richardxoliverxmayhew · 7 months
( a wee starter for @vxctorx )
"Och! C'mon, cmon, c'mon," hissed the young Scotsman, the running tap drowning out his stifled breath. Tips of his restless fingers remained clamped against the drenched paper towel, as he continued to fruitlessly blot against the now faint sepia stain marked upon the neck of his tie. This is precisely why Richard Mayhew hated wearing formal. Then again, perhaps the principle moral of his morning thus far was to take better care when it came to taking his coffee on the go. Oh, well. Nothing he could do about it now. Noticing the time, the interviewee scrapped the mental conundrum of whether not he should just remove his tie altogether. 'He pro'ly won't notice,' Richard thought to himself, as he set the last disheveled curl resting upon the crown of his forehead with a final splash of water. Deep breaths. Ye' cannae' mess this up. Deep breaths.
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The quietened yet steady breaths remained as Richard awaited the next lift; his left hand sporting his brief case, whilst his right hand held his CV and a brief list of talking points. His sapphiric gaze trailed from one point to another, only for his concentration to be severed by a tall figure standing beside him. "Oh, mornin'," chirped the Scotsman, offering the young man a cordial smile. The taller appeared to be young. More or less around the same age. Another interviewee, Richard deduced. "Headed for the twenty-seventh, as well, ma'e? Glad I'm not the only one called in today." Small talk was at the bottom of Richard's most beloved hobbies. However, such perturbed times called for polite distraction, he supposed. "Are ye' nervous too then?"
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pxnandqxll · 7 months
❝ there is no one like you. ❞ [ for Alec! ]
song of achilles rp starters: ACCEPTING
II @lovefail
A curtain of darkened curls fell over his cedar gaze, framing a furrowed picture of concentration. Strong hands continued to busy themselves with re-planting the rehabilitated seedlings into the freshly dug earth. Alec may have been a games keeper by trade, but his vehement love of the wood and all things that grow spurred him to learn a tip or two about tending to the green. It wasn't until the gentleman's words that Alec's focus was stunted by a good natured scoff. "Now I know you're really pullin' my leg, you are," turning his head a moment to glance over his shoulder, dimpling towards the familiar figure of his love. His smile was playful yet unconvinced. "There's plen'y lo'ike me. Under different names 'course, but believe me, Maurice, I'm just a run-o-the-mill. I may know my salt more than some others, but doesn't do much to set me 'part at the end of the day, 'suppose. " he tut, shrugging his broad shoulders before turning back to such rural deeds. "Now, want me to show you 'ow to pro'erly pack the soil back in with the fertilizer?"
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woodblxssomcrowned · 7 days
@firstbornsecondchosen liked for something spicy
”Well...that looks like it hurts.” 
There is not so much concern as there is a gleam of hunger and heat within pools of deep brown, as her fingers graze over the distinct, dark indentations now marring Indra's pale skin. The grip she still has on his hair, is hardly as tender. In the moment, she had not realized just how hard she had dug her teeth into his shoulder.  Panting, and with adrenaline rushing through her, Kaname still finds herself pausing, to examine the mark she’d made, how close she seemed to have been to draw blood.  “Does it?”
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insidehxrhead · 29 days
"Why is your skin green? Are you like sick with a illiness or something?" The blond said to the green skinned hero known as Beast Boy. She never met a person who skin was…total green.
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wastheheart · 7 months
@mvndrvke, continued from here. (apologies, won't let me trim properly!)
She observes every slight muscle change. The way his hands find each other behind his back, his weight being displaced into his heels. She wants to laugh at the absurdity; she had, afterall, always read too much into things. Yet the miniscule changes on his part immediately release the tension built up her spine and shoulders.
"If... If I had been a better wife, Carlisle..." She has done so well, but her resolve is crumbling away. She's desperately trying to cling to it. "If I had just done things right it would have never happened!"
There is a profound silence between them. His words echo continuously until she can understand what he has said. "You... You..." The sob takes her by surprise, a hand coming over her mouth to stifle them. All this time she had thought her son was treated as nothing more than an afterthought.
