#v;the jensaarai bounty hunter
gatecoeur · 3 years
{ @agentjjkelly }{ cont’d from here }
She paused and ran a hand through her hair without thinking-hoping the bounty hunter didn't take it as an aggressive move. "Two thousand credits? Are you sure?" The woman's pale dress fluttered in the breeze and she crossed her arms in frustration. She had no intention of running, as she was unarmed and this....bounty hunter was armed to the teeth.
"What if I paid you the price on my head?" She didn't think this tactic would do more than buy her some time until the next hunter came after her, but by then she could at least get back to the senator's chambers and put out some feelers as to why she was being targeted.
The ex-Jensaarai was calm, for the most part - this doctor was obviously smart enough not to try and run away from her, especially when she had nothing to defend herself with. And even if she did try, Arrie had more than enough tools to rein her back in. Though it was impossible to see it from behind her helmet, Arrie did raise her eyebrow a bit at the bribe.
“Okay, well,” the bounty hunter started. “You clearly don’t have the means of getting me said credits right now, and I’m the kinda bounty hunter that does cash only. Which means we’d have to travel to wherever it is that you keep your credits, which by your reputation, I’m guessing is Coruscant.”
“I don’t like stepping outside of the Outer Rim, because even if you were to promise me that no harm would come for me, there’s PLENTY of other folks who’d beg to differ, including the Jedi. I’m not trying to get arrested, or worse. You’re going to have to do better than that to make it worth my while.”
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gatecoeur · 3 years
{ @stormscbrewing​​ }{ smacked that ❤️️ for a starter from arrie’s star wars au }
Ahh, Socorro. For all of its rough edges and even rougher citizens, Arrie had enough friends here that she basically considered the place her second homeplanet. She was just done another bounty, and enjoying herself a drink of  raava over at the Black Dust Tavern when someone suddenly sat down on the other side of her booth. Her hand immediately went over to cover her helmet with her cloak before she gave the stranger a quizzical look.
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“Can I... Help you?” she asked in Galactic Basic. 
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gatecoeur · 3 years
{ @brokenxarmor }{ gets a random starter because din needs to meet jensaarai / bounty hunter arrie goddammit }
No one was supposed to be out here. Not in her little corner of the Jundland Wastes of Tatooine anyways - Arrie had made sure of it before she decided to do some lightsaber exercises. Or so she thought anyways. She wouldn’t have minded if it was one of the Tusken Raiders or the Jawas. They were natives to this planet, and she wasn’t too concerned about them talking about her to anyone else. Last time she checked though, neither rode on speeders. 
Hiding her weapon away and quickly running over to where she had placed her cloak and helmet, the Jensaarai scrambled to slip both on as she heard the wiring of the speeder’s engine get closer. She dove behind the cover of a large formation of rocks, masking her presence in the Force just to be double sure she wouldn’t be found. 
Who was this approaching stranger? An Inquisitor? Or just some passer-by? Sure, they’d see her own speeder, but hopefully they’d move on, as soon as they saw that she wasn’t around. 
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gatecoeur · 3 years
me: we already have a star wars au that we really really like me @ me: yeah, but what if we had another one for clone wars era? me: ... we only want that cuz we’re clone simps me @ me: ur goddamn fuckin right we are
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gatecoeur · 3 years
{ @brokenxarmor }{ cont’d from here }
Din looked over at Arrie, he looked her over for a second and debated on what to say. He didn't have his helmet on and even though it wasn't the first time someone has seen his face, he was still getting used to it and how vulnerable it made him. Din glanced at the ground and shrugged. "It's okay..." He huffed and groaned as he started to take off his shoulder plates. Din could feel that his whole body was sore and bruised from the fight, but he thought it was worth it since it meant Grogu and Arrie were safe and he got enough credits to spilt with Arrie and buy more supplies and fuel.
It was strange, seeing Din’s face. Arrie had gotten so used to seeing the shiny beskar helmet on a daily basis that it was almost a logical leap to remember that there had always been a man hidden underneath it. Even hearing his voice outside of the helmet was strange.
