2cool4heartbreak · 7 years
- thursday november 16, 2017 -
so last time i checked in gaelen and ellen were on their way to cuse. heres a lil recap:
friday nov 10th:
they arrived kinda late around 5 or 6 pm. We hung around for a little, chatting and stuff and decided it was a good idea to go to the liquor store. ellen drove us to the liquor store and we entered the store and were offered a free shot of tequila. We bought that tequila they gave us a shot of even though it was ASS and headed back towards my dorm room. we out music on a began getting for the night. the plan was bar, then afters at some frat party. We realized gaelen didn't have a second form of ID to get into the bar we thought the best thing to forge would be a social security card, lol. spent sometime photoshopping that and then headed to sami’s to pre game. while at sami’s max snapchatted me, saying his frat was open and lit. we decided to head there ASAP and would not need the ID’s or the social security card lol. headed to the party and danced for about 40 minutes until they shut it down. claimed they had been partying for like 5 hours... sad i didn't get the invite earlier lol. so we headed to where Mia and Violet were. when we got there i slipped on black ice but got right back up and paid five dollars to get into this average ass party. while in there we found violet and mia we all danced and were hunted by boys. sami ellen and i gave this guy these huge ass hickies on his neck, and i peed in the attic twice. i found ellen and sami outside and they were giggling life away and it was v cute. we decided to peace and head to my dorm. we all got into our PJ’s. Ellen had weed so she suggested we smoke. we didn't have anything but a one hitter to some but somehow in under a minute ellen found a toilet paper holder to smoke out of.. lol typical. So were smoking and stuff and we get a knock on the door. its DPS and my RA. in the 30 seconds it took me to open the door the girls had all scattered all to different beds. Josh said he smelled marijuana coming from this room. i said it wasn't us and he asked why the window was open. i said it was because of all the girls in there it got hot. he said he was sorry to bother and left. we all sat there shocked we just got away with that. 
sat nov 11th:
this was a day FULL of shit shows. lynzzee came in in the morning and saw gaelen using her blanket and also smelled the room. we all pretended to be asleep. we got ready for tailgate and hit up the liquor store. then went and had breakfast up on the mount and headed to semi’s to start pregaming for game day. we pre-gammed a long long time and headed to ZBT when we got there it didn't last longer than 30 minutes and we go kicked out bc it was over. so we headed to sig chi. heart eyes. it was my first time there but it was worth the wait. the guys are sexy and the layout of the house is wonderful. feels very movie like. nick o’conner and i ran into one another and talked it up for such a long time. party began to whine down and sami and ellen had found boys. so gaelen convinced me to leave with her and marty’s friends... lame idea they weren't fun. one girl talked about wanting to get her nose pierced the whole time and didn't end up doing it bc she lame af. so finally my drunk jealous self met up with sami and ellen and their boys.. i was all pissy bc they had boys and i had to hang out with marty and gaelen and no boy. so when we met up at ernie davis i rannn in. sami have to guest swipe me in. ellen walked in and we got in a 3 second fight and got over it. it probably helped that i ate tbh. so we took an uber with these boys to their hotel room. when we got there all was fun and games until gaelen started hooking up with ellens boy in front of all of us. this kid had acid so they cut us up small little pieces and we all took it. besides gaelen and the boy she was with. who btw had an eyebrow piercing. we took the acid chilled outside for awhile and decided we need weed. so we all get in this taxi headed to another hotel and gaelen and eyebrow guy join us and ellen starts running away and making this big ass deal. we finally all got into the car and galen was so drunk and had 0 common sense and ellen kept chirping. we finally got to the hotel and shit started to go down. when the guy ellen was suppose to be with asked for his jacket back she threw it on the floor in the opposite way he was standing and stormed off. ellen and talent started fighting and gaelen is bawlin gg her eyes out telling ellen she had no idea and that she doesnt know what she did wrong. we get our attention called by the hotel staff to keep it down and i decide we need to leave. bc we had been in that hotel for about an hour and no way those guys were still looking for weed they high key ditched us. we get to the mount and my acid starts to kick in. it makes me get hella laughing gas, and gaelen won't stop crying. we get up to sami’s room and the shit won't stop. ellen is being insane and won't just swollow her pride and gaelen  wont stop crying and calling people to tell them.this goes on for 3 hours i finally tell ellen she's acting like carly and it triggers her. she runs away and goes missing for ten minutes finally and calls me bawling. when i meet her outside she gets very dark. says she really thinks carly fucked her up, says she never wants to talk about parental issue, how shes scared for me bc of carly, how she read a journal entry about how carly is in love with christian. poor sami was in the car with drunk ass gaelen who kept calling her ellen. so i had to end ellens episode and go to the car. so i drove us back to my dorm after a good 4 hours of fighting. we got into my room and ellen and gaelen kept fighting and nikki came in and asked us to please keep it down. so i told ellen we were going into the car to smoke and gaelen would end up falling asleep. smoked in ellens car and got deep again. i apologized to even about interupting and she told me i didnt need to apologize for doing that bc thats something carly gets mad at it made me cry. because she's so right. the only reason i ever interupt is because i am so engaged in convo i get excited and think of something i need to tell also. we went to bed and that was the end of that insane day. 
