#v1; Welcome to [E]arth. It's a dump.
“Nothing, just experimenting with fish again.” You shrug, no point in trying to see if the YorHa android would try eating the fish again, considering last time ended with the mackerel gumming up her insides and causing her and 9S to ‘die’.
And yet YorHa had no shortage of backups, considering you saw the pair again a day later. “What can I do for you Twobs?”
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“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” You say as you watch the YorHA android attempt to advance into one of the many caverns that make up the desert area. “I just finished rigging it with a new kind of mine, wanna see how long it takes before one of those machines sets one off.”
You’ve set the mines up in a chain, detonate one, and it will set the others off in a series of fiery explosions. Honestly, the last thing you want is for 2B and 9S to go wandering into a cavern and setting one of those explosives off.
Life would be boring without those two...
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"Reeeereally?" Jackass says with a smirk, mischievously stroking their chin and looking at the flapping fowl in Linkle's arms.
"How deadly are we talking here? And do you have any for breeding purposes?"
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“Why, are you bothered yet?” They say, giving 9S one last prod with the pen before pretending to scribble something down in their notebook.
You’ve taken a shining to the two androids, or maybe you just feel bad about killing them with a fish, nah, they’ve definitely grown on you.
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Tag dump.
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