Either way, the ex-Jensaarai understood how much trust had been placed in her, for him to be comfortable with her seeing his face. Arguably there was even more trust than she could imagine, as her steely eyes watched him peel off his armor. Regardless, it was a trust she was incredibly conscious of to not break. 
“Let me help you,” Arrie offered, standing up but not yet making a move towards Din. “I know how hard it is, taking those things off when you’re sore.”
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gatecoeur · 3 years
okay so i know the Star Wars universe has like... official lore that spans over thousands and thousands of years, but i kinda wanna write up her story in a way that can kinda make her jump timelines because when in the fuck have i EVER obeyed the laws of time? Kinda hard to do, I know, but Arrie’s eternally 25 years old wdym? (okay maybe i’ll have her within the age range of mid 20′s to early 30′s depending BUT STILL)
REGARDLESS, here’s what I’m debating on story wise:
definitely from a lush green forested planet
Arrie is a big fangirl of Mandalorian culture because I said so
IF I decide to make her an ex-Jedi (either OG Jedi Order or the New Jedi Order, whichever one tbh), her and her brothers were found to be Force sensitive at young ages and hence just scooped up by the Jedi to undergo training
parents get killed by Empire/First Order (again, whichever one tbh), Erik goes missing presumably to grieve at first, Andre goes off to join the Rebellion, JP stays with the Jedi, Arrie becomes disillusioned with the Jedi Creed and leaves to go live her life as a bounty hunter
ALTERNATIVELY, instead of the Jedi, I could make Arrie a member of the Jensaarai, who’re Grey Jedi force users who used to h8 the Jedi but then they made up with the New Jedi Order and even sent their own to train with Luke
Backstory would still be pretty similar tbh, tho idk if she’d necessarily be upsetti with the Jensaarai 
all Gatecoeur kids are incredibly powerful Force users, each with their own strengths. in comparison to each other in terms of most to least proficient in using the Force, it goes JP, Erik, Arrie and Andre
things i still need to figure out:
how Arrie shapeshifts in regards Star Wars lore. i’m currently flipping between letting her have Force-based metamorphosis powers (in which case would make her insanely powerful, since the ability’s allegedly hella rare) or making her a victim of gene splicing, which would change her backstory quite a bit BUT THE ANGST WOULD BE DELICIOUS
Arrie’s fighting style, cuz I know there’s actually canon fighting styles, and i know it takes forever to master more than one (like... Mace is canonically the only Jedi that ever mastered all 7 Jedi fighting forms, right?) i could be wrong but stiiiiiill
Arrie’s saber colour and hilt style - hilt would DEFINITELY depend on what fighting styles i end up picking for her
Arrie’s ship. Cuz she’s definitely gonna need one as a bounty hunter. not sure if i’ll go with one of the MANY canon ship designs or if i’ll pick something else that could reasonably fit in the Star Wars universe
but yeah if anyone knows this kinda stuff and wants to brainstorm with me hmu!
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gatecoeur · 3 years
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              BOUNTY HUNTER SCUM
                                                                      Arrie Gâtecœur of Ealor
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gatecoeur · 3 years
{ @thxwxlf​​ }{ smacked that ❤️️ for a starter from arrie’s star wars au }
It wasn’t often that the Mantis Syndicate reached out to Arrie, seeing as she worked as a solo bounty hunter, but when Lady Marina Mantis asks for you specifically, you hauled your ass back to Santarine as soon as you could. The question as to why seemingly pointed to one or two things, but as soon as Arrie made it back to the Syndicate’s offices, she found that she wasn’t the only one that was called in.
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“You got any idea what the hell’s going on?” Arrie asked Kekipi.
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gatecoeur · 3 years
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tagged as: v;the jensaarai bounty hunter
Arrie Gâtecœur of Ealor was more or less born into The Imperial Era - she doesn’t really remember a galaxy before the First Galactic Empire. She doesn’t remember a galaxy before Order 66 was executed. In fact, Arrie had come to believe the Jedi had been nothing but mythical warriors of an era long gone, despite the fact that her birth occurred just before the First Battle of Geonosis.
