#v; Leona Snart
oficytheft · 3 years
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Main Pre-Oculus Verse:
Leonard Snart is a World Class Criminal, and takes very much pride in his skill and ability in his profession-despite the opinion that some might have of it. He started off working jobs with his Dad as a kid, and soon enough it became his primary way of gaining money. With the abuse his Father tended to deal out his main Goal as a kid was to make the money to pull his little sister Lisa out of that home, and he was finally able to do as much when she was 13 and Leonard was 25.
Main Post-Oculus Verse:
Leonard didn't die in the explosion in the Oculus, instead him being in physical contact with the machine threw him into the timeline and caused a meta gene to activate in him and morph into something it wouldn't have been if activated by a particle accelerator. This meta gene cause him the have power's similar to cisco's, however instead of being able to jump through space to other world or universe? He is able to jump through time. It's possible that the original meta powers he would have gotten will surface at some point in the future and he will have Cryokinesis, but for now his only power is jumping through time and occasionally being able to see through it when time and his memories have been changed.
For awhile he was trapped in a sort of time limbo, stuck in the temporal zone and the time stream watching his own life and the lives of people he loved playing out-until he was able to latch on to something thing to be able to pull himself out. That thing was his partner Mick Rory. He ends up back on the ship, meeting the current team and staying aboard. He only remembers snipets of things he saw in the time stream that weren't things he'd lived through himself, but his uncanny ability to count time in his head is better than ever.
Leona Snart:
Leona Snart is the Elder daughter of Lewis Snart, and the protective elder sister of Lisa Snart. She practically raised her sister and would do anything to protect her and keep her safe, and couldn't stand the idea of either Lisa or her partner in crime Mick Rory permanently not being in her life any more.
Icy Mother:
Leona Snart never really planned for Motherhood, but then one day she found out she was pregnant with her Partner Mick Rory's child. She never got a chance to tell him; she decided to 'one more heist and then I will' and then Mick was caught up in the fire and she couldn't get him to leave. She left and she stayed away, after what had happened she tried to keep her distance from him-admittedly not for the first time in their long and complicated partnership. It wasn't until she went to find him again and give him the Heat Gun and ask for help with The Flash that she told him, bringing him to meet their daughter who Lisa was watching.
Earth Three Verse:
Leonard Snart is the elder brother of Central City’s mayor Lisa Snart, the two were raised by their Grandfather when their Father’s custody was revoked when his abuse came to light. When their Grandfather died when Len was 25 and Lisa was 13 him and his partner Mick Rory took her in, Leonard currently holds a minor engineering position at Star Lab’s and spends his night’s fighting crime as his alter ego Citizen Cold–though usually he goes simply by Cold. He is a meta human with the ability of cryokinesis, which he think’s is due to the dry ice he was transporting when the Particle Accelerator went off.
Criminal Husbands:
Leonard Snart and Mick Rory have been married for about 5 years and had an on again off again thing going on for a little over 25 years now. When Lisa was taken away from their Father by Leonard? Mick played a big part in the girl's younger life, being her primary guardian along side Leonard from her 13th year on.
Criminally Domestic: with @unpaidpiper
Leonard Snart couldn’t say he was entirely shocked at the uselessness of the Central City Police when he heard rumors that a kid had been seen in less than savory parts of town sleeping on the streets and dumpster diving for food, but when he went to look into it himself and would a kid that couldn’t have been more than 4 or 5 years old? He was entirely disgusted by their utter ineptitude. With the offer of a meal and a bed he was able to convince the kid to come with him, learning that his name was Nathaniel on the way back to the Rouge House. When he got back he got him some food and told him to stay in the kitchen well he went to go talk to Lisa and Mick.
He told them the rumors he’d heard and that when he’d gone looking he’d found Nathaniel, after he was done explaining he shoved a wad of cash at Lisa from one of his stashes and told her to go get some cloths and whatever else she thought they might need. He made the kid go clean up after that, giving him an old T-Shirt and telling him to call for help if he needed it and waited outside the bathroom for him to be done. By the time Lisa came back with a literal truck load of stuff half way through the night Nathaniel was asleep in Leonard’s bed and he resigned himself to the fact that he would just have to endure sleeping with a literal space heater for the night.
