#valorant phoenix kin
shittykinaesthetics · 2 years
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Shitty Phoenix aesthetic: i think if you look this cool, having a huge ego is fine actually. you deserve that and no one can take it from you
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z0mbunny · 4 years
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valorant as text-posts
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findinyourkin · 2 years
yo, if anyone out there kins from valorant, im phoenix, would love to chat to some val sourcemates. im 20!
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on-cerulean-wings · 4 years
Hi, this is a post on the various verses (other than canon). Actual skin verses will be using Riot’s established lore plus my own added stuff. The rest are kinda my own spin on Quinn in the respective verse.
Phoenix Quinn: Wanting to understand more about the world, Quinn and her beast companion Valor decided to live life among the Targonians for some time. Hearing tales of the Ascended and the perilous climb that was Targon. Curious and determined, Quinn and Valor began the climb. The climb was beyond anything the two had faced and, with only a few paces until it's peak, Quinn collapsed and nearly tumbled off the mountain. Valor, tired as well, used the last bit of his energy to save Quinn from certain death and pulled her limp body to the peak before collapsing himself. Things seemed all for naught, Quinn staring up at the heavens that silently watched. She reached up, longing for something to answer. But, at first, nothing came. Then the heavens burst open in a bright, burning display. Before Quinn and Valor was the Immortal Flame. Judging the pair worthy, Quinn and Valor were empowered by the legendary Phoenix, becoming the Aspects of Rebirth.
Woad Scout Quinn: Member and main scouts of the Woad tribe, Quinn and Valor are the last thing the enemies of the tribe will never see. Part of an alternate universe Freljord, Quinn serves valiantly for her tribe, helping in any way she can. Valor was a pet gifted to her by her mother after a successful rite of passage to become a scout.
Corsair Quinn: Pirate for hire, keen eye even with only having one, and a damn good shot, Quinn left Demacia at a young age for the Islands of Bilgewater, wanting to seek out true freedom and prosperity. In recent times, she’s usually seen working with Sarah Fortune, but has taken side jobs for other aspiring pirate crews and
Heartseeker Quinn: Yeah no, sorry. I got nothing.
Modern: Former military ace pilot and soldier turned commercial and private airliner pilot, Quinn lives her life as best she can from her one bedroom city apartment. Valor is her pet falcon she occasionally takes for walks/flights.
Odyssey Quinn: Pilot for hire and lover of xenobiology, Quinn found her dreams among the stars at an early age. Her and her twin brother Caleb originally began training themselves to be conscripted into the Demaxian Empire to see distant stars from their coreworld home. This came to an abrupt end after getting in the midst of a crossfire between the Empire and the Syndicate where Quinn was injured and Caleb killed. With her brother and only friend within the empire dead, Quinn gave up the dream of joining the Demaxian ranks and instead became a pilot for hire and something of an alien tracker, capturing and trading alien animals off to the highest bidder. One such beast she couldn't possibly depart with was Valor, a juvenile skyscreetcher with a noble, albeit pompous, disposition.
Lunari Quinn: Born to a father who was a Lunari blacksmith and a mother who traveled from the Freljord and settled at Mount Targon, the twins Quinn and Caleb were an inseparable duo. Each grew up studying the history and traditions of the Lunari, though Quinn preferred the martial aspects while Caleb preferred the spiritual ones. Where Quinn became adept in bows and crossbows as well as other weaponry, Caleb became well versed in Scripture and prayer. Caleb had tried several times to have Quinn study more about the spirituality of their people, though such lessons never seemed to fully take root. While she believed in her people's ways and fought for those beliefs, she was simply inept in the ways of spirituality. Quinn had become a tracker for the Lunari in adolescence, primarily being tasked with missions to find suitable hideaways and points of interest for the Lunari, as well as the occasional search and rescue mission should any of her kin become captured by the Solari. Early into her young adulthood after some years of service, Quinn was tasked with retrieving a moonstone that had been confiscated and hoarded by the Solari. Caleb offered his assistance, wanting to personally see such an artifact brought back safely. Quinn had denied the request, but Caleb persisted until she finally caved and allowed him to come along. Locating the moonstone among a variety of other Lunari contraband that had been apprehended by the Solari, Quinn and Caleb moved silently to recover the precious stone. It was Caleb who originally retrieved it, while Quinn discovered a bird she grew an immediate fondness to: a lunar osprey that had been imprisoned in a cage of gold. Their moments of pause to admire their bounty proved lethal as Caleb was stabbed in the back by a Solari guardsmen. Quinn cried out as blood soaked the pristine stone. Dispatching the guard, Quinn released the bird from activity, retrieved the now stained artifact, and absconded. While her mission was ultimately a success, Quinn was found guilty for negligence and ultimately the death of her twin brother and one of the Lunari's prime devout pupils. Quinn made no plea for mercy nor forgiveness, instead hanging her head in the shame and guilt she carried, expecting her own life to be taken as payment. But instead, she was made to find atonement and reconciliation through further service. No longer a mere tracker, Quinn had been made to serve the Lunari without question as an assassin until such penance has been paid. Quinn still carried that guilt within her, but now with a desire to atone for it. Although she was guilty, all those who served the Lunari were precious. So to ensure she lived while she worked alone, Quinn was granted use of a crossbow crafted from the moonstone that was stained by her brother's blood. Whenever she wasn't on a mission, she would study, meditate, and practice her people's spiritual traditions. So many nights, she trained herself to seek the moon in the night sky, even on cloudy nights during full moons where she would meditate for hours, staring up at its face, trying to see all it offered her with her bare eyes, straining for hours on end, trying to absorb as much as possible. Eventually, such strains lead to blurred vision which she took as a sign. Ceremoniously, she gave her eyesight in a spiritual sacrifice to the moon to further her penance for the life she was responsible for losing. Eventually though, her spirituality blossomed and a kinship grew between her and the lunar osprey she had freed. He quickly became her eyesight that she had lost, a connection forming deeper than what could be seen on the outside. Naming him "Valor", the two now continue their service to the Lunari as assassins of their faith, Quinn living a life seeking penance not just for the crimes against her people, but the guilt that still laid heavy in her heart.
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