#v02 * ( teen verse . )
ringburdened · 5 years
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                                    VERSE TAG LIST
『 🌙 || v01. Carrying The B U R D E N Of E X P E C T A T I O N On My S H O U L D E R S [Main Verse] 』 ~ Main Verse 『 🌙 || v02. The W O R L D Cast In D A R K N E S S [World Of Ruin Verse] 』 ~ World of Ruin Verse 『 🌙 || v03. The R E B E L Prince Raising H E L L [Versus XIII Verse] 』 ~ Versus XIII Verse 『 🌙 || v04. A Dark O M E N Rises [Omen Verse] 』 ~ Omen Verse 『 🌙 || v05. H I G H School D A Z E [Teen Years Verse] 』 ~ Teen Years Verse 『 🌙 || v06. T H E S E Were My H A L C Y O N Days [Childhood Verse] 』 ~ Childhood Verse 『 🌙 || v07. A Simple P A W N In A Game of G O D S [Dissidia Verse] 』 ~ Dissidia Verse 『 🌙 || v00. I Don't K N O W Which W A Y To G O [Undetermined Verse] 』 ~ Undetermined Verse 『 🌙 || v000. D O N ‘ T Eat The C H O C O B O Feed [Crack Verse] 』 ~ Crack Verse
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kindcstguardian · 4 years
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NAME. Kagami Amarante*. NICKNAME. Akane*, A-chan, Kaga. BIRTHDAY. March 26th  ( Aries ). AGE. 17-18. BLOOD TYPE. O+. LANGUAGES. English &&. Japanese.
GENDER. Female ; she / her. SEXUALITY. Pansexual. STATUS. Multiship.
OCCUPATION. A student in the Reserve Course.
Main verse. TAG.「 V00 ; Kagami 」
Based on UTDP &&. twins AU.    There wasn’t a clear distinct difference between both girls aside their clear talent and the lack of      Kagami grew up seeing her successful sister be perfect in every single aspect of her life, in every single one that she failed miserably. It was fair to assume that she suffered a major inferiority complex and, despite Kaede’s best efforts on having a healthy sibling relationship, that didn’t happen since Kagami would lash out at her or respond in sarcastic or snarky remarks.     This worsened when Kaede was recruited by the academy whilst Kagami had to settle for being a student in the reserve course, it goes unsaid that the lesser twin avoided the other like the plague and tried to get along with others, though coming off as awkward mixed with being blunt, brutally honest though sometimes without meaning to  ( after all, she did have high levels of apathy and had trouble relating to others, or even grasping her own emotions )  ; she was used to be overlooked or ignored, she was a shadow who happened to share the exact same appearance as her talented sister who had a bigger and brighter future than the one she could ever have.
Second verse. TAG.「 V01 ; Kagami 」
Regular highschooler.     Most of the excitement in her life came from reading gore, horror and mostly creepy mangas or light novels, despite being described as a pretty girl by her classmates or even getting confessions, she mostly turned them down because of her lack of interest in normal things, she didn’t want to be asked out by someone to a typical movie date and watch whatever was trendy      no, she wanted to watch gruesome things and be scared or enjoy the plot so much she gets lost in it. An activity that both would enjoy and be themselves since that’s what’s dating is about, right?  Not pussyfooting around and trying to keep a facade, to be direct and honest, to constantly communicate but she knew most teens her age were overall awkward and, regardless of her never dating record, she wanted a good start and a good memory.
Rejected verse. TAG.「 V02 ; Kagami 」
Bummed out by not being accepted.     Oh man, should she have been more honest about her major disgust and how she had carefully planned different murders and ways she could die as the blackened?  Unbelievable that saying that she had had no faith in humanity wasn’t enough     but, what else could have she said that explained perfectly her emotions towards how rotten society was and how she wouldn't mind actually harming someone if she got praises or even fans from that. Or better, what if she became the ultimate survivor and got to play again?     Sadly, that was only a dream now and she fell back into her monotone life that lacked any trace of joy aside from her friends who were fellow Team Danganronpa fans.
Actress verse. TAG.「 V03 ; Kagami 」
Chosen for the  ( temporal )  protagonist role.    After finishing high-school and having no genuine idea of what she wanted to do, she settled for humanity and arts ; though as a hobby she went to her local theater and enjoyed the exercises and plays, or even helping around to set the scene for the actual actors. Soon enough, she realized that maybe she picked the wrong career and ditched it half-way through, working different part-time jobs until she started taking up minor roles in movies, series or even plays      imagine her surprise when she was called an told she got a role in Danganronpa, that alone was a major opportunity and granted it was not the one she wanted  ( the badass maid might have been a stretch but she loved that particular character     besides, she couldn’t ask for more or she’d be called greedy / ungrateful! )  but instead the protagonist, that was even more shocking.
? verse. TAG.「 V0? ; Kagami / 」 Tba.
「 Kagami Amarante / ᴅᴇᴠᴏᴛɪᴏɴ 」
「 Kagami Amarante / INQUIRY 」
「 Kagami Amarante / MUSINGS 」
「 Kagami Amarante / VISAGE 」
「 Kagami Amarante / HEADCANON 」
「 Kagami Amarante / MANNERISMS 」
「 Kagami Amarante / INTROSPECTION 」
「 Kagami Amarante / ROMANCE 」
「 Kagami Amarante / CRACK 」
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jasoldblog-2-blog · 7 years
Update: Current Verses
Main, adult verse. Set in the current time and follows the information that is in the bio, where Jasmine is a witch trying to improve her craft.