Though not exactly official because doing so would be near impossible with their records, from then on him and Mick have been his adoptive parents, and they don't take to kindly if anyone make's negative comments on them being parents. When Rip comes they initially refuse him, eventually agreeing to it when he say’s that he would allow to bring their kid who at this point had gained the nickname Nettie with them as well.
Missing Piece:
Everything has turned out the same, save for the fact that Leonard didn't get his hand back because the technology doesn't exist on the Waverider. He is dealing with the loss of his hand much worse than he let's on to people, not wanting to let Mick know how much it affect's him well also thinking of it as a punishment for what he caused Mick to go through. He had relied on his hand so much throughout his life for thieving and handling his weapon though that there are times when he's alone that he'll get angry and throw something that isn't quite working with his left hand.
He did ask Ray to modify his gun and holster however, making it able to shoot from his left hand easier as well as easier to get in and out of the holster that is now kept on his left leg. He is practicing his use of it with his less dominant hand, but it's going at a much more frustratingly slow pace than he'd prefer. He refuses to be a liability to anyone though, and so he refuses when the offer to go back to 2016 is give and continues training himself to get by with only his left hand.
Fire & Ice:
Inspired by robininthelabyrinth’s AUs
Len's the muscle and Mick is the brain's, throw in Len having Ice Meta Power's and a temper problem; especially when it comes to people insulting his partner? There's sure to be at least a bit of fun.
No Place Like Home
Inspired by robininthelabyrinth’s AU
Leonard is Jax's cousin, removed a couple of times but still has grown up around the family since his Mother and Grandma Louise are two of the only ones who didn't abandon them when their Mother refused to leave Lewis and then later died. They took care of Lisa well he was in juvie, even sending her away to skating camp for the summer well he was in Juvie despite not really having the extra money because they knew what home life was like even with Len there with her.
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oficytheft · 3 years
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oficytheft · 3 years
|| CLOSED || Leona & Leonard ||
Leona had been in an altercation on her own earth with someone with powers, she’d just barely missed when she had tried to freeze the man’s hands due to him using his vibrational powers to change the cores of her guns freeze ray. When she ended up in this world she had come up with a plan; she’d been to a couple of other earths in the multiverse before and she knew that whatever earth she ended up on their tended to be a version of her somewhere, even if she hadn’t met them.
Other trips she had taken had been intentional with a reason and a way back, she’d gotten there done her job and headed back home. And so she had found an asshole to fight and let the rumors of her Cold Gun spread and was waiting at Saints and Sinners, she figured if there was some version of her on this earth? When the whispers that someone had a gun like theirs reached them they would come looking. Apparently she was right, though she couldn’t say she expected to see a man walking towards her.. 
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She slid her gun off the table and into her holster the second she noticed the man who had his own version of the weapon strapped to his leg walking towards her. “Rather than watching me for 20 minutes, would have saved us both a whole lotta time if you had just come right over.”
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oficytheft · 3 years
|| O P E N ||
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“I am not the only one at fault here! We both made choices that led us to this situation!”
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oficytheft · 3 years
|| O P E N ||
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“I don’t really respond well to annoyances.”
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oficytheft · 3 years
|| O P E N ||
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“Right, because that sounds like the best plan.”
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oficytheft · 3 years
|| CLOSED || Leona & Lisa ||
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“If you try and tell me I need to get ahold of Mick one more time Lisa? I am going to lose my shit.”
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oficytheft · 8 years
[text] When I came home you were using a glowstick to eat peanut butter from the jar. - thenewtrickstcr
[TEXT: Small Trickster] Wow, you can see.[TEXT: Small Trickster] The dishwasher wasn’t done and there was no clean silverware.
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oficytheft · 8 years
❝I am not drunk. I am upset…and drunk.❞
“What other way to be drunk is there.”
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oficytheft · 8 years
|| C L O S E D ||
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“What’s with the look, Sara?”
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