Things were relatively peaceful on the Gâtecœur family's corner of the temperate planet. Learning how to hunt, track, and live off the land at an early age, Arrie and her family made what they could trading with local farmers. That all changed when a group of pirate slavers suddenly attacked them, their neighbours and their homes. They had heard of these horrific raids, but never had they thought that the pirates would seek them out - they were simple folks. Why would pirates want anything from them?
Arrie got separated from her family, and was thus captured at the young age of 12. She was sold off to a research facility in the Parmic system, where the scientists there began experimenting on her and other young captives, trying to splice their genes with shi'ido DNA in hopes that the survivors of the experiments would go on to become the perfect assassins for the Empire, able to blend in to any environment they're thrown at. However, most didn't survive the initial splicing... Except for Arrie, that is. The experiments left her horribly scarred and in insane amounts of pain, but she soon had shapeshifting abilities that were much like the shi'idos - though her human body imposed limitations - along with their telepathic abilities. Unbeknownst to her at the time, the only reason she survived was because she was Force-sensitive.
Time was hard to keep track of on the facility, but one day, a group of captured members of the Black Bha'lir came to the facility. Some were much older than the previous captives, but allegedly the scientists wanted to test some theories and needed older subjects. This move on the Empire's part proved to be the downfall of the research project, as the Black Bha'lir successfully sent in a rescue team, killed the researchers and took Arrie along with them, fleeing to the criminal haven of Socorro and laying low for a while. The Black Bha'lir treated Arrie as one of their own, and after she explained her story to them, agreed to help her return home.
When Arrie did return to Ealor, she found a Jensaarai defender waiting for her in the ruins of her family home. Arrie was devastated to learn that her parents had died protecting her siblings, and that if the Jensaarai hadn't arrived when they did to fend off the remaining pirates, her brothers would have either shared their fate or hers. Arrie's Black Bha'lir escort however did not trust the Jensaarai defender, believing the group to have been executed long ago by the Jedi during the tail end of the Clone Wars. The Jensaarai went on to explain how Arrie managed to survive the gene splicing she experienced, despite it being impossible for them to have known such things. Arrie demanded to be brought to see her brothers as proof that the Jensaarai was being truthful, and the trio embarked on a trip to Susevfi. There, Arrie learned that she wasn't the only member of her family who was Force-sensitive, and said goodbye to her Black Bha'lir friend, who promised her that she always had a place amongst them.
From there, Arrie began her years training with the Jensaarai, whom were forced to stay hidden thanks to Jedi hunters and Inquisitors. She learned how to make Jensaarai armor "...using Sith techniques for working cortosis". Her Force training included "... being able to effectively mask (her) presence in the Force", as well as "... a unique power they called ballistakinesis". In 1 ABY, Arrie completed her training, and built her Nexu-inspired armor as a rite of passage in earning her rank as a Ring Defender. As a Ring Defender, she was also given her ship - an old and worn T-6 Shuttle she named Cloudfall. From then until the Battle of Endor, Arrie was amongst the Jensaarai that conducted periodic raids and ambushes on nearby Imperial garrisons.
Arrie and her brothers' lives would once again drastically change after the Battle of Endor though. A group of pirates known as The Invids sent out a message to the Jensaarai, stating that they were free from the Empire's oppression and persecution. Furious with the Jensaarai's decision to trust a bunch of pirates, after all they had been through, the 3 eldest Gâtecœurs left Susevfi in 4 ABY and went their separate ways, all of them hoping to find someone to help them make the Jensaarai see the error of their ways. Arrie decidedly enlisted herself to join the Mantis Syndicate - a house of the Bounty Hunter's Guild well-known for their specialty in hunting pirates.
The year is now 9 ABY. Arrie is trying to build up enough money and reputation as a bounty hunter to hire some people to go and rid Susevfi of its Invids pirate occupation. Despite the fact that the Jensaarai "...were told that the Jedi were dark siders, and that the Sith were champions of the light", and even had the roles of Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi mixed up, Arrie has long ago learned that those teachings were wrong, and has thus become even more disillusioned with the Jensaarai since her self-exile. Despite still wearing her Jensaarai armor and wielding her lightsaber weapons still, Arrie will vehemently call herself an ex-member, and will be even more offended at being called a Jedi, despite having learned the truth about them.