"You did that for him?" Her voice is strangled... The grief is years old; once safely tucked away, it has now escaped. "... You held him, loved him?" Esme sucks in a stuttering breath. Despite supernatural strength her knees feel weak. "Did... did," she shakes her head, the thought unspeakable in fear of his answer.
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chosesun · 1 month
the plan had gone horribly wrong. he was with Ben when he was hit with some sort of liquid- some sort of potion that once he'd drank it unbeknownst to him, it had changed him into something new - well, something young. one moment, he was jedi master Luke Skywalker, and a moment later he was tiny with tiny fingers and a face that could hardly be turned down. he was ten years old again, with a curiosity so big it failed to contain him.
"Ben," he says, pulling at his nephew's robes. "Ben !! i want milk. i'm thirsty." it's weird to be this tiny again, but Luke knew nothing different. apparently with his altering state, Luke's memory of who he was before was almost completely gone. he had no idea who he was other than who he had been at ten years old- though it was clear he remembered his nephew. it's confusing. he's just as confused as his nephew probably is- having no idea how to deal with the situation other than to take care of his dear uncle.
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looking up at Ben with those big wide blue eyes of his, a smile is brought out across his face, shaggy blond hair falling over his eyes as he flaps his arms in his sleeves. they haven't got him new clothes yet, so he's just wearing a shirt over his tiny frame. it's too big for him. "can we get me some clothes ? when can i see Leia ? you said you'd take me to see Leia!!"
@fallesto gets a babu Luke for Kylo
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spydcddy · 1 month
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⸻ he's making omelettes. brunch is in full swing.
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vsagis · 1 month
@loveheir said: “Pancake is mine now.” Katsuki declares while sitting cross legged on the floor, stroking the rabbit’s fur. ( he’s been watching too many rabbit videos
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"Nuh-uh! Get your own bunny, Pancake is staying with me!"
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vuulpecula · 9 months
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✖ @mistrdctr inquired: 55
spotify wrapped | always accepting ↳ 55. night channels - foxing
Her fault. Her fault. Her fault. He was going to die, and it was all her fault. Hands pressed desperately over his middle, trying to staunch the bleeding that flowed endlessly, Fox tried to save the life that was already slipping away between her fingers. Shredded muscle and sinew twisted with the tattered remains of his robes, weaving together around her incapable digits like a grotesque mockery of a cat’s cradle. Maybe with medical equipment, earthly objects from that life left behind, his life would be spared—but there was nothing. Nothing she could reach for or grab, no one to call, there was nothing she could do. The great Doctor Strange was dying and the world would be lesser for it.
“Please, please,” her arms were shaking as she begged for that tiny spark of something to appear. Concentrating, digging as deep as she could for any shred of healing power or magic or whatever it was. The shaking became worse. The edges around him, laying prone beneath her unlit hands, began to fade. Melting into a darkness she fought to keep back. Blood dripped from her nostrils, a splitting headache brought forth a spasm of pain, and still she tried. Frantic for anything and lacking in everything. There was no fighting the dizziness that sent the world around them spinning, meshing every color together until all she could see was black.
A deep red glow filled the space and from it walked a woman. Spine straight, moving unhurried to kneel beside the dying Strange. “We clung to our warp weighted loom,” she began softly. “By the time we were done, we were woven in. Such constriction from a self-made trap.” It was Fox and it wasn’t. She was different. Perhaps a little older, confident, oozing with the darkness of power, and looking down upon him with the softness of seeing an old friend. A hand, fingers sooty with darkness, rested over his wound. Again, a glow began, pulsing a deep orange where it had once been gold. The pieces of him that had fallen apart began to weave back together once more. Cells healing in a way that seemed wholly impossible.
With her other hand, she pushed the hair back from his brow. “And on these antlers, dry-rot cracks through.” As if he was crowned or meant to be. This Fox, she glanced to the other beside him. Unconscious and incapable. “I left myself too open for you,” she reflected before turning her attention back to him. “So, by now I know what decay is.” There was a sadness in the way she said it, as if all three had been connected in some mysterious way that had led her down the darker path. The corrupted path. Wanda Maximoff was not the only witch tempted by that which she could not have.