Teenage verse. Set when she was 15-16. Dealing with the brunt of emotional abuse by her stepfather to protect her mother and siblings.
Childhood verse. Set when she was 7-9. She’s often picked on and forced to watch the other kids have fun. She can normally be found alone at the park.
General crossover verse, defaults to adult, can use any FC. By some strange circumstances, Jasmine has sucked in the world the other muse is in!
Vampire AU, uses adult FC.
There is a city that is filled to the brim with crime, yet also has a very perplexing resident. Just outside of the city is a large ravine with an old rickety rope bridge leading to a large house. Inside was once a human, one witch who had turned to a vampire by way of a spell gone horribly wrong. Sadly, the people of the town shunned her when they found out of this, barely holding the girl in contempt.
However, the police force at least thought she could be of use - a sort of ‘death sentence’ was made for the worst of the worst criminals they caught was to be sent to her in exchange for them not executing her. However, while her vampiric tendencies would eventually take over when these guests were there, she’s far from a monster even if she was forced to believe she was the most vile thing alive. She’d look out for them as long as the police force would allow.
Fate/Grand Order Master AU, uses teen FC.
Jasmine was by no means a member of a mage family; in fact, they were very distrusting of such a thing, especially her stepfather. She too was uncertain, until one day she was met by someone she’d never met before. He explained the potential he saw, but after she tried to ask who he was, he left. It wasn’t long before Jasmine began her decent into becoming a mage, hiding it from her family however she could, even after leaving an abusive stepfather behind.
Then, one day, her world would change with the arrival of a letter.
Her family was all asleep and only she was awake that night, the note flying through her window just above and landing on her head. It was addressed from a security foundation, Chaldea; they were looking for mages, and she was eligible. The young teen spent that night fabricating a letter, a story that she was accepted as a student in an art school, using the excuse that she had entered a contest without telling anyone.
Leaving her family was difficult, but she knew she had to do something. Everyone was in danger, this was the only chance she’d have to fulfill her hopes and dreams of being a hero to someone, anyone - or die trying.
Fate/Grand Order servant AU, uses child FC.
Caster class, one star, 647 ATK, 629 HP. NOBLE PHANTASM.
Most believed this to just be a small story written by a famous author. It was a sad tale, telling of a young life’s end at the hands of the cold winter, yet here she was. The little girl whom the story was based off of, a child forced to fight in a war to save humanity as they knew it. Too poor for anyone to really pay her any mind, the child only knows the kindness given to her by her dear grandmother, as those on the streets were too invested in themselves to buy any matches from her.
Luxury was unimaginable to the little girl, even food more than once a day was difficult to comprehend. Still, she only showers the others with her own kindness and naivete, and keeps their enemies stalled. She may be frail, but she tries regardless of her weakness.
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kindcstguardian · 4 years
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NAME. Hariel. BIRTHDAY. December 22nd ( Capricorn ). AGE. Unknown, but physically chooses to look around their late teens and early adulthood. BLOOD TYPE. O-. LANGUAGES. A majority of them due to messenger position.
GENDER. Nonbinary ; they / them. SEXUALITY. Pansexual. STATUS. Multiship.
OCCUPATION. Messenger from God. DISLIKES. Pointless troublemakers.   LIKES. Reading fiction, memes &&. fluffy animals.  NEUTRAL. Everything else.
Main verse. TAG.「 V00 ; Hariel 」
Post-game settled in a supposed sequel after chapter 20.     After the first exchange, they showed a great interest in the exchange program moreso than the first time they heard about it. Applying for it and being granted permission to attend, they are looking forward to the events that will potentially take place.    Honestly, the ravenette is also trying to persuade Diavolo for a project of a greenhouse since they saw none, but it’s mostly out of self-interest and not wishing to go deeper into the forest for their natural charm to attract all forms of animals and insects due to their blessing at birth / creation.
Second verse. TAG.「 V01 ; Hariel 」
In-game, a volunteer for the project.    One of the ones to genuinely not minding the idea of spending a full-year in The Devildom since they hold no grudges towards demons nor seeing them as lessen, merely finding them fascinating     especially the avatars who represent a sin ; since they one had been one of the most powerful archangels and angels back in The Celestial Realm which meant their strong presence still remains.
Third verse. TAG.「 V02 ; Hariel 」
Pre-game, mostly acting as a supervisor. Tba.
Eldarya verse. TAG.「 Eldarya ; Hariel 」    Generally seen working in the hospital or makeshift emergency tents, Hariel is part of the Garde Eel and entirely indifferent to the political dramas since they care about the citizens and is actively looking for a way for the people that had fallen into a coma to wake up as long as the cause for them falling had been the crystal being shattered and stolen.    At times, the angel will take upon quests to search for medicinal herbs as a way to destress.
? verse. TAG.「 V0? ; Hariel 」    Tba
? verse. TAG.「 V0? ; Hariel / 」 Tba.
「 Hariel / ᴛᴏ ʀᴜʟᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴛᴀᴍᴇ 」
「 Hariel / INQUIRY 」
「 Hariel / MUSINGS 」
「 Hariel / VISAGE 」
「 Hariel / HEADCANON 」
「 Hariel / MANNERISMS 」
「 Hariel / ROMANCE 」
「 Hariel / CRACK 」
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