Key details about this verse:
Arrie is a polyglot. She's fluent in Galactic Basic Standard, Caamasi, Rodese, Socorran, Ealoran, Mando’a and Bocce. She can also speak in broken Huttese and Tusken. If asked what was the easiest to learn, Arrie would say Caamasi - she had been the apprentice of a Caamasi, and they had formed a strong enough bond to where Arrie was able to learn the language through memnis.
Arrie’s main fighting style is a Tràkata / Sokan / Form VI: Niman hybrid, with a pinch of Dun Möch. She prefers using lightsaber pike combat, but is also trained in Jar'Kai and saber throwing.
On top of the Force powers taught by the Jensaarai, Arrie is naturally gifted at animal bonding. Other Force abilites she has includes Force barrier, Force listening (used to hear at great distances only), Force throwing, precognition, psychometry (one of her weaker abilities though - doesn’t often happen through her own will, and if it does, it takes A LOT out of her), Tapas, Force fear, and Force crush 
Arrie owns a double-bladed lightsaber pike, with one lightsaber end NOTABLY shorter than the other - think of the other end as more of a spiked pommel. The handle is made of phrik and measures 5 feet long. When both blades are activated, Arrie’s weapon is taller than her by a few inches. Despite that, she’ll often use it without the sabers being activated to hide the fact that she's an ex-Jensaarai. Arrie’s saber emits a yellow glow.
Along with her pikesaber, Arrie also owns a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, a modified cycler slugthrower rifle, and various knifes with different purposes. Her weapons stay on her person practically at all times.
Arrie’s armor is modelled after a Nexu. It’s a cream white colour with dark stripes. Some features include 4 red “eyes” in the helm with built-in macrobinoculars and infrared vision, retractable claws, a whipcord launcher, and a crest of blue quills that adorn the top of the helm. There’s also a line of blue quills that go along her spine, but they’re retractable for practicality’s sake. More often that not though, Arrie wears a cloak over her armor to hide the majority of its details.
Arrie's T-6 Shuttle, Cloudfall, was retrofitted with two laser canons and a shield generator when she first received it. She also redid the interior entirely. Given that T-6's have a “… spacious interior provided for reasonably comfortable space travel”, Arrie would’ve fixed that part of the ship up so that it had 2 main sections - one for storage (holding cargo, supplies, weapons, with possibly some makeshift space for passengers), located closest to the loading ramp and taking up the majority of the ship’s spacious interior, and personal living quarters, located near the cockpit. As for the exterior, definitely not done in the red and white you see in pretty much all pictures of the T-6 - she more likely to have had the paint job done in a light grey, blue and yellow.
Due to Arrie’s heavy scarring, she got herself accumulated a series of tattoos through her Black Bha'lir connections to help cover them up. For sake of brevity, the tattoos look like her markings in her canon true form, except that the smoke goes along both of her arms and her spine, and does not move. Scars wise, she has a lot of medical scars from her time being gene spliced, such as a long scar along her spine, a scar line along her legs and arms, a line straight down the centre of her torso, and a line across her chest. She also has a scar just underneath her left eye from a lightsaber training accident. Arrie’s canon burn scar on her right side is present, but is from another training accident where a student figured out how to use Force lightening. All of her shapeshifting accident scars, including her wing scars, are also present, but any other canon scars are not. 
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gatecoeur · 3 years
new developments in my Star Wars AU:
Arrie is now DEFINITELY an ex-member of the Jensaarai
Arrie, in her “official” Star Wars canon, was likely born not too long after Order 66
Arrie’s main fighting style is a Tràkata / Sokan / Form VI: Niman hybrid, with a pinch of Dun Möch. She prefers using lightsaber pike combat, but is also trained in Jar'Kai.  
