Luke had started, and it was partially the truth. But the bigger truth was, she needed answers for her uneasiness. Why she could still feel Ben Solo, she’d watched him disappear, after he’d given his life for her.
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