sunday nov 12th:
so ellen and gaelen left and i went back to my room, cleaned the monstrosity up and laid down to take a nap. i was woken up by lynzzee coming into the room and slamming things open and close and organizing things. after about 20 minutes she had not closed the door so i asked her if she could close the door. she proceeded to say, “no. i need to air out the disgusting smell you left in here” in the bitchest tone ever. so i just turned around. another 20 minutes go by and she starts playing her tv show out loud. which she stated was against the rules. so i stood up and decided i would make peace. so i took 1.50 in quarters and handed it to her and apologized for dumbass problematic gaelen using her blanket. she gave me the quarters back and told me to keep them because i was moving out anyways. so i told her she needed to put headphones in because that was one of the “rules” she implemented. she told me she wouldn't and that i needed to shower. she started to get SO hostile and i told her i was closing the door. and she kept opening it. she began calling me a slut and trans and told me i needed to shower and that the room smelt disgusting and that smell and that i am insane. she just kept repeating this. so i told her i was gonna go get our RA. i knocked on his door but he wasn't there. so i came back in and told her when he returned he would quickly come into her. she goes yeah let him come in here and small the marijuana cocian room of a mess you left. i just laughed at her. so i wanted to get under her skin and break one of the rules too. so i started face timing ellen. and i turned the camera to face her and told ellen to listen to how crazy she is. she proceeded to call me a slut and trashy bitch before leaving the room and not to return for 5 nights. she emailed our RA saying i was sarcastically talking about her over ft which is not true. i was just saying exactly what she had done and i was laughing about it because she is crazy lol. it was all hysterical i did not break once. she told me i was moving out and i was like, you can't kick me out. this is my room also if you don't want me in here you'll have to leave because i am staying. and she did :P haven't seen her in 5 days and now I'm on the way HOME!!!!!! 10 days home <3 and I'm sure some shits gonna go down so ill be back here to chat. 
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dangantruth-a-blog · 6 years
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Since I’m inspired.
Here’s all my pregame verses for my V3 muses.
Take a look if you’re interested.
Himiko Yumeno / Hamako Yukimoto:
Hamako Yukimoto is a energetic, lively, and .. bossy girl who enjoys watching Dangan Ronpa in her spare time with her elder siblings. She partially enjoyed the main characters and how they never lost hope, but she always particularly hated characters that were used for comedy relief. She was the type in her class to bully overs, and why she wanted in this game was to begin to kill others, remarking how boring it was to be just all about hope.
Hamako attends the same school as Ayah and Maichi.
Maki Harukawa / Maichi Hamanaka:
Maichi Hamanaka was interested in Dangan Ronpa at first, but with how protective her parents were, she never got into it. One of her closest friends was eagerly watching the show, so she heard from him how wonderful and amazing it was, and became sort of aware of it. When he volunteered to be in the 52 games,
Maichi began to watch. With her gentle soul, she began to realize the game was way darker then she anticipated. She even grew to hate the game after her friend was killed off.. So she joined, to decide to change the game in her own way.
She’d win it without taking a life.