“I’ll lay on waves until the night channels end,” Fox stated, as if telling him where she would be. Where he could find the beginning to the end that would not come for him. Not now, at least. She leaned close to him, his body nearly healed completely beneath her hand. “Future love,” she whispered against the shell of his ear. “Don’t fall apart.” As quickly as she had come, she was gone. Disappearing into the fading glow like a figment of a twisted imagination.
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 11 months
Open Starter:
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Instead of going gently into the waking hours of the morning, Richard found himself tumbling off the bed with a wooden thump. That was certainly one way to speed up the waking process in the morning. However, as his eyes blinked away the haze of sleep, and as he did his level best to rub away the pain from the fall, that's when he realized-- ".... This isn't my flat...." Who's bed had he been sleeping in then?
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merriemarvels · 1 month
@nachtsoklein // from here
It was doubtless just as strange for her; she wasn't sure it was right for her to simply assert herself into his life, but if he had been reluctant -- if he had shown any sign she wasn't welcome, she'd have respected that and kept her distance. Would have given him all the time he needed to come to terms with her existence, even if it meant leaving him well enough alone. Instead, the man had simply opened his arms and heart to a time-displaced girl who, by some twist of fate, was both his and not. She was grateful for that, her lonely heart had needed a place to belong after everything it had suffered, and being so readily accepted by this man...
it felt like home.
Tucked against his side, she could feel small, though they were quite nearly eye-to-eye, and she chuckled softly as he gave her nose a little boop. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna ask you to read to me. Just not used to sleeping somewhere so quiet anymore. I forgot this place could get so quiet." Taking a long breath, she let herself relax a bit into the pressure of his arms and his cheek against her hair. "Makes the old head get kinda loud."
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warlockisaslur · 1 month
@notmymamasboy // from here
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"You can quit lookin' at me like that," Billy grumbled. His tongue worked in his mouth, and then he spat a wad of saliva and blood on the ground. There was blood... everywhere, really. His face looked like he'd taken at least one good hit, his lip split and nose trickling a bit; his cloak had a big rip and several bullet holes in its leading edge. However, the area around him was, for lack of a better term, carnage. Bodies of men sprawled in unnatural poses in broadening pools of blood.
"They're just Purifiers." He spat again. "Mutant hunters."
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insidehxrhead · 26 days
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Riley giggles at his reaction when she asked him out. "Yeah. I..really haven't went on any real dates before…and i haven't dated a superhero who can turn into any animal!"
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tvstarkuma · 25 days
@tacitusauxilium said: “Oh, I’d love a hug! I’ve missed seeing you Teddie!”
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“Me, too, Fuu-chan!”
Fuuka has received a comfortably tight hug as soft and fluffy as ever. His hands wrapped around her back as he kept them both close to each other. Teddie brushed his fur today so he thinks it has a squeaky clean shine to it.
“I prescribe you a healthy dose of Teddie hugs for your heart and soul. Take as much as necessary, do not take with food.”
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wastheheart · 6 months
@mvndrvke (carlisle) asked: "maybe showing one act of kindness leads to kinder souls down the road." (thank you!)
She hums in earnest agreement. If her heart still beat, it would have swelled with Carlisle's words. She is so incredibly lucky to call this man her husband. His compassion and unwavering empathy still astound her, even now.
Slender fingers comb through his hair as her head rests against his chest and her eyes observe dancing flames in the fire place before them.
"I think you might be right, doctor," comes her teasing reply, a kiss pressing against his temple briefly afterwards. "You are a good man, Carlisle. Not "good for your kind", no... you are a good man and you have always been so." Her head settles on his chest once more. "You actively make this world a better place— by action and example."
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chosesun · 1 month
"where are you from ? i haven't seen you around before." he asks, looking up at the hooved man, curious. Luke's never seen a species like him before and wasn't sure if he was just traveling or not - people come through here all the time, and Luke always finds them interesting to talk to, even though uncle Owen doesn't like it when he talks to strangers. he wants them to feel welcome- and he didn't seem like he was going to hurt him, either, so he felt that he could trust him.
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@hoovedrycal liked for babu Luke
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