#vaau scar
vaau · 2 years
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AI-generated image of mister Scar G. Times, selling his magical wares outside of Oriole’s headquarters as he likes to do every morning :)
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vaau · 2 years
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News post from the Hermiton Herald, following the events of chapter 3 of Sugar Song to Bitter Step
Image text below the cut:
Beasts Attack City Center
By C. Fan. 
This morning a total of five supernatural beasts rampaged through the city center of Hermiton. Damage to public property can be observed in their paths. The beasts, theorized to have come from the Portal to the Beyond, look like a mix of rhinos and hippos, armed with sharp teeth and big horns. The beasts were all destroyed or captured within the hour, though their paths of destruction are not to be underestimated. 
We from the Hermiton Herald spoke with W. H. Knight, one of the people who managed to apprehend three of the five beasts. 
“Me and my team came rushing in as soon as we heard about what happened,” Knight said. “These ‘ravagers’ are not to be messed with, we’re glad we got to the scene as soon as we did.”
Knight continued, explaining that these beasts are not entirely real, but were created through malicious magic. “There’s a wizard in Hermiton, I won’t name any names, but we suspect that he’s the cause of these beasts escaping into reality.”
Mister Knight refused to answer any of our questions regarding the ‘ravager’ that was seen being taken in by his coworkers. The fifth beast is to be taken in “for further investigation,” according to Knight. 
The majority of the beasts were sighted around Poultry Plaza. One was seen near Aqua Town, where a caster named S. G. Times managed to chase it away, saving dozens of civilian lives. 
“All in a day’s work,” Times said. “Nothing will harm the beautiful and wonderful city of Hermiton as long as I live!”
We approached Times, who seemed happy to answer our questions. When asked about the origin of these beasts, Times said that “they must be from the Beyond, right? I’ve never seen anything like it. They’re like big cartoon animals, with the viciousness and ravaging hunger of the things from my nightmares.” 
“I don’t think the people should have anything to worry about, on top of all the other chaos that we see every single day,” Times stated. “Hermiton, with all its magic and glory should be a safe haven for humans and non-humans alike. I will not stand for anything that dares to interrupt this peace. Be it buses that are late, or beasts that want to eat people.”
Hermiton does not face any other extraordinary property damage outside of the nearly straight paths that the beasts caused. “They were chasing right after my friend!” a bystander commented. “Like tunnel-vision, they barreled straight through everything to get to him!”
The bystander’s friend is unharmed, outside of a few minor scratches.
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