julienpoulidor · 2 years
30/5/2014 Values.com - Sportmanship
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seeksstaronmewni · 4 years
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our beautiful world... Pass It On
No. Seriously.
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themoonandblood · 7 years
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Source: http://www.values.com/inspirational-quotes/6790-learning-is-not-attained-by-chance-it-must-be
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amari69-blog · 7 years
"Devotion is having profound dedication, love or loyalty."
—Source: values.com
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invistacomigo · 5 years
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(D) Youtube Commercial  Analysis:
Commercial #1- “Peer Pressure Progressive Insurance Commercial”:
The popular insurance company Progressive is known for their comical commercials with a main character/saleswoman named “Flo”. In the particular commercial above, the subject matter is regarding the concept of using peer pressure when trying out and buying a new product. Throughout the commercial the saleswoman Flo asserts phrases such as, “You wanna see something cool?” and “Try it and see what your good driving can save you, unless you’re scared.” While trying to sell her intended product, she was using peer pressure tactics such as saying forceful and a bit of overpowering remarks. By saying “...unless you’re scared” she is making the other person feel threatened and rather small which will create an atmosphere where they’re more likely to give in. This commercial has strong connections to my overall research question because of the explains of peer pressure that are shown throughout the scene. In addition, this commercial gave me further insight on how peer pressure can be used in multiple situations and environments. Looking deeper into the scene of the commercial, there seems to be stereotype/generalization aspects used. For instance, Flo is seen in a dark ally way trying to convince the two men to use her product in a “sketchy” way. By using this type of setting, a stereotype of an unsafe neighborhood and the behavior within these areas are implied. I would also consider this part of the commercial to be a fallacy because of the fact that it is a generalization to a certain behavior in an area which can often be seen as offensive. 
     Commercial #2- “Peer Pressure”:
This next commercial has a very unique take on peer pressure and the effects it can have. The producer of this commercial is by Values.com, The Foundation For a Better Life. The start of the scene displays a group of young kids that walk into a music store who seem up to no good by their behavior. The following dialogue within the group of kids consist of phrases such as, “Just do it quick, no one’s watching” and “You have to if you wanna hang with us.” The young boy who looks the most suspicious is being told these phrases. By watching this so far, you can make an assumption that these kids are peer pressuring him to steal something from the store. Adding to this, the kids are dressed in dark clothing, heavy black makeup and piecing giving the scene a generalization/typical stereotype of troublemakers. All of a sudden, the boy starts taking CD’s out from his pocket and placing them back on the rack. This action was the exact opposite of the implied situation that I had originally predicted.
This approach of peer pressure is so unique to me because of the positive overall message conveyed. While the first impression of this commercial was a group of delinquent kids shoplifting, when in reality it’s a group of very good kids pressuring the boy to do the right thing. This type of subject ties into one of my pervious blog posts where I explore the idea of peer pressure having the ability to have a positive outcome rather than a typical negative one. The scene ends with a saying going over the screen “Do the right thing, pass it on”. Personally, I think this message is great and is promoting positive behavior and sharing it with others rather than behavior that is destructive and wrong. This commercial allowed me to see peer pressure showcased in a more positive light  which was refreshing. Further more, I’ve learned there are many more ways to exhibit peer pressure with a positive impact on an individual if intended that way. 
Commercial #3- “Peer Pressure: Positive or Negative?”
The final commercial I evaluated has a different approach than the other two. The video titled “Peer Pressure: Positive or Negative?” was by the youtube channel “StraightUpVC”. The style of this video seemed to be more of a public service announcement rather than a typical commercial, although there is still a strong message being conveyed like any other commercial would. The video starts with a dramatized series of small interviews with adolescent teens while they describe what peer pressure is and how it can effect your life in the long run and present such as “When you do something for other people, but you don’t do it for yourself.” “It kind of sucks, especially if you’re not strong with yourself...it can ruin your life”. These are just some of what these teens were saying throughout the video and displayed just how much of an impact peer pressure can have on a person. As the video continues, a scenario is acted out where a girl walking alone passes a group of girls whispering about her “Guys she’s coming.” and “Do you think she’ll do it?”. The tone of the scene seems very tense with the black and white feature and has great anticipation of what these girls are planning to do. Once she passes by the scene turns into color and the girls ask if she wanted to be in their band rather than any other negative pressure that was assumed to take place. The ending quote reads “Peer pressure, You can make it positive” turning this video into a more positive outlook towards the end. 
I thought this approach was very effective and ties into some of the ideas I explore throughout my blog, while also connecting to the previous commercial titled “Peer Pressure” above. The ending quote tied everything together in my opinion by stating that peer pressure doesn’t always have to have a poor ending and any situation can be turned in the right direction if you let it. Throughout the video I did not detect any stereotypes or generalizations which worked in the filmmaker’s favor. One fallacy I did notice was the audio in some interviews was a little patchy and hard to hear, but overall the video was well organized and the message was conveyed in a clear way. 
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If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door!
Milton Berle
Comedian, Actor, Author
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lovequotescom · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://thelovequotes.net/motivational/motivational-quotes-inspirational-quote-my-whole-life-ive-been-telling-mysel-unknown-va/
Motivational Quotes: Inspirational Quote > My whole life I've been telling mysel... Unknown, | Va...
Motivational Quotes
Quotes about Motivation – Description
Inspirational Quote > My whole life I’ve been telling mysel… Unknown, | Values.com Sharing is Caring – Hey can you Share this Quote !
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sicheng-ma-blog · 7 years
Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships.
Michael Jordan 
This quote tells me that teamwork is more important than individual in a group activity.
Values.com. (2017). Retrieved December 04, 2017, from https://www.values.com/inspirational-quotes/7294-talent-wins-games-but-teamwork-wins
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honors2017 · 7 years
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parfihg · 7 years
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a-anika123-blog · 7 years
A landing page is the entry point for a website or a particular section of a website. A landing page can be any web page where visitors get engaged in just one action. These pages help visitors to understand your service goals and they are also called the best source of conversion.  
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utsavmathur5-blog · 7 years
By this post you’ll know to target right audience which helps in growing your business faster.
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thehalo41-blog · 7 years
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
Earl Nightingale
I really like this quote, because it helps me to remember that I always need to be pushing forward since I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Nightingale, E. (n.d.). Values.com. Retrieved August 27, 2017, from https://www.values.com/inspirational-quotes/6559-never-give-up-on-a-dream-just-because-of-the
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mikesdailyjukebox · 7 years
Pass It On - Spreading Love One PSA At A Time
Pass It On – Spreading Love One PSA At A Time
Need a little boost today?   When life goes too fast and you wonder which way is up, sometimes you need to take a step back and remember how lucky we are to be alive.    An organization called Values.com is committed to spreading love by sharing uplifting inspirational messages in the media.  The non-partisan and nonsectarian group promotes good values, respect for all diversities, and has teamed…
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