Maichi attends the same school as Ayah and Hamako
Tsumugi Shirogane / Tsuyoshi Shimamoto:
Tsuyoshi Shimamoto loved Dangan Ronpa, it was very near and dear to her heart while she grew up and dealt with High school shenanigans. Not quite fitting in at her high school, she used it as a escape and began to think of each and every character as real, and her friends. If a game came out, she was one of the first people there to try and buy it. She’d finish each and every game to a 100 percent, and even make sure to blog about her favorite characters, and share fanart. With her appreciation of the characters, became the need to cosplay them– So she began her journey of cosplaying, creating a independent Instagram where she showed her progress, showed her photos, and just began to grow more obsessed with the series. Her first killing game was actually the 51st series, where after she survived, Team Dangan Ronpa approached her and asked for a internship and attempt to mastermind the 52nd game– She accepted, and began masterminding her first killing game with Rantaro as one of the players. She rejected her old life, her old name, for the new title …
Tsumugi Shirogane.
Miu Iruma / Mitsuko Inoue:
Mitsuko Inoue is actually a very shy, inverted individual. . Seemingly bullied all the time, she took solace in one friend, Tsuyoshi, who showed her the amazing game, Dangan Ronpa. Falling in love with the characters, she admit she enjoyed it, but wondered how everything worked behind it, how ideas were born for the sake of hope versus despair– She was caught in the mechanics of it. She applied for the 53rd game, after realizing what happened to her friend Tsuyoshi, and how successful she became.
Kirumi Tojo / Katsumi Tsuji.
Katsumi Tsuji is actually a very selfish, unforgiving woman. Seemingly set on high status and working on her future en-devours at political life, she decided to try and make a name out of herself and gain fame and glory by winning the 53rd Dangan Ronpa game. Remarking how she’ll take down anyone in her way, for the betterment of herself let her in the games as the Ultimate Maid.
She did attend the same school Tsuyoshi and Mitsuko attended. They never quite got along though.
Kaede Akamatsu / Kotone Akaboshi
Kotone Akaboshi entered the 53rd Dangan Ronpa games on her own volition– Tired of her day to day life by helping her twin sister and father make enough money to pay rent, and going to school on a day to day basis, she wanted to do something, and be different. Seemingly spending some of the cash she makes on Dangan Ronpa merch, she fell in love with the games and characters as well.. And wanted to be apart of it. So, without her father knowing, nor her twin sister, she applied for the 53rd Dangan Ronpa games to win, remarking how she never believed in anyone, or anything in the first place.
After all, they always failed her before.
Kotone does not attend the school Tsuyoshi, MItsuko, Katsumi attended.
Gonta Gokuhara / Goro Gorumba.
V.1  Goro Gorumba was a fan since the beginning of the game– Seemingly loving most, if not all the characters, he was fascinated by how the court cases went. Remarking how they followed laws, and gave up on politeness in such a case, he grew more fascinated by how logic was thrown to the side and it was lead by emotions. Though, don’t let Goro fool you– He’s actually a tempermental arse himself, seemingly treating others like shit for his own entertainment, but he’s also smart, and amazing when he begins to think about how murders go down– he actually called out who would be a victim for one whole season without any hints, just by the character look, and how they acted!
Goro does not attend the Highschool Tsuyoshi, Mitsuko, and Katsumi attended. 
Angie Yonaga / Ayah Yonaga.
Ayah Yonaga was a student at All Kinds Of Stuff Highschool, that once dreamed of being apart of Dangan Ronpa– She idolized the show, enough that it became a day to day factor in her life. Any stream? Anything relevant to it? She read up, and tried to snag in her hands.
Her parents were protective, concerned, that it was taking up her day to day life, and had no time to practice Buddism like she was taught at home. Her obsession with the show seemed to.. Well, become her religious aspect. She aspired the characters, wanting to be just like them. When her family banned the game from her household, forcing her to focus more on her studies here and there, she finally admitted her biggest truth to her parents.
Ayah never believed in anything– Nihilistic as ever, she admitted that she never believed in a higher power, in a ‘happy ending’ heaven? Nothing. Ayah only believed she had one chance to live in this world before she was rotting away as a corpse. Disturbed, her parents began to monitor what she did at home– Always watching her study, having parental locks, and began to control almost any aspect of her life that they could.
So, the only way she was able to ever get involved with Dangan Ronpa was at school. She joined a club, lying that it was art and made really close friends who told her to audition one day. Covering for her, she audtioned to be apart of the show, and was able to join up.
Her favorite simply was the Musical characters– Ibuki, Sayaka, Leon, and she hoped that maybe someday, for Fan-artists, or simply artists to be apart of this killing game
Ayah attends the same school as Hamako and Maichi.
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