Arrie owns two lightsaber weapons - her main one is her double-bladed lightsaber pike (with one lightsaber end NOTABLY shorter than the other - think of the other end as more of a spiked pommel. the handle is made of phrik and measures 5 feet long. when both blades are activated, arrie’s weapon is taller than her by a few inches ), which she’ll often use without the sabers being activated. her other one, the curved-hilt lightsaber, sees much less use but is typically used in closer quarter combat
both weapons emit a yellow glow
Arrie is the victim of a gene splicing experiment, which resulted in heavy scarring on her body. details are pending, but for sure her genes got spliced with a shi'ido’s, granting her her shapeshifting abilities that are more or less the exact same as her current ones, along with her telepathy. the Jensaarai are the ones who took her in after taking in her brothers as well
new things i need to figure out:
so fun fact, the Jensaarai don’t care as much about lightsaber building as they do armor building. apparently the armor is usually modelled after an animal its maker feels a connection to, so rn i gotta dig up some War Stars animals. my list of possibilities so far include tusk cats, Nexu, Corellian sand panthers, Vulptexs, Orbaks, and Varactyls
still need to find a ship and a name for it
still need to pick a heckin planet
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gatecoeur · 3 years
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starts dancing to The Mandalorian by Ludwig Göransson like a 40 year old whyte mom @ the neighbourhood function
Capping @ 5 for now. Multis pls specify a muse cuz otherwise I’m just gonna pick one uwu
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gatecoeur · 3 years
Arrie would know the location of of almost every habited planet in and around the Quence sector, the Parmic sector, the Kibilini sector and and the Arkanis sector like the back of her hand. Her actual familiarity with each planet though varies.
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gatecoeur · 3 years
! (( From brokenxarmor ))
{ @brokenxarmor }{ send me “!” for my muse to tell yours what they really think of them }
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“I have a great respect for you, Mandalorian, for adhering to your code so closely. I don’t fully understand it, and at times I find it frustrating, how you refuse to bend some rules, but it is respectable nonetheless. I only wonder if you would change, if you learned how much more complex your people really are. When I lived on Susevfi with the Jensaarai, I was required to study Mandalorian culture, history and language - it’s as beautiful as it is violent, and although I would love to tell you what I know, I do not know if it’s my place to do so.”
“As for your search for a Jedi... I don’t approve of their puritan philosophy. I don’t know how Grogu will take their words either, especially now, when he’s developed such a strong attachment to you. The Jedi demands that their students abandon emotion - I think it’s cruel, and I would train Grogu myself if I could, but... I’m still too young to be someone’s master. I was only knighted for a few years before I left the Jensaarai...”
“But if you intend to stay on this path, I’ll help you every way I can.”
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“It’s so easy to see how much you love and care about your son. Sometimes I worry you even stress yourself more than you should, but I’ve never had a kid of my own, so I don’t think I should really be saying that...”
“Also Jesus Christ, if it wasn’t for the circumstances, I would’ve told you how damn fine you looked in just your boxers.”
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gatecoeur · 3 years
Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
{ holy fucc it’s a wild anon }{ aReN’t YoU a LiTtLe ShOrT fOr A sToRmTrOoPeR? }
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The ex-Jensaarai’s head slowly turned to look at the womp rat who’d asked that question, almost in disbelief that she had finally come across something denser than a kriffing black hole. Since when did stormtroopers have a crest of quills on their helmets?! It was really unfortunate that hers hadn’t been built to register and reflect her emotions - otherwise all four of the red optic visors would be squinting right now.
“Good thing I’m not a stormtrooper.”
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gatecoeur · 3 years
“Oh come on! I didn’t even DO anything!”
{ @agentjjkelly }{ bounty hunter sentence starters }
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“You see, I would agree with you, but the 2,000 credit bounty on your head says otherwise,” the armored bounty hunter huffed. “Doesn’t matter to me who you pissed off. If you’re really that innocent, I’m sure the ways of the Force will help you escape, one way or another. Just consider yourself lucky that I’m bringing you in alive.”
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gatecoeur · 3 years
TIL that sentient dinosaurs are a thing in the Star Wars universe
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